Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 195 Eye of Tyrants

“Suchira's highly toxic technical and spiritual talents were completely suppressed… compared to last year, he clearly mastered an area type of taboo, but he was defeated by Lin Laurent! No wonder the Pokémon of the Dragon Wartime have the ability to fight dragons. ”

“Where is this weed class team! ”

“Shukira is amazing.” At a time when the whole audience was talking about Lin Lorraine, Erin was watching Suchira on the field in the Saint Dawn College squad.

“Not to mention Lynn Lorraine, but Shukira, are you sick?” Moses looked at Erin somewhat silently and said.

“No.” Erin shook his head, "Lin Lorraine was so powerful that she had to pay such a price in order to stop Shuqilla from fighting back. The strength of Shuqilla is not at all at the same level as Moss. ”

Moss: "Erin, you hit me again! ”

“Listen, a lot of people on the stand are saying that Shuqilla's strength should be about the same level as that of the Dead Wings. They're saying that the Dead Wings are also in danger of encountering Lin Laurent.” Erin put her ears up and tried to listen to the conversation on the stands.

Moses heard so many voices on the stands, looking at Lynn Lorraine on the field, he was worried again, "Can Lynn Lorraine continue the fight? Teacher Kate, do you want him out? ”

Hearing his voice like this, Kate shook her head, and he also looked at Lin Laurent on the field and said softly, “This guy looks like an iceberg, but in fact, it's also for friends and victory, he can do whatever it takes to get in front of people. At this point, even if I called him down, he wouldn't. ”

“Shukira, one of the three giants, was actually defeated directly by Lin Laurent. ”

On the stand, Ivan looked at the silver trout squad, some sympathetic whispers: “I didn't think there was another accident in Lin Lorraine besides Erin. This time, the silver trout seemed so vicious. ”

“That's not right. ”

At this time, Wilde was looking at Shukira on the field, "This guy was penetrated by a sword, and he could stand up on his own, it didn't look like he was in the way. ”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Several of the Iron Forest College muscle men next to him looked at him and said, "Don't forget that he's a true dragon bloodline and that vitality and resilience are already too much stronger than normal people. ”

“That's not what I meant.” Wilder waved his hand, "I mean, he had too much vitality and resilience than the average person in the blood of a double-headed poisonous dragon, and now that he's hit a sword, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, in the game, why can't the technical particles seem to spray? ”

“Blood Sword Limit Technique! ”

Ivan and Charlotte seemed to react, spitting out four words at the same time.

“What do you mean?” Wilder and several people at Tielin College turned around and looked at Ivan and Charlotte.

“When we were training in the Lannister Corps, we heard some of the magicians say that a small number of people of fairy blood were capable of mastering this technique.” Ivan took a deep breath and slowly explained: “Such a technique can act on the blood vessels in the opponent's body when their physical surgery sword is stabbed into the other party's body, so that if the other party sprays the technical particles, some of the body's blood nodes will instantly burst and there will be dozens of bleeding spots all over the body!

“Jungle Grazing, Goddess of the Hunt Bow, Moon Erosion, Blood Sword Skills! This guy is a genius magician who truly masters the dual talents of jungle rangers and moon swordsmen. ”

In the Silver Trout Academy team, Nathan, already ready to play, took a deep breath and looked at the captain Nolan beside him, his eyes flashed a resolute look, “Captain, I'll take care of him, the next game is up to you. ”

Nolan looked at Nathan and said nothing, just hugged Nathan hard.

“Captain, no matter what other people do, we don't just think of you as our captain, we think of you as our real brother, so don't doubt anything. ”

When Nathan started walking, he didn't look back, but said it softly.

“Bastard, this is the time to say something like that.” Nolan cursed in his heart, but his nose couldn't help but get a little sore. “You guys... Am I questioning trust and friendship among friends? I just don't want to damage your reputation, I just want you to get the honor you deserve.” He looked behind Nathan and said in his heart, "Now that I'm your captain, of course I should do more to get back what belongs to you. ”

“Nathan the fanatic! ”

Even if it's not one of the three strongest trout giants, every major player in the Silver Trout Academy is a star player, shaved naked and dark-skinned Nathan is recognized by the vast majority of the audience as soon as he walks in.

The fanatic Nathan is one of the strongest players in a row in all teams participating in the entire national competition.

In battle, he was like a fanatical magician, often beating his opponent with a storm.

“Hurrah!” A crackling sound.

As Nathan walked on stage, Lin Lorraine pulled a long strip of cloth from her uniform.

“What does he do? ”

“To tie your hands and be afraid to affect balance during high-speed movement! ”

Soon, all spectators discovered that Lin Lorraine had tied her down right arm to her body. Such movements are clearly intended to prevent the swing of the uncontrolled right arm in high-speed movement from affecting the balance of the body.

But at the same time, such an action also made it clear to everyone that his right shoulder skeleton, in the last Südzilla counterattack, had indeed broken.

“Though he doesn't seem to be in pain at all... he must be in pain! ”

“Lin Lorraine! Come on!”

Among the students of Saint Dawn College on the stands, there was also a great deal of opinion about Lin Lowland before, who knew that Lin Lowland had good strength but refused to join the college team, but at this moment, seeing a battle like Lin Lowland, these people's view of Lin Lowland has also changed completely, all burning like a flame on their chests, screaming desperately to refuel Lin Lowland.

“Let's do it! ”

Lynn Lorraine, with her left hand and teeth, after some difficult strapping her right arm, still looks like a peaceful iceberg, ready to show Cress.

“Weird team… but a worthy opponent indeed. ”

Nathan stretched out his left hand and lay it in front of him, a tribute to the battle between magicians on the continent.

After doing this, Nathan indicated to Chris that he could begin.

“Fight! Warriors! ”

His move, in exchange for Erin waving his fist and shouting hard.

“This guy is such a strange guy... now he looks like he's just enjoying the fight and the game itself. It would be interesting if we were to work with him in a team in the future.” Audrey looked at Arryn's passion and sounded like this in her heart, and she couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth.


As Chris drank, the scene suddenly became silent.

The second match between Sunrise College and Silver Trout College, instant!


A bright blue crystal particle gushed out of Lynn Lorraine's left hand, forming an elongated callus sword again.

With his right arm completely unusable, Lin Loren clearly wanted to fight close with his speed and sword skills, and his entire body instantly dragged out countless phantoms on the field, as if there were countless Lin Loren pouring into Nathan.

At the same time, Nathan's body suddenly burst into a red and black flame, lifting his body up.

Like a black, bloody dark chalice suddenly appeared beneath him!


Somehow, the eyes of all the spectators couldn't help but gather above his head, and at the next moment, the energy over the entire arena burst away, a layer of compressed air vibrating like a transparent cloth.

A giant object over five metres in diameter, suddenly condensed in mid-air.


“What kind of monster is that? ”

There was a sudden tsunami shout and gasping sound on the stand.

It is, of course, a blood-red eye of more than five metres in diameter, with a violent and evil aura.

And on this giant blood-red eyeball, there are hundreds of black vine-like meat tentacles.

These tentacles swing in the air, causing this giant eye to float in the air.


Nathan's body suddenly burst into the flesh.

The breathing of many of the viewers on the stands suddenly stopped.

Lin Lorraine's body, sometime already appeared directly behind Nathan's back, the blue crystal sword on his left hand, had been stabbed from Nathan's back, the shiny tip of the sword, straight out of Nathan's chest.

Because Nathan's body itself is underpinned by the red and black flames of light, in the air more than three meters high, this instantaneous image gives the impression that he was provoked by Lin Laurent from behind the sword.

The surge of surgical particles in his body was also clearly contained, and the whole person seemed to have been severely stunned by the sword Lin Lorraine.

“It is useless… the eyes of tyrants, once formed, will remain even if I die. Nor can you win this battle. ”

But at this point, Nathan, with a bloody cord in his mouth, said this to Lynn Lorraine.

“Sex” bursts at this time as well.

Thirteen silver spots of light, like thirteen tiny silver pupils, suddenly appear in the pupils of the blood-red eye.

One of the pupils shot a silver ray towards Lin Lorraine's body.

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