Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 55: Ancient Legend

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Most of the sadness on Bryan's face with a bandage on his forehead disappeared in an instant. He quickly put on his hat and rushed out.

"Brian? Are you hurt too?!" Alsace frowned, "What happened?"

Brian took a breath, regardless of his painful head, "We were attacked by a demon on the way back-but fortunately, we drove him back."

Of course, the people of the First Army also paid a considerable price, killing and wounding more than a dozen people.

Arthas did not expect that after he left, a demon would come up, "What's the specific situation?"

"The lads are very brave. Most of them are only injured a little. The demon doesn't seem to want to pester us." Brian grinned bitterly. He was also one of the wounded.

The dwarf sipped, apparently hating the hateful demon, "That damn Mal'Ganis, let us lose some brave soldiers..."


Arthas' expression was stunned, and he said randomly at once and seriously, "Mal'Ganis is dead, a very thorough kind, his soul and head are now in my hands."

After he finished speaking, he threw Mal'Ganis' demon head on the ground. The huge head made Brian stunned, and he carefully identified it.

Years of archaeological experience made Brian aware of the subtle differences between Mal'Ganis and the demons they encountered. Brian was dumbfounded, "The King of the Mountain is here, these dangerous guys have appeared in our world in groups. ?"

"Not yet, but if we don't get rid of the conspirators among these demons, their rampage is only a matter of time."

While talking with Brian, Arthas looked around, but did not find Farrek and Thassarian.

"Where are Farek and Thassarian?"

Brian's expression dimmed suddenly, and he sighed, "Farik was seriously injured, the military doctor is rescuing, and Sassarian...Sorry, that kid is trying to cover us..."

Arthas clenched his fists, but released them helplessly. "Where is Thassarian's body?"

Bryan took Alsace to a small room, where the remains of several soldiers who sacrificed were placed. Their bodies were covered with white cloth, and on the white cloth were some objects from their lives.

"Sassarian... After he learned that you were going to challenge Mal'Ganis alone, he went to the snowy field to find you."

The brand-new major's badge seemed to be the same as when Sassarian got it. Arthas slammed a fist on the wall, and the wall cracked under his heavy blow.

"This idiot! Is he able to set foot in the Dragonblight Wilderness?! His recklessness not only killed himself, but also affected the other soldiers of the First Legion!" Alsace's tone was a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

Sassarian was a brave soldier, and his father's advice was always in mind, but he still made a mistake that most young people make, that is, being too reckless.

Of course Arthas knew that Thassarian came to him not only to confirm his safety, but also to remove the regret in his heart-the entire 13th Battalion was left alone, and the hatred of the Dreadlord overwhelmed him. reason.

Perhaps for Sassarian, it is far better to die happily on the battlefield than to live alone in the army and advance step by step.

Arthas believed that he was also responsible in it. He shouldn't let Thassarian, who had been recuperating for only a week, follow him northward. He underestimated the young man's desire for revenge.

He canonized Thassarian as a major and assigned him a new task, so that he can find his desire to live as soon as possible from the painful memory of the 13th camp incident.

But the new major still lacked the understanding of the Burning Legion demons. Mal'Ganis' behavior was completely abnormal in the Dreadlord, because he was trying to catch Arthas.

In order to be able to convince Mal'Ganis that he was "deceived by him," Alsace called an army to Northrend, in addition to consolidating the defense of the key port in Northrend, in order to confuse Mal'Ganis.

Mal'Ganis thought that everything was under control, and as a result, he lost his life. Sassarian faced a high-level demon he didn't know much about, and didn't even know that he was being tracked.

On Azeroth, strength is not the key to determining the outcome of everything, but caution.

Arthas sighed, walked out of the room and sat on the steps outside the door, "Brian."

"I'm here, boy, I know you are uncomfortable... I am also wrong, I should watch that reckless kid." Brian sat down on the wall, his voice hoarse.

"Sassarian's sister and mother are still waiting for their brother and son to come home in Tirisfal-I might not have brought him to Northrend."

Arthas shook his head to himself, and then said, "Brian, I have killed the real murderer of the undead."

"Good job, maybe this can comfort the lads' spirit in the sky." Brian tried to comfort Alsace, "you don't need to blame yourself too much, you have done your best." Three k novel network www.kkkxs.com

"But I wanted to do more--" Alsace cleared up his mood, and Sassarian made him seem to see his immature self, and this immature outcome is often very miserable.

The two remained silent for a long time, but in the end Arthas himself broke the somewhat sad atmosphere, "These soldiers, I will let them stay in Northrend temporarily."

Brian was taken aback for a moment, "Why, don't you bring their bodies back to their hometown?"

"It's time to ask their own wishes." Arthas said something that made Brian confused and stood up.

"I have to hurry back to the Eastern Kingdom. The whole incident has not been completely over. There are still several dreadlords like Mal'Ganis who are secretly planning."

Arthas stared at Brian, "As for you, Brian, I suggest you go back to Ironforge to recuperate for a while before you come out to take risks."

"I feel so too, but after this incident, I may not want to come to this sad place for a long time."


"Elder Hamuul, the above is all the content of our covenant." Jaina put down the magic document in her hand and said with a smile, "You also have a copy of this document in your hands. We have asked the goblin to translate it. Tauren version of ."

Hamuul's face couldn't tell whether it was heartbeat or indifferent. Two thick fingers rubbed the delicate papers, but his heart was still thinking about the conditions he had just heard.

In fact, the conditions of the covenant provided by the alliance are very generous, to the point that Hamuul thinks this is incredible.

Humans promised to help the tauren to expel the centaur, not only with material but also human assistance. At the same time, they also proposed to the tauren to solve the problems caused by the centaur once and for all.

This of course does not mean the complete elimination of the centaur race, but to find a peaceful habitat for the tauren.

All the tauren needs to do is to fulfill the requirements and promises required for a normal alliance-Hamuul took the document and compared it several times to confirm that he was not dazzled.

In the end, Hamuul asked the biggest doubt in his mind: "Excuse me, outsiders, why do you help our people so vigorously, even seem too...selfless."

Jaina's smile was brighter, unlike Varian, who was silent and stern, she was happy to explain for Hamuul.

But before that, the female mage clapped her hands, and the surrounding guards and other personnel quit the meeting room very quickly, leaving only Hamuul and his guards, as well as Jaina and Varian.

After doing all this, Jaina said solemnly, "As you think, we don't want nothing, but what we really need is the friendship of the tauren tribe."

"But there are so many things you have brought out. We are afraid that what we get this way is not true'friendship'."

"This is because the situation is so severe that helping you is equivalent to helping ourselves."

Jaina paused for a moment, and continued the topic in Hamuul's puzzled eyes.

"You who are far away in Kalimdor may not know it. Just over ten years ago, the Eastern Kingdom faced the greatest catastrophe in thousands of years-the invasion of orcs.

Although the Alliance worked together and finally defeated the orcs, what we didn't expect was that the orcs we regarded as our arch enemies were just a small piece of the dark forces in the void.

The real enemy is still plotting bigger things behind the scenes."

Jaina tapped the ground with her staff and said loudly, "That's our planet."

"The orcs are just pawns of the Burning Legion. After all, they are also ignorant and poor creatures played by demons. Our real threat is still hidden in the endless starry sky."

"Burning Legion?..."

This unfamiliar and familiar term gave Hamuul an inexplicable sense of sight, and Jaina's next words let the tauren understand its true meaning.

"Maybe you will feel unfamiliar, but... Regarding the secrets of the War of the Ancients ten thousand years ago, I think any ancient race in Kalimdor should have some inheritance."

"The terrible demon legion that caused the Well of Eternity to explode, causing the ancient Kalimdor continent to undergo a huge schism, they have...returned."

Accompanied by the proper nouns belonging to the ancient Elvish language, the old Tauren's memories finally evoked. It was an ancient legend from the Shuharu tribe:

Legend has it that ten thousand years ago, the world was covered by green clouds, and the emerald-colored meteor fire rained down from the sky, bringing suffering and death to the creatures on the earth, and even Mother Earth shed tears for it.

The creatures of Azeroth fought back, including several tauren clans. Under the joint hands of one local force after another, the warriors of Azeroth paid a painful price and finally expelled the terrible enemy. Their world.

However, that does not mean the end, but the beginning of the nightmare. One day, the destruction legion burning with green evil fire will come again!

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