Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 226: Erin versus Dead Wings, Genius Duel!

“It doesn't just stink, does it? ”

Chris and others looked sympathetically at Megan with a foam in her mouth, lifted by a team of medical technicians.

“It's always unexpected and weird, this is Erin.” A group of people from the Dragonbreath Academy squeezed their noses and were emotional.

“The Golden Bull Academy team has only one dead wing left. ”

After initially trying to laugh and not be able to laugh, the audience immediately fell into a very strange mood.

This is a powerful team of Golden Bull Academy, even if every major player goes to those famous regiments, he is destined to be such a brilliant celebrity magician, but now, the first four have all been defeated by Saint Dawn Academy.

And Megan's presence at this level, even the likes of Morgan and the Dead Wings, cannot defeat her unharmed.

But now, Erin is fine and uninjured.

The Golden Bull Academy Team, will they really lose to the Sunrise Academy Team?

“Even Megan... No, I can't lose to an opponent like that! ”

“He only opened two surgery doors at most… I've opened four surgery doors, how could I lose to him! ”

In the Golden Bull Academy team, there were two strands of sweat flowing down the face of the dead wing, but he didn't even notice.

“Erin versus Death Wing! ”

Crixus' voice sounded again.

This rivalry did not surprise anyone, and by the time the second contestant came out, everyone on the stands was sure that the Golden Bull Academy team would be the main force this time around.

“What happened to the Dead Wings? ”

But when Chris' voice rang, the Dead Wings didn't show up, but they made everyone feel the Dead Wings anomaly.

“Captain! ”

The alternates of several Golden Bull Academy teams looked extremely pale at the wings and couldn't help shouting.

“I'm the heir to the Baratheon family genius, Dragon Bloodline, Storm Eye, how could I lose to such a guy! ”

“I must… I must defeat him and kill him! ”

The sound of “H” breathing, the dead wing in the voices of several alternate team members, as if to finally wake up from the nightmare, breathe freely and raise your head.

“Have you finally been forced out? ”

“Moses, Bello, Erin, you really did it. Thank you, as I emerged from my world, you began to make me proud to be a member of the Saint Dawn College team. ”

“Nikita, today we will defeat the Dead Wings! Defeat the Golden Buck and let them know what it's like to fail! ”

Seeing the wings begin to come out, Lin Lorraine took a deep breath on the field and said slowly in her heart.

“Dead Wings! Are you scared? Come and fight me! ”

What made the Golden Bull College students on the stands even more silent was that at this time, Erin in the center of the site saw the death wing walk very slowly, but it was a direct battle-burning shout.

“I'll kill you! ”

The wings suddenly raised their heads and drank loudly.

All the viewers on the stands suddenly stunned.

“Warning, do not intimidate opponents! ”

Creston was cold and warned of the Dead Wing, but at the same time he felt that the Dead Wing would really kill in the game.

“What does this guy mean? ”

“To blatantly kill Erin? ”

“What is this? Is the head of the dead wing in the water? Even if you really want to kill Erin, you can't just call her out like this. ”

The stands were suddenly too loud.

“If you really want to kill me, you have to risk your life. ”

And what many people didn't expect was that in the face of the sound of the dead wing, Erin even had a frightened expression. He just waved his fist at the dead wing more willingly, "I'm not the kind of magician who hasn't experienced a battle between life and death, and would be frightened by the battle to risk his life! ”

If it were someone else, at this time to say that he was the kind of warrior who had lived and died fighting, I'm afraid the people on the stands would unconsciously think that he was bragging about himself, but now that Erin shouts out this phrase, all of us think of the previous battle of the water tower of Al-Quds Al-Sharif for the first time.

The battle that led to the collapse of the water tower in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, as everyone can imagine, is evil!

The person who survived only after being sent to the medical department of the special services office, saying this, is simply stating the facts, without any boasting or flattering ingredients!

The entire venue was completely calmed down with Erin's words.

The wings are in position and he has not spoken again.

Erin didn't say anything more. His face was full of "Let's fight, I'm going to beat you”.

“Raise your spirits together! Be careful. ”

Chris said this softly to the two vice chairmen.

Even if he had previously felt that there was a danger, he would only have been the most eye-catching reminder, but this time, both sides of the race could be the most important magicians of the future kingdom of Aache, and any serious injury, disability or death would be a huge loss for the kingdom.

“Let the game begin! ”

Crixus drank so hard that Erin and the Dead Wing duel finally officially started!

“King of the North Wind Blade! ”

At a moment when no one had reacted, three pale blue wind blades had fallen on Erin at the same time.

“This is the power of the storm eye! ”

“The speed of operation of the Dead Wing is probably the fastest of all contestants! ”

It was only when this light blue wind blade split Erin's clothes and sounded that thought appeared in everyone's mind.

“Can't keep up at all! ”

What blinks Saint Dawn College students instantly is that when they see this moment, Erin can't avoid it at all and seems to have just made a group move.

“Pfft!” “Pfft!” “Pfft! ”

Three pieces of blood flashed simultaneously from Erin's body.

Eileen's chest and back were accompanied by three narrow wounds.

“It's dragonscale absorption! ”

Some of the magicians on the bench immediately noticed that Erin had resisted the blow by relying on dragon scale absorption, although injured, the wound was not deep.

“Injured! ”

But this image falls into the eyes of the students of Golden Bull College, whose morale has fallen to the extreme point, but it is a viewing platform that was instantly occupied by the students of Golden Bull College, making a volcanic cry.

“After all, the Dead Wing is the Dead Wing. It is just a technique that consumes few particles of technology. It directly injures Erin as soon as it strikes! ”

A lot of the rest of the team members on the stands came up with this idea at the same time.

“Erin, what does he want? ”

“Without dodging, even the power of hard spelling technique, with the strength of his technical particles, the power of the technical technique released, can not be countered at all with the technical power of the dead wing! ”

And what many people can't understand is that Erin, who obviously can't keep up with the speed of operation of the dead wing, doesn't even have a slight dodging and fast moving posture, it simply stands still.

“Injured? ”

“In any case, it's just a magician who opens two doors! ”

At this time, seeing Erin cut three wounds by herself, in the eyes of the dead wing, suddenly appeared bright light, the stress in his heart, suddenly relieved a lot.

The pride and confidence of the past began to return quickly to his body.

“Monsoon Walker! ”

In his eyes, the dusky color suddenly spins like two swirls.

a gigantic tornado, generated by spinning over Erin's head.

Countless swinging wind blades spin in the cyclone, forming a huge figure at an astonishing rate, like the legendary monsoon god.

“This is the taboo of the Baratheon family! ”

“What a terrible storm! The dragon's blood is increasing! Even a magician who has been repaired to use this control technique is probably a third less powerful than a dead wing! ”

The vast majority of people on the stage have completely changed their face, and it seems to them that Erin will have to rely on Morlock's mutated cocktail effect to see if he can congeal up any more weird surgical effects to withstand the blow of the Dead Wing.

“Only one chance! ”

“Be sure to hit it, just like you did during the exercise, and never let it slip! ”

“I can hit him… I can definitely hit him! ”

No one thought, at this time, that Erin's mind was just constantly echoing this voice, and there was no idea of using Morlock mutation.

His gaze, staring dead at the wings of death, seemed to slow down slightly because of the extreme concentration of the spirit, even the flow of time.

“Now! ”

“There's only one shot! ”

As soon as the "monsoon walker” on top of his head had formed, he suddenly rushed to the left at full speed.

“Holy Door Secret! ”

Meanwhile, a voice of silence resounded in his heart.

The remaining five surgical doors in his body were also opened simultaneously.


The air outside his body vibrated violently.


“How can there be such horrible fluctuations in technique! ”

“How could there be such an amazing surge of technical particles! ”

At this moment, the body of the dead wing also had to be shocked, an incredible feeling, which caused his eyes to contract sharply and dilate dramatically.

On the observation stage, Jing Ka Miao, who had been extremely quiet, stood up suddenly, and the surface of his body fluctuated like a watermark.

“Destruction shackles! ”

without any stays.

In an unprecedented burst of surgical particles, Erin's unprecedented sense of power echoed a thunderous chant.

At this moment, countless black particles suddenly burst into the air around the body of the dead wing, each seemingly sparkling with countless swimming subtle black lightning.


In the next moment, these black particles have formed a black halo, with countless spikes growing on the surface, impacting the dead wing!

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