Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 184: Death Wings, Come Out!

Three to one!

Even if Lake Manow College can't win the next game, losing by a score of three to five to Golden Bull College is already a proud achievement.

Because everyone can see that even a replacement for the Golden Bull Academy team is a star player who opens three doors.

But looking at Connie standing in the bath, everyone knows very well that the footsteps of Lake Onao College will not stop there!

“Previously, when weak teams encountered strong teams, they couldn't play the level, they were scored big points, and they couldn't even pose any threat to strong teams. Such a battle for blood is the real game! ”

In the hearts of many people on the stands, they can't help but sound like this.

“Another substitute? ”

At this moment, there was some dead silent arena, suddenly another blast.

A small, slightly reddish boy walked out of the Golden Bull Academy team towards the center of the field.

This boy is obviously not the main force of the Golden Bull Academy team either!

“Linspan versus Connie! ”

The voice of Cress already contains strange emotions.

What exactly is the catalyst that makes all these talented teenagers and talented girls in St. Lauren this year so different in essence?


“Once this opponent is solved, the Golden Buck is the only one left… and we have Helena, Nikita and Sofia. ”

Connie, covered in blood, suddenly revealed a brilliant smile the moment Chris announced the start of the game.

This smile shivered the heart of Lin Spammo, the fourth player in Golden Bull College, even the eruption of the surgical particles had to be delayed.

“Shining Goddess! ”

With a resolute chant, the Goddess of Light, gathered by countless scorching lights, stood again.

“One-Eyed Demon! ”

Lin Span's chant rang a little slowly.

But even if he was affected at first, his technique was significantly faster than Connie's.

At a moment when the Shining Goddess stood in the room, a yellow-green flame suddenly burst outside him, and across from the Shining Goddess, a giant monster with a head higher than the Shining Goddess.

“What technique is this? ”

“How so weird! ”

gasping sound on the stands.

Because this giant monster of surgery, like a mummy covered in bandages, reveals only one giant green eye.

And like the Goddess of Light, this giant monster also appears outside Lin Span.

Linspan's body should be in the center of this giant monster!

“Goddess of Glory - sacrifice! ”

Almost no one on the stands has seen this technique, and almost no one knows exactly what kind of power Lin Span will exhibit, but at this moment Connie, in the middle of the Goddess of Glory, just smiled.

The goddess of radiance outside her body, burned suddenly!


All the audiences on the stand shouted, and Linspan's eyes contracted dramatically.

The burning Goddess of Glory, wrapped in Connie, flew to Lin Span to shine a brighter light.

“Erosion of Demonic Flames! ”

Lin Span shouted a swift chant, shooting a giant green flame column in the eyes of the giant outside him.


But at this moment, the burning Goddess of Glory exploded directly!

The whole burning goddess of radiance, directly like a little sun, exploded violently!


Countless audiences on the stands shook up.

Even at great distances, their skin still produces intense burning sensations.

A huge shockwave shocked the entire observation deck with a raging wind and many people's bodies hit hard.

“How dare you...”

Linspan, the Cyclops, was also horrified by the discoloration.

The Cyclops outside him are in bright flames of light, no one on the platform can see clearly, but he can clearly see that the Cyclops outside him simply collapse in one layer!

Only for a second, the Cyclops outside him were utterly destroyed, and he was burned in horror, unobstructed flames!


An unstoppable scream came out of his mouth.

As the flames faded quickly, some viewers on the observation deck began to see the flames burning and screaming on Lin Span's body on the field, while at the same time there was a person in the air who seemed to be bursting with flames.

Meanwhile, two teams of medical magicians have rushed into the field.

One of them, a medical magician, had passed directly through the flaming light and appeared in the shadow of the fallen man.

“Is this... blowing up... the Goddess of Glory... directly? Attacking an opponent with this method? ”

“Directly detonate the Goddess of Glory at once! Connie was also in such an explosion, and there was no Cyclops outside her... she wasn't going to get hurt worse than her opponent! ”

“From the very beginning, she was prepared to fight with this kind of defeat and defeat and desperate intentions! ”

“Such explosive power… you could really be killed yourself! This is a real battle for your life! ”

A lot of people started to react, and at this moment, a lot of people's bodies on the stands trembled unconsciously.

“The suicide bomber who risked her life... can Linspan, who was burned by her, continue fighting? ”

“If Lin Spann can't fight, can't he just turn the score into four to two? ”

“This bizarre technique of Linspan doesn't even stand a chance! ”

In a chaotic voice on the stands, everyone in the Saint Dawn Academy team changed their face.

Each of them is more worried about Connie's safety than if Linspan could insist on fighting.

“Hetty... Connie... you guys...”

At this time, the snowy Lin Lorraine, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

All the flames were completely extinguished, and Connie had been treated directly by a team of medical technicians while being rapidly sent out.

And Lin Span, trembling and clearly in great pain, was covered with terrible blood bubbles.

“Does he still have the ability to continue fighting? ”

While such thoughts flashed in the minds of many audiences, the frozen voices burst out, “Come back. ”

“What do you mean? ”

The atmosphere on the stands suddenly stirred.

Many in the distance did not hear the sound of the dead wing, but they saw that the dead wing had slowly moved forward as Lin Spann made a waiver gesture and began receiving medical treatment from the medical team.

Chris suddenly took a breath.

Ivan and Charlotte, Wilde and others on the stands were also very cold, “The last player on the Golden Buck Academy team… is the Dead Wing? ”


“Aren't the Golden Bull Academy teams in full place? ”

“Dead Wings himself, actually sitting in town at the end of the game? ”

After the initial stalemate, many people on the platform began to react completely, shouting like a tsunami.

“Dead wings against Helena! ”

Chairman Kress read the opposite voice and confirmed everyone's speculation!

The last player in the Golden Bull Academy is the Death Wing!

“What are you doing out here? It's already four to two, and you want to come out and play handsome! Go back, go back! Come out and be ashamed! And you're not as handsome as I am! ”

Stinghan was still shouting at him as he stepped out, but when he heard the voice of Judge Chris, he was stunned and reacted. He was furious.

“Dead wings, you despicable, unbelievable bastard! Aren't you going to replace the entire formation? I can't believe you did it yourself! ”

If it was normal, the wings would not have ignored such a curse as Sting Han, but at this time, the wings turned around with a cold smile and scoffed, "When did I promise a boring agreement to replace everything? All you ever wanted to do was take advantage of it... didn't you St. Lauren's team even dare to face each other's main force and just take advantage of it? ”

“If you just want to pick up cheap, don't come to the national competition at all. ”

After a pause, the Dead Wings turned around and looked at Helena and all the members of the Lake Onaur College team who walked in, sarcastically, "Do you think this is going to win? It's just a shame. It's a delusion! ”

By the end of the sentence in front of the Dead Wing, everyone in the Lake Onao College team was shaking, and by the end of the sentence, many of the Lake Onao College team had bitten their teeth.

“This dead wing is too much! Anyway, the performance of Lake Onao College is enough to be respected by everyone, and this guy actually said that! ”

“This guy is so annoying. ”

A lot of people on the stands couldn't bear to curse.

“It's useless, the Baratheons are born so annoying. They are all perverted people who use themselves to make enemies of themselves to force them to become stronger. They even think that the hatred and disgust of the enemy is a sign of their success. ”

Someone said it so softly in such a shouting.

“You won't even get a chance to fight. ”

Faced with Helena in position in the third place, the Dead Wing said indifferently: “It's best to abstain now, and this is my advice to you for being a girl. ”

Faced with the pressure of an opponent of this level, Angry Helena had no blood on her face, but she looked at him, biting her teeth, and said with great determination, "Don't forget, every member of our Onao Lake College team is a girl, and we've beaten you four to two. I don't care what kind of presence you are… I would do anything to fight even if I could only consume a few specs. ”

“In that case, wait for a painful price.” The wings coldly said this and made a ready gesture to Chris.

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