Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 109: Two Shapes of Harmony

In the early morning, two fast-paced figures suddenly emerged from the white mist in the giant wooded forest of St. Dawn's College.

“Almost there. ”

Suddenly, a figure in front of him flew upwards, until he reached the crown position of a giant tree and stopped.

“What's almost there? ”

The person behind him had a slight asthma and immediately asked after following the first person.

The eastern sky, just as the sun rises, faint, not yet dazzling sunlight falls on the two people on the top of the tree.

One of them looked more sophisticated than the other, and the other one looked more enthusiastic and aggressive, just Lin Lorraine and Erin.

“I mean, all the movements of your body at high speeds are almost as good as mine. When you were chasing me at first, a lot of the time when you were dodging some branches, or sideways, twisting your body through some small gaps, your body seemed very unwieldy, but now I don't think you'd feel unwieldy when you did those moves yourself.” Lynn Lorraine turned to look at Erin, and half her face was golden with sunlight, "Erin, you are a genius, your body seems to have memories, lots of moves and tricks, just look at it once, your body seems to automatically remember and learn. ”

“Really? I think it's genius to open two surgery doors very quickly, like Stingham.” Erin looks a little frustrated, "and I still can't catch up with you. ”

“It's really beautiful to see the sunrise here!” But then Erin looked at the rising sun in the distant mountains and couldn't bear another cheer.

Lin Lorraine also turned to watch the sun rise, “Why do you seem to particularly like the sun and especially like watching the sunrise? You say that every day, it's been four days. ”

“That's because in our Cololin mining area, I dig in the mine every day, and I only see the sun until I enter the mine in the morning. A lot of the time, coming out of the mine, it was almost evening, and the sun was setting.” Erin grabbed her hair with embarrassment and said, "Probably because she used to look too little, so now she feels particularly beautiful. ”

“Now I can see the sunrise every day, I can be exposed to the warm ocean sun, as if I have been reminded that those particularly hard and tragic days have passed, and every day will be better.” After a pause, Erin said another sentence.

“Past hard and miserable days have passed, and every day will be better and better than before?” Lynn Lorraine thought of Erin's words and stayed a long time.

“Erin, you've learned a lot about your body movements, you've learned what kind of dodging action is most reasonable in high-speed movements, and your body has to practice doing some very twisted movements without feeling unwieldy.” When the sun started to get particularly dazzling, Lin Lorraine turned her head and looked at Erin and said seriously, "There are two other important reasons why you can't keep up with me. ”

“Two other important reasons?” Erin shrugged.

“Yes,” Lin Lorraine nodded, saying, “The first reason is that while we were moving at full speed, I kept the granules under my feet. So when I want to use the technique, the granules will flow right out of the bottom of my foot, so that I can always move faster than you. Although our elf blood is naturally much more physically coherent and agile than the average person, many elf blood magicians have known for important reasons at absolute speed since the Dragon War era, which is because most families of elf blood have this habit. ”

“How could I not have thought of that!” Erin immediately shouted excitedly, "which could indeed reduce the amount of time that the technical particles flowed from the portal to the bottom of the foot! Although the time is short, there is a big difference in the instant direction! ”

“It's simple, but it also takes a lot of time to practice, and it won't take less than a few days of physical exercise training.” Lynn Lorraine looked at him and said, "Try it now and you'll see. ”

“Really? Let me try!”

Erin's voice had just sounded, and his figure had bounced off several nearby trees like a high-speed rubber ball.

“Really, yeah, if the granules don't control it, it will flow back to the door like blood automatically! ”

“And if it's not well controlled, the feet feel particularly heavy, and there will be surgical particles flowing out of the soles of the feet and the surgical particles will be wasted. ”

After returning instantly to Lin Lorraine, Erin said continuously.

Lin Lorraine nodded, "It's a success to be able to keep the technical particles that can be used at the bottom of your foot all the time, without spilling out, without affecting your normal movement and operation. ”

“It does seem particularly difficult. ”

Erin said this, suddenly remembering something, shook up, “Lin Lorraine, when did you condense the granules? Didn't you condense the granules the last time you fought with Gilbert and them? ”

“Are you sure the queen is aware of that?” Lin Lorraine shook her head helplessly, "I practiced with you these days, using mobile technology, and you just suddenly thought of this. ”

“I've been thinking about practice for a few days, I didn't even think about it. Haha, Lorraine Lin, what a high elf bloodline you really are, you have condensed the surgery particles so quickly. ”

“I do basic exercises a lot earlier than you, and I spend about twice as much time condensing granules as you do, and there's nothing to be proud of.” Turn around, Lin Lorraine. "Well, the technique of controlling the tectonic particles needs to be practiced by yourself, and then we'll talk about the second reason, see this branch? ”

“Why?" Erin followed Lynn Lorraine's gaze and saw a small branch with only a thick thumb.

Lin Lorraine did not speak immediately, but just walked up towards the branch.


Irene screamed incredibly, and he saw the branch shake slightly, and bent down, seemingly breaking at any moment, but the bias didn't break, Lin Lorraine preferred to stand on top.

“How did you do it?” He couldn't help but scream again.

“In fact, a branch like this is not as fragile as you think, and your body is not as heavy as you think.” Lin Lorraine looked at Erin and said quietly and patiently: “We all removed the magician's weight block today, and this branch is perfectly capable of withstanding our strength. ”

“I can't bear it, just because.” Having said this, Lin Laurent suddenly took a step forward.

As he fell, he didn't seem to push too hard, and the little branch at his feet snapped and broke, and he fell on a branch below.

“Is this it?” Erin looked silly, wondering where the difference was at the moment. Because Lin Lorraine walked straight up like that before.

“Just because I stepped on it with a little more energy.” Lin Lorraine looked up at him and went on to explain: “So the branches couldn't bear it, just beyond the weight of our bodies, the impact we gave it. What it cannot bear is what we have given it, from the forces emanating from our bodies. ”

Arryn seemed to be enlightened and nodded continuously.

Lynn Lorraine went on to say, "This is just a more intuitive way to understand the importance of rational control, sometimes stopping our bodies, or suddenly turning and avoiding them, without the power you can imagine. Even if the force is just a little too much, when your body does the next move, it must first eliminate that part of the force that you use more against you, and if you use an extra force in this move, the next move may not have that much power. Strength needs to understand release, but also convergence and control. Our granules are about the same level, and your body strength is much stronger than mine, but I will use it more moderately. ”

“You try to walk through branches that just stand your weight, feel how to control your power, be able to walk up there, but don't break it. ”

“As long as you are able to control the right technical particles well under your feet and grasp every moderate force of action, you will surely be faster than I am. Ability to surpass a level of speed! ”

On another giant tree not far away, Kate, Garland and Donna, Ray and others looked quietly at Lynn Lorraine and Erin.

“The High Elves do have a lot of special things that are simple to say and do to the same extent as people like them who have high Elf blood, but it's just too hard to do it even for us. ”

“I bet Erin can get close or above Lin Lorraine's level. ”

“Kate, no matter what you bet, nobody's gonna bet with you. If they weren't in the right condition, I couldn't help but want to see Donna teach him to burn right away and see if he could learn to burn what's called one of the most difficult techniques. ”

“No wonder you have the guts to go back to the championship field, there are too many freshmen in your world, right? ”

“Anyway, look at the way Lin Lorraine teaches Erin now, like a tough teacher teaching a good student. ”

“My teacher and friend, they are in good shape, so that they can promote each other and progress each other more easily. ”

The shadow of Erin and Lin Lorraine in the sun reminds powerful magicians of these kingdoms of happiness when they were young.

“It's just that Stingham is a bit of a headache.” Kate couldn't bear saying.

“It's always impossible for someone with a higher talent to sail smoothly. Something always happens to make him change.” Ray said slowly.

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