Why are you not interested! Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Tori also came over. They stared at Aite intently and said, This is a masterpiece! A masterpiece! A masterpiece!

Listen to me - Aite said expressionlessly.

Well, tell me! x3

First of all, this game - Aite pointed and said: It was made by Sister Aiyi. I also voiced the voice in it, and I was the voice of Yan Qing.

Eh? x3

Secondly, this new show - Aite pointed and said: It is also made by Sister Aiyi. Not only me, Shokuhou Misaki, Miyant Aiyu and Police Kantori all appear as voice actors.

Eh? x3

Finally, the GCM you participated in - Aite pointed and said: The copyrights of Gutai and Haotai belong to Sister Aiyi, and even GCM was held at the request of Sister Aiyi.

Eh? x3

Nuclear explosions exploded in the hearts of the three people one after another, and the unbelievable information bombardment made the three of them feel dizzy.

Gutai...is from our family?

Hun Tai...is also from our family?

Are they all from our family?

The three of them looked at each other, then looked at Aite blankly, and said, Why...we are the only ones who don't know?

Because... Aite was silent for a few seconds. He slowly turned away his eyes and whispered: Because, Sister Aiyi specifically asked us to hide this from you. She said it was to see you three worrying about Gu Tai all day long. The surrounding area is really interesting.”

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--

Woodchuck Scream x3.

They understand! This is undoubtedly Sister Aiyi’s bad taste again!

To be fair, Sister Aiyi is old and evil, okay? This can be seen from someone at the scene - yes, it's you, Sister Aite!

Although Donghai Aite has the same figure as the rich woman with a private airport in the original work, she has grown her hair long in order to match it with all kinds of... LO skirts.

Don't ask, asking is just Ai Sibei's bad taste! She would take Aite to the amusement park every now and then, and she would also let Aite put on an exquisite LO skirt, attracting a pair of passers-by to watch.

You... why are you looking at me like this? Donghai Aite instinctively felt the malice. She raised her head, looked at the Gutai trio in front of her, and said, Are you thinking of something bad? matter?

No, no, we swear! x3

How can it be considered a bad thing for Sister Aite to wear a LO skirt? That's a good thing! A great thing! It's natural to grow grass, right?

The three of them looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.

Reach a consensus.jpg

Damn it, there's something wrong with your eyes! Ait grinned at the three of them and said, You must not be thinking of anything good!

No, no! Sister Aite, look at my innocent eyes. Misaka Mikoto came close to Aite, trying to make her eyes more sincere.

Then, of course, he was disliked.

Claw. Aite put his hand to Misaka Mikoto's forehead and said angrily: Instead of having time to grind on me here, the three of you should go find Sister Aiyi as soon as possible. Maybe as soon as she is happy, she will use the The complete set of products is given to you.”


If it were in the anime, Mikoto, Tori and Junko would definitely have a big light bulb popping up in their heads.

Just when Aite thought that the three people would immediately set off to find Sister Aiyi, Mikoto suddenly shook her head and said, No, that's not right!

That's right! Fanfeng Junzi nodded with approval, and she said: We collect Gutai, and the process of collecting Gutai is our love for Gutai!

If you ask Sister Aiyi directly for it, it's like cheating! Doli clenched her fists and said, It's not good to get a baby like that!


Aite looked at the three people with a question mark on his face and said, What's the difference between this and your behavior of not participating in GCM and having to pay for online scalpers?


The three of them looked at each other and whispered, Then let's go, shall we?


Aite dislikes it.jpg.



Hmm... Sitting on the sofa, Elsebell looked at the three croaks in front of her with a smile and told her about today's experience.

After all, they were here to go through the back door. It didn’t seem right to directly ask for Guotai’s figure, so these three little ones unanimously adopted the method of “first doing the housework, and then making requests” - which can be regarded as a normal method of interpersonal communication. .

Hmph, that enemy with absolutely constant speed really thought that his ability was invincible, and Junzi knocked him down easily! Misaka Mikoto waved her hands proudly - for those who don't know , I thought she was the one who defeated the enemy.

Then what? Elsebell held her chin up and said with a smile, Did you get the money?

Uh... I got it. Mikoto nodded.

Oh - did you buy it? Guotai.


The three little ones suddenly fell into a depressed mood.

Ah, that's really miserable. Elsebell sighed without sincerity, and then continued to ask: Then what? What are you going to do if you don't buy it?

Uh... just... Misaka Mikoto also didn't expect that Elsebelle was just like playing galgame and skipping the dialogue to choose options. In just a few words, she pushed the progress of the chat to the finale. .

At once?

Just... Fanfeng Junzi whispered from the side: I just heard very... scary news.

Ah, what's the news? Sibei looked at the three of them with an innocent face.

‘Sister Aiyi, you are still pretending! ’

The Gutai group is now extremely sure that Elsie Bell must have come to find her after confirming that they knew that she was the Gutai King, so she deliberately pretended not to know and teased them.

Too bad!

For a moment, the Gutai trio looked at Elsebell angrily, like three puffed-up pufferfish.

End of this chapter


Elsebell looked at the three balloon faces in front of her and couldn't help but stretched out her index finger with a smile on her face and poked them in turn.

Accompanied by the deflating sounds of porphyry - porphyry - porphyry -, the faces of the three little pufferfish suddenly returned to their original shape.

What's wrong? Everyone is so angry~ Elsebell looked at the three of them with a smile on her face and said, Who bullied our little princesses~

It's you, it's you, it's you!

That's you!

Our sister, Sister Aiyi!

Huo, you're still singing. Elsebell pointed at herself with a subtle look on her face and said, Hmm, I don't remember that I bullied you~

There is!

Ai Sibei looked at the angry three people with a smile and said, Tell me, why did I bully you?

The three little ones told Elsebell’s “crime” with one word and one glance——

You know clearly that we like Gutai, but you don't tell us that Sister Aiyi is the founder of Gutai!

“Every year we see us return empty-handed from GCM, and then spend a lot of money to buy scalper figures!”

In short, Sister Aiyi, bad!

Eh~ I'm broken right now? Elsebell held up her chin and said with a smile on her face: Then what if I tell you that those scalper products you buy online are actually sold by me? If I give it to you, wouldn’t I be worse?”


As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the Gutai trio were stunned.

This feeling is like you have traveled to the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, developed a stunning beauty from the inside out, and painted countless positive characters on her thighs, and then you hugged her and admired the moon. , it’s like learning that the beauty’s name is Muzan Kibutsuji.

No... Misaka Mikoto's expression was a little dazed. She looked at the smiling face of Sibei Bell, who was in love with flowers, opened her mouth, and said with difficulty: Sister... you sold it?

That's right. Elsie Bell said confidently: To enter GCM and purchase limited edition Gutai figurines, you must be a Gutai fan and join the Gutai fan club.


After joining the club, your game UID or the UID of the Gutai Forum will be bound. To purchase limited edition Gutai figurines, you must bind the UID. Elsie Bell looked at the three of them with a smile and said: If someone is found to be engaging in malicious scalping, then the UID will be banned - of course, since you have never bought a limited amount of guatai, it is natural that you don't know the rules.


No, normally this kind of rule shouldn't be written in the announcement? Junzi Fanfeng held her head in her hands and cried sadly.

Puff puff puff~ If you write it in the announcement, you can't cheat you? Elsie Bell looked at the three of them with an innocent face and said: It's because the notification will only pop up when purchasing and paying on site. That’s why I can hide it from you and make you pay for it at a high price.”


Three question marks appeared in front of Elsebell, and the three of them were in a state of despair!

No, sister, why are you cheating us of our money? Misaka Mikoto felt bad, It will take me a long time to buy a figure!!

Didn't I give you your pocket money? Elsebell raised her eyebrows and said, This wave, this wave is the pocket money recovery plan, it's so beautiful!


This is no longer a question of whether the mentality is broken or not, it is a question of whether it is broken or not.

Sister!! Misaka Mikoto felt bad.

Hahahaha, okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Elsebell laughed, waved her hand, and said, I've saved all the pocket money I earned from you, and I'm going to wait for you. When did you discover...

Just give it back to us?

I can use these pocket money as bait and let you do housework. Elsebell touched her chin and said, For example, washing dishes, five dishes for 100 yen.

... Fanfeng Junzi opened her mouth and said desperately: No black-hearted boss is so black!

Well~ Then I'll be more generous. Elsebell leaned on the sofa like a great gentleman, then put her right leg on the coffee table and said with a coquettish look: My shoulders are a little sore! My legs are a little sore! I’m also a little tired, I wonder if someone can rub it for me?”

I'll come, I'll come!

With such an obvious statement, Meiqin and the other three understood what Elsebell meant on the spot - Hey, if anyone else dared to be such a coquettish person, they would have said that they didn't want the money at all! But since it is Sister Aiyi, she can only accompany her to the end!



When Shokuhou Misaki came in from the outside, what he saw was this scene——

Elsebel's shoulders were rubbed by Junko Hokaze, her left leg was tapped by Misaka Mikoto, and her right leg was tapped by Misaka Tori. Her whole person exuded the aura of a landlord.

Sister, and Dolly, what's going on? Shokuhou Misaki looked at the rich rich man scene in front of him with a blank look on his face, and said.

Don't say it, it's all love. Elsebell looked at Shokuhou Misaki with a smile and said, This is their sisterly love for me!

Yes, yes, sisterly love! Dolly nodded enthusiastically.

I only saw the rich man and his three concubines. Shokuhou Misaki walked to the small refrigerator in the office, took out a bottle of frozen Musashino milk, raised his head and drank it.

Tsk, tsk... Elsebell looked at Shokuhou Misaki's throat that was constantly squirming, and couldn't help but said, Oh, fuck, drinking too much milk shouldn't affect growth.

Tons, tons, tons——

After drinking a large box of milk, Shokuhou Misaki burped in an extremely inconspicuous manner, then wiped his mouth and said: If you work hard, you will have hope. If you don't work hard, then there will be hope. It’s really hopeless!”


Misaka Mikoto always felt that Shokuhou Misaki was talking about herself.

Okay, okay, you three have a rest. Elsie Bell waved her hand and said, Didn't you see that Cao Qi said that we look like a rich man and her three little wives?

Compared to the little wife... Dolly looked at Elsebell curiously and said, Who is the eldest wife?

That must be me! Elsa appeared without anyone noticing, If you want to talk about the real wife, who else could it be besides me? I have been following the princess since the very beginning!

There is one thing to say, indeed.

Yes, yes, my eldest wife, is the strawberry Frappuccino I want ready?

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