Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 356 Black Dragon Auto

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In the knife mountain, the bloody ring arena, a brunette man man wearing a fine robe, holding the south of the carving with beautiful texture, staring at the dark sky, and far away Then, almost a black graceful destination point.

The rings of the blood, this is once a dead war, who used to select the most powerful Warriors in them to lead the clan, but in the emerald of the emerald, the true face of Gruer, and succumbed to his rule After that, the aex near the blade rock cliff was abandoned.

However, everyone didn't know that this waste-abandoned arena has hidden a member of the Magic's clan.

Moreover, he is still very strange in the face of human face, and it is very strange. To know that there is no power of the blade, even if there is, it has become a big collapse in Drano, escapes these affected seriously The area, and there is no escape, and after the collapse, I left this piece of waste of the demon rule.

The most crucial is that this human beings also appear in the hinterland of the knife tower, although the blood of the blood is abandoned, but here is almost eating the demon group, if not, what is not a wings, how is it not alarm? The surrounding emerald, appeared in this arena?

"The sky of the blade mountain is getting closer and less calm."

Human men muttered, but they are not the most commonly used general language for humans, but a more complex and ancient language. If there is any member of the dragon legion, it will be shocked. This person is actually dragon. language.

Will speak the dragon's human phenotheor, even the Masters of Kenswori, very few people are willing to learn the dragons of the system, let alone it as their own main language.

Obviously, this human man's true identity is a giant dragon.

However, Dragon is also the unique creatures of Azeroth, can't appear in Drano, and the only Dragon's dragon is the king of the mad, the death of the death.

The world thought that after the knife and Gruer blood took over, the death of the death and his remaining people had left the exoperant of the value, but there was a black dragon left, he is the deputy official of death, powerful Black Dragon Sabarian.

The purpose of his stay is also clear, revenge for the compatriots who have been massacred by the Gallon.

Although the Black Dragon Legion invaded the blade in order for some unspeakable purposes, there have been expected to expel Gallon and the emancore, but Saberian did not think that Gruer and his son were so powerful. Even the Dragon Mother Hest Nara is not an opponent, and finally the wings of death are talented.

Moreover, the wings of death are only suppressed to Gruer, and they can't immediately kill the powerful Gallon. In the end, even the death of death is also documented, and there is a fissure, although this spell does not hurt death. The wing of the body, but let his armor chain broken, lost the inhibition of armor, and the fallen flames that sprayed in the wing of death can have his life.

The king of Black Dragon has hurts Gruer and escapes, but the black dragades who have fallen into the battle have exaggerated power, they are trapped in the ocean of Gallon and Gourmet, those Gallon and food The people who killed the remaining black dragons, even if there would be no hatching dragon eggs and the descendants who did not threaten.

Goron's low intelligence is completely posed by their wildness. They only know that they are crazy milling all possible enemies, but they have never thought about it, and their opponents are also a group of mad people who are not well.

The madness of the wing of death has long been deeply in-depth of each of his ethnic souls. If it is not Alsace, Aodia is now only succumbing to his father's oppression.

As a deputy official of death, the owner and the ethnic group were extremely loyal. He followed the death of the death of Azerus, until they met a group of days in the foreign domain..

Although Gruer did not support the winning wings, the war is in fact, in fact, the victory of the Black Dragon Legion, but Saberian is not convinced, he is a gloomy man, claiming to be Saabimeian Baron, trying to borrow all the power to borrow, to revenge for his compatriots.

He hidden in the knife and hit a long time. In addition to convergenced some of his own corpse, he collected some dragon eggs, and did not find opportunities to Grude and his son.

No way, although Saberian himself is also a strong adult black dragon, but he is alone, it is certainly not the opponent of Gruer and his son, ran, his end is better than those who are hanging on the cliff. Where is it going.

However, in recent days, collect information and rave Saurian, Saburian, suddenly hidden - the blade mountain seems to have another power to enter, and will not be a food-player Magic and Goron. The crying shouted mother, even Gruer's son has been killed two, even the body can't find it.

Sabarrian, of course, Naxarnar shuttoflines, horrows in the sword mountain sky, oppressed the scenery, but what is somewhat unexpected, where is the weird undead army from?

He thought it was a burner army, because he knew that some Nasrezha deeply versed the undead magic, can play with the soul and the corpse, but he did not find any devil in the undead army, but it was found that many he saw I have seen the undead creature.

He is also aware of the evil soldiers developed by the orc warlock, but the death knight in the undead is the power system that use Saberian's completely understanding. The rune is not like the orcs. The spell is a rune magic like Azerothwis.

It is just that rune and the Wiki inheritance from Titan's rune, so that Sabarrian is suspected that there is another world of legion to discover the foreign domain, ready to loot and kill.

However, this does not hinder Saberian aware of the object of the Undead's disasters, because he is a horror that the other party is actually collecting the bodies of Black Dragon, which makes him feel universal while nervation.

Saburian, which is also proficient in the dark magic, of course, what is the treatment of the body's corpse, and the dragon just pays attention to the roots of the leaves, even if it is expelled by other dragons, Black Dragon will fly back from time to time. Long bone wilderness, waiting for the end of their lives in the vast snowfield near their obsidian holy land.

So, Sabari Anwi wants to do something, pick up the war between the knife tower and the devil and the undead, they will profit from it, reach the goals of the desired, preferably these two parties have two defeats, so let him Can complete revenge.

However, now he suddenly feels very uneasy, it seems that there is a shade of the darkness and locks his position.

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