Demon Development System

Chapter 182: Forget it

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Late at night, Li Zheng and Shi Yang went to bed, and suddenly someone ring the doorbell again.

"Me, Zhou Yi." The person outside said.

The two got up again and got up to open the door, sitting together like before.

There is no doubt that Zhou Yi came to comfort Li Zheng.

It was inconvenient during the public meeting. Now that I have finished cooking, I just come over.

He also uses the emotional transfer method, but not as vulgar as Shi Yang.

After all, the future is still long, and Icho can only be regarded as a small node.

There used to be many "gods", legendary figures like cobalt gods and deity gods.

Today, they are not all in the field of chemistry, and some even become unpopular artists. Who knows the future?

Naturally, Li Zheng is also grateful again and again. Zhou Yi has already worked so hard and labored, and he is also worried about his emotions. I really don’t know what to say.

"Otherwise..." Zhou Yi raised an eyebrow at last and suddenly turned out a piece of paper, "Just sign with me, it's okay to break the contract~"

Li Zheng turned his face quickly.

Mom's chat is still MLM for a long time.


After Zhou Yi was sent away, Li Zheng and Shi Yang lay down separately, neither said anything, but neither fell asleep.

I don't know how long after that, Shi Yang spoke first.



"Hmm..." Shi Yang sighed, "Although that thing has passed, the result is the same, but I am still unhappy, you are 9 points higher than the third... 9 points, two full grades."

"Okay, stop talking."

"I'll just say that." Shi Yang pursed his lips tightly. "You can see it, Zhou Chenghuan is also very unwilling... It can be said that if we two go to Prague, the team champion is definitely stable. As a result, a 90 The points were replaced by 78 points... fuck..."

"The rules are the rules, the rules that were set long before we came." Li Zheng was lying on his back, pillowing his hands, "President Zhou said, it will be changed soon, we just happened to be stuck at the improved node. ."

"Yes, I know this." Shi Yang gritted his teeth. "I dream about you, me, Dongyang, taking the top three, three red flags, three national anthems...fuck...fuck...fuck...''

"Come on slowly, I'm asleep." Li Zheng turned his back. "The car at seven tomorrow morning, get up early."

"I...hey..." Shi Yang turned his back, but at the same time he clutched the quilt, "Forget it."

"What?" Li Zheng asked.

"It's okay, sleep."


Li Zheng did not know.

Shi Yang is actually brewing bigger things.

after all.

He was the spoiler who threw a large amount of sodium into the pit.


Monday, December 24.

Whether it is a department store or a restaurant, the merchants have already set the Christmas theme.

In fact, it is nothing more than the old man and the tree.

But Yinghu Middle School is a different scene.

At the door, there is a huge red banner——

【Warmly Celebrate Li Zheng's Winning the National Chemistry Olympiad】

The newspapers and bulletin boards in the school also have relevant news and student articles.

And related news related news-

[Liu Xiaodong: We are confident to build a strong competitive school. 】

[Even buy Karma, buy it! Encyclopedia of learning materials recommended by Li Zheng. 】

[High school chemical competition team, sincerely invite you who love chemistry. 】

[This school and the city’s first school jointly hold the New Year’s Eve party, and programs for all grades are actively registered! 】

[Yu Hong: "How to Plan Your Road to Chemical Competition"]

[Tang Zhifei: I have special skills for getting along with personality students. 】

This winter, the whole school had a wild chemical storm.

In this season.

The lonely.

It is undoubtedly the group of physics teachers.


No non-numerical physical and chemical.

My major physics, for many years, has been the trump card subject to compete with mathematics.

Unexpectedly, today and now, he was stepped on by his feet.

For a long time to come, I am afraid I can only raise my head in front of the creature.

Tao Feifei, a physics teacher in the second and fourth grades, is undoubtedly the lonely one.

But the reason for her loneliness is not because of the strength of chemistry.

But the 37th blind date failed.

As a young backbone physics teacher at the school, her brain is one-for-one.

The image is not bad and the figure is okay.

But why, under such conditions, have not been able to get married at the age of 29?

Without it, the blame is on this mouth.

There are too many lectures and talks are always like lectures.

Every time a blind date, when the man is distracted, she will subconsciously call the other party to pay attention to listening.

No matter what topic she talks about, she will proceed from the perspective of pure rationality and pure abstraction. The amount of information is huge. Normal people will doubt her IQ after listening to three sentences.

Pretending to be stupid and selling pure, Tao Feifei has not tried it.

But she always looks stiff.

For example, on one occasion, a blind date with an IT male, the other endlessly bragging about big projects that he had done.

Tao Feifei worked hard to make an expression of admiration, saying something like "really powerful", "you are so courageous", "I can be as smart as you".

But after a short chat, the man lowered his head and left the checkout.

After the last inquiry, the other party told him: "I feel like I was despised by yin and yang."

In short, it is difficult.

Smart women show that they can't win the favor of men.

Playing silly, she won't.

Good men always prefer to stay natural.

Almost, she couldn't pass her level again.

It's too difficult, a smart, beautiful and knowledgeable woman, too difficult.

With a heavy heart, Tao Feifei ate lunch alone, returned to the teaching building alone, and walked to the office alone.

When she walked to the office door, the door was wide open.

She should return to her desk to do her homework as usual.

But this time, she froze.

Just because she saw a man.

Specifically, it is the back of a man.

The back of a man sitting in her chair looking down at the book.

This man, dressed in a sculpting leather jacket, combed up with a **** short split.

Tao Feifei couldn't help covering her heart, choking for a while.

Could it be the one Mr. Tang said... Dr. Returned Macho?

Thinking of this, Tao Feifei was tense for a moment.

No, I didn't make up well.

Clothes are also worn casually.

She subconsciously shrank back and hid outside the door frame.

Heart, thump thumped.

Blind date so many times, the heartbeat has never been so intense.

In a trance, she had a feeling of seeing netizens in college.

It is the kind of careful thinking that you arrive at the appointed place in advance and secretly observe the other party.

Tao Feifei busy raised his breath again, revealing half of his head to peep.

As a physics teacher, even from this point of view, he can analyze the man's height is about 1.8 meters, his figure is strong, his hips are still very warped.

At the same time, you can probably see that this man is looking through English books.

It turned out to be the returnee!

What made Tao Feifei even more excited was that there was a large suitcase next to it.


Why did you rush to see me as soon as you returned home?

Am I... so good...

Should I go home and put on makeup and change a set of clothes?

Just when she hesitated.

The man closed the book and sighed and got up.

Seems to go?

No way!

Tao Feifei's eyes were red and anxious.

She hurriedly took care of her hair.

While she was preparing, the man's phone in the room suddenly rang.

The man quickly connected.

"Yes, I'm back."

"Sorry, I can't go to Prague."

"Well, come directly to the school."

"There are important things."

"Yes, because of that."

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I don't want to delay for a second."

"I must get a reply from Teacher Tao."

"Okay, see you that evening."

At the door, Tao Feifei was about to explode.

Is it so urgent?

Must get a reply from teacher Tao?

My beauty photo is so touching?

For me, even the most important job opportunities in Prague have been refuted?

The emotions are already so strong.

Tao Feifei could not bear it.

As soon as he slammed the door frame, he plunged into the office.

"The answer is yes, I can anytime!"

This time, she faced her heart and chose unrestrained.

This remark came out.

The macho turned back.

Li Zheng looked at Tao Feifei's blushing face and glared, "Is it about to start tutoring the physics competition now? Teacher Tao turned out to be more anxious than me, wonderful!"


Tao Feifei also glared, almost glaring off her glasses.

It screamed out after a long time in situ.

"Li...Li Zheng?"

"It's me..." Li Zheng embarrassedly raised the neckline of his leather jacket. "I didn't get home after getting off the train. I didn't come to the school and the class didn't enter, so I came to you. I couldn't think of you being so impatient. , Why not start now."

" youyou..." Taufifei's eyes became more red, tragic, and he flicked his hands to point out the door. "You give me out!"

"Ah?" Li Zheng froze for a moment, but soon realized that he only humbled his head and sighed, "I understand... It's a violation of discipline to dress like this? Then I'll go home and put on my school uniform again..."

"'re not in a hurry to get back to work, why do you rush to find me?"

"There are important things to ask."

"Uh..." Tao Feifei grabbed her hair a few times, and then walked angrily to the table and sat down, grabbing the homework hard, and violently criticizing the pen, "Something, say it."

Li Zheng stood beside her, relieved, and then began to speak.

"Is there a rule that only one person can be selected per province in the IPHO national team?"

"What stuff?"

"Does the IPHO national team require several players to come from different provinces?"

"..." Tao Feifei stiffened his hands and turned to look at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng also looked at her without a word.

Tao Feifei paused for a long time before sighing, and pulled a chair to let Li Zheng sit down and took off his glasses and asked.

"The results of Guoji come out?"


"Your ranking?"


"The first is Jijing's?"


"...How much do you lead?"


"...Then... no wonder." Tao Feifei's expression gradually slowed, patting Li Zheng's shoulder, "It's really hard work for such a long time, this kind of result, you are working hard."

After all, she put on her glasses again, filled with gods, and nodded to Li Zheng: "With a hundred hearts, IPHO does not have this, as long as the strength is strong enough, the five national team members are all one school and one. Any class is fine."

Li Zheng's expression calmed down and murmured secretly, "That's good."

"Wouldn't you..." Tao Feifei looked up and down at Li Zheng with a smile, "I really plan to play IPHO with Lin Yujing?"

"Just think about this possibility in advance." Li Zheng just finished, and shook his head again, smirking out, "Forget it - yes, that's how I planned."

"Oh, you are really too small to look at things." Tao Feifei's mouth was crooked, "Li Zheng, although you have achieved very good results in chemistry, but I still want to hit you, we To tell the truth, from my judgment, Lin Yuejing is much stronger than you."

Li Zheng nodded steadily: "Yes, I admit this."

"It's not that you are poor, you are already very good, your physics can be ranked in the top five among the students I have taught, mainly..." Taufifei stared at the front, revealing that he could not hide Marvel.

"Lin Yuejing is really not like an individual..."

"You know, physics has developed for so long, and now those subtle problems and solutions are optimized and improved by generations of scholars so far."

"You can't directly give the optimal solution without counseling."

"But Lin Yuejing...just."

"I can't understand...but she can do it."

"Every time she did a question, it seemed like she had planted a seed."

"You don't have to do anything, you just need to sleep, you can extend countless branches."

"Besides genius, I can't find any other words."

"I had planned for three months of special training, and she completed it in a week and a half."

"Now we are already attacking the experiment ahead of time."

"Through this time of understanding, I must admit."

"She does have the potential to enter the national training team."

Tao Feifei said at the end, looking at Li Zheng intently.

"As for you, it is good to have ambitious goals, but be prepared to fail. Math and physics are really behind. It is really a battle of geniuses. 99.999% of the brain is not even qualified to watch the battle. This gap is equivalent to Ordinary calculator and 8-core Core processor."

She intended to let Li Zheng be sensible and cool down in advance, so that even if she suffered setbacks in the future, it would not be too uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, this fire is growing stronger.

"Teacher Tao." Li Zheng nodded his head fiercely. "Relax, my brain is not normal."

"...No...I didn't mean that..."

"Okay, let's get started." Li Zheng rubbed his hands to lift his luggage. "I have prepared a lot of reference books."

"Now? No, no..." Tao Feifei waved his hands, "Lin Yujing and Qinghua Qing started at 4 pm. You can come back at 4 pm. Now I have something else."

"Okay." Li Zheng got up and picked up the suitcase, and said, "I tell you in advance, I am still very low now, and I will only be able to reach the qualifying qualifying points."

"If you haven't prepared it, it's okay." Tao Feifei picked up the ballpoint pen again. "Lin Yujing's current level is probably steady into the provincial team."

"Shuang." Li Zheng raised her lips and walked out of the suitcase. "Starting today, I won't let her."

"Right." Tao Feifei suddenly raised his head, "You have the opportunity, and persuade Jiang Qinghua, he is too difficult."



After leaving the physics teaching and research team, Li Zheng's second stop was still not returning to work.

Instead, carry the box upstairs.

All the way to the fourth floor.

In the meantime, the students in the corridor were very panicked.

His face was full of questions about "Who is this handsome?"

Li Zheng walked all the way to the gate of the first grade of the third year of high school, put his suitcase, and stepped in.

The people in the classroom were talking and laughing, and suddenly they saw such a thing break in, and they immediately stopped and collectively stopped.

In the doldrums of the audience, Li Zhengjing walked to Xu Mengxi's table.

Xu Mengxi, as usual during the lunch break, was still holding a chinchilla pillow and slept.

Li Zheng only smiled, and then took out the gold medal of the brilliant national decision, put the strap quietly behind her neck, and the gold medal was silently placed in front of the table.

In this way, she woke up and naturally found that the gold medal was crowned.

Li Zheng turned around and left, Qiao Bixia in the back row opened his mouth and pointed, "Li Li Li Li..."

"Hush." ​​Li Zheng raised his hand and made a sound-collecting gesture, blinked. "Let's talk again."

"...Are you provoking me?" Qiao Bixia's tiger body shocked, his fists swelled, and he grinned fiercely, "Someday I haven't taught you kid, it's uncomfortable."

"Then you should be mentally prepared. My physical strength now is half an hour without breathing." After Li Zheng's words, he went out and confessed to the people around him, "Don't disturb her."

In despair, he had left the classroom.

Until Li Zheng pulled the suitcase away, the talents in the class reacted to what happened.

"That's Li Zheng?"

"How is it like the Terminator?"

"Isn't it time to invent the time machine?"

"It's over, it's a macho!"

"Gold Medal... Really for Mengxi?"

Amidst the noise, Xu Mengxi changed his posture angrily, muttering drunkenly.

Thistle big thistle big thistle big...

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