Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 120: Holy City of Sky, Arrive!

Akimara, aka Holy City.

Prior to the Great Dragon War, the continent was peaceful, with Dragons, Humans, Pokémon, Giants, Barbarians and Orcs each having their own territories and kingdoms, and jointly creating the City of Sky for mutual trade - the Eternal Holy City.

Eternal Holy City is also the final battlefield of the Great Dragon War.

With Eternal Holy City's most central overhead city as its final fortress, the old coalition defeated the Evil Dragon Army. Although the ancient kingdom of the past was completely destroyed, around the Eternal Holy City, people built a huge city of Akimara, eventually forming a mighty kingdom of Akira.

Although Akimara now belongs to the kingdom of Akira and is the emperor of the kingdom of Akira, it is also a place of free victory in the minds of all the magicians of the continent and an everlasting holy city.

Strange, lighter sky crystals than air make huge pools float in the air.

Around the floating pools, four huge ancillary cities were built, the cultural, trade, technological research and political centers of the Kingdom of Aache.

Countless overhead bridges connect various parts of the city, with ferries embedded with empty magic crystals, and crossings typically travel between cities and states on the nearest roads.

A full-bodied dragonfly with an extremely ancient scent, the Magic Crystal ferry gradually landed in “Vatland” Square, at the southernmost end of the main city of Akimara, slowly gliding along the smooth black marble floor, and after finally stopping completely, the members of the St. Dawn's College Squad and the Lake Manaux College Squad stepped out of the open hatch and onto this glorious place, which best represents the courage of the magician.

“Is that the Tower of Eternity? ”

Erin was completely shocked from the moment he walked out of the cabin and truly stepped onto the ground in the city of Akimara.

Even in the distant and lower Auxiliary City, looking up at the castle of Akimara far away, it looks like a strange suspended mountain peak, but it's a completely different feeling to actually get to the castle.

This whole castle is a huge castle.

Wherever you are in the city, you can see a white circular square and a tall tower at the top of the castle.

The tower is brilliant, with a wide spiralling road surrounding the main city, and the edges of these roads are home to pure white giant trees of at least seventy or eighty metres high.

These giant trees, also filled with conical white fruits of at least two or three people's size, appear extremely heavy and emit an unknown and powerful array of majesty.

It even gives the impression that these giant trees are not just trees, but a great artist whose name has stood there since the Dragon era, guarding them to this day.

On the ground, dragon-related markings and embroideries are everywhere on buildings that are clearly long overdue but still look beautiful and luxurious.

“Spectacular, isn't it? ”

Along the way, the girls at Lake Manaux College and the Saint Dawn team were quite familiar, so Sophia smiled softly, looking up at the tallest tower with admiration and awe, and said beside him: “I watched the game the previous two years, and for the first time I saw the Tower of Eternity with its everlasting light, I had the same expression as you. But being a magician, it is already a great honor to be able to come to such places to compete in the kingdom. ”

“Despise you, despise you...” I put my ears up all the way around drawing circles cursing Erin's Steinhampton, ready to hear Erin say something he didn't know, and then laugh at him.

“It seems smaller than I thought. Some books seem more magnificent. But it probably means something different, because all the remaining warriors gathered here to form a coalition to defeat the Dragon Army, so I can't help but feel hot and proud.” But to his great dismay, Erin just said one such thing.

“Of course, some of the books may have painted the entire Eternal City of Al-Quds that year. The current Echimala Castle, the most central part of the then Eternal City of Al-Quds, is less than a tenth of the then Eternal City of Al-Quds.” Sophia smiled charmingly and looked at Erin and said.

“Those are the war trees planted when the Elf Kingdom helped to build the Eternal Holy City, right? It is said that the power of this war giant tree to throw fruit is equivalent to the offensive technique of a magician who opened four doors. Now this whole city of Ichimala is filled with dragon-related textures, reportedly because the kingdoms of the time, especially the earliest dragon terminologists, worshipped the power of dragons and worshipped powerful dragons like gods. But it didn't occur to them that the dragons they worshipped would, in turn, destroy their kingdom.” Stingham plunged into Sophia and Nikita and others, looking for all sorts of excuses to approach Sophia and Nikita along the way, and he deliberately lit the dragon lines carved around the corner of the square and said, "These dragon lines represent an entire era. ”

“Yeah!” nodded a lot of sentimental Lake Onao College girls, “it really represented the entire period before the Great Dragon War, full of a passing era. ”

“Ha ha!” Seeing that I succeeded in attracting the attention of the girls at Lake Onaur College, Stinghamton got proud and ordered the Sky Crystal ferry that flew away a little slowly, trying to keep some conversation going: "If the Sky Crystal is so useful, why not apply it widely in other aspects, such as making some magician's flying boots, it's very useful for the magician. ”

“Stingham, you're weak, so you have to read more books than usual. Don't be lazy. Even I know that during the Great Dragon War, the Magic Crystal of the Sky was mined clean. This was the contribution of the Elf Kingdom at the time, and later, especially after the Great Dragon War, every empty magic crystal here was registered and protected by magicians with unique means. Now, there are only four Magic Crystal ferries left in the entire city of Ikemara, and these Magic Crystal ferries can't fly without an empty Magic Crystal. The same is true of the Empty Crystal in Ichimala City, where every piece must be in its original position and cannot be moved at all, otherwise something could fall seriously. So there's no other empty magic crystal that can be used to do anything else.” Erin leaned aside and made a despicable gesture at Stingham.

“What!” Stingham's eyes suddenly darkened and almost a bite of blood sprayed out of his mouth. I wanted to laugh at Erin for not seeing it, but now I let Erin laugh at it.

“Bello, what's wrong with you?” At this time, Erin suddenly discovered that Belo was not quite the same as he was when he was blue and white for a while, and a little sweaty.

“It's nothing." Bello pushed his glasses, so he calmed down: “I'm a little afraid of heights. ”

Normally, you can run into a giant beast enclosure without fear of the heavens or the earth, and injure a teacher. You can sneak a hole in the wall of the Beast Training Ground, and you're afraid of heights?

Moses and others almost fell directly to the ground.

“Excuse me, which two colleges are you representing? ”

Several people with Ben suddenly rushed into front of Erin and others. People like Erin and Sophia, who thought it was all about the receptionists at the game, had smiled and said, “We're from the Brace Chamber of Commerce, you've heard of it, right? ”

“Brace Chamber of Commerce, what do you do?” All members of Erin and St. Dawn's College are a mist.

“A special * * competition souvenir dedicated to brochures covering the entire game, including the merchants of each team's trail news.” Sophia softly explained to Erin and others: “It's very famous, many people love to buy their books and trail news, and they make money from it, but the advantage is that it also makes the game more lively and makes more academy teams known. It's a bit of a boost to the game, isn't it? ”

“Really...” Erin and others suddenly realized.

“Looks like we're doing okay. Someone's heard of us.” Several people spoke politely, humbled a few words, and immediately asked excitedly: "Which two college teams are you? ”

“Saint Dawn's College and Lake Agate College. ”

“It turns out these two teams...” Several people who were preparing the record were stunned and then looked at each other, some of them buckling up.

“What's the matter?” Erin, who had always been aware of the aftermath, asked somewhat strangely.

“This… this… is St. Lauren's team, as if there was no particularly hot news… may not attract much attention.” A man has a somewhat embarrassing explanation.

“What, are you despising us!” Even Stingham reacted and shouted, "Do you think we're too bad? ”

“I'm sorry… it's just that your two colleges have a somewhat poor historical track record and most probably won't be interested.” Several people tried to retreat immediately after explaining it with a hard scalp.

“How can you not be interested?” But at this point, Erin, without any angry expression, said strangely, “We're going to win the championship team, how can anyone not be interested? ”


Several people suddenly shook up, their eyes gleamed, “Is that your slogan?” One person immediately said excitedly, "Is the slogan of your Saint Dawn Academy team to win the championship? ”

“Of course, our goal is to win the Star Warrior Cup!” Erin waved his hand hard and said that. At the same time, he said in his heart, so that Chris' father could go to the championship finals and watch Chris' game.

“Yes! The slogan of the Saint Dawn Academy team is to win the championship! Got it!” A few people clapped their hands excitedly and then turned around and retreated.

“They look a little odd. Something's wrong with them?” Moss watched a few people leave excitedly and quickly, and couldn't help but wonder.

“What's wrong? Didn't see that.” Erin looked at the back of those people and said.

“Erin, do you want me to take you out after I've arranged your room?” A few girls at Lake Onao College didn't care about the little song either, but looked excitedly at Erin: “There are lots of fun places in Ikemara City, lots of really cute little weird pet stores, witch stores selling all kinds of weird things, and lots of interesting antique stores, anyway, there are stores you can't imagine...”

“I want to get some rest and practice. ”

Erin said that first. A few girls from the Lake Onao College team who wanted to take Erin shopping were sometimes disappointed.

“The drawing of lots is not yet good, I don't know who the opponent is, and I don't think I have any thoughts, but after the drawing of lots ceremony tomorrow, I can go out and play. Can you show me around? ”

However, his next sentence instantly rejoiced several girls from the Lake Onao College team.

“I just want to say four words now.” Sting Han came forward and said seriously: “Take me with you! ”

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