Deep Space Fleet

Vol 7 Chapter 542: soul mate

Latest URL: Time is passing fast.

In a blink of an eye, it has been 100 years since Wang Haifeng graduated. He has integrated all of himself into this construction site. The daily task is basically to repair those faulty machinery. Like a gyro, it spins slowly, and occasionally the rotation stops, and the opportunity to rest is ushered in, but I find that one year has passed ...

These mechanical failures are divided into three levels. The first level is simple failures. For example, some excavators roll over, or some parts are aging. Intelligent robots can automatically handle them and continue to use them.

This kind of failure needs only a little attention, it is not necessary to deal with it yourself.

The second is a medium-level failure, that is, a failure of one or two machines beyond normal logic; or the repair robot is broken.

Because the engineering of planetary engines is very difficult, it is also a new technology, and there are many industrial chains. The mutual repair between robots cannot yet form a closed loop, and sometimes manual maintenance is required.

The third is a large-scale paralysis event at the industrial chain level. For example, a large energy room suddenly shuts down, stopping energy supply, or a neutron star emits electromagnetic pulses, paralyzing a lot of things, and these accidents easily cause planetary engines The stagnation is worthy of attention.

Wang Haifeng competed with this **** basin for 100 years, which enlarged the basin by a large circle.

Under his careful responsibility, the failure rate at this site was lower than the average level. There was never a third type of red safety accident, and it was the only thing worthy of a lifetime to brag about.

After work, he got used to a few sips of wine, a few grains of alien legumes, and then watched TV or watched for a while.

"Life, it's just like that. Doing other work, isn't it work?"

"... just missing some passion and a bit monotonous."

He has been in love for about a dozen times, and each time he died without problems, and later he didn't bother to pursue them.

What he longs for most is the kind of "soul mate" who can stay together forever, that is, after the evaluation of the transcendent, both parties can come out and continue together, with a common language in philosophy. This "love" of the love chip, which forced the technology of binding the two parties, has gradually become obsolete.

However, today's boys and girls are rarely able to do this. There are only a few extraordinary people who can be born in each era. So-called soul mate, how can it be so easy to find?

Just like the elder sister in his little family, he fell in love with this all of a sudden, and fell in love with that again ...

On another level, people and people's feelings can be really fragile.

"I like a new colleague now and I want to spend some time with him."

The good-looking sister said in a video call, "However, I will definitely get tired again after a while ... It is not easy to find someone."

Wang Haifeng asked, "Don't be too picky, human beings will always have these and other problems. Don't you plan to find a permanent one and use a love chip?"

"Hey, you know, although the love chip can make people very happy, the human body's stimulation of dopamine will also slowly produce antibodies ... Sensory stimulation alone will not last for hundreds of years."

Wang Haifeng said calmly, "Your energy is really full. I suggest you read the love book written by Ms. Lin Qingqing. People should not waste time on such boring things. You love him, and you will love it again after a while. On the other hand, you love so much that you will find that nobody loves them, and they are very empty! "

"... you should find a real partner."

"Okay, okay, I know! Are you alone? Aren't you alone?"

The trans-epochal love between Zhang Yuan and Lin Qingqing once swept the crowd for a long time, and was loved by girls, and their values ​​also affected many people.

However, both of them have left this world for a long time, maybe in the future, and will come back after a long time ... What a romantic thing to meet again in this world!

After hanging up, Wang Haifeng thought a little bit enviously.

Over the years, the average life expectancy of the new human civilization has fallen somehow to 460 years. In fact, it is not because the technical conditions have deteriorated, nor is it overwork, but some people have voluntarily given up this. Choices.

Anyway ... you will not die when you are old, you will only enter the virtual space early. This trend of thought slowly breeds and soon becomes a new trend.

Although each person's contribution to civilization is different and the number of reincarnations that can be experienced is different, the law stipulates that at least five reincarnations are enough for many people ...

Experts on television are violently attacking this social phenomenon. The decrease in life expectancy has made aging faster.

Wang Haifeng looked at the forum, and many people commented that this is "the **** expert", "I don't engage in production, sociology has a fart", "I just want us to do more work"!

Anyway, it is a lot of complaints.


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

Wang Haifeng thought, and the door opened automatically.

A middle-aged man who was more than a hundred years older than him, holding a cigarette, was the leader of the entire working group, Zhou Hua.

Cigarettes have been extinct in the past, but now they are back in vogue, because the working pressure on this site is very high, there are often mechanical instructions for failure, and repairs are needed, and sometimes they can still be up in the middle of the night.

The operation of the planetary engine cannot be stopped, nor can it be stopped for one second. Once a failure occurs, it will cause the planet's motion orbit to shift ~ ~ After the planet's motion orbit changes, the entire plan The fault tolerance rate will become smaller and smaller.

Under this huge work pressure, smoking seems to be nothing, no one will criticize and blame for this ...

Smokers will habitually take a fist-sized air purifier. After taking a breath, they will spit the turbid air into the air purifier for treatment, which will not affect others.

"The director is retired ..." Zhou Hua said in the first sentence, he took a cigarette and then lowered his head and exhaled.

The air purifier's work indicator lights up to absorb all the nicotine inside.

Wang Haifeng said for a moment, and said, "It's good to retire! It should have been a retired person for a long time.

Zhou Hua shook his head: "This time I retired, retired a group of old people, and a few new people. But there are not many people retired, and the labor force in the work group is becoming less ..."

Wang Haifeng stopped talking, but took a sip of wine.

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