Demon Development System

Chapter 138: The most anticipated experiment (single bigger)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the learning magic cultivation system!

Although Shen Yiyun spoke out loudly to counsel Li Zheng and Shi Yang.

But her enthusiasm did not last long.

And soon regretted it.

She started leading the two at around 5:30 in the afternoon, respectively, and practically explained the super-difficult experiments at the graduate level.

All the time, I talked about half past eleven and did three difficult simulation experiments.

Throughout the journey, there is no way to eat or to the toilet.

This environment and work intensity is roughly equivalent to twice the project laboratory work...

In the end, Shen Yiyun just wanted to cry.

Men are monsters.

Sure enough, I should listen to my mother.

Why do girls touch chemistry!

Finally, at 11:45, under the tearful eyes of Shen Yiyun, Li Zheng and Shi Yang only temporarily let her go.

Then the three people ate the fried slices and strips brought back at noon.

Shen Yiyun eats weird things she doesn't want to eat with tears.

Only then realized.

Li Zheng is not as simple as it seems.

He had already thought about this situation, and had packed these ghost things as early as noon.

All, all in his calculations.

Compared with these two monsters.

Brother is good...

Those who don’t have much hair, have less words than hair, simple dumb brothers...

It turned out to be cute.

At midnight, Li Zheng and Shi Yang finished their fried slices, but Shen Yiyun only ate half a box of slivers.

She was sad, she had no appetite, and she divided the remaining drawstrings between them.

However, the two men smiled at the same time, carrying a sliver and returned to the experimental bench.

"Hey, brother, there are ingredients now." Shi Yang rubbed his hands. "The experiment we are most looking forward to can be started-first, add acidic substances to simulate the stomach reaction..."

"It's natural and simple..." Li Zhengsi asked, "Digestible reactions rely heavily on microorganisms? Need a lot of bacteria to participate, and time to ferment."

"Mo Pan, biology is just a small branch of chemistry." Shi Yang raised his hands and looked around. "Considering that the raw materials here are not enough, let's abandon the process like this and only seek the results. Let's conceive together how to use the reagents in front of us. , As soon as possible to pull these slivers, become thin, close to tan."

"Yes, a little inspiration..." Li Zheng just finished speaking, but frowned again, "But this way, it's just empty and has no shape, no soul."

"Easy to handle." Shi Yang smiled, "We can synthesize some more hydrogen sulfide, indole, and skatole."

Li Zheng startled: "Skatole? What else?"

"I specifically studied it, this is actually 3-methylindole, C9H9N, which can be made by Fischer-Indole synthesis." Shi Yang asked, looking up, "Sister, we need some aldehydes, ketones and aromatic anhydrides."

"..." Shen Yiyun had already stared at the two of them, "You might as well go to Prague to synthesize this kind of thing, let the foreigners take a good look at your level!"

"This is not appropriate... It is said that the taste of foreigners is heavier than ours." Shi Yangtuo thought, "Is this suspected of being a gangster?"

Li Zheng busy said: "No, Brother Shi, only you deserve to be in the "class" level."

"Less nonsense!" Shen Yiyun slapped to the light control panel, "Turn off the light! Give me home!"


Even if Li Zheng and Shi Yang were out of the laboratory, they were still chatting wildly. Although they couldn't do it, they were very happy to simulate the synthetic route in their thinking.

In the deserted courtyard, Shen Yiyun followed behind them so bitterly.

Although she is very resistant to their bad taste.

But I have to admit that they shined.

It was dark at night, but it seemed to light up the entire courtyard.

After reading for so many years, Shen Yiyun has seen a variety of academic bullies.

But like these two, such a pure pervert is the first time.

They are together, only the chemistry itself.

The brothers in the laboratory, including myself, are all thinking about staying in school or looking for a job, going abroad or studying, whether they want to switch to a more profitable industry.

Under the moonlight, Shen Yiyun sighed softly.

If these of us researching animals can return to their youth, there will always be one or two, like Li Zheng and Shi Yang.

However, this section has only ideal pure time, passing faster than meteor.

It was gone in a flash.

Now, my sister, I can only follow you far behind, with envy, jealousy, helplessness and bitterness, with longing and numbness, and secretly feel that we will pass away, but yet another eternal ideal.

Between feelings, the three have reached the gate.

Shi Yang is still talking about "Fisher indole synthesis".

Fortunately, Li Zheng gradually got rid of the chemical mania, interrupted Shi Yang at the right time, and sang Yiyun nodded: "Sister Xue, you are off work."

"It doesn't take a few days anyway." Shen Yiyun only hurriedly raised his hand and waved, "You... Come on, be sure to cherish this time."

"Sure." Li Zheng looked around. "Because of this, I am going to find an express hotel to stay."

"..." Shen Yiyun panicked again, "and... don't need to cherish it so much."

"My family lives far away and travels back and forth for two hours." Li Zheng smiled bitterly. "I really can't bear to waste. I want to do experiments, do more experiments, and make up for the happiness that chemistry owes me."

"Did you tell your family?" Shi Yang pulled out his phone and raised his eyebrows. "Is it a waste to live in a double room alone?"

"You can also?" Li Zheng exclaimed, "That's right, I'll pay for the room and you will pay for the meal."

"Good to say."

Shen Yiyun watched the two people's fierce exchanges and raised the backpack strap: "Then...I'm going..."

Shi Yang is also really a pure person, completely mindless, said: "It doesn't matter, Sister, together..."

Li Zheng quickly stepped on him.

This is when Shi Yang reacted, smirking and bowing his head: "That's... I'm used to experimenting with us, hehe."

Shen Yiyun just smiled.

It can be seen that this kid is really not intentional. The full-length periodic table of the brain circuit is on the periodic table, and the remaining IQ is also in the toilet.

"Okay, you two, come on." Shen Yiyun raised his fist and waved. "In the future, he will go higher and farther than me. We will study animals for us to see the true meaning of chemistry."

Shi Yang scratched his head and said with a smirk: "Relax, I will definitely go further than ordinary graduate students."

Damn, this person is sincere!

Fortunately, Li Zheng was sensible and walked quickly to Shen Yiyun, showing a gentle smile.

Shen Yiyun bit her lip and was ready.

This kid is going to say something that makes people feel bitter.

I'm afraid to force me to return to the dorm~~

I don't mind it~

In his imagination, Li Zheng stared at Shen Yiyun and smiled softly: "Then, at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, the hard-working sister came to open the door."


"Wait!" Shi Yang raised his hand suddenly. "It's so late, should I send my sister back to the dormitory?"

"Yes." Li Zheng also reacted.

Shen Yiyun had already crossed the road, shouting like a nightmare: "Don't come! I live in the school, you go, you go!"

Three days of Shen Yiyun's nightmare officially began.

On the other side, although the school sister was very resistant, Li Zheng and Shi Yang still watched her enter the Jade Dadongmen before leaving.


That night, Li Zheng and Shi Yang finished washing each and went to their respective beds.

It was supposed to go to sleep quickly, but the two were still very excited and tossed and turned.

Even more frightening is that Shi Yang has eaten too much garlic and is very lucky.

Li Zheng regretted inviting him.

After five or six minutes, Shi Yang still couldn't hold back.

Just like military training or any camp.

It is impossible for boys to fall asleep immediately after turning off the lights.

An eternal topic will inevitably float out--

That's the girl.

Shi Yang asked: "Li Zheng, is that Lin Yuejing beautiful?"

"...Go to bed, Brother Shi." Li Zheng reminded friendlyly, "Also, don't keep the quilt."

"Eh, breathable, breathable..." Shi Yang turned around and urged through the aisle between the beds, "Is it easy to have a chemical girl, isn't she beautiful?"


"Then, is there a pretty sister?"

"Um... two types."

"Quickly, tell me what kind of things."

"That's... the kind you owe. Have you ever seen a wild cat? You want to rub it up, but it runs, you go, and it comes back."

"'s so interesting." Shi Yang sighed holding the quilt. "This is a real chemical come I can't touch it..."

"You think too much, she hates chemistry."

"Fuck you, shut up! Don't destroy my virtual goddess." Shi Yang asked, "I will ask you again, is Lin Yujing pretty good at Wu Shu?"

"Brother Shi, as a chemist, you should know that human appearance is just a combination of protein and bones, there is no need to judge others by the shape of the protein?"

"What do you say... how come I suddenly feel that everything is boring..."

"That's it, sleep."


Early the next morning, Li Zheng regretted it even more.

As if his life was in conflict, his time with Shi Yang was too synchronized.

Once a man grabs the toilet, nobody cares about brotherhood.

The first one is cool, and the second one is not only suffocating, but also bears the luck left by the former.

Fortunately, Shi Yang knew nothing in the laboratory.

With the guidance of Shen Yiyun and the addition of student movement, Li Zheng's experimental skills can already be described in a thousand miles.

As for Shi Yang, in addition to guiding Li Zheng, he also occupied two experimental platforms, one followed Shen Yiyun for a difficult experiment, and the other self-entertainment (80% of the time is the production of skatole). From time to time, you can ask Shen Yiyun for some advice. The problem is also not small.

Shen Yiyun has no surprises, and he spends a lot of time reminiscing.

During the daytime, it is usually such a happy past.

At night, it must be difficult.

In addition to being "lucky," Shi Yang had to talk to Li Zheng about girls every night, starting in half an hour.

Li Zheng wants to kick him into a massage parlor on the roadside.

But think about it carefully, you can't mention this to Shi Yang.

Let him not know that there are massage shops in the world.

On Thursday night, the three-day experimental assault was finally over.

Shen Yiyun has been made to look like an adult, and he is about to witness the sun at four o'clock in the morning.

But she finally invited Li Zheng and Shi Yang to have a hot pot buffet.

After all, I haven't had a serious meal these past few days.

Li Zheng usually has clear soup and few water at home, and has become accustomed to the light-tasting eating rhythm.

But Shi Yang was suffocating enough, and the buffet was eaten from beginning to end, eating for two hours, which is roughly equivalent to the amount of Li Zheng and Shen Yiyun added two or three times.

At the end of the division...

In fact, no one feels completely different.

Because we will meet again on Saturday, not only Li Zheng and Shi Yang, but also Shen Yiyun is also one of the instructors of the training team.

Even so, Li Zheng and Shi Yang still vowed each other--

It is necessary to successfully synthesize enough skatole in the national winter camp.


Li Zheng returned home after three days, and finally fell asleep with no topic about girls and no sense of luck.

In his dream, he prayed that he should never be in the same room with Shi Yang when training.

The next morning, Li Zheng woke up at more than nine o'clock. There was no teacher to control him. He simply took another day off to study at home.

After rectification, routine acceptance.

It has to be said that the experiment opened a whole new door to study chemistry.

After three days of high-intensity baptism, this time the chemical score has reached such an outrageous level of 286.

Even more pleasing is that, because the experiment can only be done at a regular speed, more than two hundred hours of vitality have been saved in the past few days.

Through the aftermath of the experimental breakthrough.

It's time to kill the textbook of the national decision.

With the talents of [Chemistry Meditation] and [Chemical Mania], facing "Analytical Chemistry", "Writing Art of Organic Reaction Mechanism", "ORGANIC", "Organic Synthesis-Cut-off Method", these involve complex experiments , Some difficult books.

Li Zheng only hopes...can finish eating a bit slower and enjoy some difficulties.

It's a pity that people are willing to fail.

He gnawed it all in two hours.

The rest of the time can only be done at a constant speed, simulating to do a few sets of theories on national resolutions in previous years.

That night, Li Zheng went to bed very early. After all, the provincial team training will start next day, and the spirit is very important.

Different from the past, the training was conducted simultaneously with Jinqiu Camp, and the location was still the Jihua Dahuayuan.

If you sign up for Jinqiu Camp, the training performance is also equivalent to the Jinqiu Camp inspection.

That is to say, the top people in training will not only be included in the provincial team list, but also more likely to sign a contract with Jida in advance.

Under this opportunity, all the teachers and students from all walks of life also sent wishes in advance.

[Tang Zhifei: Go to bed early, cheer up, and perform well, not to bring out thistle college students for the first time as my class teacher! 】

[Li Zheng: Drink plenty of hot water and wash your feet frequently. 】

[Tang Zhifei: The wings are hard, right? Dare to talk to the principal and laugh at the wind, right? 】


[Yu Hong: Li Zheng, I did not advocate putting pressure on you, but the principal is always putting pressure on me. As the only seedling of Sakura Lake, I wish you every success in this matter. 】

[Yu Hong: By the way, the top person in charge of the training is Zhou Yi, the deputy dean of the Jida University. He is the best teacher in teaching in China. Pay special attention to the organic loop reaction when doing his topic. 】

[Li Zheng: Okay, thank you, Teacher Yu. In addition, I have some invoices here. 】

[Yu Hong: It's not too early, take a good rest. 】


[Zhang Xiaoke: Master... When you are away, there seems to be no soul in the class, and I am so bored...]

[Li Zheng: Are you eager to relax? 】

[Zhang Xiaoke: No, I want to study and feel like I can go to a better school. 】

[Li Zheng: Then wait a moment, I will send you a few sets of exercises. 】

[Zhang Xiaoke: Well, I’ll finish it for you on Monday. 】

[Li Zheng: I'm so uncomfortable with your performance...]

[Zhang Xiaoke: Are you afraid of being overtaken? 】

[Li Zheng: You think too much. There are at least 50 Jiang Qinghuas between us. 】


[Jiang Qinghua: Well, everyone is encouraging you, let me say something disappointing. 】

[Jiang Qinghua: There are days outside, there are people outside, the blow is inevitable, adjust the mentality as soon as possible, don’t be too heavy for too long, it is too difficult to leave, just be normal. 】

[Li Zheng: Thank you for your concern, I am very happy. By the way, how about Lin Yuejing these days? 】

[Jiang Qinghua: ...Why do you have to ask me? 】

[Li Zheng: Trustworthy. 】

[Jiang Qinghua: …Well, she also took leave, as if she was studying physics at home by herself. 】

[Li Zheng: Very good, then I let her another month. 】


[Xu Mengxi: I wanted to cheer in person, but you are not there, then-cheer >_<! 】

[Li Zheng: Thank you Ms. Mengxi, I like chemistry more and more. 】

[Xu Mengxi: Ha! Is it fun to think about the reaction process? 】

[Li Zheng: Yes, especially organic, don’t be too cool when forming a ring. 】

[Xu Mengxi: Ah...ah this is it... yes yes yes...]

[Li Zheng: For example, 3-methylindole is very troublesome to synthesize. Do you know phenylhydrazine? 】

[Xu Mengxi: Oops... don’t disturb you to sleep, come on>><! 】


In addition, Qiao Bixia, Liu Xin, Qiao Sheng and Hu Chunmei also wished success.

Of course, what is really enthusiastic is the learning and sharing group that Li Zheng established when he sold the teaching materials.

Now, there are already nearly 200 alumni here, even the junior high school is involved.

The group name didn't even know which one was changed to "Mingzhen Base".

Everyone's group business cards have become magical.

[My whole person is stunned: Tomorrow Li Shen leaves the provincial team, what do you guys say wow early! 】

Li Zheng's eyes glared. Isn't this Husky head picture Zhang Xiaoke?

The following responded one after another.

[Li Shen is awesome! 】

[After entering the country, I will buy 20 more textbooks! 】

【Li Shen hasn't posted a question for several days, it's uncomfortable. 】

[Hey, addicted to chemistry, ignore us. 】

Li Zheng's hands tickled.

[Li Zheng: The first time I saw this request, I met you. 】

[Li Zheng: "Comprehensive Explanation of Middle School Textbooks" (29 volumes), "University Entrance Examination Review Lecture Book Almighty Book", "5.3 Questions", "College Entrance Examination Helps Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" set "1000 Cases of Physics Essential Questions for College Entrance Examination..."

[I was wrong Li Shen...Don’t dare anymore...]

[My whole person is stunned: Master, you have the ability to carry a national fund... I will come back to the top ten of the country, and I will buy it all! 】

[Crouching crouching...what a shameless grandma...]

[Can’t afford it...]

[Li Zheng: I didn’t have such a high goal, but for your sake, I’m willing to fight. 】

[My whole person is stunned: This... the first five, is it possible? 】

[Li Zheng: Save your money first. Those above are all down. Maybe you can buy a car. 】

[My whole person is stunned: Discuss again (;′??Д??`)]

At the same time, Dragon Ball Group is also eager to try.

However, the discussions there are more utilitarian, mainly to guess how many signings there are in this training session. The group owner Ou Xingzhuo is using the experience of previous years to pretend to beep. Shi Yang shouted in the middle that his stomach hurts, and it is gone. Below.

Li Zheng put down his phone and started tossing and turning.

It took ten o'clock, and still not asleep.

I'm not too calm...

Obviously not nervous at all, strange.

When he was tossing and turning, he always took a glance at his mobile phone to see if there were any missing blessings.

During this period, Wangcai still jumped into bed and walked around for about several days without being rubbed.

Li Zheng is thus caught in the cycle of turning over → going to the toilet → licking the cat.

Until 11 o'clock, he was still in a daze holding Wang Cai.


The phone rang suddenly.

Li Zheng instantly threw Wangcai five meters away and grabbed his mobile phone.

【Lin Yuejing:~】

Li Zheng raised his lips.

Then it took three minutes and forty seconds to reply.

[Li Zheng: You wake me up. 】

[Zheng Li: I’m here to disturb at this late hour. Do you want to influence me not to enter the provincial team? 】

【Lin Yuejing:~】

[Li Zheng: You have taken a few days off to study physics at home, I know. 】

[Lin Yuejing: (Cruel)]

[Lin Yuejing: I heard that I have the opportunity to sign a contract with the Chemical Institute. 】

[Li Zheng: Yeah. 】

【Lin Yuejing:~】

[Li Zheng: Why, are you jealous? If you want to come, just say, now may be too late. 】

[Lin Yuejing: hate chemistry (cover your face and cry)]

[Lin Yuejing: If you can sign, will you sign? 】

[Li Zheng: Well, Jida University is indeed a good school, and chemistry is also an ace subject. 】

[Lin Yuejing: Sign or not sign? (fierce)】

[Li Zheng: Why, you care about this matter? 】

[Lin Yuejing: (whistle)]

[Lin Yuejing, I will ask. 】

[Li Zheng: Let me talk about it later. I’m going to sleep, don’t disturb me. 】

[Lin Yuejing: Don’t you dislike chemistry? 】

[Li Zheng: I suddenly like it. 】

[Lin Yuejing: stunned pig's trotters! Slag Slag Slag! 】

[Lin Yuejing: I wish you zero points in the experiment! 】

[Lin Yuejing: Sleep! 】

After contending with Lin Yuejing, Li Zheng put down his phone and felt comfortable and had some drowsiness.

Are you going to thistle or elite?

Are you going to the College of Physics or the College of Chemistry?

Hey, it's really troublesome.

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