Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 135: The Struggle for the Order of Appearance

The messy Brace store has been cleaned up, more than a dozen masters are hurrying up to make prints, and at this point a butler at Brace store rushed in mad, yelling, “Stop it, stop it! ”

“What's wrong? ”

“Big deal, Hellfire Academy Squad. A guy named Rotong killed Dylan-Norp! Hellfire Academy team eliminated Howard Academy! Quick! The album layout needs to be redone! ”

“What, the Howard College Gemini was... killed directly in the game? ”

All the craftsmen in this editorial factory at Brace have changed their faces.

“What exactly is that Rotung guy from? ”

“What kind of blood is he? How did you get so strong? ”

There were four games on the first day, but after Rotung killed Dylan and nearly killed Howard College's second contestant, ending with Howard's three remaining players abstaining, the remaining two games in the first half were completely ignored.

Because regardless of the wins and losses of these other two games, the strength of the winning college squad is no different from that of Howard College.

If you meet the Hellfire squad, will someone else be killed by Rotung, which is what everyone starts to think about?

Totally overwhelming victory, even star players like Dylan have no resistance at all, and Rotung's strength already belongs to the ranks of true monsters.

So this group, if not surprisingly, the final showdown should be Dragonbreath College vs. Hellfire College, with four Dragon Bloodlines plus a team of High Elf Bloodlines, against a monster like Upper Rotung, what kind of battle will eventually break out, will there be any more casualties?

Each member of the Dragonbreath Academy is a star player with a large number of supporters, fearing an unpredictable relationship with his favorite players, so by the end of the first day of the competition, many protest groups had appeared throughout the city, calling for the disqualification of Rotong.

“What exactly is Rotung? He clearly has a powerful taboo that even the referee may not be able to stop in time, why not report it in advance! Although your Hellfire Academy team is in the national competition for the first time, you should have this rule when participating in the group competition, and you should know that when a player's technique is powerful enough not to be stopped by a referee, you have to report it in advance and take special precautions! ”

“And he's obviously not like the average magician, he's an extremely dangerous figure in himself! ”

In the Blood and Fire Arena, just before the end of the remaining two games in the first group in the first half of the district, all the referees and organizing committee members had gathered in the chairman's lounge and Crixus' angry voice was almost roaring.

It is also a great disgrace to be a referee to fail to interrupt the competition on duty, resulting in the death of future elite artists in the kingdom.

The two apparently hellfire college leading teachers were extremely pale and their hair was soaked with sweat, like two hats on their heads.

“We…” said one of the middle-aged magicians with some difficulty, "it was not clear to us before this match that he had reached this point… he had no use for such a powerful killing technique in the group race. It's just that his teammates think he's weird and scary. ”

“Even your college doesn't know what he's hiding?” Crixus' angry voice rang again.

“He comes from a small family called Corey, who, by the time he entered our Hellfire Academy, had mastered a lot of technical skills.” The middle-aged magician from the Hellfire Academy team wiped his sweat and continued to explain: “Most of his technical skills were learned in the family, not in our academy. ”

“Look at these records. ”

All of a sudden, a magician who looked at the record of the competition put a piece of paper in front of all the participants.

“He has no record of serious injuries or deaths in group races, but each time he strikes, it seems to be getting heavier, the more serious the next two races are, and the more he is injured by his opponents. ”

“In the history of Doraster, there have been more or less psychological problems with maniacs who are more and more fond of fighting, more and more enjoying their opponents' crying, and even more and more enjoying seriously injuring or killing each other.” One of the magicians said silently, "I suggest that he should be referred as a special case, that he should be carefully investigated, and that it is necessary to involve some magicians and give him some psychological guidance. ”


“As for the competition… set up a special action team. The game was originally based on a real battle, and he must not be disqualified simply because of his skill. Danger would have been the greatest test of courage. ”

The St. Dawn's College team and Lake Onao's College team are on their way back to their homes.

“Strange.” Moses turned around secretly and mumbled.

“What's weird?” Erin glanced at him puzzled and asked.

Moses said softly, "How do you feel that people around you look at us a little weird? ”

Chris: "Because we're also a weed-class team, I guess we're wondering if a monster like Rotong would also suddenly appear in our team. ”

“Isn't that me?” Stingham immediately shook his hair with extreme self-interest, "he said.

Bello pushed his glasses, coldly humming: "People are stupid without medicine. ”

“Excuse me, are you from St. Dawn's College? ”

Suddenly, two people squeezed in front of them.

“Who are you?” Stingham grabbed the question.

“We're from Brace Trading. We interviewed you in a different interview group. ”

“Brace Shop? You guys, rating us Weed Team, you want to interview us, you want to die!” Sting Han was stunned and immediately reacted, screaming.

“That's not from our group, but the worse you say, if you have good performance, the more obvious the difference, the easier it is to surprise people.” The two Brace merchants obviously saw a lot like this, and they were still very calm, smiling, "like the Hellfire Squad just now, really stunned everyone. The Hellfire Academy team is famous, and we owe it to them, right? ”

“That sounds good.” Sting Han snorted, "So what brings you to us today? You want to give me an interview? ”

Two Brace merchants fainted and shook their heads, "Well... I just wanted to interview you, all members of your team should be in the national competition for the first time. After seeing the real national competition today, do you dare to say that you are going to win the championship, what would you say if you just said one word to explain your mood after today's competition? ”

“I'm the prettiest, none of them are as handsome as I am.” Stingham said.

Not only two Brace merchants, but even the Saint Dawn College team and Lake Onaur College team almost fell directly to the ground.

“It's about the field and the game, and it's a sentence…” After a long time, two Brace merchants looked weird and said.

“I am invincible in my squad with wise and divine martial arts.” Stingham said.

Two Brace merchants shine their eyes and look at Erin next to him, "What about you? ”

“Free fruit is delicious. ”

And two Brace merchants asked Chris, “What about you? ”

“We will definitely win the national competition.” Chris said firmly.

“And you?” Two more ask Moses.

Moses: “I hope we play friendly with the King of the Mountains College team, and don't let any deaths or injuries happen. Everyone is fine. ”

“And you?” Two Brace merchants immediately turned to Lynn Lorraine.

Lynn Lorraine: “I was just practicing. I followed. ”

“What about you? ”

Bello: “Anyone who dares to laugh at him must kneel down to him * *. ”

Everyone looked at Bello very silently.

After the Hellfire Academy team became the most amazing black horse on the first day, and Rotung became the true reaper, casting the shadow of death on all the teams in the race, the next day's competition featured the Winter Academy team known as the strongest team in the northern part of the kingdom of Aache.

Winter College Squad, like Dragonbreath College, has always been a strong traditional team with at least eight punches a year, losing to River Bay College last year and eventually ranking fifth.

Such a strong team would certainly be nice to play, but since the next day will be the first at St. Dawn's College, the entire St. Dawn's College team will not be ready to go to the field to watch the game, as Kate arranged, but will stay at the residence for tactical arrangements and training for the King of the Mountains College team.

“I want to be the first! ”

Originally in Kate's line, it was meant to be Moss' first appearance, but Stingham started making a scene as soon as he heard it: "I'm going to be the first, like Rotung! Defeat the whole team! ”

“In addition to Captain Wilt, the madman tactician of Mountain King College, the rest of Bear Kiel, the hammer of death Austin, and the tying expert Robert, are also famous and powerful, and you can't insure five of them at all if you want to deal with them.” Kate explained patiently.

Stingham yelled, “I want the first one! ”

CA: “You're our secret weapon, and our real opponent in this group is Silver Trout Academy, and if you expose your strength too early, you won't be able to do it. ”

Stingham: “I want the first one! ”

Moss: “Stingham, listen to Miss Kate, when you're at Silver Trout College, you're going to sound amazing again, it's going to get more attention, there's going to be more girls like you. ”

Stingham: “I want the first one! ”

“This guy...” Seeing how to persuade just to close his eyes to shout for the first appearance, he also said not to let the first row deliberately lose, a group of people have the urge to strangle him alive.

At this time, Erin stuck to his ear and said two words softly.

“Okay!” Sting Hanton frowned and laughed, “I listened to Miss Kate, then I'd be fifth in line. ”

Everyone looked at Erin a little silly, “What the hell did you say to him? How did he agree to be fifth, not first?” Then a few people couldn't help but pull Erin aside and ask softly.

“I told him that Sofia and Nikita said they wanted him in fifth place, because it was usually the captain, the star, who ranked last in town.” Erin said.

“Sofia and Nikita are not here, you just said it casually, he really believed it... just said that Sofia and Nikita wanted him to be fifth, he was excited to ask for fifth... what kind of brain is he?” Several people fell to the ground at once.

“Teacher Kate, make sure you rank me fifth! Otherwise, I'm out!” At this point, Stingham yelled at Kate.

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