Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 53 Chief and Marshal

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Orgrim had a long dream.

During the Battle of Hillsbrad, he was surrounded by dozens of elite soldiers of the First Legion in order to cover the retreat of the orcs. Although he fought desperately, he was exhausted and fell on the battlefield.

Immediately before closing his eyes, he threw his Doomhammer at Thrall, and the lances of countless human knights and the long swords of soldiers penetrated his body.

The legendary life of the prestigious former tribal warchief and Orgrim Doomhammer is over. The orc had no fear or fear before his death, but a hint of relief.

At least he was a glorious death.

In a daze, Orgrim's thoughts floated back to Draenor, the hometown of the orcs; he saw his friends Durotan and Draka, and their child Goyle, thriving in the snow and ice of Frostfire Ridge. growing up.

The orcs abide by their simple traditions and no longer bring death and fear to other worlds and the orc tribe themselves. They did not abandon the traditional shamanism and coexist in harmony with nature and elements.

"Guyle... I hope you don't blame me."

Orgrim had a chance to escape, just as he once did.But he knew he was old, he was no longer the invincible orc chief, the orcs needed a new leader.

'The last bearer of the Doomhammer led the orcs to prosperity and then fell into the abyss of destruction. Then, the Doomhammer will be passed into the hands of an orc who is not the Blackrock clan, and this orc will lead the tribe back towards brilliant.'

This was the prophecy obtained after this famous warhammer was cast. Orgrim had already completed the first half, and he had no chance to see the second half.

In the end, Orgrim's vision turned to darkness, and his tired hands could finally be released, but what he still retained was a trace of guilt and self-blame, both for the orcs and Draenor, and for Azeroth.

"We have no choice but to perish if we don't fight."

After his most respected human opponent, the General Marshal Anduin Lothar lost to himself at the foot of the Blackrock Mountain, Orgrim wondered why mankind had not been defeated, but instead exploded with greater morale.

Later he understood that at that time the Alliance was no longer walking together for profit, but, like the orcs, fighting to the death for survival.

Orgrim knows that the entire tribe has been deceived and betrayed by Gul'dan and his Shadow Council. Their shameful behavior has caused the orcs to lose their hometown and reason, bringing war and killing to each of Draenor. A corner.

The part of them who still retains their conscience thinks that the behavior of the orcs is not honorable, and they are ashamed of the innocent blood on their hands.

Orcs pursue battle and victory, not glorious slaughter-Orgrim knows this, but he is the leader of the camp, he can only bite the bullet and lead the orcs on the road of knowing right or wrong. Row.

The survival and demise of the entire ethnic group was between his thoughts. He could not embrace unnecessary kindness and compassion, even if he was morally condemned, Orgrim had to do it.

This is also the reason why he chose to die in battle: humans gave him a good opportunity to send the most elite troops to encircle the orcs.

He hoped that his death would be a new life for the orc, and he could shed the burden and die in "honor".

But sometimes, things did not develop as he imagined.

When Orgrim opened his eyes again and sat up from the icy ground, he felt his "different".

His strong muscles and powerful physique remained unchanged, even stronger, but his originally dark complexion was stained with a little bloodless paleness.

Orgrim, who had just been resurrected, felt that his thinking was very chaotic. A large amount of complicated knowledge and unprecedented power were surging restlessly in his body. He had to concentrate to calm himself down.

"I...I should be dead."

The orc muttered to himself, very confused about his state.He looked around, except for endless glaciers and gloomy clouds, there was nothing he knew well.

The cold wind blew on him, Orgrim's shirtless upper body did not feel the slightest chill, only that he could feel the wind blowing on him.

The wounds caused by those sharp blades and spears were healed under the action of dark magic, and he felt a completely new body, no longer old, as if his body had returned to the peak of his youth.

There is no doubt that he is now stronger than himself before his death, he has the combat experience brought by his lifelong military, and a stronger body than when he was young.

When he calmed down, Orgrim's face showed an expression of anger—he thought of one thing, the psychic knight created by Gul'dan during the second war.

The traitor of Gul'dan is still alive?The raging anger made Orgrim unable to restrain his emotions, he suddenly jumped up from the ground, looking for the figure of the orc warlock.

"Orgrim, it looks like your ritual has also been completed well, without becoming a mindless zombie."

This voice?

Orgrim was stunned for a moment, even though the voice was trembling with a mysterious soul, he could still easily recognize who its owner was.

But that guy was already dead!Died under his own warhammer!

He turned around in amazement and saw a familiar figure, his resolute face and mocking expression that Orgrim would never forget.

"Anduin Lothar?! Aren't you dead?!"

"Hehe, it's not just me, aren't you dead too?" Anduin Lothar was looking at Orgrim with a deep expression.

The orcs didn't know what emotions were in Lothar's eyes, but there must be no hatred.

Orgrim frowned, he always felt that Lothar was a little different.

"Wait... how did your hair grow out? I remember that you were already bald?"

Lothar's mystery couldn't be put on at once, and the corner of the generals' mouth twitched and said, "Hey! Is your attention only on this kind of thing?"

Anduin Lothar used the dark magic power to "bring out" his hair. Although it was meaningless to a dead person, he still cared about his appearance as a nobleman before his death.

If it weren't for being too busy during the orc wars, it wouldn't have been a lot of hair loss when he was young.Tianping Novel Network www.xstpw.com

In order to avoid eventually becoming a "Mediterranean", Lothar made a difficult decision to shave her hair.

It's a pity that the bald head didn't give him a crit, but he was interrupted by the opponent's "crit" in the confrontation with Orgrim and lost the battle.

"Where is this place? Are we Gul'dan's conspiracy like this again?" Orgrim didn't worry about the hair problem anymore, but directly asked the doubt in his heart.

"This is Northrend, the far north of Azeroth. Our location is the northernmost point of the far north. It is called the Icecrown Glacier."

Lothar explained the situation of the two to Orgrim, "And now we are standing at the top of the glacier, the power symbol of the Lich King, the Frozen Throne."

"The Lich King... what is that?"

"That's the one who brought the two of us back to life. By the way, his predecessor is called Ner'zhul, and you should know that name."

Orgrim's expression was deeply astonished, "Ner'zhul?! I thought that coward would have died a long time ago!-And you said resurrection, where is the one who resurrected us?"

"He went to preside over another ceremony," Lothar seemed helpless. "Young people nowadays, even the dead have to squeeze labor."

"What do you mean by that."

"Meaning: Congratulations, wake up from your long sleep, and then work hard again. I used to serve the Alliance, and you lead the Horde, but now we are all serving the Scourge."

Orgrim frowned, he couldn't accept such compulsion, it was a blasphemy against orc tradition.

"I can't accept such a thing, the big deal is that I will challenge that Lich King, or I will kill him, or I will return to the ancestors again."

Lothar spread out, "What you want to do is your choice. My task now is to take you to meet this'Lich King'. But before that, you'd better come and see this, which happens to be above. Has a good view."

Leading Orgrim to the edge of the platform of the Frozen Throne, Orgrim looked at the prototype of the endless black silent city in shock and the endless army of undead.

"This is only part of the strength of the Undead Scourge. Now, most of Northrend's territory is under the control of the Lich King."

"Such a large number...what is his purpose for making these? Does he make more senseless killings?"

"These are not actually made by him, but Ner'zhul-as for the purpose, the explanation is somewhat complicated, but it is completely different from what you think, otherwise I would not choose to assist the new Lich King."

Lothar's eyes were equally complicated. He didn't know whether Alsace's choice was correct, but the mysterious prince actually asked him a question when he was a child.

"Sir Lothar, are you willing to abandon your identity in order to protect human civilization and Azeroth?"

At that time Lothar just smiled and responded, "If it's not for protecting everything I cherish, what is the meaning of those false names?"

But when he didn't expect it, more than a decade after his death, the little prince at the time really had the power to shake the whole world.

There is no General Marshal Anduin Lothar anymore, and now standing here is the high lord of the death knight, Anduin Lothar.

"Let's go, Orgrim, I will take you to the armory, and then meet our boss."

Orgrim, who wanted to refuse, thought for a while and remained silent, and followed Lothar's footsteps to leave the platform of the Frozen Throne.

Before leaving, Orgrim glanced at the deserted throne and the strange helmet on it.

Ten minutes later, Orgrim, who covered himself with a heavy rune plate armor, set his shoulder armor and chatted with Lothar.

"There is a battle armor that fits the orcs—and the material is more extraordinary than all the metals I have seen."

Even the black iron plate armor he wore before was not as good as the current rune plate armor.

"This is the armor made by Saronite. Its strength and toughness are far beyond ordinary metals. It can't even compare with precious metals like black iron and thorium. Its output is also greater than those of rare metals. Many, there are countless Saronite veins buried in the glacier under our feet."

"Such high-quality metal, you humans didn't use it before?" Orgrim was obviously confused.

"Hehe, that's because Northrend, which is extremely cold, is not suitable for our survival at all. We can't feel the cold in our body now, but this is a forbidden zone for any life."

"Furthermore, Saronite has a characteristic. It will cause corrosion and damage that ordinary people can't bear. Only the undead can exempt this influence."

Orgrim nodded, Lothar's introduction had made him realize the advantages and disadvantages of this metal, but for the Scourge, this metal had no shortcomings at all.

The most difficult mining process is not a problem for the undead, and its side effect is that it has no effect on the undead. It is simply the most suitable metal for the Scourge.

No matter its strategic location and resource distribution, Icecrown Glacier is simply tailor-made for the undead. Orgrim's outstanding strategic vision made him soon know that the owner of the natural disasters has a great plan.

Seeing his old opponent's face solemn and silent, Lothar still looked like a good old man, and smiled very easily. "You must be worried now. If the master of the Scourge takes offense, you orcs will most likely be affected. Spread, right?"

"Hmph, the orc warriors are not afraid of these fragile bones."

"How many strong soldiers are you left after the two wars? You died in battle, indicating that the situation of the orcs is not optimistic," Lothar hit the nail on the head, taunting him, "Or you are also the new chief. Did the challenge die? The black hand guy will probably jump out of the grave happily."

"I'm not in the mood to argue this with you, Lothar, you just need to know that we are not afraid of any challenge." Orgrim avoided the depth of this topic, and the two stopped at a closed door. "We still How long will it take to see that Lich King?"

"That's it here."

High Lord Lothar pushed open the black metal door in front of them, and Orgrim quickly felt a sense of oppression against his face.

The voice that almost resonated with Orgrim's soul, his heart that had stopped beating for a long time was almost stimulated to beat again.

"Sir Lothar, you are here."

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