Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 114: Artist's Betrayal


Moses screamed.

Several scorched black marks of the size of the cup suddenly appeared on the body, and the entire body was struck back and down by the impact of the fireball.

“Heh!” “Heh!” “Psst!” … Erin's body was within a dozen metres of each other, completing five or six rapid dodges in a row.

Looks like it completely covered the scarlet fireball in front of Paul, and none of it hit Erin!


Strongly suffering from severe pain, Paul was already terrified at the extreme and continued to fire scarlet balls, while his entire body jumped backwards and forcefully.

His body was again more than ten meters away from Erin by the blockage of dense and numb fireballs.

“Should be more or less the same! ”

“I don't suppose you'll die if you hit it like this. ”

But at this moment, he heard the excitement of Erin.

Meanwhile, Erin's left hand was raised.

A giant white ice mass suddenly appeared between Erin and Paul as the specular particles sparkled.

This ice cream was a few meters away from Paul.


But Erin's right punch went up without a stop, an ice splashed out, and the white ice suddenly turned into a snow crown.


Paul screamed, one of his gorilla red fireballs ejected on the huge ice crown, unable to stop the whole ice crown from advancing, the tip of the ice crown, just impacted him.

“Perfect! The first time I carried out a mission, this guy was a natural combat technician. The performance in battle is always better than in training...”

At this time, less than thirty meters behind Paul, Gaylan saw the tip of the snow crown touching Paul's body, and her eyes couldn't help but gleam with amazing divinity. She knew that Paul could no longer be a fighter.

“Over? ”

Moss had just climbed up from the ground and saw Paul's frozen snow and froze and suddenly felt very ashamed.

“You have to work hard or this guy will laugh at you in the future! ”

In retrospect, he seemed to have done little but bait in the beginning.

“Mr. Garland, with you here, this guy's not gonna die, is he?” At this point, looking at Garland flashing suddenly next to Paul, Erin asked, and smiled and turned to Moses: “Morse Warrior, you did a great job. ”

“Are you flattering me or damaging me?” Moses screamed depressingly.

“Of course it's a compliment, you're a good bait! ”

“Just being a bait is good, I knew you would say that!” Moses just felt so angry.

“No problem.” This is when Gaylan said out loud, "The mission was well done. ”

Paul had some struggle lying on the ground, but the moment he saw Galan's face and the red scarf she was surrounding, his face had become dusty.

“Extinction Seal! ”

Galan's fingers moved sharply and quickly, and a dozen light blue stars converged into a small mark, striking Paul's forehead.

Paul's body trembled to the point of despair.

“Mr. Garland, what kind of technique is this?” Erin and Moss are getting closer.

“By cutting off some neurons as well, he could feel a dramatic drop in his perception of surgery within a dozen days, until he woke up, and there was no way to feel the level of the surgery door. ”

“There is no way to feel the surgery door. Isn't that not even the technical particles can be used, there is no way to use any technical technique? ”

“Yes.” Galan nodded, "Search his body first. ”

“Is this a metal weapon? ”

Erin and Moss first removed three bronze metal parts from Paul's arms and back.

From the front, it's just the thickness of two gold coins stacked together, with some holes and patterned metal plates, but flipping over is astonishing.

Under a lot of hollow metal sheets in the back, you can obviously see a lot of hair and gear, like a metal maze with a unique charm, like trying to attract people's souls.

“Yes, this is a metal weapon made by a dwarf alchemist.” Before the Dragon War, there were at least tens of thousands of dwarf tribes on the continent, "Garland explained. Half of them are cave dwarves, and half of them like to dig paths and palaces in the hard mountains of the mountains. These dwarves are naturally brilliant craftsmen, and some of them smelt metal from lava deep in some volcanic bodies. Their finesse and high level of craftsmanship led them to invent many kinds of weapons, of which a metal weapon is one. This type of metal weapon also belongs to the secondary level, which is equivalent to the power of the technician who opened the two doors to apply the technique, but only allows him to use this level of technique, which is equivalent to putting one or two more technique at the same time. But during the Great Dragon War, the Dwarf tribe, which was attached to the Kingdom of Dowa and had many alchemists, even created powerful armies of hair and metal, and even made grade six dragon crossbows and metal puppets. ”

“Is this just a lesson? ”

Seeing Galan seemed to ignore herself, only to explain carefully to Erin and Moses that Paul, lying on the ground, had a sense of pain that was completely flouted. “You can at least ignore me.” He had such a second, even an urge to call it that.

“There are only some silver coins, and there is also a map near St. Lauren's.” Moses and Arryn quickly completed their search, and Paul had absolutely nothing to spare, not even marching rations, which was why he was hunting rabbits around here.

Garland nodded and looked at Paul coldly, "You know why we ambushed you here?” “You have a close connection with the Murray magician at the Lantern Grass Town Goblin Shop, and now that Murray magician is known to be associated with the one who assassinated Ivan, you can explain who those two are and what role you play between them.” Without Paul talking, Galan has already said the same thing.

“I…” About knowing that I could never escape from Garland, continuing to resist only a more tragic fate, and revealing a miserable divine colour, the magician, who can only be considered a small figure in St. Lauren's City, said in a nearly crying tone: “All I know is that the Murray magician called the man Lord Paddinson, I just listened to their orders and did something for them. If I could accomplish a certain task, they would let me...”

“will make you an evil dragon, won't you?” When Paul paused, there seemed to be some unspeakable moments, Galan said it coldly and directly.

Paul's face was full of cold sweat, and from the looks of his eyes, Erin and Moss could see that Gaylan was right.

“Is that Murray and Paddinson already evil dragonists?” Galan took a deep breath and said slowly.

“The Paddinson should have been, but the Murray should not have done enough to become a true dragon.” Paul's mouth twitched and said.

“What is the purpose of your activities here? What do you do for them? ”

“I don't know, I'm just here to help them gather information about some of the city's elite artists' activities, and to help them get some news out. I taught Murray at the goblin store what I gathered, and then I gave Murray the secret that I taught him to Johnny in town. ”

“Johnny? Johnny from Iron Forest College? ”


When Paul nodded, Galan was caught in a slight silence.

“Who's Johnny?” Erin couldn't help but ask.

"An elite teacher at Iron Forest College," said Gatland. ”

Erin stayed put: "Even elite teachers at the level of Garland and Ming Lu want to be evil dragonists because of the temptation of power? ”

“What kind of elite teacher are you, Mr. Garland and Mr. Ming Lu?” Moss was depressed and yelled at Erin.

“Don't make a sound. ”

At this point, Galan suddenly looked serious and shouted down at Erin and Moss.

“Someone's coming. Who is it? ”

Erin also immediately heard the obvious void breaking.

A long figure appeared in his sight in seconds of time.

This is a man in a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, in his thirties, with long brown hair tied to a ponytail behind his head.

“McCarney?” As soon as the other person's figure appeared, Galan recognized who it was.

“Garland, what are you doing here? ”

The man also looked a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

“You accepted the mission, too? With these two students?” Soon, he seemed to react again, looking at Garland and asking.

“An ambush mission.” Garland nodded and asked quickly, “What are you doing here? ”

“The task I was supposed to take was to ambush in the wilderness not far from Lantern Grass Town, but not long ago I was informed that the owner of the goblin store was likely to go around this way, so the task was changed and I came to ambush this canyon. Shortly after we arrived, we heard the battle and thought that a team of magicians had met the goblin shop owner.” The man explained that his face was a little relaxed.

“Mr. Garland, who is he?” Erin couldn't help but ask softly.

“An elite teacher at S.H.I.E.L.D. is also frequently called on such missions.” Galan replied softly.

“Is this the object of your ambush? Looks like it's just a special training for elite students.” Just a glimpse of Paul lying on the ground, McCarney, an elite teacher at S.H.I.E.L.D., walked in, said with a faint contempt: "Even this level of magician is delusional about becoming a dragonist? ”

Galan glanced at Paul on the ground, trying to speak, and suddenly, a very dangerous feeling filled her body.

“Careful! ”

Her face quickly changed dramatically, sending a loud whistle, her hands just vibrated, and Erin and Moss' bodies were beaten backwards by the wind that rolled up in her hands.

Two tiny lightning beams passed through where Erin and Moses were.

Meanwhile, Galan, who was also retreating, groaned and bled out at the tip of his ten fingers.

“Is this guy also...” Erin, who was so dizzy by the wind, was flying backwards, and a chill and anger poured out of his heart.

He felt that, in order to save the two of them, Garland had been injured under the shadow of some technique.

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