Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 111 Commencement of a Live Mission!

“Multiple surgical effects? ”

“Combined cocktail effect? ”

“The surgical particles bind surgical forces in sixty ways? ”

Over the next few decades, Erin finally figured out why Donna's "burning technique” was one of the most difficult techniques to learn.

This technique is actually to be applied in an instantaneous triple operation, the technical particles in the body flow out of the hands and feet simultaneously, but within three different periods of time, the surgical particles are divided into three parts, spraying out from different parts of the hands and feet, and relying on the fine actions of the hands and feet, so that there are a total of sixty technical particle streams, flowing in different ways outside the body, resulting in differences in binding power, eventually forming a perfect comprehensive effect.

“Some particularly powerful techniques, which are truly meaningful multiplexing techniques, are a series of techniques at extremely fast speeds, the impact of meta-high energy, triggering more intense chain reactions.” Donna looked at Arryn and explained: "This burning technique originated in the Gudovan kingdom when dragon scholars first emerged, and was founded by Knoxharth under the title ’Master Cocktail', who studied the direction of controlling as many strain particles as possible in a technical technique to produce effects that can only be achieved by multiple procedures. The technique he pursued was certainly faster than the true multiplexing, but the consequence was that every technique was particularly difficult for him. After all, it is equivalent to simultaneously implementing one technique, but doing two or three techniques, and it is also particularly delicate. So the vast majority of his skills have not been passed down, and this complex and meticulous kind of researcher has always been small. The mainstream is also a single technology, attracting more research on technical skills. ”

“And this burning technique, legend has it, can only be used by those who possess some sort of surgeon with red dragon, or dragon blood of fire, or other mutant blood that has a special affinity for fire department surgery.” Donna thought about it, or she said it without reservation: “I have some red dragon blood myself... and all I'm saying to you is that I want you to fully understand that if you really don't feel comfortable with this technique, you don't feel that you can use it at all. Then don't be tempted by this technique. Many artists are tempted by the power of some powerful taboo technique. They keep drilling, but they can't learn anything. In the end, they have no achievements in their lives. ”

“I know, if I can't learn, I won't keep drilling inside, anyway, we at Saint Dawn College have a lot of great technical skills to learn.” Erin's a little embarrassed to look at Donna, "it's just Donna. Do you know Mr. Gaylan's technique to make people remember your surgical images? ”

“You mean" spiritual touch "?” Donna shook her head with a slight smile and reached out to Erin with a small scroll: “I can't learn this technique either, but the effect of this technique is to deeply remember the image that just happened in front of me. I will now re-operate, and Galan can help with the spiritual touch. This is what I did to explain the scroll, and you can take a closer look at it. ”

“Mr. Garland, is that okay?” Erin took over the reel and turned around and looked at Garland.

“Let's get started.” Galan smiled slightly and nodded at Erin and Donna.

“Burning! ”

“Divine Deed - Spiritual Touch! ”

At the moment when the white burn reappeared outside Donna, a bundle of technical particles at Galan's fingertips turned into a little dark red flame, hidden in Erin's eyebrows.

A seemingly gentle breeze blew past and blew several dead leaves.

Donna and Garland's expression suddenly got a little serious.

Lister's figure suddenly appeared on a big tree across the street.

“Mission started? ”

Donna completely lost the relaxed look of the previous days and asked directly.

“Here we go.” Lister nodded and extended his hand to pop a smaller scroll directly into front of Garland, "I've had Moss informed and he should be here soon. ”

“I'll see you when the mission starts. ”

Donna waved at Garland and Arryn, just flashing a few times, and she and Lester disappeared completely into Arryn's sight.

“Mr. Garland, as you said the other day, began his mission as a combat technician?” Erin reacted and got excited again.


Garland opened the reel that Lester threw at him, looked carefully, and then the red flame flashed on his hand, burning the reel to ash.

“We're leaving for Windy Canyon soon, too. ”

“Windy Canyon? ”

Erin hasn't had time to ask anything more, and a big figure has swept in.

“Teacher Ming Lu. ”

“Erin Warrior, it looks like he's very ambitious again, but after all, even though he only trained in this way, he's very likely to encounter a real battle. In front of real enemies, any magician is extremely poor and vicious, putting each other in the presence of the dead. You must follow Garland's command in every move. ”

Pause Ming Road in front of Erin and Garland and hand over the three magician's backpacks to Garland while patting Erin's shoulder, he said.

Erin nodded violently: “I know, Teacher Ming Lu, I will definitely listen to Teacher Kalan completely. ”

“Hissing...” At this point, Erin suddenly couldn't help but whip his nose.

“What's the matter?” The road is strange.

“Smells good. Looks like a lot of good food.” Erin said this and waited a while before he saw Moss running in the direction of the canteen carrying two large bags of food.

“I can smell the scent from so far away, I can't smell it from so close, this guy is too sensitive to smell, right?” Ming Lu felt Erin was full of puzzles.

“Morse warrior!” Erin shouted at Moses running over, "Is your limp finally ready? ”

“Erin!” Moses screamed depressingly, "You say the word limp, and I'll throw away all this food right now. ”

Erin was a little strange: "Why, did you buy me all this food? ”

“Why don't you think everyone is a giant eater like you? Now is not the usual training, usually you have been hungry to train, now is the time to go out on a mission, now fill you up a little, you will be better, then the mission will not faint because you can't eat a few meals.” Maureen shouted.

“What, you don't usually eat enough?” Garland frowned, did Kate neglect and Erin's usual cost of living was questionable?

“No, if you feel like you are often starving and then reward yourself with something good for completing any training tasks, you will progress much faster than usual.” Erin explained, "This is the method that Mr. Houston taught me, and it really works. ”

“Keeping your body in a craving state? It's a painstaking technician's practice. You've been doing this all along?” Garland and Ming Lu couldn't help but look at each other and were amazed, "Your diet is so large that you can use your appetite control method to improve your practice speed? ”

“Ha ha, sometimes it's hard to eat this big tree. It's just that when you practice, when you reach your goal, your heart is happier than eating a lot of food. So sometimes it just keeps up the training.” Erin was embarrassed and laughed, "it wasn't able to support many days, I would have had a big meal about every four or five days. ”

Surely only the most unexpected, the most aggressive guy... Galan couldn't help shook his head lightly.

“In that case, Moses is right to remember that the first rule of a magician's mission requires that he or she be adjusted to his or her optimal state of combat before carrying out the mission. Let's go, Erin. Eat while you walk. ”

Having said that, Garland threw away Erin and Moss, respectively, the surgeon's backpack in his hand.

“Remember our mission to ambush in Windy Canyon before the next sunrise. ”

“There is a suspicious sorcerer who could possibly go through there to Lantern Grass Town and look for a connector. And that connector had found something unusual two days earlier and fled, and now there's another team of magicians chasing that man and the rest of the people involved. And our mission is to ambush, to try to ambush and capture this suspicious magician who does not yet know what happened to Lantern Grass Town. ”

“Mr. Garland, what is the origin of Lantern Grass Town's connector? Does it have anything to do with evil dragonists? ”

Happily carrying two packets of almost as heavy as his body, Erin eats, leaping on and on, keeping up with the figure of Kahlan, and can't help but ask.

“This guy seems to be getting a lot faster, carrying so many things, relaxed, I can't keep up with him.” It was also a time of special training, with no Moss with Erin, who suddenly felt Erin's change.

“Remember, during the course of the mission, all members of the same team of magicians are required to make all relevant mission information and discoveries fully public. Because any hiding can lead to dangerous consequences for your peers because they don't know their opponents.” Galan said softly and quickly: “The connector of Lantern Grass Town hid the magician who assassinated Ivan, who escaped the pursuit of several teams of magicians in St. Lawrence precisely because of his hiding and help. It is now tentatively concluded that the magician who assassinated Ivan was indeed linked to the dragonists, possibly the leader assigned to the area. The joiner, formerly the owner of the" Goblin Shop ", hid his strength and showed his ability to open four surgical doors when he escaped before. ”

“What about this suspicious magician we're going to lay low against?” Moss couldn't help but ask.

“It is one of the members of a team of freelance combat technicians and the information only opens two surgical doors. He was a student at Fitz College, of ordinary blood, and had between twenty and twenty-five field experiences. The more commonly used techniques are 'Fireball’, 'Flying Butterfly Blade’ and 'Lightning Step’. ”

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