Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 170 Wake Up

“The whole of Akimara has been closed for three days. The girl I liked has promised to date me. Maybe I can still pick her up for the game. Well, I can't even go out and see her. The date has been missed. Even the game is suspended and I can only drink here boringly. ”

“Don't complain about yourself. If the evil dragon conspiracy really succeeds and the holy city of Akimara falls, it's the real tragedy. Shouldn't we be happy to drink and celebrate now? ”

“That is, dude, you don't know, only by completely sealing off Akimara's inventory can you not let go of any suspicious guy, and the water tower of Al-Quds City is being repaired, and now the Empty Magic ferry is all here to carry the water you need in the city, where there is still air to transport guests. ”

“The ‘Reaper’ Rotong of Hellfire Academy Squad was an evil dragonist, no wonder he killed people at the first stroke. ”

“Even more unexpected is a prestigious and obvious contender like Marseille of Abel College, a member of last year's runner-up squad, a hidden dragonist, right? ”

“And Killard of Haifeng College… so many people have been bought by evil dragonists. As a result of this change, although the National Competition was notified that it would continue in fifteen days, the pattern of the National Competition would change. ”

“I didn't expect that Audrey and Joyce and Erin, the contestants, who eventually stopped the Evil Dragon conspiracy, would still be useful, anyway, in the Star Warrior's Cup Academy Championship, which did train countless outstanding magicians for our kingdom. ”

A bunch of half-drunk people were chatting in a tree vine tavern in Archimala Castle.

The centre of the conspiracy, the contestants' village, has also been closed for three days, with some damaged facilities being repaired.

A total of 37 magicians were identified as Evil Dragon Party feathers throughout the contestant village during the night's fighting.

Fifteen of them are traitors among the inspecting magicians and magicians who were sneaked into the players' villages by these traitors, and the remaining 22, all members of the teams involved!

Even from Gray Garden Castle College in western Archie, four of the five main team members were party feathers who had secretly become evil dragonists and were involved in the assassination of the Saint Dawn College team, yet another main team member had no idea.

The most intense part of the battle that night was in the vicinity of the residence of the Saint Dawn Academy team.

With the exception of the Marseille-led squad and the squad that was supposed to be led by Rotung, who did not participate in the assassination of the Saint Dawn College squad, all the others were involved in the attack on the Saint Dawn College squad.

As a result, however, the assassins were killed and wounded badly, but the Saint Dawn College team was not assassinated at all, and even the attackers were unable to break into the home of the Saint Dawn College team.

It was said that only one member of the Saint Dawn College team had been slightly injured in the bathroom when the water column that came out of the water tower collapsed and ran directly out of the roof.

An old professor in the company of the Holy Dawn Academy is a dragon language scholar that is already very rare throughout the entire continent of Doraster!

While this is a direct cause of the near-total demise of the assassination squad, the fact that the St. Dawn College squad has such a powerful dragon language scholar is an invisible reminder to all participating colleges that St. Dawn College once had a brilliant track record and that St. Dawn College is one of the oldest colleges in the history of the entire kingdom of Archie.

It's not just St. Dawn's College, it's St. Lauren's.

Because of the exact news, the most critical role in successfully stopping the evil dragonists' plot was not Audrey, but Erin from Iron Forest College and Saint Dawn College.

“Wahahaha, Erin was sent to the Medical Department of the Secret Service?

“This pervert, he won't be able to get out for a while, and nobody's going to rob Nikita and Sophia with me. ”

In the residence of the Saint Dawn College team, Stingham, wrapped in bandages, is still jolting in misfortune and misfortune.

“But I can't pull the stink for three days, at least for two more days. It's really painful! ”

After a while, Sting Han touched his own ass with a troubled look and said depressingly.

“It's only been three days... It feels like a long time has passed. Though tomorrow the contestant village will be lifted, Erin this guy doesn't know when to get back from the medical department...” Moses' room has completed several training groups, tired of looking out the window without even wanting to move his finger. When Erin used to make noise and hit him every day beside him, he was reluctant to step on Erin to the ground, but now Erin only left for three days, without the "warrior” and “warrior” screaming beside him, he felt like he was bored a lot every day.

“You bastard, even a terrible opponent like Rotung can defeat and survive from him... Moss, you are so far off, he can indeed laugh at you. ”

“No, Moss, you have to work hard too. You can't let this guy beat you! ”

After his heart could not help sounding like this again, Moss stood up again with his teeth cut and began the next group of training.

“Teacher Fran, what's going on with Poirot and Erin? ”

As soon as Fleming, who led the teacher into the house at Lake Manaugh College, was surrounded by Sophia and others.

“One good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?” Fran looked at Sophia and others anxiously and said.

“Teacher Fran, stop selling! ”

Sophia and others jumped and shouted angrily.

“Well, girls, the good news is that Chiro is awake, and the bad news is Erin is not awake.” Fran looked like he couldn't help it, "he said.

“Erin...” Several girls at Lake Onao College suddenly had reddened their eyes.

“Don't rush, it's said that there's no more danger to life, which should be good news, too.” Fran laughed and said.

“Really?” Sophia and the others looked at Fran. "Teacher Fran, tomorrow the contestants' village will be lifted. Can we go see Lawrence and Erin? ”

“That's not possible. The Medical Department of the Secret Service is absolutely closed to outsiders, afraid that the seriously injured inside will get infected with something.” Fran shook his head immediately, "so just wait patiently and wait for them to come out. ”

“Not yet tracked? ”

At the exit of a sewer, a seemingly high-ranking yellow-haired surgeon and a team of freshly emerged magicians were talking.

“Who the hell is this Rotung... He couldn't have escaped from Akimara and was so badly injured, how could so many people have searched for three days without even finding his whereabouts! ”

After receiving a positive answer, the yellow-haired magician looked ugly and drank.

The captain of the team of magicians who had just come out of the sewer shook his head helplessly, "It seems to have disappeared altogether. Half the people now suspect that he is still hiding somewhere below. Half of them already suspect that he has escaped. It seems that the search will only continue. And why haven't Audrey and Erin published the details of their fight with this guy? The less you know about this person, the more difficult it will be to track him down. ”

“This should be easy to explain.” Yellow-haired magicians shrugged slightly, "It must have been those battle processes and details that touched the secrets of some of them, Audrey and Erin, also to keep the enemy from knowing more, so it's absolutely confidential. ”

“Tias was strong enough to escape Lord Angel's siege and Lester's banning.” The captain of the team of magicians who had just come out of the sewer took a deep breath and heavily said, "Tias, when he assassinated Lester and them, was at most the same level as many of the members of the special services, but now... this Rotong is also an evil dragonist who has already acquired some of the blood of the evil dragons. The strength of these dragonists is progressing faster than many of the other dragon bloodlines. It really makes people feel terrified... No wonder so many people call the dragonist party feathers and want to get this blood power. ”

“The evil dragonist who got the blood of the evil dragon, the speed of power progress is amazing... At Tias' level back then, we can all kill him, but now..."

“That's why so many people betray their beliefs. Evil dragonists have been rampant over the years. Many of their teams of magicians have worked hard. I wonder if this will be a turning point...”

In the sleeping ears of Erin, this sound is also sounded.

Erin just felt so comfortable sleeping.

Blurry to hear such a voice echo in his ear, he seemed to be a completely strange voice, and he subconsciously wanted to rub his eyes, stretch his lazy waist, and sit out of bed, just as he woke up in the morning at St. Dawn's College in peace.

But this time the body seemed particularly heavy, and so did the predicament.

His hands could not move and his eyelids could not open.

After a long time, he became more sober and opened his eyes a little.

“He's awake! ”

As soon as he felt soft light coming into his curtain, he heard an ultimate shout of surprise.


“Where is this place? ”

“Teacher Garland? ”

He began to see himself in a ward with a strange crystal stone hanging over his body, and the light green light was soft and warm, and the shout of surprise was a short-haired female medical technician.

He stunned for a while before finally reacting. The female medical technician was dressed in the clothes of a team of special services technicians and did not look like Galan, not Galan.

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