Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 17 Demon Addiction

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!During the initial period when he settled in Dalaran, Kael'thas was in a state that was not quite right. He was in a trance, his limbs were weak, and he couldn't even cast low-level spells properly.

It took a full two weeks for Kael'thas to adjust. Only then did he truly realize that the Sunwell was not only a gift, but also a terrible burden.

Every elf born in Quel'Thalas can draw considerable magic power from the environment without hindrance to supply itself from an early age.

The Sunwell, located on the hub of the Quel'Thalas magic net, can easily supply abundant magic power to every part of their country through the magic net extending in all directions.

Spellcasters are more likely to appear among elves, partly because of their rich background and good talents, but more importantly, the Sunwell is an almost endless source of magic, which is not available to any human wizard. Law comparable advantage.

They enjoy the blessings of the Sunwell all the time, which makes them live longer, stronger bodies, and magic is integrated into every part of their lives.

Even an elf wizard can easily use many spells that can only be used by official wizards as long as a wizard apprentice casts spells on the land of Quel'Thalas, and the spells of official wizards will become more powerful.

In Quel'Thalas, only a handful of elves don’t often draw magic power from the magic net supply of the Sunwell—that is, the rangers who are willing to be close to nature. They do not rely on drawing magic power to strengthen themselves like the wizards. Skills and the perception of nature in the wilderness are their ways to improve their strength. Sylvanas, Lor'themar and Haduron are among them.

Except for these rangers, in Quel'Thalas, even ordinary elves are absorbing the magic of the Sunwell, after all, this source of magic will never dry up.

But when the elves leave Quel'Thalas for too long and can no longer absorb the high-quality magic power of the Sunwell, their spirit and will will be tortured intolerably.

Only by returning to Quel'Thalas and re-absorbing the magic of the Sunwell can this situation be avoided, so few native-born elves leave Quel'Thalas for a long time.

Kael'thas had also read relevant research in the library of the Royal Court of the Sun. This situation is called "magic addiction" by Quel'Dorei scholars.

But the elves don't care about it. Who can break the barrier of Bantinorel, break through the elves' defenses, defeat the powerful Sun King, and threaten the foundation of their lives?

Even he himself thought that this kind of influence was exaggerated. It was not until he stayed in Dalaran for a while that he knew that those records were not exaggerated, they were even lighter!

Even the general mage's control of magic power is far more than that of ordinary elves, but as an archmage, Kael'thas, whose strength and will are far superior to ordinary people, has been weakened by this strange influence for half a month.

What will happen if the ordinary elves leave the Sunwell for a long time?He couldn't imagine it at all.

Kael'thas found that it takes most of the elven wizards to get rid of this kind of dependence on magic power for a month. It is also related to their own willpower. On the contrary, the rangers are basically unaffected, and at most they feel uncomfortable. It returned to normal in two days.

Kael'thas suddenly understood why Quel'Thalas, who is clearly dominated by magic, had rangers who had almost the same status as the wizards, and even had the position of general ranger in charge of the entire southern forest. .

This is actually a piece of insurance left by the original Sun King-if the Sunwell suffers a change, Quel'Thalas will not lose all his power overnight and become a fish meat for anyone to use.

Demon addiction became a headache for Kael'thas for a while. His father and his ancestors didn’t care about this problem because the elven kingdom was strong enough at the time, and there was no other power on the continent that could really threaten Quel’Sarah. S.

But the orc war a few years ago proved that they were not carefree. The world is not without danger. Coupled with the Amani troll who has become more and more eager recently, Kael'thas suddenly discovered that the elves seem to have Stepped on the cliff.

During his training in Dalaran, he has been thinking about how to relieve the addiction of the elves, but this is a problem that countless arcane researchers have never figured out for a lifetime, even if Kael'thas is so talented. There is no way to bridge the gap.

Until he met Alsace's girlfriend in Dalaran.

Then he knew Alsace, and he was beaten by Alsace. After hearing what Alsace said, he suddenly felt that Alsace was more tempting than his girlfriend.

This of course does not mean that Kael'thas' hobby has suddenly changed, but that he has discovered in Arthas a temperament that he does not possess-the self-confidence of the king.Beauty Nest Novel www.mnowoxs.com

Is Kael'thas confident?Of course, he is Quel'Thalas' most outstanding and talented mage for hundreds of years. He is the son of the Sun King and the future Sun King.But Kael'thas lacked the confidence to become the Sun King from beginning to end, and he always thought that he was not enough to undertake such a heavy responsibility.

But Alsace was different. His determination and decisiveness reminded Kael'thas of his father's demeanor when he was in his prime.

As a prince, Kael'thas was not as good as Alsace, so he immediately gave up the dispensable problem of pursuing love, and instead became friends with Alsace, just to learn from Alsace. Things, all aspects of solving things.

Alsace’s important information is far from what Kael'thas can match. After all, Kael'thas knows the secrets of the ancients at best, but Alsace is also clear about all the major turning points in this world. Judgment for the future is not on the same level immediately.

During Alsace's stay in Dalaran, Kael'thas learned a lot from this friend who was younger than him and didn't know how old he was.And Arthas, before returning to Lordaeron, revealed one thing to Kael'thas very vaguely.

——He knows the solution to the addiction that Kael'thas troubles.

Kael'thas wanted to detain Alsace almost on the spot to ask for a result, but fortunately he resisted the urge to do it.

"Find enough pure energy to replace the magic of the Sunwell, this is one of the ways."

After speaking, Arthas rode on the Griffin and left, leaving Kael'thas alone to savor it: one way?In other words, Alsace knew other ways?

This method is certainly useful. The best example is the human mage. They use the purest magic net energy. Although it is difficult to extract, it is like a dew or a lake compared to the sun well, but it is basically not heard among human mage. Said who is troubled by addiction.

Should the elves abandon the lake around them and eat dew?

Kael'thas thought with his knees and understood that this was basically impossible, not to mention that the magic power in Quel'Thalas was almost entirely affected by the power of the Sunwell, and it was impossible to find the pure magic net outside.

Moreover, the elves need a lot of magic power every day to avoid the influence of magic addiction. It is impossible to achieve just a little accumulation of human mages.

Arthas spoke and said that Kael'thas was upset after half of his departure, but he didn't react until he calmed down-Arthas was his friend, but there was no need to care about all the elves, so he told himself The way to avoid the addiction alone...

Alsace’s meaning is clear from this perspective: you and I are friends, and I will help you, but if you want to know how to get rid of the addiction of the whole clan, then you must understand that there is no free in the world. For lunch.

Thus, Alsace's best friend Kael'thas appeared.

The elf prince would certainly not do anything out of the ordinary to "please" Arthas, but he knew that what Arthas needed was to stand on his side, because he was the only heir to the Sun King.

Today, Kael'thas came to express his gratitude to Arthas, but at the same time he wanted to tie Arthas and himself to the same chariot of interest. If Alsace hadn’t already had a fiancé, he even wanted to take a certain elf. The lady introduced it to Alsace.

Kael'thas pretended to inadvertently glanced at Sylvanas. He respected and appreciated this ranger general, but he always felt that Sylvanas' performance today was not quite right.

We must know that although Sylvanas' aversion to humans is not external, Kael'thas knows that she has no good feelings for humans.

But her attitude when facing the prince of Lordaeron made Kael'thas shocked: This is the all-powerful ranger general, not the second lady from which big family ran out?

This is the same as her sister and younger sister, who fell directly?The Windrunner family is actually a good human?

Am I going to tell Alsace's fiancee?Or should we just match these two together?

If Sylvanas knew what Kael'thas was thinking, she would definitely teach the elven prince who thought too much, regardless of his prince’s status. She hadn’t shown it because of Quel’Thalas’ diplomatic face. So casual, you have already begun to plan to sell me?

It can be said that in this semi-secret meeting, except that the archmage Romans was to complete the task of his own prince, and there was no other thoughts, the other three people all "have ghosts."

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