Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 266: The General Offensive Begins

“Heh!” “Heh! ”

In a dark forest full of evil breath, two shadows of light grey mist appeared beside Chen Hu's body.

These two magicians in dark grey magician robes, one tall and strong, nearly two meters tall, the other only about one meter and six, are the very mysterious Aryan brothers among the dragon magicians.

“Brother, it seems to have been learned by the Necromancer technique. ”

Just a glance at Chen Hu's body, Ariane said in a loud voice to Brother Ariane.

“There are people in the Saint Dawn College team who know the art of the Necromancer? ”

Brother Aryan said with no expression, "Take a look at the echo detection. ”

“Okay, brother! ”

Ariandy looked very dumb, completely under Ariane's command, his right hand poured out a group of surgical particles, a circle of unseen sound waves spreading around him in all directions, echoing in the woods, colliding.

“Should have left, brother.” After a few seconds of time, Ariane looked at Brother Ariane, "without feeling the presence of the magician. ”


Brother Aryan was about to talk and suddenly his eyebrows jumped and his head looked up to the sky on one side.

Even the overlapping canopy and vines suddenly brightened the sky.

“What is that?”

Just a few flickers, the Aryan brothers have swept to the top of a giant tree, and they see a clean, giant column of light rising from the periphery of an evil forest.

“Tell me, is there any other technique! ”

In the giant mushroom grove, Sting Han waved a homemade vine whip, threatening a group of people at Abel College, looking abnormally perverted.

Erin and Lynn Lorraine were studying the skills handed down by a group of people at Abel College.

“Do these guys really want to spend all their time researching and cultivating our technology? ”

Lottner and Presley and others looked at each other and flashed some insidious cunning in their eyes.

“In that case, don't blame us. ”

“Actually, I still have a ‘silent domain’ and a 'dragon language extraction technique' that I haven't spoken of.” Lottner coughed softly and made an eye for Presley and others, the first to say.

“I still have a 'track thunder ball’ that I haven't said. ”

“I still haven't spoken a word of 'chaotic art'...”

Seeing Lottner's eyes, the rest of the members of the Abbott College team who wanted to hide something, all spoke voluntarily.

Lottner, the famous team leader of Abel College in the national competition, nicknamed Silent Magician, actually the person most familiar with him knows that this nickname has two layers of meaning, one is that he is best at making people unable to chant, curbing the restrictive technique of surgery, and the other layer of meaning, but it means that he usually doesn't seem to talk much, doesn't sound loud, but is actually the most insidious and cunning, most likely to use some improper means.

At first hearing that Erin and others were going to rob even the technique, Lottner and others felt that the three men at St. Dawn's College were perverted because the technique was rarely robbed by magicians.

Because for the whole of the continent, there's so much technology, there's so much technology in every college.

The key is simply that technical skills cannot be learned and can be adapted to themselves, not whether there are technical skills to be learned.

So even gifted and talented students like them, they generally learn and practice under the guidance of their mentors, who help them choose the technology that best suits them.

There is a certain bias in the condition and understanding of the individual's body. Among the dozens of powerful technical techniques, only three or four may be suitable, but only one or two can master and skillfully use them.

The vast majority of colleges have special methods of guardianship and inheritance for some of the powerful taboo techniques that only a small number of students are exposed to, in order to avoid some fundamentally unaware of cultivation methods and then die in them, wasting time without success.

Techniques are desirable rather than excessive. Instead of choosing them under the guidance of a mentor, greed often ends up wasting a lot of time or even turning a genius into a genius.

So now, seeing that Erin and Lin Lorraine are really studying and learning their skills, this group of people at Abel College are incredibly insidious, handing over what they know, the most seductive, the hardest to learn, and even some of the skills they haven't been able to learn yet.

“Juveniles, let yourselves be tempted by the temptation of skill... How come there are so many talented teachers at St. Dawn's College, so few warn you that other people's skill is generally not for you and is not usually learned? ”

The corner of Lottner's mouth even had to show a slight smile of pride.

“Are these guys really psychopathic?” Looking at the way these guys handed over their skills, I happened to see Rottner's smile on his face, and Sting Hanton, waving his vine whip, stared at me.

“This wooden hiding technique is also very simple! ”

Just as Lottner et al. handed over some of the most elegant and arduous techniques, which they felt would have a long-term negative impact on the future of Erin et al. the sound of Erin's surprise and excitement suddenly sounded.


Lottner and the others almost jumped straight up.

“Wood Tibetan! ”

Erin had a glitter of fine grains and a circle of green glitter.

“Bang!”, but he rushed toward a giant mushroom and was bounced out by a giant mushroom.


Ellington looked embarrassed and grabbed his head with embarrassment.


Lottner and others all sighed and wiped their sweats, thinking it was a bluff.

“Wood Tibetan! ”

Erin sent another chant.

“It is possible to master this technique only if it is most affectionate to the energy of the wood system, and only Mattei has learned this technique alone in our college. ”

“If Lynn Lorraine, a talented elf, were to learn this technique, perhaps there was a little hope of success, you would never have succeeded, simply wasting time and technical particles. ”

Lottner and others looked at Erin with joy.


But at the next moment, their eyes almost fell out.

Silently, Erin's body hid in the mushroom that popped him before.

“How is this possible! ”

“How could he have learned the art of wood hiding! ”

Lotner kept screaming after a few seconds of breathing pause.

“What are you so excited about? ”

Sting Han looked at him with disdain and muttered: “Even the black witch's skill has been learned, what is your broken wood art? ”

“Black Witch? Can you even learn the art of the Wizard Era? ”

Lotte Natton sometimes has the feeling that she's gone mad.

“It's all you, so let's show him all the great technique! Now he can learn the mysteries of our technology, how can we ever fight them in the future!” Presley et al. also screamed at Lotner after a few seconds of inactivity.

“How do I know he might learn! ”

“It's all your fault, if you hadn't decided to lure another team to ambush us, we wouldn't have been in such a tragic situation! ”

“You are too incompetent to be captain! ”

“Are you all blaming me now? ”

At one point, this group of people at Abel College were even caught up in the inner circle.

“You guys think we can't learn to do this on purpose? That's horrible. Let you eat my whip!” The reaction of Stingham was to smoke the crowd.

“What is that?”

But at this point, his movements suddenly stopped.

“What's wrong? ”

Erin jumped out of the mushroom very funny.

From the crevices of the giant mushroom, he saw a clear and huge column of light in the distant sky.

“Time's up? This is the signal to enter the Evil Trail and invade Fallen Shadow Valley! ”

The inner Abbott College people immediately paused, reacting to what this light pole meant.

“Here we go...”

Lin took a deep breath.

Just a few seconds after this column appeared, he could already feel the ground vibrating and countless groups of powerful surgical fluctuations erupting in the distance.

A thunderous sound of explosions and shocks continues to come from the direction of Fallen Shadow Valley.

“Leave them alone, let's go! ”

Without any hesitation, Erin screamed and flew towards Fallen Shadow Valley.

At this time, he did not consider how strong his opponent would be next, nor did he consider that his team was actually in a very poor condition.

All he knows is that the ultimate victory can be achieved only by a multitude of teams of magicians, fighting and fighting at all costs.

“darkness looms before dawn, and the power of evil dragons gradually spreads...”

“The crisis of extinction is in full swing, and the candlelight of hope is about to go out! ”

“Fight, warrior! ”

“Brave war! Warrior!”

His ears, it seemed, sounded the song of Saint Dawn again.

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