Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 9 Zu Aman

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The dark virgin forest deeper in the eastern forest, the original site of Zu Aman, the abandoned capital of the Amani Empire, where a large army of trolls is assembled.

"Finally back here, Zuaman—"

The one-eyed, one-armed troll stood in front of the army, and some gods stroked the mossy stone steps in front of Zuaman's gate.

While the old troll was still hurting his mind, a younger troll with a powerful aura walked behind him, "Zul'jin, the sharp-eared ranger general has been caught."

The turbidity in Zul'jin's only remaining eye instantly disappeared, becoming cruel and vicious, "Oh, is it, Malakas, this is really good news."

He touched his left arm, which was only half of his left. "The shame they brought me back then will soon be doubled."

"Hmph, we lost three witch doctors before we caught this big fish," the black magic lord Malakas said in a bad tone. If Zul'jin's prestige among the trolls was too high, he didn't want to take orders. To this loser.

"Oh, we have many witch doctors. How many ranger generals do the elves have? Without Farstriders, who is our opponent?"

Zul'jin was indifferent to the price paid. It was just a few small tribe witch doctors. The heads of their opposing chiefs had been decorated by him. Who could support these witch doctors?

It is Zul'jin's goal to kill or capture Sylvanas Windrunner alive and annihilate the ranger troops of the elves. A little sacrifice is nothing.

Just as the two were talking, a troll scout ran over, "Master Zul'jin, Lord Malakas, the reinforcements of the pointed ears are here, it's the humans."

"Humans?" Malakas sneered at this. "It's just a bunch of pigs in a tin bucket."

"Can't underestimate the enemy, Malakas," Zul'jin frowned. "Although the failures of the trash tribes are mostly due to their own reasons, the role of humans cannot be ignored."

In the Second World War, Zulkin, who was the leader of the orcs, realized that human beings are now strong, and they are no longer as weak as they were thousands of years ago.

"The elves live in their ridiculous enchantment, and think they sit back and relax. For thousands of years, ease and extravagance have penetrated into their bones. They are no longer the elves who fought against each other during the Troll War."

After hearing the report from the scout, Zulkin turned to Malakas, "The Loas have not recovered yet. We need a grand sacrifice to bring the Amani Empire back to its former glory, Windrunner and her The Ranger is just the first step."

"You look too high at those humans." Malakas retorted.

"I look up to them? No, I have never, but after humans have experienced the invasion of orcs, they know more about dangerous names than elves. At least for more than ten years, elves are better than humans."

Zulkin's voice suddenly rose.

"But their life span is much shorter than that of elves, and shorter than us. After a while, they will naturally become as weak as before. At that time, it was our real opportunity. Now it is not just a small step to revive our empire. That's it."

Zul'jin is a cruel leader, and he is also extremely shrewd and cunning.A real hunter never strikes when the prey is strongest, but constantly weakens it. When the prey's fangs and claws are no longer sharp and the body begins to weaken, the fatal blow will be launched.

Although Malakas did not like Zul'jin, he also knew that Zul'jin was right. He temporarily put away his dissatisfaction, "Well, Zul'jin, maybe you are right, but then we How to do?"

"There must be priests and paladins who will shine in the support of human beings. After they find that the curse cannot be dealt with, Sylvanas's choice is to retreat."

Zul'jin took his fist blade on the rock and moved his strong right hand. "Send scouts to keep an eye on their rear. Once they start to retreat, let the army press forward and solve that as quickly as possible. The barrier of the outpost."

"What if Sylvanas retreats alone?" Fifth Novel www.d5xs.net

Zul'jin's one eye gleamed fiercely, "So, let Haraz follow the scouts."

"Next, it's a hunting game."


"What? Use Lady Windrunner as a decoy?" Lor'themar objected very clearly, "This is too dangerous. Who knows if there are troll ambush troops on the way to retreat?"

"Lor'themar, relax, I will be with the lady, and my knights." Arthas knew this would happen for a long time. After all, the trolls have set up scouts in the rear out of ten, even small groups of ambushes. , Just to wait for Sylvanas' chance to leave the main force.

But compared with the direct withdrawal of the large forces, the risk of being chased by the troll army after being discovered by the scouts, the first to catch those scouts requires insurance.

Sylvanas stared at Arthas, not knowing what she was thinking about. After a while, she stopped Lor'themar, who was still opposed, and asked Arthas, "You said you can solve the curse?"

"Yes, but it can't be solved now, otherwise the trolls will definitely be aware of it, and they will attack the position desperately. With a difference of ten times the number, we cannot hold this outpost alone. There is no opportunity to retreat."

"We can only prepare the troops for evacuation first, and then show that we didn't notice the troll's intentions, but simply send away Lady Windrunner."

"Their scouts and assassins will definitely not watch us evacuate. If they are drawn out and resolved, they can buy time for the safe evacuation of the troops."

"How can you guarantee the safety of the lady?" Lor'themar said angrily.

"Lor'themar, I am a paladin. No one knows how to protect others better than we, and I will also retreat with the privy knights. I am sure there is no major safety hazard, but after all, it is a bait. There is no danger."

"Well, Lor'themar, in the current situation, do you have better plans?" Sylvanas waved, "And now my situation is not bad, nor is it completely self-protected. force."

Lor'themar stopped talking, because Alsace’s plan was indeed the best way to avoid risks at the moment, not to mention that Arthas himself, as a prince, acted with Sylvanas. In fact, he did nothing. Easy to say.

It's just that, as a member of the Farstrider, the adjutant of the Ranger General, he is more worried about the safety of his boss.

Arthas can also understand his thoughts, but now Silvermoon City has not even appeared for half of the people. It is impossible to use teleportation magic to take everyone away with the two archmages he brought, only the troll is cut off. The eyeliner has a chance to retreat safely.

"In addition, it is best to bury the remaining mana crystals in the battlefield. My mage will make them into a batch of mana bombs, which can also buy us a certain amount of time."

Hearing this, Sylvanas and Lor'themar both had bitter faces. After all, human magic was learned from high elves, and now they had to rely on human mage to cover their retreat, and they lost their faces!

Even if Silvermoon City sent a team of battle mages, Sylvanas could bring the Farstriders on the face of the troll as he wanted to come and leave.

But now they don't have a mage here, and the archmage of Lordaeron is not familiar with Quel'Thalas' magic net, so he can't lead his troops to evacuate quickly.

Now she is even more angry with the trash members of the Silvermoon Council who only know how to enjoy themselves-if it were not for Lordaeron's support, she Sylvanas and the Farstrider Rangers would most likely be captured by the trolls. Sacrifice used as a sacrifice.

After negotiating with the elves, Arthas slowed down a little. Fortunately, Sylvanas and Lor'themar led the team. Otherwise, he could use the pride in the elves to exchange for any other high elves generals. Now Alsace was thinking about retreating alone.

After he explained the situation to his teacher Uther, Uther also agreed, "At present, this is the only way to do it. I will command the subsequent troops and act according to your plan."

Uther's fist wearing a hand armor hammered Arthas's breastplate with a crisp sound, "Be careful, my student, may the light be with you."

"May the Holy Light be with you, teacher." Arthas smiled and left, and went to make preparations before the hair.

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