Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 149 Intangible Demonstrations

“Permanent physical skill… is not like always carrying a technical skill to smash people.” Erin said with some silly eyes.

“You could say that. ”

Charlotte wrapped Baisheng's finger and said: “During the Great Dragon War, legendary permanent physical moves included ‘Witch Dragon Ring’, 'Blazing Angel's Sword’, ‘Thunder God's Hammer', etc. In fact, even some dragons and giant monsters have dragon crystals and demonic crystals in their bodies, which are similar to permanent physical moves in the eyes of many dragon language scholars. What's different is that the permanent physical skills of the magicians are mostly weapon states, but their dragon crystals and magic crystals are states that present the source of surgery. Some dragons are able to seal and store one of their strongest techniques in their dragon crystals, such as Fire Dragon's 'Burning City Exhales’ and 'The End Comes’. Such techniques, when used, usually consume all their technical particles. ”

“In that case, they have an extra technology equivalent to all the technical particles that trigger the horror.” Erin threw up his tongue, "which is really cheap, and by the way, they're the equivalent of a man meeting two equally powerful men, Charlotte. You know so much, you have to tell me more later. ”

“The longer you practice, the more battles you go through and the more battles you see, you naturally know more.” Charlotte was flattered with a slightly red face.

“What happened? ”

At this moment, the stands were suddenly chaotic.

Only Pillay's hands of the Golden Bull Academy team began to flow out radiant technical particles, without any obvious attack, but even Chris and his surrounding vice presidents were clearly in an unusual condition, as if they could not breathe at all.

Ferguson, who had just used the permanent physical technique of the "Scarlet Butcher," changed his face and the entire lower half of his body was all covered in the burst of surgical particle flux.

“It's the suffocation limit! ”

“is the limit of suffocation of Lord Lafley, loyal to the House of Baratheon! ”

“The mystery of Lafley with the nickname of Lord of Death! This Pierrette, could it be Laffrey's son? ”

After all, there were too many eye-catching audiences on the stands, but for a moment, countless such shouts poured into Erin's ears.

“The asphyxiation limit is a mystery that drains all breathable oxygen from a large area around you.” Knowing that Erin did not necessarily understand that Charlotte had spoken softly on Erin's ear, "so now this arena doesn't look any different, but the people in it are all suffocated, Pillay certainly has some way to go unaffected, but without breathing, Ferguson certainly won't last long, so now if he wants to beat Pillay, he can only choose to do whatever crazy offense he wants. As for Death Lord Lafley, he was also a renowned magician like Lester at your college, and he got an egg in the course of a mission and succeeded in hatching an Abyss Black Dragon, which itself had the nickname of Death Lord, plus he himself later had a seal, so he was called Death Lord. ”

“You mean Lafley is one of the Dragon Knights of the Baratheons?” Erin was surprised.

“Yeah, he's kind of different.” Charlotte nodded, "because the rest of the Baratheon family's dragon knights were the family's storm dragons, and he was the only one who gained the Abyss Black Dragon in his battle and mission in the Warcraft Jungle. ”

“I've heard of magicians who occasionally discover relics, even former dragon lairs, when practicing and carrying out combat tasks in some of the most dangerous warcraft jungles, to obtain dragon eggs or blood relics.” Erin looks at Charlotte, "I didn't know anyone could really be a Dragon Knight like that. ”

“Forget the average magician, there's not a few people on the entire continent who have that kind of luck.” Charlotte said, "and generally only the most powerful genius magicians will go on missions or trials in the jungle of warcraft that are marked with unknown hazardous areas. Those places used to be the territory of the Orc Empire or the Dragon. ”

Just between these conversations, Ferguson on the field has turned into a scarlet metal storm.

His whole body spinning wildly at an astonishing rate under the madness of the surgery particles, the giant axe in his hands turned into a storm like a tornado.

Heavy bodies also become stormy, sweeping toward the peelers.

And I don't know what kind of technique he used, or because of the constant rapid spin and growing inertia, the scarlet metal storm is getting bigger and bigger.

Looking at Pillay seemed impossible to avoid such a terrible metal storm, but Pillay still looked very elegant. With the eruption of his technical particles, the entire arena was overshadowed by thick yellow mist, even spinning metal storms could not be seen.

“What a technique! ”

Ferguson, who couldn't breathe, was already very upset by the yellow mist, which made his face even more ugly.

The fog wrapped around the arena, and he couldn't see where Pillay was hiding in the fog, or even feel Pillay's surgical particles pouring.

Pillay is totally hiding from him!

“Fire and rain! ”

With the last hope, the metal storm outside Ferguson stopped and the axe hit the ground hard, shaking the entire arena.

Brilliant technical particles gushed out of his palms and axes, and countless fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky, dense and numb.

The magnificent sight of countless fireballs falling over a cloud of yellow across the arena is astonishing.

But some people on the stands shook their heads and couldn't help but say, “It's useless, this is the abyss obstacle of the Lord of Death, unless it's special pupil and perception, this kind of tactical shock, it's almost impossible to find out where the opponent is hiding inside. ”

“Suffocation limit and abyss obstacle, Golden Bull Academy no weak... even this alternate team member is so strong! ”

“With this technical cooperation, Ferguson could have managed to escape if it had been in a battle of sorcerers, but there was no way for Ferguson to escape in such a game. ”

“Unexpected to be an alternate to the Golden Buck Academy team, so the soldiers defeated Snow Wolf's number two character without a blood blade. ”

Almost at the same time as the voice sounded on the stands, President Chris' voice had already sounded in the arena, “Game over, Golden Bull College Pillay wins. ”

Yellow fog disappears.

Ferguson gasped violently, with a depressed look.

Such a loss made him feel too bored, but there was no way.

Pillay stood gracefully at the corner of the field, and the array of shouts on the stands made him laugh proudly.

“It's a really good feeling.” He was somewhat intoxicated to think.

But at this point, his face suddenly turned white.

Because he saw the edge of the field, in the Golden Buck squad, the wings stretched out their hands and waved at him.

In the Golden Buck Squad, it's a gesture to get the next player out of the game.

“What do you mean, Golden Buck Academy Squad? ”

“Pillay wins, but so does it. The score goes straight to 1: 1? ”

After a few seconds, Pillay made an abstention gesture against Cress, causing the observation deck to blow up again.


“Why did you let me down?” Pillay also had difficulty controlling his emotions as he walked not far from the wings of death, and no longer asked gracefully.

“You still want to ask me that question? ”

"Do you want me to remind you that you can use Abyss Obstruction and then Death Shadow to deal with him?" If you move your head a little, you can save a third of the tech particles and beat him. Even if you beat him now, you've consumed more than half of the technical particles in your body with these two massive consuming technical particles. In a state like yours, I don't think you're absolutely sure about the next Snow Wolf player. ”

“I...” Pillay's face was red for a while. What else did you want to say? But the wings of death made him laugh coldly. The chills in his eyes made him sweat instantly.

“Of course you can say that you have a great deal of certainty when it comes to meeting someone other than their captain Tang Zheng, but what if their captain Tang Zheng is next?” The dead smile, “I can tolerate your true weakness to your opponent, but not your idiotic performance. How could our team lose to a team like this unless I let you down? Let me warn you one last time, the battle between the magicians is a battle between life and death, trying to make a difference, just to make people think you're good, not at all worthy of our Golden Bull Academy team. ”

The lower Pillay's head, the more she trembled uncontrollably.

“What's the Dead Wing doing? ”

Erin couldn't hear the dead wing, but she could see Pillay as if she was about to cry.

“Golden Bull Academy vs. Snow Wolf Academy, Gossini vs. Wensha. ”

By this time, the second contestant from both sides had also appeared.

“It turns out to be another replacement, and it looks like the Dead Wings do want to replace the whole formation.” Charlotte couldn't help but whisper when she saw the skinny Bamboo Rod player from the Golden Bull Academy team. "It's a strong confidence, but the replacements are so strong, they have the standard of star players...”

“What?” Erin exclaimed in disgust, "Wasn't he deliberately demonstrating, and it sounded good to say that a full replacement would defeat each other, but in fact, he still didn't want everyone to see the secrets of their main players? Their main players must have had a lot of secrets since last year's game. ”

“It doesn't make any sense.” Charlotte thought about it and shook her head in agony, thinking in her heart, "But the more so, the more terrible a team like this is. ”

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