Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 4 Quel'Thalas

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the early morning of the next day, Arthas and Uther were already on their way to Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of high elves.

While admiring the beautiful customs of the land along the way, Arthas asked Uther, "Teacher, how many ranger troops does Quel'Thalas actually participate in?"

"They didn't say, but I estimate that there will be no more than two thousand people." Uther gave a satisfactory number.

"No more than two thousand people?" Arthas touched his chin. "Our current intelligence shows that there are at least five thousand trolls who have invaded Quel'Thalas."

"Yes, but fortunately, most of them are dispatched as clans. As long as there are too many casualties, they will collapse and retreat sooner or later."

Uther has also fought against trolls, and has a certain understanding of these barbaric monsters. If it weren’t for the number of trolls who had committed this time, Prince Kael’thas would not be able to come to Lordaeron for help. .

Arthas keenly caught the anomaly. "Teacher, do you think something is wrong? Why did the trolls gather so many people?"

Uther agrees with Alsace about this, "I also find it strange that the number of trolls in previous years was only about two thousand, and this time it has more than doubled."

"Is there still a famine in their hometown?" Alsace teased, and the master and apprentice smiled at each other, knowing that it was impossible because the trolls did not live on farming, but lived a life of fishing and hunting.

Quel'Thalas is surrounded by a rune enchantment called Bantinorel. This enchantment not only effectively resists foreign enemies, but also allows the magic source of high elves-the magical power of the Sunwell Flooding in their woodland makes their territory like spring all year round, fertile and peaceful.

This is Quel'Thalas, the eternal spring forest.

The trolls escaped into the boundless forest after being defeated by the coalition of humans and elves, but they still come to trouble the far-travelers who patrol the forest every once in a while.

This is because the Bantinorel enchantment is powerful, but it also has a shortcoming. It requires huge magic rune stones as the base point for linking the magic net, and this kind of precious stones obviously cannot be easily scattered in every part of the forest.

And this also caused the trolls to be hit near the mountains deep in the forest by the magic of the high elves and the bravery of humans, but their figures could always appear in the territory of Quel'Thalas.

Only this time, Arthas felt that the number of trolls was a bit strange.

Arthas may know the race of trolls better than some trolls.These forest troll tribes actually belong to the Amani trolls. They have lived in the forests and foothills of northern Lordaeron for generations. To be honest, the elves are the invaders.

However, humans and elves are on the same front at this time, and these savage races living in the forest have caused great trouble for both.

Therefore, humans and elves formed an alliance and drove the trolls back to the deepest part of the forest, but the idea of ​​the trolls who wanted to revive the Amani Empire never faded.

Their former leader Zul'jin also lost an arm in the war against Quel'Thalas, and later ran to lead the way for the orcs who invaded the eastern kingdom mainland, and disappeared in the forest after failing again.Gougou Novel Network www.ggtxt.com

Arthas can only say that these guys are really persevering. More than six thousand years have passed since the [Troll War], and they still haven't learned a lesson from their failures again and again.

This group of forest trolls is not as good as one generation. They may have been a powerful empire dominating the northern forests before, but now they can only hide in their wooden houses to serve their poor Loa gods.

And their actions of blindly worshiping gods often caused great trouble to Azeroth.

Trolls don't care if you are a good god or an evil god, as long as you can bless them and bring them strength, even the ancient gods will believe it to you.

They could even attract evil gods other than Azeroth. When they encountered such a group of mad believers who were not afraid of death, what else could Arthas do besides sending the trolls to meet their damn evil gods?

It takes about two days to march from Stratholme to the border of Quel'Thalas. In addition to the dry food and camp tents they carry with them, the support troops do not need to carry more supplies.

When they arrived at the border gate of Quel'Thalas, the two entourage wizards would send the supplies directly through the teleportation circle there.

The advantage of a magical world is that the baggage is no longer limiting the speed of marching.In particular, this elite support force led by Arthas, if it is a rapid march, will be able to reach the border of Quel'Thalas from sunrise to midnight tonight.

But Arthas was not in a hurry now. If the elves couldn't keep it for two days, then they would die in the past.

In fact, the situation may not be as urgent as Kael'thas’s request for help. The situation of the Farstrider Ranger troops is indeed that they cannot get support from their King City, Silvermoon City, but they are fighting the trolls after all. For thousands of years of frontline troops, if they couldn't withstand the attack of thousands of trolls, then Silvermoon City would have become an altar for trolls to sacrifice to the evil gods.

Did Alsace still have trouble guessing the idea of ​​the elves?Except that Prince Kael'thas may really be the casualties of the heart-wrenching rangers, the councillors in Silvermoon City hope that the Farstriders will die a little bit worse, so that their right to speak in the Silvermoon Court will be even weaker.

Kael'thas' father, the Sun King of the Quel'Dorei (high elves), was also kept in the dark by the rotten council. The councillors reported good news but not bad news, plus this Anastari His Majesty Ann has been in power for several thousand years, and his life span will come to an end. There is almost no extra energy to manage a small group of aggressive trolls.

If this were not the case, Prince Kael'thas would not travel all the way to the human magic kingdom of Dalaran to "train", saying that it was a further training, but in fact he was squeezed out by the Silvermoon Council and had to come to Dalaran.

He was really fed up with those gang of useless congressmen who had a high self-esteem all day long.Kael'thas has a very high level of magic. If it weren't for his prince status to participate in politics too much, he would have set the table with the gang of congressmen.

But after all, he is the prince of Quel'Dorei. Those councillors only care about their own interests and can ignore the life and death of the Farstriders. Kael'thas can't.

A large part of Silvermoon City’s military power is made up of the Farstriders led by the Ranger General. If they are all chilling towards Silvermoon City, maybe someday the trolls will actually hit the Shepherd of Silvermoon City. The door is here!

So he asked Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas' ally, for help, and this letter of help from the high elf prince, in the eyes of King Tenaris, became an opportunity for his son to become famous in various countries.

The old king, who had a deep understanding of his son's abilities, knew that Arthas lacked nothing but such an opportunity.

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