Demon Development System

Chapter 185: Four-character mantras to keep in mind

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After changing clothes in a hurry, Jiang Qinghua was blocked from the door, behind seven or eight teachers such as Liu Xiaodong, Sun Xiubin, and Tang Zhifei. He could only gritt his teeth and watch the swing in the classroom.

The theme of the show is undoubtedly Li Zheng, who is "seriously studying."

And the whole shooting process is very pretentious.

During this process, Yu Hong and Tang Zhifei also pretended to give a few minutes of lectures.

Every student listened to the lecture straightly and carefully, and it was very disgusting.

Li Zheng was also very sick.

Lin Yuejing was even more disgusting, and he tried hard not to fall asleep.

But behind this, there are more disgusting.

That is to visit alone.

In order to appear natural, everyone has to stay in the classroom, pretending to be a classroom.

Li Zheng stood in a convenient location and was interviewed.

Every word he said would be clearly heard by the class, and it was very shameful.

But even with such shame, Li Zheng gave the principal a face, and said as much as possible that this was the credit of the school and the teacher. I just studied normally.

Originally, these questions and answers are all nonsense and nonsense, and are the kind of words that all competition champions and college entrance examination champions will say.

But when asked a question, Li Zheng unconsciously took it seriously.

"So Li Zheng, will your future goals be related to chemistry?" Ms. reporter asked.

Li Zhengdan replied: "It is not necessarily related to chemistry, but it must be related to scientific research."

"Oh? Why are you so sure?" The reporter came to interest. "You might go abroad, you might enter a business, or start your own business. How can you be so sure that you will engage in scientific research? Is this your goal since childhood?"

Li Zheng faced the camera with relief.

Occasionally, say the truth once.

Unconsciously, his expression sharpened.

The reporter hasn't had time to react yet, the macho has spoken:

"Most viewers will only see such a news--"

"Someone in our city won the first place in the National Chemistry Competition."

"The audience will see the cultivation of the school, my efforts, the help of the teacher, etc. from the news."

"But these are actually not the most fundamental factors."

"There is only one fundamental factor--"


Hearing this, the reporter began to panic.

Teachers and classmates also panicked.

But after all, it wasn't too panic.

And Li Zheng has now entered the time of truth that "whatever you want to say".

"Competition champions are not made out of thin air."

"The country smashed it with money."

"A chemical competition, from the preliminary round to the final, to the training and international finals."

"Organizational costs, tens of millions."

"This is not counting the energy input and time preparation of so many teachers across the country."

"Now, I won the championship and I will definitely enter a famous school in the future."

"A university student of a prestigious school, the country's annual investment is also in the millions."

"Counting my family's investment, and the state's investment in my compulsory education stage."

"My so-called competition champion starts in elementary school and graduates from college."

"Educational funds eaten will not be less than 5 million."

"At the same time, I also occupy the top educational resources in the country."

"Indeed, I have had my own efforts to break through the layers of selection to have these."

"But I know very well that these were not given to me by God, but by the whole society."

"Of course... God did give me something...but the society gave me more..."

"Forget about deleting this paragraph, I will say again..."

"...Is given to me by the whole society."

"Without the collective, there would be no me."

"This is the birth of a competition champion, this is me."

"As a lucky person who has received so many opportunities."

"I just want to do things that only I can do."

"Whether going abroad or starting a business, everyone can have their own choice, but that's not my first choice."

"My choice is to stay here, step by step towards the better me."

"Be the only one I am."

"Hug the more real one."

"So, I'm going to engage in things...I am interested in scientific research."

"Just, this is also the best way for me to give back to the collective."

"That's it, this is what I really think."


"By the end, add it."

"I hate benefit-based socializing and like everyone to discuss and study together."


"Wait... and--"

"I love physics."


"Well, finished."


"It's really finished this time, you can ask the next question."

The people in the classroom took a long time to relax.

Ms. reporter swallowed a lot of saliva before saying: " paragraph...We have to go back and digest it, we can't guarantee to broadcast..."

"It's okay, I've talked about it for the convenience." Li Zheng nodded and smiled. "It's almost time to interview other classmates and teachers?"

"Yes... almost..." Under the guidance of Li Zheng, the reporter also put down the microphone for the time being, "What did you just say... did you think it yourself?"

"Yes, my brain is faster." Li Zheng nodded his head. "It's not actually playing on the spot. It's equivalent to thinking about an hour or so...It's almost the intensity of Chinese writing."

"Oh? Is your language good?"

"Sloppy, the composition is acceptable."

"It is not convenient for that party to provide one or two excellent compositions. Let's dig in."

"Okay, my favorite composition is "Game of Great Powers-Beyond the Light Cone..."

The title of the composition didn't have time to finish, Tang Zhifei had already been killed.

"Okay, okay, interview me, I am the class teacher."

Tang Zhifei was sweating and stopped in front of Li Zheng to stop the dangerous speech.

"But..." Ms. reporter is still a little curious, and she wants to communicate with Li Zheng, "at least name the composition..."

Tang Zhifei naturally would not give her a chance, in order to force Li Zheng away, he turned around and put a key in him.

"Go to the music classroom." Tang Zhifei rushed to Lin Yuejing at the same time, "Lin Yuejing, the music teacher looked for."

Lin Yuejing was also immersed in Li Zheng's speech on neuropathy.

Hearing this, immediately "huh?" came out.

music teacher?

Our school, and this person?

Although it is very strange, it is excellent to be able to avoid the camera after all, and Lin Yuejing took his orders.

As soon as the two left the classroom, Liu Xiaodong, who was secretly observing at the door, greeted him.

"It's hard work, go to rehearse the show."

Although the words behind Li Zheng are somewhat hardcore, all the scenes that should be said have been said before. Liu Xiaodong was also very pleased, and would be happy to let Li Zheng and Lin Yuejing go to the music classroom alone.

Therefore, under the leadership of the principal, other teachers also gave way unconsciously.

Only Jiang Qinghua in the rear, with a look of surprise and coldness: "Program? You two have a program? When..."

"Okay, don't think about it." Li Zheng walked forward to take off his school uniform. "Come back soon, and I'll interview you if I can."

After all, Li Zheng handed the key to Lin Yuejing: "I will change clothes with Qinghua first, you go to the music classroom and wait for me."

"Music classroom?" Lin Yuejing took the key and was also surprised, "Is there this place?"

"Outside, the small bungalow next to the auditorium." Liu Xiaodong raised his finger and smiled. "Our school's face, please trust you both."

Lin Yuejing narrowed his eyes and felt that things were not simple.

But how do you think, going to the music classroom is more comfortable than staying here to face the camera.

She also reluctantly obeyed.


After changing clothes with Jiang Qinghua, Li Zheng quickly walked out of the teaching building, and Lao Yuan saw the door of the small cottage next to the auditorium open, locking the music classroom.

Li Zheng trot all the way, and when he was almost in front of the door, a piano tune came out of the classroom.

At first it was just a chord accompaniment, a bit lazy, as if looking for a tempo.

At a comfortable time, the main melody cuts in high-profile.

The two melodies are entangled like dancing.

This also gradually slowed Li Zheng's footsteps.

He knows nothing about music.

But after all, a little beauty and ugliness can be heard.

This comfortable, lazy and natural sound of the piano is obviously only a master.

The atmosphere is retro, like the feeling in a small bar cafe.

But at the same time, there is an ethereal romance.

Hearing behind, even music blinds like Li Zheng even shook their heads to taste, and there was a sense of trance floating in the air.


At the end of the music, just when he was immersed in it, the unexpectedly high sweet voice suddenly appeared, which was unexpected.



Sing the song and finish the piano.

With this sudden song, Li Zheng was completely stiff.

This is really...

That's wonderful...

Numbness, goose bumps.

Is it... Lin Yuejing...

Li Zheng walked to the door in front of the wall, and then he stared.

In the classroom, only Lin Yuejing was sitting in front of the piano, swaying his legs and looking at the phone, as if looking for a music score.

"Hah!" Li Zheng jumped in immediately, "Isn't the show so strong?"

"!" Lin Yuejing shivered, instantly closed the piano, and turned to stare at Li Zheng, "overheard?!"

Li Zheng enters the hall with a big laugh: "Don't pretend, isn't it just for me to overhear when playing the piano at this time?"

"..." Lin Yuejing gritted his teeth, unable to scold but wanted to scold.

It's worthy of... a master of emotional intelligence.

Thinking so deeply, I guessed it at once.

Li Zheng, as soon as he entered the music classroom, he searched excitedly.

Ha, I am worried that there is no good program.

Lin Yuejing's piano technique and singing voice are here.

Let's cooperate, are you afraid that you can't open Musou?

"You're so strong, then it's easy to say." Li Zheng said, turning over the drawer in the back of the classroom. "I don't hide from you. When I was in elementary school, I was the chief triangle player of the class chorus team. It just happened to work with you."

"...Three...triangle iron?" Lin Yuejing was startled.

You can say this kind of musical instrument?

"Huh." Li Zheng is very confident. "Because the singing tune is too serious, I can only play the triangle iron during the chorus. This is six years, and I have mastered rattles, cymbals, and so on."

Lin Yuejing looked at Li Zheng, who was content with himself, and suddenly had some pity on him.

It is not pitiful to be forced to play the triangle.

The fight is still very happy, which is very pitiful.

"Hmm..." Lin Yuejing sighed unbearably.

"What's the matter." Li Zheng finally pulled out the triangle iron suit in the drawer inside, picked up the "ding" and knocked, turned around and smiled, "You come to play and solo, I am responsible for the timely "ding". All right."

Lin Yuejing became more sympathetic with Li Zheng.

Because the real reality is whether it is choral or piano performance.

Triangle iron has never been needed.

It is the background board for the total number of people.

After all, Lin Yuejing didn't have the heart to tell the truth, only turned his head and said: "No."

"Oh, don't pretend to do it, and cooperate once in a while." Li Zheng generously walked in the past. "On your playing level, coupled with my beat ability, I will definitely get enough face for the school."

Also beat ability?

Mind your brain, Li Zheng.

So many people chorus.

Who will hear the sound of the triangle iron.

Did your elementary school music teacher lie to you like this?

Lin Yuejing was crying with heartache.

"...I came here just to avoid the interview. I don't want to hear it." Lin Yujing, afraid of being distressed by Li Zheng, quickly put on a cat's ear hood and laid his arms on the piano.

She did not know that this behavior would have a greater impact on Li Zheng.

"Don't...don't..." Li Zheng glared at the cat ears and stiffened again, "Don't wear that..."

"Well?" Lin Yuejing turned his head on his side, alertly touched the top of the hood, and suddenly smiled, "Meow?"

Li Zheng is crazy.

The whole person's face changed.

"Hahaha." Lin Yuejing laughed, "Miaomiaomiao."

"Enough... Enough is enough..." Li Zheng turned back suddenly, scolding the triangle iron, "Why are you so bored?"

"Haha, let me perform again, I will meow."

"..." Li Zheng asked back unwillingly, "Then... at least tell me, what was the song just now."

Lin Yujing giggled: "I don't know, it's a music idiot, meow."

"Don't add weird tongues!"

"Meow? Just you, want to control me, meow."

"..." Li Zheng shrugged his face and turned back, "I will give the rocket model away when I go back, and send it to Jiang Qinghua!"

"Don't!" Lin Yuejing quickly removed his hood in fright and got up nervously, "No more trouble."

"Humph." Li Zheng then turned around and took a chair to sit down, wiped his saliva, and asked seriously, "I don't talk about the performance, I just want to know what the song is."

Li Zheng thought very clearly at this time, if Lin Yuejing refused to perform, he could only do it himself.

When I just played the triangle iron, I have popped up the [music performance] relaxation prompt. The instruments on the scene have skills to buy with coins.

Although he can easily become a master player, he is still an idiot of musical knowledge and does not know any outstanding music at all.

Therefore, if possible, he wanted to choose the song he had just heard, and he felt right.

Lin Yuejing saw Li Zheng being so determined, and thinking of him so pitiful, he finally couldn't bear to bully him again.

"Just that, did you like it?" Lin Yuejing asked, looking out the window. "Like there?"

"Well, I like..." Li Zheng brewed for a long time before shaking his head. "Unclear, just like, I want to say... Do you believe in the smell of space?"

"!!!" Lin Yuejing burst into shock.

Space flavor!

This... this can be tasted?

"Oh?" Li Zheng was excited when he saw the hair, "I'm right?"

"Monkeyed!" Lin Yuejing hurriedly straightened her hair. "The song title is "FlyMeToTheMoon", check it yourself."

Li Zheng suddenly glared at the song title.


The artistic conception of this song title is actually very difficult to translate. If you forcefully translate it, it might be "Take Me to the Moon".

No wonder empty inspiration is so strong, no wonder it is so soft and romantic.

Although it has produced so many, Li Zheng did not know that this song became famous in the golden age of space in the last century. Even as the Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon, it became the first and only song outside of humanity. Songs played on the planet.

However, Li Zheng didn't know for a while, and he knew it within half a minute.

Thanks to the Internet, thanks to search engines.

He also found that there are countless cover versions of this song.

He also opened it to appreciate.

Wonderful is wonderful.

But after all, it is still not as good as Lin Yuejing just those two.

At least Li Zheng's own aesthetic is like this.

After listening to several versions, he sighed and put away his phone. He leaned forward and asked, "Don't pull you to perform, play again and sing it again, okay? I still like your version."

Lin Yuejing heard a tremble, turned back to the piano in a panic, and stiffly said, "I... how can a professional singer sing well..."

"Don't be humble, let's have a paragraph."

"Not coming!"

"I can give you a soundtrack."

"Get off!"

Li Zheng looked at Lin Yuejing's stiff back, his eyes turned.

Emotional intelligence launched.

It has just been confirmed that Lin Yuejing played at that time specifically to let himself hear.

Now all kinds of rejections.

Obviously, it is women who have different opinions.

Looking closely at her back, she seems to be snickering and smirking.

It seems to be waiting for himself to ask in a low voice.

No, in this situation, continuing to plead will only fall on the downside.

Just like Lao Li.

For Lin Yuejing, the real way is nothing more than the four-character mantra—

Can't get used to it.

After thinking about this festival, Li Zheng deliberately yawned a huge yawn: "Hoo... Then forget it, I went to score Jiang Qinghua's flute."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Yuejing shuddered visibly.

"...With...with you"

Although she said so, her momentum was obviously much weaker.

So, should Li Zheng take the plan and go out to find Jiang Qinghua?

of course not.

The enemy retreats and the enemy retreats.

The essence of arrogance lies in the fact that false indulgence is true.

If it's really gone now, it's just a simple indulgence.

In the end there was nothing but Jiang Qinghua.

So, the only correct way is-

"I wanted to give you the soundtrack so I could sing this song." Li Zheng seduces, "Do you want to listen to my triangle iron first? Very different."

"Don't take the triangle iron, it's so pitiful..." After Lin Tangjing got tangled up, he finally grabbed the corner of the clothes and squeezed out. "Just... wouldn't it be another musical instrument?"

"Oh?" Li Zheng narrowed his eyes. "What can I do, I can practice."

"Guitar is the's too late, it's five days." Lin Yujing sighed on the piano, stroking the board, "I don't want to help the school, I mainly play and sing at the same time. , I can't do it well either."

She didn't notice that when talking, Li Zheng had pulled the guitar case from the top of the cabinet in the corner of the classroom.

What a magical music classroom.

Although it is never used, it has everything.

Li Zheng hugged the dusty piano box twice, and lifted it away without wiping it.

Inside the box was a wood-colored acoustic guitar, which could not be seen as good or bad, but the strings were so loose that he reached out and could hardly make any sound.

Lin Yuejing heard the movement and turned back suddenly.

"What are you doing..."

Li Zheng caressed the strings, his face covered with a sly smile: "Why, are you afraid?"

"No...impossible, aren't you just a triangle iron?"

"I didn't say "only" will." Li Zhengmeng raised his arm, "You go to find the score, I will adjust it."

Lin Yuejing's face burst into flames at once.


is that a lie……

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