Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 47-The Lich King

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Arthas slowed down his invincible speed and moved up the edge of the tower of the Frozen Throne around the rotating ice ladder. In the vortex of the soul and the endless cold wind, he heard the faint singing.

To be precise, it was an elegy.

An elegy for the fallen prince and the lost kingdom.

In the sound of elegy, squally winds and blizzards roared on the glacier, and the sun's rays became pale under the filtering of gloomy clouds.

The light reflected dazzling flashes on the glacier and snow, and everything seemed to become illusory. In Alsace's eyes, the outline of a human figure gradually became clear from blurry.

The two walked in tandem on the passage leading to the top of the Frozen Throne, and the figure was almost the same height and body shape as Arthas.

And Arthas followed that person, and he could even see the snowflakes adhering to his boots, and the footprints left by his boots on the snow.

But when Alsace actually went to the place where the opponent passed by, the snow was restored to its original state, indicating that there was no one else but him in this place of death.

The person in front of him was wearing a black plate armor carved with skull patterns, and the broken blue-golden cloak had been stained black with dried blood.

At the signal of Arthas, Invincible entered a fog of shadow amidst his neighing sound and disappeared into the material world. The prince fell on the snow and followed the figure up.

Slowly, the figure stopped, looked up at the top of the Frozen Throne, and slowed down a bit, but this seemed to hesitate only for a few seconds.

The weapon in his hand was the magic sword that Arthas was holding: Frostmourne.

Arthas looked at the figure who was about to ascend to the top of the Frozen Throne, and accelerated his speed, already following the figure only a few meters away.

When he was about to catch up with that figure, the other party suddenly stopped and looked back at Arthas.

Pale complexion, messy stubble, dry and lifeless gray hair, and...that look exactly like Alsace.

"Alsace" showed quite complicated emotions in his eyes. Is that regret?Still excited?Or the exhaustion after endless killing and madness?

"Arthas" and Arthas looked at each other, but he didn't seem to see Arthas, but through the prince, landed on an invisible road behind him.

The path is nowhere to be found, only deep darkness can be seen.

"I'm coming."

A familiar and hoarse voice rang in Alsace's ears, but it didn't seem to be from someone else's mouth, but rather like Alsace's self-talk.

After the words, everything in "Alsace", and even the wind and snow around him, froze.

Arthas sighed, and then slowly stepped forward, raising his hand and waving towards the "Alsace" that looked like his own black and white reflection.

The image of his body is a broken calm water surface with ripples. After the ripples, the shadow is like fine sand blown away by the wind, passing between Alsace's fingers and dissipating in the wind and snow.

——This is not the trick of the Lich King, but the real illusion that the creatures see in this place where reality meets death.

Arthas watched the other one who had accepted the depraved fate, and finally chose to ascend the Frozen Throne and become one with the Lich King.

Even though he was no longer the "Alsace", he was still mixed with mixed feelings when he watched his illusion and took this step.

Fate is the most unpredictable script. Even the bronze dragon as the audience will eventually become the person in the play. No one has ever solved this big net.

When the illusion of "Alsace" dissipated with the wind, Arthas took a deep breath and looked up at the huge ice crystal on top of the Frozen Throne.

It was the shadow ice from the Twisting Void, and a sinful soul was sealed in it, and it was also the fuse of the orcs being bewitched by the Burning Legion-Ner'zhul.

The chief of the former Shadowmoon clan, the elder shaman of the orcs, is inextricably related to the fall of the orcs, and the destruction of the orcs' hometown of Draenor was also caused by him.

Before Draenor was on the verge of collapse, the old shaman obtained an artifact called [Sageras Scepter]. The biggest function of this staff was to tear apart the space that distorted the void and the material universe, and opened a semi-permanent portal. .

Draenor had been corrupted by fel energy at the time, and there was no cure. Ner'zhul tried to open the portal across the stars to find a new world for the orcs to invade or live in.

However, his plan failed in the end, and it might even be a trap that the Sargeras scepter fell into his hand.

Ner'zhul did not consider Draenor's ability to withstand it. The world that was about to collapse could not withstand a large number of astral portals. Those large portals similar to the [Dark Portal] eventually caused a huge explosion. .

The entire planet of Draenor was torn apart in this explosion, leaving only a few broken continents floating in the endless void.

Ner'zhul was also discovered by Kil'jaeden, the leader of the Burning Legion because of the explosion, that the head of the Burning Legion was very angry because the orcs failed to invade Azeroth.

He tore through Ner'zhul's body with magic that was incomprehensible by mortals, and saved his soul, and gave it to Nathrezim. What awaited Ner'zhul was endless torture.

Ner'zhul, who was not as dead as his life, begged the Demon King to give him a chance to commit his crimes, so Kil'jaeden cleanly killed Ner'zhul and resurrected him in another ghost form.

The "defrauder" sealed Ner'zhul's soul in a huge shadow ice crystal, cast it into an eternal prison, and threw him into Azeroth, allowing him to build an army of death from the inside Disintegrate Azeroth.

The five Nathrezim served as Ner'zhul's "jailers" and came to Azeroth together, not only to supervise Ner'zhul, but also to prepare for the invasion of the Burning Legion.

As a result, Ner'zhul called himself the "Lich King" and began to establish an undead army with the assistance of the Dreadlord, and named it the "Scourge Legion", which means: the natural disaster of all living creatures.

Kneul'zhul didn't really want to be a running dog of the Burning Legion, he just thought of a snake because of Kil'jaeden's mighty power.

The twenty-five were always the twenty-five. After Ner'zhul gained enough strength, he began to plan to clear the eyeliner of the suppression legion in the undead natural disaster.

The dreadlords were also busy completing the tasks given by Kil'jaeden, coupled with Ner'zhul's previous servile performance, let them completely relax their vigilance.

Now, Ner'zhul has learned to merge the consciousness and soul of the undead to strengthen himself. He is now able to spread his consciousness to almost every corner of Azeroth through the power of the shadow ice block of the Frozen Throne.

This is also the reason why Kel'Thuzad in the Eastern Kingdom could hear the call of the Lich King.

When Arthas stood in front of the Lich King Ner'zhul, he also felt a strong sense of oppression from the Lich King.

Ner'zhul's body had long since been wiped out, and his soul was imprisoned in the ice block, and he was frozen together with a pair of dark armor.51 Aesthetic Novels www.51wenm.com

No, it shouldn't be said to be pitch black, but that armor seems to have absorbed all the light and thoughts. Ordinary people just stare at it for a while, and they will feel their souls torn apart.

"Do you think you dare to face the mighty power of the Lich King with Frostmourne?!"

Ner'zhul's soul whispered in Alsace's ears, and this voice contained magic power full of hatred and resentment, trying to influence Alsace's mind.

However, Arthas had known for a long time that he would face the Lich King, and he had polished his soul as indestructible as homologous.

The whisper of the Lich King was like a violent wind whistling from the peaks, but it could not shake the peaks.

"Your mind is indeed strong, but can you face the darkness in your heart?"

The sight of the Frozen Throne suddenly disappeared, and Arthas was placed in a chaotic battlefield.

That was the scene where Alsace's relatives and close friends were slaughtered and desecrated by the Scourge. They fought bravely to kill the enemy, but in the end they fell into a sea of ​​undead.

And the butcher holding Frostmourne in his hand was Arthas himself.

"You... let down the Holy Light..."

Uther was covered in blood and fell to the ground. The Holy Light failed to protect the great knight. After he fell, he became a dark substitute and climbed up, with the warhammer in his hand facing the comrades in the evening.

Jaina's soul was drawn from her corpse by the witches and transformed into a crazy banshee by a ritual full of pain and torture.

Muradin and Brian’s heads were chopped off by the death knights of the Scourge and put on a spear; the king of Stormwind was hit in the heart by dark magic while defending his son and queen, and fell forever, and Tiffin The queen and Prince Anduin were also mercilessly killed by the Scourge.

The body of the ranger general Sylvanas hung high on the outer wall of the floating castle "Naxxramas". When Arthas looked over, he found that the bodies of countless other Alliance heroes were displayed as war trophies. There.

In front of Arthas, it was King Tenaris, his biological father, who had been pierced in his chest.

The hellish scene was enough to crush the soul of any heroic soldier, but Arthas stood in the middle of the battlefield, even though Frostmourne was dripping with his father's blood, Arthas still did not show the slightest fear or collapse.

"Nice display, it looks like you are very prepared."

Arthas was expressionless, if only such an illusion could make him succumb to the darkness in his heart, how could he be worthy of his other identity?

"If I were just a paladin, seeing everything I love was desecrated in this way, I would probably fall into uncontrollable guilt."

"But, Ner'zhul, what I have experienced and imagined is far darker than this!"

Arthas's tone was unremarkable, but Ner'zhul, who was observing in secret, noticed something unpleasant.

The Frostmourne in the hands of the prince began to emit blue light, and the sparkling soul of the fireflies flowed, and the corner of the illusion began to gradually collapse.

Instead, there is another scene.

Among the endless void, half was filled with emerald green evil flames, and the other half was entirely purple-black endless abyss. The Lich King could not help but explore the unfamiliar space with his mind.



The illusion maintained by the Lich King shattered suddenly, and Arthas reached out to catch a shattered illusion ridge, watching it completely dissipate in his own hands.

"Your curiosity is still so serious." Arthas put away Frostmourne, took the warhammer from his back, and walked towards the shadow ice crystal step by step.

With each step, the feeling of oppression brought by the Lich King becomes stronger, but these can't stop Arthas's pace at all, and because of the snooping just now, the Lich King's own mind is wounded.

Because he looked straight at the existence he shouldn't look straight at, the craziness and destruction just now almost broke his line of defense.

Despite the injury, Ner'zhul's power is still beyond the mortal level. On the Frozen Throne, the general demigod will be crushed by him at the soul level.

But he happened to meet Arthas, a different kind of "Paladin". Compared with other paladins, they were too hard and bright because of their belief in the Holy Light. Under the bright appearance of Arthas, there was a veritable dark heart.

Where the Holy Light cannot shine, there will be dense shadows.

As a combination of light and death, Arthas manipulated death and played with the soul for a while earlier than Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul's control of his weakness was simply wrong.

Not to mention the cognition of darkness-Arthas had much more dark knowledge of the whole world than Ner'zhul.

He even understood Ner'zhul's weaknesses, one of which was his curiosity.

If it were not for a strong curiosity about the void, and often using the shaman's soul ability to roam the star realm, the orcs would not be targeted by the Burning Legion so quickly.

Arthas used his power to invade Ner'zhul's illusion and showed him something of the origin.

Of course, the Lich King couldn't control the spread of soul energy to investigate the reality, and it was naturally rejected by Arthas.

"Don't be too happy...Human, you will belong to me sooner or later!"

Ner'zhul's voice contained anger and resentment. He was tortured to death and was resurrected as a ghost imprisoned in armor and ice; his world was ruined, and Ner'zhul's hatred was the root of his power.

As the Lich King whispered, a huge arm made of ice and shadows was pulled out from the glacier, followed by the other side.

Although the body is firmly imprisoned and unable to move, this does not mean that the Lich King cannot rely on soul power to influence matter. The Frozen Throne in the gap between the world is the source of his power.

"I am the only master here!"

With cold eyes, Arthas held the Holy Light's revenge in both hands, and against this kind of puppet extended by the power of the Lich King, Frostmourne, which has not yet absorbed a large amount of soul, can play a small role.

The last few battles had already squandered the collected souls. As for the soul of Mal'Ganis, Arthas had to use it for other purposes. He did not intend to waste it on Ner'zhul.

So he decided to use the Holy Light to send this lonely ghost one last time.

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