'Bros? All? ’

Archer followed C-dog's gaze and found that Mr. Sorry, Arash, Captain Yantou, Brother George and other good brothers were hiding at the door of the corridor, quietly showing half of their heads and looking at this side.

'Is that what you meant...' Arhcer twitched the corner of his mouth. He glanced at Shenji helplessly and said, Master...

Go, Archer! Shen Er had a majestic smile on his face, I know you really want to cook for your friends, go ahead!

'No, I don't want to. Archer glanced at the group of heroic spirits who were waiting for food, and tears of sadness could not help but fall from the corners of his eyes.

Believe it or not, I will poison you!



How is it, Kirei. Tokiomi Tosaka looked at his disciple and said with a smile on his face: Looking at the bottom of the corner, do you feel a surge in your heart? This is a miracle unique to us humans.


To be honest, Kotomine Kirei looked at the bottom of the corner, but his heart didn't move at all, and he couldn't even make a wave fist - because he really didn't understand what was so exciting about this kind of thing.


Well, the teacher is right. Kotomine Kirei nodded his head - it doesn't matter what he thinks, as long as he caters to the teacher's words at this time.

If possible, I really want to form a Nao Nao Di by myself, but... that's impossible. Tokiomi Tosaka sighed - Want to form a Nao Noo Di with the connections and power of the Tohsaka family? Then just take a shower and go to bed.

This is different from lying in bed all day long. YY will have a god ask you, Young otaku, what is your wish?, and then you loudly say, Please allow me to change my appearance at will and live forever. I can also make others live forever. He is absolutely invincible and can travel through various dimensions at will and has the ability to pause time.

Stop dreaming.


Kotomine Kirei still doesn't understand the amorous feelings, he only has Mapo Tofu in his heart.

and Emiya Kiritsugu.



I don't recommend that too many people go together for this battle. Roman looked at Elsibelle in front of him seriously, and said, The enemy we have to face this time is the Demon King Goetia. The body of Solomon is not something that ordinary people can withstand.”

Who is more powerful, Goetia or Tiamat?

Unfortunately, it's Goetia. Roman sighed and explained: The Tiamat you fought against was in a self-sealed state, and only showed about one-tenth of its strength, but Goetia...obviously won't do this.

Oh, what if I use Ti Ma to fight Goetia?

Eh? Roman was stunned.

You haven't forgotten that Ti's mother was abducted by me, right? Elsebell looked at the doctor strangely and said, I can make Ti's mother go all out, but what does Goetia say?

Ah this, ah this... Roman subtly covered his forehead and said, This, maybe it's okay...

How about I make another bet?

Huh? Roman tilted his head.

First of all... Elsebell raised her right hand, stretched it into the void, waved it hard, and pulled out a white-haired man with a confused face.

Me...Merlin!? Roman's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Merlin is considered half a Grand Caster, right? Elsebell looked at Roman and said with a smile - the current Grand Caster qualifications are Merlin, C Flash and Solomon. In addition, after I reach the singularity point, I will also summon C level Spark , I made an appointment with him.

Uh...well... Roman was silent.

Then... Before Merlin could say anything, Elsebell put her hand into the void again, and then quickly pulled out a teddy bear, Are you still coming back?

Ah...ah!? Orion's eyes widened. He suddenly returned to his appearance as a devilish muscular man, and then said with tears in his eyes: Have I finally gotten rid of that woman? In this world , lovely ladies, here I come...

Shut up and sit down.

Oh. Orion sat in the corner with his legs hugged like a 187kg child. He felt that as long as he made a scene, the person in front of him would summon Artemis and press her on his face.

terrible! I'm so angry and cold, can I let the cute bear recover?

Although my brain is a bit weak, I am still qualified to be a Grand Archer. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders and said, Then...

What appeared next was the old man from the mountain and Romulus Quirinus, who was summoned with the Grand Lacner Spiritual Base.

Okay. Elsebell clapped her hands with satisfaction, then patted Roman on the shoulder with a smile, and said: How about it, with so many titles, plus Ti Ma, it's nothing for me to beat Goetia. Problem?

Uh... this... no... it's probably nothing wrong... Roman tugged at the corner of his mouth, his expression and eyes were extremely complicated.

Sister, I just asked you to play the rock rhythm. You don’t need to play the empty law, the law of reason, the law of knowledge, the law of thunder, the law of wind, and the law of ice. Is it really okay? Oh yes, you also pulled Zhongyan out easily...

End of this chapter

wait wait wait!

Roman accepted the fact with a confused face, but Merlin hadn't come to his senses yet.

He turned his head and looked at Guan Sha, Guan Gong and Guan Qiang who were also confused in the house, and couldn't help showing a confused expression.

I know you are very powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Merlin rubbed his head, looked at Elsebell in front of him with subtle and unbelievable eyes, and said, You are so casually modifying Tiamat. The spirit base and its ability to exist... is simply the power of willpower?

What nonsense are you talking about? Elsebell glanced at Merlin and said angrily: If I had the willpower, I would turn you into a girl right now, so that someone's wish can come true. , hope will not be dashed.


Roman tilted his head. What riddle were Miss Elsebell and Merlin playing?


Merlin was sweating profusely as he looked at Elsebell - he was certain that Elsebel definitely knew that his true identity was Dr. Roman's favorite magic ☆ Melly, and these words were in Threat yourself!

hateful! Am I, Merlin, the kind of man who would bow down for five buckets of rice? That's definitely not the case. I can give up even if you don't give me rice!

I understand! Merlin nodded solemnly and said, You are you!

Look, I'm doing this! Do you call those who know the current affairs a hero?

Hmm... Elsebell said thoughtfully, leaning on her chin: But now that this topic has been brought up, I kind of want to make a big news...


Merlin was a little panicked. He looked at Elsebell in disbelief, praying that this adult would not expose his affairs! What if Roman... no, what if Solomon gets angry and jumps directly to the Demon God Pillar, then rolls up his sleeves, holds a big knife, followed by the seventy-two Demon God Pillars, and rush towards Avalon together, with great momentum. What if you want to make yourself crippled?

That won't work! If my handsome face is injured, it will be a loss for thousands of women!

So Merlin thought for a while, and then said to Elsebell with a brave face: Just do it!

Isn't it just to become a girl? Forget it, just bear with it, why can't I beat her?

Okay! Elsebell nodded. She stretched out her right hand and said loudly: Declaration, I am going to summon the heroic spirit! The Supreme Lord is as urgent as the law! Amitabha! Satan, Amen!

What and what are these!

Merlin almost couldn't hold it back and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

I'm afraid this spell of yours can heat up all the major religions in the world!

And then...then the damn summoning was successful.

With a flash of light, an extremely beautiful girl with long white hair, a delicate face, and a white staff with a blue gem on the top appeared in the magic circle.


The beautiful girl opened her eyes, looked around with her red eyes, and then met Merlin's gaze with his mouth wide open and a stunned look on his face.

I see, that's how it is...that's what happened! The beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes nodded in sudden realization, and then approached Merlin with a teasing look on her face. She put her hands behind her back and bent down. , said with a playful look: So there is such a thing~


Merlin's current expression was 0v0, and the cold sweat on his face seemed to be concentrated enough to wash clothes.

for! Varied! What!

meeting! this! Sample!

Merlin was clairvoyant, so he saw through the other party's identity in an instant, and the other party was also clairvoyant, so he also understood Merlin's identity in an instant.

In general, both parties knew the situation thoroughly and understood the current situation very well, and this was what made Merlin sweat profusely.

Not good, very bad.

Qiang Qiang Qiang——

The next moment, the girl looked at Roman with a smile on her face, then stretched out her right hand and waved at him, saying softly: Dr. Roman, hello! I am Magic☆Merry desu!

it is as expected! ! Merlin covered his chest. The me in the other world snatched my vest as soon as I came up. Is this really okay?

Haha, in this world, am I saying that you are planning to reveal your identity? Aren't you worried that Roman would return to the Demon God Pillar because of his explosive mentality, and then take the seventy-two Demon God Pillars to Avalon to anally fuck you?

You don’t need to remind me about this kind of thing! Damn it, he is indeed Merlin from another world, his brain circuit is the same as mine, this is really irritating.

Just as Mellie and Merlin were having a conversation through clairvoyance, Roman stood up with excitement and said in disbelief: You... you are... you are Magic☆Merry?

Of course! Melly twirled the wand in her hand with confidence, and then said with a smile: Do you still remember the consultation email you sent me? You were struggling. After the strawberry cake was sent out on Saturday, , do you eat it directly to satisfy yourself, or keep it and endure it for a while, and wait until the cakes are distributed on Sunday, then eat the two cakes together, double the satisfaction!


After hearing Mei Li's words, everyone's attention immediately focused on Roman - Doctor, is the question you are struggling with a bit too cute?

If you are given a piece of cake on Saturday and Sunday, should you satisfy yourself with one piece a day, or should you endure it and enjoy two pieces a day?

It seems that only children struggle with this kind of problem, right?

Ahem, cough, cough, I believe it, I believe it! Roman said hurriedly, I believe what you said! You are Meili! Meili!

After a brief panic, the doctor once again returned to his enthusiasm. He looked at Mellie in front of him with tears in his eyes, sniffed and said, I am your loyal fan, and I have always wanted to see you!

Fan... do you want an autograph?

May I!!

“You can also take a photo together!”

Oh oh oh oh!

And...holding hands?


At this moment, anyone can see that the doctor is as happy as a child.



Did you do this on purpose? Merlin looked at Elsebell sitting in Tiamat's arms and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Do you need to ask me such an obvious question? Elsebell chuckled. She glanced at Merlin and said, I was planning to summon King Arthur from that world, but I didn't want to see it. to the male version of King Arthur, so I gave up.”

Pfft - Merlin spat out a mouthful of old blood. He really couldn't imagine what it would be like if a male King Arthur joined the team. After all, the Knights of the Round Table over there...

Forget it, it’s not much better here.

Do you still remember the Knights of the Round Table in Chapter 6? Although Elsebell summoned all the Knights of the Round Table (except Jiazi and Mozai), because she disliked too many men and ignored their tears, she left all the knights in the corner as employees. , which alleviated the serious shortage of manpower in the corner.

No, Artoria finally made it to the corner, and all the royal chefs went to admire the king's style. Not to mention Jiazi, in short, Mozai had been hammering the floor of the Hall of Valor.

Okay, okay, let them solve their own problems. Elsebell looked at the lively Knights of the Round Table and couldn't help showing a smile and said: Compared with this, you have to think about the time What are the preparations for the temple?

What else can I do? You have pulled me out of Avalon, so I have no choice but to risk my life. Merlin sighed and lay on the table, saying: Anyway, with you as my guarantee, it shouldn't be a big problem. .”

Anyway, it's just Goetia, so the problem is really not big. Elsebell chuckled. She held her chin up and said, Compared with this, after getting rid of Goetia, Merlin is going to follow us to the parallel world. Do you want to play in the world?”

Miss Elsebell... Merlin showed a desperate expression, You can't just run around in the parallel world. Anyone who interferes will have serious consequences!

Then it would not be serious to allow the sixth and seventh singular points to develop into strange belts and then consolidate into parallel worlds? Elsebell sneered and said, The space-time shock that will have an impact on the multiverse has already been After being comforted by me, you can rest assured.


To be honest, Merlin didn't understand how much amazing information was contained in Elsebell's speech, but he understood what Elsebel meant - all the waves in the parallel world do not exist.

Maybe this is the so-called boss style.

Merlin was silent for a few seconds, then turned his attention to Elsebell and said, Actually, this world is like a book to me.

Well, what then?

I'm just a reader. What I care about is the story in the book. I don't care who wrote this book. Merlin smiled and said, So, if Miss Ai Sibei can Take me to see more stories, why would I refuse?

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