This afternoon.

After the sparring session ended, Saint White Lotus waved to Elsie Bell and said, Little Ai, come here.

Mother Lotus, what's wrong? Elsebell turned over and sat up, then moved to Saint White Lotus' side and lay on her lap.

She was really tired. She was sparring with Sheng Bailian almost risklessly. Every time she took a break, the muscles in her body were screaming.

Thanks to every break, she would unlock the Witch of Light to heal herself, otherwise she might have turned into a useless loli.

I heard Yakumo Murasaki say... Saint Byakuren stroked Elsibelle's hair and said, What are you good at is strengthening magic?

Ah, that's right. Elsebell nodded and said, What's the matter, Mother Lotus?

I also produce these, so if you don't mind... Saint White Lotus glanced at Elsie Bell and said with a smile: Starting tomorrow, I will teach you how to strengthen magic in the morning, how about it?


If you refuse this kind of thing, then Elsebell is the real idiot - although she has the skill of Universal Truth, the method of operation of this skill is to change the history of the entire world into a library. All the knowledge that has appeared on the Internet will become books in this library!

Just like if Elsie Bell traveled to the world of The Deer and the Cauldron, she could also find the Nine Yin Manual in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, because it was something that existed in the past.

But the shortcomings of this ability are also obvious! That is, although these knowledge are in books, they cannot be learned instantly with one click like the skill books in the game, but like textbooks, you have to study them yourself.

Well, one side is researching on your own, and the other side is being taught step by step by Sheng Bailian. If it were you, which side would you choose?

What's more, Elsebell is still using the truth of the universe to learn all kinds of swordsmanship in Gensokyo. Who has time to learn strengthening magic?

Okay, then tomorrow morning, I will teach you the strengthening magic, and in the afternoon and evening, you have to use the strengthening magic while fighting me, is that okay? Sheng Bailian asked.


In addition, Yakumo Murasaki told me that you seem to have your own set of strengthening magic, right? Saint White Lotus looked at Elsebell and said, If you don't mind, can you use your set of strengthening magic? Can you tell me its distance and how to operate it?

Ah, no problem! Elsebell replied without hesitation - with the strength of Saint White Lotus entering level 9 (multiverse level), it is naturally impossible to plot her strengthening magic.

Of course, she is going to improve her armed color and domineering, and even customize it! Love, love, is this Mother Lotus?

Elsebell immediately told Saint White Lotus about her armed Haki and the operation distance of the second level of Armed Haki, Thunder Armor.

Although this set of exercises has been improved by many Big Four, when it was first improved, Elsebell was not even at the planet level!

This is a set of strengthening magic that can be used by people at any stage, but while maintaining its versatility, it also reduces the output at high levels. Sheng Bailian saw the loopholes in Armed Color Haki at a glance. I'll go back and study it, and I'll give you the first version of the improved and strengthened magic tomorrow.

Okay~ Thank you, Mother Lian~ At this time, Elsie Bell's mouth was always sweet and sweet, What would you like to eat, Mother Lian? I can customize it for you!

Seeing Elsie Bell being so polite, Saint White Lotus couldn't help but smile and said, Well, actually I quite like Coke Chicken Wings.

Okay, Coca-Cola chicken wings are arranged! Elsie Beibei immediately slapped the chopping board on her face with a cheerful expression, and said, Mama Lian, I'm going to eat a lot tonight! I'm full!

Sheng Bailian nodded her head with a smile, and at the same time began to think about another thing Yakumo Purple told her.

End of this chapter

Another thing, of course, is about Elsie Bell’s special ability, which is that she can grow quickly by sucking blood. This matter happened as early as when Saint White Lotus started to train Elsie Bell. I went to her secretly and explained to her.

After learning about Ai Sibell's ability, Sheng Bairen understood why Yakumo Murasaki said that Ai Sibell's strength had increased dramatically and that the foundation was not laid properly.

Good guy, it has skyrocketed from level 1 (planet level) to level 6 (galaxy cluster level) in half a year. Even the Holy White Lotus cannot calm down at this growth rate, okay?

'It doesn't seem good if we let her continue to grow now...' Sheng Bailian shook his head hesitantly, and decided not to suck blood for Elsebell for the time being, but to let her consolidate her foundation first, and wait until The basic training is almost done, and then further blood-sucking is carried out.

Saint White Lotus knows her situation. Although she is stronger than Elsebell, her character is a big weakness. After all, Saint White Lotus is a Buddhist, and she is kind-hearted, so she can't bear to train Elsebell too harshly!

But how can the training not be strict? This led to the fact that the training given by Saint White Lotus to Elsebell could only be regarded as the forging of a rough embryo. After that, the more refined polishing could only be taught to others.

'It's just that Yakumo Murasaki told me that she has already planned the growth path of Elsebell...' Saint White Lotus looked at Elsebel who was being treated by the Witch of Light in her arms, and thought: 'Then Who has she arranged to be this child's next teacher? ’

Sheng Byakuren couldn't figure out Yakumo Murasaki's thoughts, but she also knew that there weren't many people in Gensokyo who could stand on the same level as her (Saint Byakuren) and Yakumo Purple.

Yakumo Murasaki herself counts as one, Yuyuko counts as one, and then there are Kamiki, Kazami Yuuka, Yachi Eirin, Yasaka Kanako, Shiro Suwako, and the Toyotoshi Kamiko who is a little short of the heat.

Let’s not mention Reimu. Her invincibility is basically the barrier buff from Gensokyo, and she is a character who is invincible.

'So, the 'mentor' who will take over for me must be one of the above-mentioned people...' Sheng Bailian thought for a while and guessed: 'It should be Bayi Yonglin, right? ’

After all, Yayi Yonglin's identity is the Sage of the Moon. She belongs to the type with rich knowledge, and she is extremely evil. She will definitely not be as merciful as Sheng Bailian.

That's okay. Sheng White Lotus smiled softly, causing Elsie Bell in her arms to raise her head with a confused look on her face, and asked: Mama Lian, what's okay?

It's about your growth. Sheng Bailian chuckled and said, I am not Xiao Ai's final mentor~ After finishing my training, Xiao Ai will have the next mentor.

Ah, Zi Ma told me about this. Elsebell sat up with a tangled look on her face - Zi Ma revealed to her that Saint White Lotus was too soft-hearted and could only treat her as an over-trained opponent. The foundation is stretched, but it is impossible to fill it up.

Of course, Elsebell also felt strange: Then why did you arrange a Lotus Mother in the middle? Wouldn't it be better to just throw me to the next stage of training?

Yakumo Murasaki looked at her with disdain: Training directly? Are you thinking about shit? With your current basic level, can you keep up with that guy's training?

Then Elsie Bell had nothing to say and just followed the Holy White Lotus to solidify the foundation!

But, although the training of Saint White Lotus is mainly to defend passively, and then occasionally fight back to give Elsebell a hard blow, after all, Elsebel is using the skill of Universal Truth to absorb the swordsmanship knowledge of Gensokyo, so Even if the training pressure of Saint White Lotus is not very strong, Elsie Bell's own foundation is improving at a very gratifying speed.

Could it be that this guy is really a little genius? Yakumo Purple really didn't understand at this moment. Elsebell's progress was at least twice as fast as she expected! You know, this is basic training. It's not like physical fitness that can be cheated by sucking blood. You can only advance step by step.

As a result, Yakumo Murasaki waved to Elsebell and asked her if she had any special experience in making such rapid progress recently.

Ah, that's not the case. Elsebell scratched her head and said a little embarrassedly: Actually, it's because I have an ability called the truth of the universe...

After Elsebell briefly introduced Yakumo Purple's ability to the truth of the universe, Yakumo Purple immediately felt a little bit confused - if she had this ability in the first place, would she have been stuck in the weak stage for so long?

Although the power of realm is strong, it can achieve the realm of reality and illusion, the realm of courage and bravery, the realm of fire and ice, the realm of life and death, etc. But the release of these realms requires you to understand these realms yourself - for example, if you know what fire is and what ice is, you can use the power of the realm to reverse them.

To put it bluntly, the ability of realm monsters requires knowledge, so Yakumo Murasaki was a veteran in the early days. Later, she studied in various schools and accumulated her own knowledge, and then gradually grew into a monster sage—— In fact, it can be seen from her title. After all, how can someone without any real qualities be called a sage?

Although now I have degenerated into a leisurely person or even a salty person (laughs).

After learning about Elsebell's cosmic truth skill, Yakumo Murasaki told Elsebel about it and reminded Elsebel to remember to improve her knowledge and not just read about martial arts. Secrets, naturally Elsebell knew the principle of listen to the words of the old man and become a master, so she decided to allocate another hour every day...

Make up lessons.

After only three days of extra classes, Elsie Bell felt waves of regret.

What do you think I am trying to do? The protagonist of other people's novels travels to a different world and only needs to immerse themselves in practice. What about apprentice swordsman, junior swordsman, intermediate swordsman, senior swordsman, junior swordsman... great swordsman... sword master... swordsman? Gods are all the way. As long as you can fight and be reckless, you can build a big empire in another world. The sea princess, the elf princess, the dragon princess, and the human princess are running around like a cup. What good guy doesn't know? I thought the magnets were attracting each other.

Look at me again? Look at me (tremor).

Look at what skills I have at my disposal! The truth of the universe, material manipulation, plus the power of a realm demon, all of them are skills that require the use of brains! Dog author, don’t you know I graduated from high school? Can't you use some skills from the underworld?

Just like what...

One Punch Man? Super Saiyan? The realm of God? Or is it the ultimate freedom of mind?

Life is not easy, Loli sighed.



The sparring between Ai Sibei and Saint White Lotus lasted for two months. In the first month, Ai Sibei was simply training and learning magic from St. White Lotus to strengthen her own foundation. Then in the next month, Ai Sibei You would suck blood in the morning, learn to strengthen magic in the afternoon, and improve your foundation in the evening.

Finally, Elsebell also became resistant to the blood of Saint White Lotus and could no longer significantly improve her physical fitness! As of now, Elsebell's physical fitness level has reached level 6, and her magic power storage has reached level 7.

In other words, if Elsebell specializes in magic at this time, she is probably a level 7 existence, but who made her a physical output? So her combat power can only be said to be level 6.

Don't be too discouraged. Sheng White Lotus looked at the coquettish Elsie Bell lying on her lap with a smile, and said, After all, the people here are all magicians.

is not that right? Whether it's Yuyuko or Yakumo Murasaki, Kamiki or Saint Byakuren, they are all based on magic. Although Kamiki can fight, her magic is mainly to strengthen magic, and she is still based on spells.

After sucking a large amount of the blood of these people, it is not surprising that Elsebell's magic power is stronger than her body.

I'm not discouraged either. Elsebell sat up and said a little uneasily, It's mainly because Zi Mama told me yesterday where the next stage of training will be, so I'm just a little uneasy.

Where is it? Sheng Bailian asked curiously - she personally guessed it was at Eternal Pavilion. After all, the title of Moon Sage is not a joke! What's more, Bayi Yonglin also has the nickname Master Craftsman, which can also be seen from the side that she has the ability to cultivate people.

It's...the sunflower field. Elsebell made a tearless expression, I'm going to face the flower mother directly.

Pfft - Sheng Bailian held back and spat out a mouthful of old blood. She looked at Elsie Bell dumbfounded and said, Who did you say you wanted to face directly?

Hua Ma, that is... Feng Jian Youxiang. Elsie Bell said with a melancholy look on her face.

Hiss— Sheng Bailian looked at Elsie Bell a little uneasily, How could Yakumo Purple think of letting you receive training from Kazami Yuuka?

Who in Gensokyo doesn't know the reputation of Kazami Yuka?

Tyrant of Gensokyo, founder of Magic Cannon, fellow Takamachi Nanoha, and Hanada Ugly Woman.

Because Zi Ma said that who is the strongest in close combat in Gensokyo, then there is no doubt that it is Kazami Yuka. Elsebell said with a look of despair, And she is different from Ren Ma. He won’t feel sorry for me, but will beat me to death, so that the training effect can be achieved.”

It's all my fault. If I had the guts to do it... Lian's mother lowered her head with some remorse, and looking at her appearance, Elsie Bell quickly comforted her: It's okay~ Ruo Lian If Mom is so cruel as to beat me up, then Lian Ma will no longer be Lian Ma!

No, Xiao Ai, if you hadn't done a good job of training Kazami Yuka... Sheng Bailian gritted his teeth and said, I will try my best not to be merciful in the next battle!

End of this chapter

To be honest, when she heard Saint White Lotus say these words, Elsie Bell was a little moved.

What kind of character is Saint White Lotus? I have already figured out what kind of character Saint White Lotus has during this period of getting along with her. She is worthy of her name, which is a white lotus (a compliment).

As for Elsie Bell, she really devoted herself to training her and helping her improve her strength. During the first nights of training, Elsie Bell could see Saint White Lotus staying up late to modify her strengthening magic.

As of now, the enhanced magic in Elsebell's hands has reached the V12 version, which means that it has been modified twelve times in a row, all of which are operated by Sheng Bailian - mainly based on the Modify your personal physique and fighting style!

After all, the strengthening effect of strengthening magic is limited. It is like the attribute points in the game. You only have so many attribute points. Do you add all the strength, all the agility, all the physical fitness, or a mixture of points? It all depends on your favorite style.

Saint White Lotus is adjusting the distribution of these attribute points to the most perfect proportion based on Elsibel's style, so that Elsibel can more perfectly display her combat effectiveness after strengthening.

This is not an easy thing, but Sheng Bailian acted very relaxed - it was obvious that he almost lost his hair!

And what about this time? After learning that Elsie Bell actually wanted to train with Kazami Yuxiang, she actually told Elsie Bell that if Elsie Bell really didn't want to train with Kazami Yuxiang, she could be cruel and do it with Elsie Bell. Do sparring.

Oh, from an outsider’s perspective, isn’t this hypocritical! No matter how kind-hearted you are, you won't be willing to be cruel during sparring, right?

If it were a stranger, Sheng Byakuren might be able to deal a few cruel blows - please refer to the dark circles on Yakumo Purple's face for details! But is Elsebell a stranger? It must not be! After she called Lian Ma, Sheng Bailian gave her to her for free and regarded her as her goddaughter.

How could she beat her goddaughter? This is going to kill her!

It's okay, Mother Lotus. Elsebell waved her hand and said seriously: I will definitely go to Mother Hua.

That's not true! Ai Xibei Er is greedy for Feng Jian Youxiang's body...ah, it's blood! Kazami Yuuka is a fierce person in Gensokyo. Her indiscriminate infinite magic cannon is comparable to a human-shaped turret - and the most annoying thing is that you thought she was a turret, so you risked everything to prepare for close combat and kill Kazami Yuuka's car. When turning over...

Oh, hey, they beat people more consistently than you in hand-to-hand combat, so you won’t be beaten if you don’t want them.

Then you must be careful. Sheng Bairen said a little helplessly, If there is really danger, just run back during the break. At worst, when you come back, I, Yakumo Murasaki, Yuyuko and Kamiki will be together. Run over and pressure you!

Sheng Bailian said at the end, already looking like I am super brave.

Hahaha, okay, okay~ Elsebell laughed, Don't worry, I won't joke with my own life! I'm so timid!

It's better to be cowardly, it's better than death. Sheng Bailian sighed, she poked Elsebell's little face and muttered.

No matter how cruel Mother Hua is, she won't kill me, so just rest assured, Mother Lotus~



The comfort was so comforting, but when it came time to really set off, Elsebell's heart was still full of sincere thoughts.


Standing in front of Zima's open gap, Elsie Bell clenched her hands into fists and said a little nervously: Zi Ma, am I leaving? Am I really leaving? Am I leaving now, immediately, immediately?

Yes! Let's go! Yakumo Zi nodded.

Beside her were Yuyuko who was holding her shoulders, Shenqi and Renma who looked worried, and Remilia who was shivering...

Oh, yes, since I mentioned it, I must talk about it!

After learning that Elsebell was going to study with Feng Jian Yuxiang, Remilia slapped the table and stood up, shouting: What? My sister's new tutor is that ugly woman in the flower field? Humph! My sister I didn’t interfere like this in previous trainings, but this time... I’m going all out!”

The translation is - Remilia was just a bit of a jerk when it came to Elsebell's training before, so this time she was ready to make a little contribution to Elsebell's training.

So, Remilia spread her wings arrogantly, rushed into the sunflower field, then held Gangnir in her hands and shouted: Feng Jian Youxiang, you come out, I...

In this tragic tragedy, these were the only lines Remilia spoke, and what followed was that Yuka Kazami directly used her power to give birth to flower vines, and then poured her magic power into them, which were countless times tougher than alloys. The flower vines tied Remilia up in mid-air - and blocked her mouth at the same time.

Not to mention too much, Elsebell only knew that when Remilia returned to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she got directly into Sakuya's arms and sniffed, and then that night, Sakuya gave her Trauma medicine was applied to her butt, and Remilia fell asleep on Sakuya's lap.

What a miserable old man.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

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