Elsebell shook her head vigorously, then sat down on the edge of the bathtub, put her feet into the hot bath water, and swayed casually: What topic do you want to talk about?

Hmm~ Loli tilted her head and thought for a moment, then asked casually: For example, why did you suddenly appear in this place?

If you want to ask why, my answer is that I came here specifically for you. Elsebell put her hand into the hot water, stirred it for a while, then took it out, and stared at it. Looking at the water droplets falling down into lines, he said: This answer shouldn't be surprising, right?

It's not surprising. Laura stretched out her hands to hold a ball of bath water, and then asked calmly: But I'm a little curious, little sister - what kind of sect's spell did the space spell you used just now belong to? By what means do you move through space?

In the forbidden world, space spells are not a very rare thing, but they are definitely not something that can be performed casually! Most of the space spells require the help of stars, astrolabe or ley points to move - the most typical example is the Amakusa-style Cross Sect that appeared in the animation, they once tried to use ley points Perform space transfer surgery.

Laura has lived a long time, and she is sure that she understands almost all the space spells in the world, but she really didn't understand how Elsebell appeared in front of her just now.

What's more important is that you can't just fly around after mastering the space spell. For example, the place where Laura is located is heavily sealed. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be invaded by someone using the space spell - —But Elsebell did it. She used space magic to invade here. This is what makes Laura most curious!

‘How did this little guy get in? The warning circle is still running, which means it is not a brute force attack. So has a loophole in the circle been found? Or is it a completely new technique? Laura looked at the innocent-looking little Loli in front of her, and thought in her mind, I don't know which magic association this guy belongs to. If it is a small association or no association, and there is no conflict of interest, I can consider it. Win over. ’

End of this chapter

It's not without reason that Laura covets Sibel's body. Anyone who knows something about war will know one thing - whether it is on the magic side or the technology side, in ancient times, modern times or in the future, the word intelligence will always have a role in war. The weight of degree, and intelligence, to put it more thoroughly, is the information gap.

If you want to give an example, then the most typical example is probably the end of the first season of Gu Aotian, that is, the battle between Lao Gu and Shalltear. Crush.

What skills Shalltear has and what their effects are; what equipment she has and what its attributes are; what trump cards she has and when she will use them, they are all clearly understood by Lao Gu, and even Shalltear's mode of action is known The old bones will be remembered in my heart! In comparison? It can be said that Shalltear's understanding of Gu Aotian is superficial, not even superficial!

This resulted in the battle in the animation where Shalltear was completely played to death by Gu Aotian!

This is the importance of intelligence and the reason why Laura covets Sibel.

As mentioned before, the place where Laura is located is the core area of ​​the British Puritan Church, and the defense of this area can be said to be ranked among the best in the mysterious side of the world, and Elsebell still passes through Entered here using the means of space movement - note that Elsebell's actions did not disturb or destroy all the defensive spells here, which means that Elsebell either discovered a loophole in the defensive spells ( And this is almost impossible), or a brand new space spell has been invented that will not be detected by the current defense spells.

This is enough to show that Elsebell is a genius who innovates from the old. As long as she is sure that Elsebel can win over, Laura will take action - even if this little loli is here to assassinate her, as long as she can instigate rebellion, Laura He won't hesitate to take action.

If the other party is really stubborn...

'Then I have no choice but to let her know the cruelty of this world~' Laura thought to herself, 'After all, I don't just come to my bathhouse whenever I want~'



...by what means do you move through space?

On the other side, Elsebell, who was playing childishly with water, scratched her head and said after hearing Laura's question, Well, I don't know how to say this, how about I give it to you? Give a show?

Eh? Is that okay? Laura blinked and said kindly: Then can you wait for me to wipe my body and put on clothes?

Because until now, Elsebell's attitude has been relatively friendly, so Laura also tried her best to show a friendly appearance - otherwise, how can she win over others? Can someone really call someone else a miscellaneous cultivator and have someone call you the king at the same time?

I, Laura, don’t believe it!

Okay, wipe it, I'll wait for you. Elsebell lifted one foot and stepped on the edge underneath her, then put her chin on her knees and stared at Laura in front of her.

'Well, although I felt two souls from Laura's body, but...' After seeing Laura, Elsebell already understood the mode of getting along between Laura and Coronzon - You can simply understand that Coronzon's soul penetrated into Laura's body, but Laura, the original owner's soul, did not dissipate and leave memories, but was suppressed by Coronzon's soul and fell into a deep sleep. .

At first glance, it seems that all it takes is Elsebel to drive out Coronzon's soul. But the tricky part is that because of the long-term relationship, a large part of Laura's soul has been integrated into Coronzon's soul - if Elsebell directly expels Coronzon's soul, the only result will be Directly tearing Laura's soul apart, causing Laura to become a person with an incomplete soul.

‘Although it is not impossible to repair Laura’s soul with some effort, but...it seems there is an easier way? ’ Elsebell looked like she was not shy at all. She carefully dried her body with a towel in front of her, and then put on a full set of equipment. Laura began to have bad water in her stomach.

Okay~ Laura had no idea that Elsebell had already begun to covet her body. After she put on her clothes, she looked at Elsebell with a smile and said, Can you let me take a look? Space magic?

When she said this, Laura was actually secretly vigilant - who knows if the other party would come and shout...

Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon, but what about the trick Noon has arrived?

If I were tricked by you, how unjust would it be for me to die? Isn't that more unjust than Wang Chongyang who just came out and shouted I am already the best in the world and was kicked to death by a shoe?

So how old are you, an old woman? Why are all the memes used so old?

Ah, yes. Elsebell nodded. She sat up from the ground, reached out and patted the skirt that had been soaked in water but was not wet at all, and said, I just don't know where the greatest bishop is going. .”

Ah, can I go anywhere?

You can go anywhere. Elsebell scratched her face, acting like a harmless little sheep, Well, as long as it's on Earth, you can go.

Then, take me anywhere~ Laura showed a smile - she was fishing! If Elsebell has bad thoughts towards her, there is a high chance that she will take this opportunity to lead her into a trap.

Then... Elsebell thought for a while and said, How about we go to some small island in the Pacific?

‘Took the bait? Laura narrowed her eyes - it was too easy to set up an ambush in a place like a small island in the Pacific, so she quietly added several layers of shields to herself, and tightened them tightly. Wearing tight-fitting clothes with powerful defensive techniques, she followed Elsabel into the gap.



Five minutes later, church.

Isn't this kind of thing too strange? After returning to her office, Laura sat on the chair with a pale face, then covered her head and said, Why did things become like this?

The current Laura is neither the original Laura nor the original Coronzon, but the souls of Laura and Coronzon are truly fused together, and it is the kind dominated by Laura's soul—— It's just that Laura's soul is too weak and she doesn't have as much experience as Coronzon, so her personality and behavior style are closer to Coronzon.

The reason why she sighed like this was because when Elsebell was transforming her soul, she signed a contract for her. In terms of status, she, the greatest bishop of the English Puritan Church, was considered to be Elsebell. Summoned...


Are you playing with snakes?

If time could go back five minutes, then Laura would definitely strangle herself alive five minutes ago——

After she followed Elsie Bell to the island, she immediately joked with a smile: Little guy, are you planning to do something by bringing me here? If so, don't hide me.

After thinking about it for a while, Elsebell took action, and then things became what they are now.

Why did I say that word more! Laura said sadly: If I didn't say that word too much... eh?

You are so heartbroken about the hammer. If I hadn't done it, you would still be sleeping now. Elsebell looked at Laura angrily and said, You have to spend some time now to digest what Coronzon's soul has brought. memory.

Indeed. Laura rubbed her head and said, I actually subconsciously thought about the problem from Coronzon's perspective just now.

There is no way, compared to Coronzon, who has lived for who knows how many years, Laura's own memory is too thin. If Elsebell hadn't intervened, the two souls would have merged 10 billion times, and they would have been destroyed. It was Lola who was swallowed, not Coronzon.

Work hard. Elsebell casually sat on Laura's desk, then took out a pack of spicy strips and said while eating: By the way, arrange a position for me. If you want something like that? Leisurely and high-status—preferably a house with official subsidies or something like that.”

You ask for so much.

is it not OK?

How do you like the beauty hidden in the golden house of the greatest bishop? A smile appeared on Laura's lips, I'll take care of you, master~

Although it will feel great, but... Elsebell took out her mobile phone, looked at the information on it, and muttered: But I may not be able to hold the post - I have changed my mind, I want to be a ...The famous rich man in Britain!

Huh? Why do you want to be rich all of a sudden?

Because... Elsebell laughed. She shook her phone screen at Laura and said, The training of my maids has come to an end, and they are coming to find me.



Not long after, a report about Britain appeared on the desks of other leaders of magic associations and religious organizations. The general content was that the largest bishop of the British Puritan Church used his connections to buy a house for others in London. A luxurious villa, and that villa lived in a blond girl and her entourage.

Although it seemed to be just a piece of meaningless information, it made these magic associations suspicious - who is this blond girl who lives in the villa? What is your identity? Why did she buy a villa so that Laura Stewart could use her connections?

Try every possible means to find out her identity!

Such instructions were conveyed from all corners of the magic side, and they happened to be caught by Elsebell and Laura.

End of this chapter

When Elsebell buys a villa in London, England, does she need to use Laura's channels?

That must be impossible!

The world's blessing EX alone is enough for Elsebell to achieve the miracle of exchanging straw for a mansion in ordinary things. Why does she need Laura's channel?

Then why did Elsebell go through Laura's channel? The purpose is to deliberately expose the information that the new owner of this villa is related to Laura, thereby attracting members of other magic associations to send intelligence agents to the UK.

So, what's the reason for doing this?

It can be said to be very simple! Because Elsebell felt that she needed some horse boys to help her deal with some things, but Laura could not arrange members of the British Puritan Church to be around Elsebel in an aboveboard manner, so she adopted this method.

In the past month, people from twelve factions have sent personnel. Apart from the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, there are still ten factions, but the origins of three of them are unknown... Laura looked at Looking at the information on the table sent back by the British Puritan intelligence officers, he couldn't help but tap the table with his fingers and murmured: Seven magic societies, I don't know how many of them can be gathered.

However, this kind of thing is not something Laura needs to worry about. According to the plan, she only needs to pass this information to Elsebell.



Third Miss, the information has been sent back. Elsa bent down and placed the information in front of Elsebell, who was sitting on a chair enjoying breakfast. There are seven magic societies whose identities have been identified. Among them, there are three organizations that are easier to target.”


Elsebell touched her chin. She held a fried dough stick in her right hand and picked up the information on the table with her left hand. She said, Let me take a look. Well, I like this group.

Guidance of Morning Star, this is a small magic association with four members, namely Vivian, the leader and commander, Ryoko Chishima, the main attacker, Adeline, the facilitator, and Mei, the logistics and driver. Yi.

Yes, this magic association is an association composed entirely of girls, so Elsebell fell in love with it at first sight - she personally doesn't like boys mixing in the team.

If you like it, prepare to get it.

Elsa, I'm ready to go out. Elsebell put down the information in her hand, finished chewing the dough sticks with a leisurely expression, drank the soy milk in one gulp, and said, The first small goal is set at this ...and let the guidance of the morning star come to you!”

Okay, Miss Third. Elsa smiled and nodded.



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Liangzi ate the bread in his mouth in several mouthfuls, and then complained: How long are we going to stay here! Three meals a day are either bread or cold lunch boxes!

There's nothing we can do. Adeline shrugged helplessly and said, The employer said that he should at least know the spells or origins that the blond loli is good at, but...

Why can this person stay at home for a whole month? Vivian covered her forehead and said, If no one can see him, how can he use it to find out information?


Just as the four members of Daystar were complaining, a voice sounded behind them.

Excuse me, are you talking about me?


The four magicians' hearts skipped a beat, and they prepared to deploy their spiritual equipment to attack without hesitation. However, when they turned around, they found themselves...

Can't feel anything anymore.

The spiritual equipment is like a toy made in a small factory, and all the magic seems to be invisible! It's like it changed from a magic society to...

It’s like a comedy club for chuunibyou girls.

'Oops, the car overturned...'

Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the four people in Morning Star at the same time.

Okay, everyone, don't be nervous. Elsebell smiled, raised her right hand and said, Let's chat in another place, okay?


With the snap of fingers, the four people from Daystar found themselves in a luxurious living room from the small building where they were squatting before. On the sofa next to the coffee table, there was sitting a man with golden spiral twintails, like a fairy. girls, and around them, stood three maids exuding a formidable aura.

Sit down. Elsebell sat on the sofa, looked at the four extremely vigilant beautiful girls in front of her, and said with a smile: If I want to do something to you, do you have the ability to resist?

... The four little ones only looked at each other and realized that what Elsebell said seemed to make some sense - the other party had silently blocked the resistance abilities of the four of them, and with this wave of space Technique...

Forget it, if you can't resist, just be nice.

The four girls sat obediently on the sofa, then uneasily grasped the spiritual equipment in their hands and looked at Elsebell eagerly.

What are you going to do to us? Vivian, as the leader, looked at Elsebell with a serious face.

Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I don't have any ill intentions towards you. Elsebell picked up the black tea that Elsa had poured and said softly: I came to you this time mainly for two things.

Elsebell raised her index finger, smiled and said, Be mine.

Eh? x4

The eyes of the four girls were a little confused.

Don't you understand? Elsebell wasn't going to use any twists and turns. She leaned back on her chair and said, You can understand that I'm... trying to win you over!

Well, this eldest lady...

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