Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 162: Suddenly Appearing Death God


Charlotte's body was also pounding, and as a bundle of technical particles rushed out, the metal puppet in front of her hit Linton at an unprecedented rate.

Linton screamed, making multiple fractures.

Meanwhile, Gulit's body flashed silently across from Joyce.

“Death Feast! ”

Bleeding Gulit backwards and backwards with his eyes, countless shadows burst out of the ground and poured into the sky.

But Guillaume totally predicted his next move, a silent flash of red feathers now in the air, and Guillite hit this bright red feather directly.


This feather seemed to pass through the tofu and easily pierced Gulit's body, causing a blood wave.

“We're going to win! ”

Erin's hands supported her knees and breathed painfully, but a joy of victory was born in her heart.

This six-to-six team of magicians is still able to fight, but only Marseilles and Killard remain on their side.

In this six-to-two ratio, Marseille and Killard are simply impossible to defeat.

“A guy so powerful... was killed in battle like that. ”

At the same time, his mood became very complicated when his eyes swept through Shinto's corpse.

The day before, it was also the opponent he was willing to defeat in the race.

“How dare you have such strength! ”

“This guy is obviously just a magician who opened a surgery door. Fight, he can actually defeat a magician who opened three surgery doors! ”

“These people out of St. Lauren, what kind of monster is this! ”

Marseille and Killard's face was extremely pale and his body was shaking constantly.

The battle, not Audrey, was not so bad in their eyes, and Lawrence and Arryn became key figures in deciding victory.

Everything seems to have settled.

But just as the jewel-like feathers passed through Gulit's body and brought out a bloodbath, Gulit fell down heavily and seemed to suddenly feel something, and the pink color of his left eye seemed to spin sharply.

This feather that just passed through Gulit's body accelerated sharply, bypassing his body and cutting into the air behind him.


Everyone suddenly saw that there was a faint figure, as if it were not true, like a nightmare in a dream, suddenly rising up behind the roar.


Gemstone-like feathers pierce this pale figure, but it's like piercing deep water, shaking a circle of ripples, no longer revealing.

One hand of this figure, however, has reached out and touched the corpse.

The whole body was stiff.

His chest suddenly sprayed with blood and radiant surgical particles.

Then a palm went straight out of his chest and lifted his body.

“Piss off! ”

At this moment, with the exception of Erin's huge shock, everyone else's breathing paused completely.

The faint figure became clearer and clearer.

A short-haired boy dressed in a Hellfire Academy uniform with deathly eyes seemed to see everyone around him as if they were dead in everyone's sight.

“Rotung? ”

An incredible shout rang.

Everyone recognized this man at first glance, but the first to make a shout was Marseille.

“Is that him?"

Erin's body trembled slightly.

He wanted to rush, but his subconscious was to keep his body where it was.

Rotong still held his hand up, his limp body hanging on his hands and his feet hanging.

He was not unconscious yet, but his whole body had become immobile, and blood flowed down Rotong's hand, and Rotong had no strange expression on his face.

“Let go of the chirp! ”

This indifferent gesture plunged Erin into unprecedented anger, and he made a furious howl, his entire bones exploding.

“What exactly is Tias' plan? ”

But Rotung didn't seem to have heard Erin's howl at all. He just glanced at Marseille and Killard and said coldly, “What are you going to do with me and the other team to get your attention and get you here? ”

“You…” Marseille's body kept shaking, “you… you betrayed Lord Tias? Instead of following his orders, he came here. ”

“Stop talking nonsense. Without me, you'd probably be dead by now. And don't waste your time, the team of magicians outside could be here any minute.” Rotung shook his head, "and told me the whole plan so you could live. ”

“This is the water tower of the entire Archimala Castle! ”

Marseille almost screamed: "Lord Tias' plan was to destroy this water tower. Not far from this water tower, there is an empty Demon Crystal Array. ”


Audrey changed her face completely.

Tias is one of the chief bishops of the Evil Dragons and the number one wanted man in the Secret Service.

The daily use of water in Ichimala Castle is staggering, and the water in this suspended city is saved entirely by the water tower.

As soon as the water tower is broken, then a huge amount of water will rush out and the destructive power will be amazing. If you wash out that empty Demon Crystal Array, the entire Archimala Castle will fall!

This city in the sky, which has survived the entire era of the Great Dragon War and continues to this day, will cease to exist as a city of triumph and determination to pursue freedom for all magicians and people of all races who seek freedom throughout the continent!

The Evil Dragon's plot is to bring down the whole Archimala Castle!

“What can you do to survive the fall of the entire Archimala Castle at such high altitude?” Rotong's face is still unchanged, "he asked.

“It just destroyed a small fraction of the empty crystal, and the entire Archimala Castle will fall, albeit slowly. As long as we can reach the ground in the open before the fall, life is not in danger, but can escape in great chaos.” Marseille's body is shaking, but there is hope in her eyes, "Rotung, if you help us accomplish this task, not only can you escape with us, but Lord Diaz may not punish you for not following orders, but will give you! ”

“Giving? ”

Rotong lowered his head and seemed to be caught in thought.

Erin's body suddenly flashed red light.

He can't wait any longer. Either way, we have to save him first!

But at this point, Erin had to make a move.

Because for a moment on the ground, Rotong directly threw it out.

“Sleep in the ice cuffs! ”

Without any hesitation, Audrey's double-surgical particle frenzy.

Countless transparent ice crystals are formed outside the rose, forming a clear ice crystal that seals the rose.

“She used the technique to seal the curtain, keep it in its current state, and wait for a team of medical technicians to treat it! ”

Erin reacted immediately.

“Stop him! ”

It was also at this time that Ivan, who had always preserved his strength, drank vigorously, and a shadow giant rose from Rotong's feet and grabbed Rotong in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, far behind Rotong, on the giant cylindrical water tower of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, suddenly, a speckled shadow was added and quickly grew, as if a shadow giant beast was about to drill out of the rocky surface of the water tower.

“He has technically attacked the Holy City Water Tower! ”

Joyce and Charlotte both reflect.

A dazzling voice rang out, accompanied by myriad colorful illusions.

Joyce, who knew it was urgent, also used the Sernon demon song directly.


Charlotte's hands also pushed hard on the metal puppet in front of him, and the silver metal puppet was like a shell bombing Rotung.

“What are you waiting for? ”

The colour of the Rotonian gods in the Ivan forbidden package remained unchanged, just a glance at Marseille and Killard.

“Yellow Springs Vortex! ”

“Siren King! ”

Marseille and Killard couldn't help but thrill themselves, using all the most powerful techniques they could conceal.

A spinning yellow vortex emerged around Marseille, floating with countless white bones and a foul smell that was difficult to describe in words.

And as Killard's chant burst, a huge bouquet of water poured out over everyone's head, a head like a wizard's hat first drilled out of the air, with a huge sucker tentacle thicker than a bucket.

“Deep Sea Lord! ”

Joyce's face instantly became more iron blue.

This skill of Killard summoned the monstrous octopus of the Wizard's Hat with the Deep Sea Lord nickname!

The power of this deep-sea troll is even far above Nikita's ice and snow storm bear.

Killard is already a star player in the national competition, but now Joyce understands he's hiding a lot of power!


Ivan's forbidden power of "Underworld Projection - Touch of Death” was first pressed against Rotong, like a massive pinch from the Underground Underworld.


But what drove Ivan's heart to the cold was that he saw a grey flame of light shining out.

The center of the shadow giant was actually burned out of a hole, wrapped in grey flames of light, and stepped out of it.

Nor does he seem to have been tempted at all by the spirit of Joyce Sernon's demonic song, but only raised his head.

Over his head, beneath that giant deep-sea giant octopus, a bunch of silver is rapidly getting bigger in his pupils.

That's Charlotte's metal puppet.

One of his hands reached out and hit Charlotte's metal puppet directly.

“Split up! ”

At this moment, a deep, low chant came out of Charlotte's mouth, shaking countless heavy particles suddenly in her hands, dissipating in the air around her body.

At the moment of contact with Rotong's fist, the metal puppet dispersed into a wave of silver-grey metal fog.

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