Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 234: No Unfortunate Farewell

“Erin! ”

By the time Erin et al. had walked out of the Holy Tower, the team of magicians gathered around the Holy Tower had gone away for the most part, while Charlotte et al. were not far from the Holy Tower, and Charlotte and Ivan and others had greeted them as soon as they saw Erin come out.

“Charlotte, who are you with? ”

Erin immediately couldn't help but ask.

“I have a team with Ivan, Chiro and Wilder.” Charlotte looked at Erin with a very different look.

“Are you a team of four? We're a team of three, me and Stingham and a team from Lynn Lorraine. The lead teacher is Mr. Ray. Who's your lead teacher?” Some post-conscious Erin didn't realize that Charlotte's color was different when it came to peace, but went on to ask.

“Our lead teacher is Miss Colin.” Charlotte said.

“Teacher Colin? ”

Erin was sorry to grab his head, he hadn't heard the name.

“is the best at S.H.I.E.L.D. and has a special status as an actress in the Secret Service Hall as did Lester.” Ray explained quietly behind him: "The Raven Legion, otherwise known as Raven's Claw, was the most aggressive assassin in the Raven Legion. ”

“So amazing.” Erin seemed a little relieved, looking at Xiaoluo and Ivan, "Xiaoluo and Ivan were also very good, you should have nothing to do with them. ”

“You bastard, I mean can I have anything, it's too hard... but people like you who are pure and post-conscious can't get angry when they say that... you can only redouble your efforts and not be flattened by you.” Wilder couldn't help but pinch his nose and said a few words in his heart, but turned his head, "Charlotte, since we are about to leave, at the same time you should pay back what you owe Erin. ”

“What do you owe me?” Erin himself was a little unresponsive and stunned.

“Wilde! ”

Charlotte's face suddenly flickered and she couldn't help but stamped her feet.


At this point, Erin thought about what Charlotte owed herself, and laughed embarrassingly.

Of course he thinks Charlotte can't give herself what she owes herself at this time.

But what made his eyes incredibly wide was that Charlotte's face had a look of immunity after she stamped her feet.

At the next moment, Charlotte closed her eyes and kissed him quickly in the mouth.


Everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tielin College who saw this scene took a little chill.

But the next thing you know, everyone stays silent and no one laughs.

Because all of us know very well why Charlotte, who has usually been nicknamed "Goddess of Shush” and “Goddess of Stump”, has such a super bold anomaly and extraordinary behavior at this time.

“It's actually public...”

Stingham's incredible shouts were the first to sound.

“No, I'm going to find Sophia too! ”

“I'm so handsome right now, Sophia might even kiss me! ”

“Erin, let's go first. ”

Charlotte, who kissed Erin the same way as her life, was blushing the same way as burning her face. She even had the nerve to open her eyes, afraid to see the look on the faces of those around her. After saying this, she fled as well.

“Idiot, aren't you going to say anything at this time? ”

At this time, Erin was still a little confused. She usually didn't like to talk much, but cursed Erin lightly.

“Say…” Erin was just happy for a moment, filled with a warm ocean feeling, sweeter than eating the best candy, but he had some hair and didn't know what he was going to say.

“In order not to leave much regret... Idiot, although each team has a very powerful magician to lead them, the special services office has given us, and it will not be a front-line combat mission, but our enemies are powerful evil dragonists, deep into the territory of evil dragonists, who knows what will happen... who knows if they can come back alive. ”

He took a deep breath and looked at Charlotte's back in the sun. He thought, maybe one day, there will be a girl like that who likes herself as much as Erin.

“She doesn't even want to be able to tell you what she likes… so if you have anything to say to her, you better say it now. ”

“So that's how it is? ”

In Erin's dictionary, there were no words that were difficult or frightening, so from the beginning until just now, he didn't feel how dangerous it was to march towards Fallen Valley, but after all, he was not a real fool. After hearing these words, he immediately understood Charlotte's current emotions, and there was a kind of emotion that was difficult to describe in words, that had never been felt in him.

“Charlotte! ”

He waved his fist hard towards Charlotte's back.

“Anyway, I will come back alive to see you! You must promise me that you will never give up. You must come back and see me! ”

His voice was so loud that many of the magicians who had not walked around the Santa Claus had heard it, and Charlotte's figure was obvious.

“Charlotte! ”

At this time, Erin smiled and shouted at her with a louder voice, "Me too... I liked you from the beginning when I saw you jump off the wall! ”

For some reason, Charlotte's face was even hotter, but her eyes were a little blurred.

“We should probably get going. ”

Ivan patted Erin on the shoulder and said softly, "The Golden Bull Academy team and many of the Baratheon family's team of magicians also took part in the mission, and you need to be careful of the Baratheon family's revenge. ”

“Why, would the Baratheons take the opportunity to retaliate against the dragonists?” Erin couldn't help but say with some surprise.

“Of course, the Baratheon family is famous for putting family interests first. The Wings of Death is their most important genius right now. They almost die in your hands now. If they get a chance, they will kill you for revenge.” Ivan looked at Erin and said seriously.

“If that's the case, then there's no point in worrying, come on, just fight for it.” Erin looked at Ivan and replied with a daunting look.

“Exactly.” Ivan shook his head and thought everything was as simple as Erin thought, so he stopped saying anything and turned around and left.

“Take care! ”

Jiro and Wilde nodded at him and turned away.

“You must also defeat the enemy and return peacefully! ”

As Erin watched these men stretch out in the sun, there was a special feeling floating in his heart, and he couldn't bear to wave his fist and scream at these real friends.

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