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Bell Bell Bell-

In the ringtone, Tang Zhifei stepped into the classroom with the lesson plan.

After standing up and saying hello to the standard process, Tang Zhifei looked down at the outline of the lesson as usual, and habitually raised his hands and wiped his hair and wiped his ears.

At this time, looking at Tang Zhifei, who was so serious, the students would enjoy it, and seemed to smell a scent of fragrance.

Only Li Zheng didn't move at all, as if he was struggling against something.

During the confrontation, Tang Zhifei suddenly raised his head and glared over.

Li Zheng shivered.

I think about it, you know?

Mind reading?

Tang Zhifei saw that Li Zheng was trembling, and he was also trembling.

In fact, she didn't think much at all, but just saw Li Zheng's reaction and felt very bad.

Haven’t seen you for so long, can’t you think of something else in your mind?

Even so, Tang Zhifei was not able to curse people because of this incident, so he had to suppress his discomfort.

"Although I have praised it on the radio, I still have to praise it in the class, especially there is another thing."

Tang Zhifei said he took out a letter.

"This is the preliminary competition for chemical competition. Shi Yang, the city's first winner, wrote a letter of commendation with his father."

"When doing inter-class exercises, it will be read by the whole school. I will only summarize the main content here."

"In the chemical competition training, although Li Zheng and Shi Yang are in a competitive relationship, Li Zheng always implements the principle of friendship first. When Shi Yang is seriously unwell, he tries his best to assist Shi Yang and complete his efforts. Training assessment."

"Last night, the principal of the city's first school also contacted the principal of the school and expressed his gratitude. Later, the pennants will be sent, and there will be further communication in the future."

"Although Li Zheng has heard applause many times."

"But let's applaud him again."

Speaking of which, the talent in the class "wow" came out.

Then follow the collective applause of Tang Zhifei.

The previous content, what Shi Yang, what auxiliary assessment and the like, in fact, we do not understand.

But the name of the city's No. 1 school really shocked everyone.

Take martial arts as a metaphor.

This is almost equivalent to the Huashan faction of the famous rivers and lakes surrendering to a certain fishing gang.

In this way, Shi Yang is more or less a figure of the Huashan school's great disciple level.

That is to say, last week, when the chief fisherman of my fishing gang walked the rivers and lakes, he accidentally saved the lives of his disciples.

However, although this kind of thing is amazing.

But learning the first and competition the second is indeed something that Li Zheng did.

This applause also made Li Zheng more ashamed.

But it is just the right thing to do.

I'm afraid it's not Liu Xiaodong, the head of the fishing gang, I really want to climb the relationship of the Huashan School.

After applause, Tang Zhifei arranged his work this week according to the usual practice.

"This week, three things."

"The first is the parent meeting starting at 3:30 this afternoon."

"After class at 3:20, please pack your school bags immediately after school and don’t forget to put the name tag on the seat."

Li Zheng froze for a moment, rubbing Zhang Xiaoke, who was quickly copying the question next to him: "How come I don't even know?"

"If your parents notify you, your parents will do it." Zhang Xiaoke suddenly asked, "Who will your parents come from?"

"I don't feel like coming..."

On the stage, Tang Zhifei raised his second finger, and his tone suddenly rose.

"Second, the two school committees haven't done any work since they were class cadres."

"I don't expect any more from you."

"Just ask you to write a set of concise learning methods for various subjects before noon."

"It is possible to synthesize the opinions of representatives of various subjects."

"I will copy and distribute at the parent meeting for your reference."

This time, Li Zheng and Lin Yuejing were both trembling.

Tang Zhifei was angry.

"Finally, I can feel everyone's slack after the due exam."

"If we continue, our class will soon be beaten back to the original form during the monthly exam."

"In view of the outstanding results of Li Zheng and Lin Yuejing, the average score of our class actually has no great reference value."

"Although I really hope to accompany every student who is sitting until the third year of high school."

"But from an objective standpoint, after the placement test at the end of the second year of high school, Li Zheng and Lin Yuejing, the third year of high school is bound to enter the key class."

"I also hope that our class will be as much as possible, and squeeze more people into the key class."

"Although not willing, the selection test is still our educational theme, and academic qualifications are also the basis of your future life."

At this point, Tang Zhifei focused on the head.

"So, anyone who is sitting, as long as you are determined."

"I will do my best to help you enter the key class."

"I hope to see your determination in the monthly exam."

Tang Zhifei's words were full of determination.

But still did not cover the faint unwillingness.

The class is silent.

No one applauded and no one agreed.

There is only a touch of sadness.

This is probably the sorrow of the ordinary class teacher.

After working hard to cultivate the best students, he had to watch him go to the key class.

The harder you cultivate, the more pleasant the result, and the more you lose.

Given the atmosphere is so sad.

Li Zheng took the initiative to raise his hand.

"Just don't talk." Tang Zhifei immediately raised his arm and twisted his face. "I know what you are going to say,'make our class into a key class','the whole class is admitted to the key class', right? This? It’s unrealistic, you have to say it yourself after class."

"No." Li Zheng said, "For me, no matter which class teaches the same, I said to Principal Liu that he would not change the class, he probably would not have any opinions, so don't be so sad, Mr. Tang, I will Stayed..."

Suddenly, there were coaxes.



"Brother Li is righteous enough!"

"Well!" Lin Yuejing got up in bed.

Looking at Li Zheng.

There are only two big characters in my eyes-


She immediately lifted her watch and said, "I like Teacher Tang, and I won't leave."

This time, the noise was louder.

You make it clear.

Do you just like Teacher Tang?

Zhang Xiaoke also raised his hand: "If they don't go, I won't go either."

Jiang Qinghua had no choice but to raise his watch: "I am willing to be Mr. Tang's monitor forever."

Liu Yuexuan, who was shy on weekdays, also nodded excitedly: "Me too, to be Teacher Tang's class representative."

Tang Zhifei scared his face, turned his back, and shook his hand hard: "No, no, don't do it! This is not your own business. Parents should be in a hurry to do this, and the school must be in a hurry. Isn’t this a blatant provocation? In the end, it will still let me do the work, don’t hurt me!"

Li Zheng immediately nodded and said, "Don't panic, over there at the school, I'll talk."

"Shut up!" Tang Zhifei said with his eyes wiped from his back. "If you speak again, you will be fined!"

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