Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 768: The new power of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Thunderbolts!

Gruchak walked directly into the world filled with black mist without any hesitation.

Although Gluchak didn't know what was in the area that was so powerful and exaggerated as the Plains of Despair.

But he wasn't afraid at all.

What's more desperate than being alone with a pile of corpses waiting to die?

There should be.

For example, I can only watch the tragedy happen but I can do nothing about it.

But Gluchak has already experienced it all.

Just before the last battle while he was alive, Gluchak felt this kind of stuff.

Now, this powerful barbarian ancestor walked into that realm without any hesitation.

Only Tony was left outside watching his back disappear from sight.

Tony stared at Gruchak's burly incomprehensible body, and didn't know what he was thinking.

But now all he can do seems to be building a line of defense on the outside.

"Jarvis, the airdrop production line is down."

Tony said in a very indifferent tone.

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis' answers are always polite.

Soon after, several very large boxes fell from the sky.

Tony walked to the front of the box and stretched out his palm.

The armor on his palm opened directly according to his will, revealing Tony's mortal body.

"Fingerprint verification has passed, please supply a limited energy source."

There was a sound in the box in front of him, and then a small opening opened.

Inside looks like a place to put sockets.

Tony looked left and right, and seemed to make his move after making sure that no one was looking around.

He put his hand on his chest.

It was supposed to be the place where the Ark Reactor was placed, but Tony's hand reached into the small square without hindrance, and then took out a square gem that glowed with yellow light!

Flawless Royal Topaz!

Nephalems can use this gem to reduce the loss of their own energy very effectively.

And the truth of this effect is that this gem can act as an energy amplifier and also an energy aggregate!

Tony put the gem in his hand into the box in front of him.

The next moment, the box opened directly to reveal the appearance of a robotic arm.

This thing is a printer...

Kind of like a 3D printer.

It's just that he doesn't need to make other materials into what he wants, but directly decomposes energy and uses energy to build technological creations.

This is Tony's greatest achievement of all time!

The invisible energy is regarded as some kind of material, and this material is used to manufacture the parts that you need.

The research results on energy are the most technical things Tony can come up with at this stage.

The energy printer started to work continuously.

Tony started assembling the first robotic arm in the order he had already designed.

After the completion of the robotic arm, the next thing is to be in charge of Jarvis.

Although this first step may seem redundant, this is the insurance Tony made.

If this thing is completely handed over to the intelligence, he can't rest assured.

If it is possible for Tony before to produce artificial intelligence to control the mechanical army to protect the earth.

Then after being almost turned into a whole-hearted cyberman by the technology of the cyberman, Tony can no longer trust anything that is not human.

Tony's trust in technology as always, but it can only be a tool without any thought!

Even Jarvis began manipulating the robotic arm to replicate Tony's previous movements, which was under Tony's control.

Even Jarvis beside him has established an unknown number of layers of insurance!

Once there is any suspicious situation, Tony will blatantly activate his insurance.

Tony has already endured the backlash brought by technology once, and the same mistake should never be experienced a second time!

It didn't take much time, and the automatic enemy search battery that appeared in the Dream Prison before began to spread from Tony's location.

This turret has already completed the upgrade process.

Because it is made of energy as a substance, these things will never leave any traces after the energy is exhausted.

It can even be said that the things Tony is making now are not worried about being copied and studied by others.

Not even a trace will be left after the fact!


"Steve, now I need you to get in touch with Bucky.

Several streets in New York have been surrounded by demons. At this time, we need someone who can go in and investigate the specific situation. "

Nick Fury offered Steve a cup of coffee before speaking.

At this time, Nick Fury is really a bit of a badass.

"For the future of mankind, we ourselves have a responsibility.

But I can't believe there's nothing else hidden in your hands. "

Steve frowned.

After the last operation against the Hydra inside SHIELD, Steve was definitely not unguarded against Nick Fury.

Even this degree of caution is still somewhat high.

"I do have a force in my hands, but they are not yet ready to be dispatched.

I don't hide much about this. If those guys appear around demons, I think they are likely to be 'corrupted'. "

Nick Fury said so.

Some say that this is enough.

Steve basically understood who these people were.

"Like that Amanda Waller did?

It looks like you didn't send all the psychic criminals to Canduras. "

Steve sneered.

At this time, he even guessed who the leader of this team was.

Who else could it be but Mr. Osborne, who was dedicated to curing his genetic disease?

At that time, Osborn joined Nick Fury's camp on the condition of treating his genetic disease.

Steve remembers this very clearly.

Steve didn't like human research, but never said it shouldn't exist.

He himself is the beneficiary of the Super Serum Project, and at this time, standing up against the research of super soldiers seems to be a double standard.

As long as this kind of research doesn't break through Steve's bottom line, Steve can be at peace and turn a blind eye!

"I've sent all of Amanda Waller's squad to Canduras.

In that place at least it can guarantee that those guys will not be corrupted suddenly one day.

Demons are such a great threat to humans. "

Nick Fury seems to be sighing, but these words have put aside all his responsibilities.

This guy's methods can never be said to be upright, but after all, they can still work, right?

"Bucky's still in Gotham, and he's about an hour away from New York.

Now, I'm going to go to that dangerous place first. "

Steve stood up straight and left the office without even taking a sip of the coffee Nick Fury brought him.

Nick Fury watched Steve leave without changing his face, and then drank the coffee on the table himself.

He understands that Steve is doing this as a reminder that Steve's doubts about him still exist.

But it never feels good when it happens to me.

"Agent Hill, I have to trouble you to go out to work now."

Nick Fury picked up the pager on the table and said.

This pager will only connect to Agent Hill's side.

"Director, Grant Hill has received a message! Jhin has instructions for the next step."

"Go to the Thunder and tell Captain Osborn what's going on here.

By the way, tell him that although the Thunder Special Forces haven't finished training yet, please be ready to play. "


The conversation between Nick Fury and Agent Hill did not take much time.

After saying these words, Nick Fury sat down in his chair again and remained silent.

He hadn't left S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time.

Perhaps it was already accustomed to this kind of closed life style.

Nick Fury has always been the kind of guy who doesn't have much fun and doesn't care about a lot of things at all.

But he is also very clear that his state is losing his balance a little bit, and he needs to adjust himself!

Agent Hill, who received the task, directly transformed into the image of Green Lantern and flew out of the SHIELD office building.

Because most of the combat power in S.H.I.E.L.D. has become a member of the Lantern Corps.

In order to facilitate the mission, S.H.I.E.L.D. has built a take-off platform on each floor.

It's not to facilitate the travel of these lanterns, but to facilitate the verification of personnel by S.H.I.E.L.D....

Only flying away in a fixed position can help S.H.I.E.L.D. to count the number of people.

The location of the Thunder Corps can be considered a hidden location.

But the degree of concealment is also very limited.

At least for S.H.I.E.L.D., the higher-level agency, the personnel and location of the Thunderbolts have never been a secret.

Even if this news requires a permission of level 7 or above to know, but now SHIELD is unlocking the role of this permission consciously or unintentionally.

Now there are not too many people in the Thunderbolt special team, but they are also relatively mature combat power.

After the previous Roaring Commandos were almost wiped out, Dammam Dugan and John Wicker were also reassigned to the Thunder operatives.

Under the leadership of Osborn.

At this time, there are not many people in the Thunder special team worth mentioning.

The mechanic, who only has a title and no specific name, is their top priority!

A criminal with impressive mechanical skills...

Of course, his willingness to sin seems to have something else hidden in it, but a crime is a crime.

Has nothing to do with secrets.

And he is a criminal who turned himself in.

Because of this performance and his ability, the Thunder Special Forces accepted this combat power.

Able to fly through mechanical creations, he has a professional battle suit he has researched on his body.

A pair of good barrels in both hands can attack.

Sounds like a bit of a visual sense.

You can think of him as an Iron Man with no money ability...

At this time, the mechanic is building a defense line for the Thunder Force base.

They learned the lessons of how the Roaring Commandos were blocked and killed. The defense in this base is not something that ordinary people can break through.

And he was looking at the defense line he built with a wrench, and Agent Hill fell from the sky!

Hill's arrival was a bit sudden, and the mechanic seemed to be frightened.

In a split second, his hand was covered by the barrel and aimed at Agent Hill.

"I'm here to deliver SHIELD's orders.

Now please take me to see Captain Osborn. "

Agent Hill was not nervous at all, nor did he feel surprised.

On the other hand, I have some appreciation for the Thunder Special Forces.

From the first contact, these people seem to be a good fighting force.

"Well, you are all heads, I can only obey orders.

By the way, one more thing, can I apply to live in the same dorm with the unsuitable thriller? "

The mechanic put away his weapon and spoke while leading the way.

As for this horror...

Be a geek.

It was originally just a thief who was good at opening locks.

The devil knows how he developed the gloves that can release shock waves...

Because this thriller has research ability, he was arranged by Osborn to live in a dormitory with a mechanic...

However, in the eyes of the mechanic, the glove created by this horror can only be described as an accident...

Even the thriller himself couldn't make anything else besides this glove!

From the mechanic's point of view, his roommate was simply a mockery of the study career he had experienced.

"This kind of thing is arranged by Captain Osborne.

I do not have the right to govern you~www.readwn.com~ I am just here to convey an order this time. "

In order to let the guy in front of him not misunderstand that she was indifferent to him, Agent Hill said a few more words.

"ok, I get it.

But didn't you guys promise me to meet Tony Stark for me when I joined the Thunder?

I have a lot of ideas that I want to communicate with him.

The most important thing is that the guy is not short of money, so that I can have enough funds to do research. "

The mechanic said so.

He had no doubts that Hill had come to deliver the order in person.

Although this is obviously something that can be done with a phone call.

But the contacts between the Thunder and S.H.I.E.L.D. are almost entirely based on word of mouth.

Maybe it's because of someone who doesn't usually use the phone or something.

But the phone is still there, and it's in the hands of this mechanic.

It was a call that was guaranteed to work no matter what.

In terms of signal processing and collection alone, the mechanic has come up with dozens of solutions.

Although the final Chengping looks a bit bloated, the mechanic guarantees that the thing will be able to get through!

"By the way, the Green Goblin captain said we still need training.

But when will you train?

I can't wait to atone for my past mistakes. "

The mechanic spoke with some eagerness.

They were all criminals, and once were bad people.

But it is precisely because they are not so hopeless that they were selected by Nick Fury into the Thunder operatives.

Although they are all teams of super criminals, the treatment is at least much better than that of Amanda Waller's X contingent.

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