Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 278 Summoning the Three Gates of Surgery

“Generally speaking, a team is to have a particularly strong defensive flesh shield. A flesh shield that can't be defeated at all. It doesn't help how to beat it. It can give the opponent a very headache. Sometimes, the opponent gets tangled up whether to beat him or not. ”

“But it's a little wasteful for a high-ranking Green Dragon bloodline magician to do this kind of shield, right? ”

“It's not like you don't know this guy, this guy has Green Dragon blood, but he's lazy to die... I think this kind of flesh shield is best suited for him now, both handsome and desperate to go up the top, the body of the Giant Dragon blood, itself more resistant and more resilient than the average magician. ”

“The Great Dragon Blood is the Great Dragon Blood. Even if it is a flesh shield, it is itself the most advanced flesh shield. ”

Wilde and Ivan and others whispered in the attic of a wizard's hat-top building above Professor Figoro's lab.

Stingham, who was eating, had always looked depressed.

“The significance of being a magician is to maintain peace in Doraster and protect the people you love...”

“The battle continues, how can you be defeated by exhaustion! ”

“Get up! Warrior!”

Sleeping Erin's body suddenly twisted.

His subconscious mind already wanted to wake up, but his body seemed stubborn enough to continue to sleep, and his consciousness did not seem to be strong enough to drive a complete awakening of the body.

“I can't sleep enough for days and nights like this! ”

“Son of a bitch, wake up! ”

In the subconscious struggle, there also seemed to be a bright light beneath the two surgical doors in Erin's body, a door that looked to open.

Suddenly, Erin's eyes opened sharply, squeezing his fist hard, and his face jumped a little twisted.


Stingham was eating a banana, and Erin jumped so hard that he stuck the whole banana in his mouth and rolled his eyes straight.

“Erin, what are you doing? Are you trying to scare me? If I'd just been stuck in a banana like this, wouldn't it have been the most embarrassing sorcerer on the entire continent? ”

Sting Han exclaimed in depression after breathing easily.

“Stingham, you hit me with your big dragon technique.” Erin said a little confused.

“What?” Sting Han shook his head in awhile. “Forget it, though you scared me, am I such a cheap person? ”

“No, I'm trying to stay awake.” Erin rubbed his eyes, explaining.

Stinghamton rolled his eyes, "I've never heard such a perverted request. ”

“Don't you often ask others to beat you?” Charlotte et al. were speechless about Stingham.

“Great Water Dragon Technique! ”

Boom, under Arryn's insistence, Stingham still sent out a big dragon technique to flush Arryn straight out of the attic window.

“All right, Stingham Warrior, let's get some rest, let's go!” Wet, but seemingly spirited, Erin plundered right back and said to Stingham.

“This is it? Aren't you going to rest a little longer?” Charlotte was worried to look at Erin, "he said.

“No, the battle is going on, and now Teacher Lister and them, as well as the countless teams of magicians from our kingdom of Archie, may still be fighting hard, how can I continue to rest? ”

Erin burned his mind, waving his fist, and said, "And I'm going to be stronger in the battle. I've already felt strong enough. I'm just not strong enough to open the three surgery doors. ”

“What? You've already...” Charlotte and Ivan and others were shocked!

“Yes, I have sensed the presence of the third surgery door, but the body strength is not strong enough and the concentrated particles are not strong enough to break through the third surgery door.” Erin is thrilled to say, "If you fight more and more powerful enemies on the battlefield, you will surely make faster progress, and you will soon become a true magician who will open the three doors! ”

“The cultivation speed of this guy is also amazing, all to catch up with Sting Han's cultivation. ”

Charlotte et al. couldn't help but flash such thoughts in their minds, but almost at the same time, Charlotte and Ivan et al. couldn't help shaking their heads because they thought that it was strange to think of so many powerful adversaries encountered along the way, especially after confronting the lives and deaths of such people as the Wings of Death, to fail to catch up with such people as Sting Han, who were only talented by themselves and practiced poorly.

“But anyway, if we can open the third door in this war, then I'm afraid this guy will make the fastest progress in St. Lauren's, right?... and this guy's resilience is really superb...”

Even in the face of any genius, you won't feel inferior, and at this time you can't help but shake your head slowly.

“Shall we now set out to search for areas where debris from the Tree of Life may exist? ”

Stingham glanced at Lynn Lorraine, who was still asleep, "But Lynn Lorraine isn't awake yet? ”

“We took turns carrying him. Anyway, when you came, we took turns carrying you around.” Erin said naturally.

“Okay, make sure you get something useful this time!” Stingham shouted and said, "Then carry him! ”

“Erin, you have to be careful.” Looking at the three men as they were about to leave, Charlotte couldn't help but hold on and said to Erin.

“I will surely defeat the enemy back.” Erin nodded forcefully.

The flushing weather column in the middle of Fallen Shadow Valley is constantly distorting, spraying countless disturbing particles and debris.

Any corner of Fallen Shadow Valley that sees such a scene can see the battle in the abyss beneath the heart of Fallen Shadow Valley.

In the shadow of a demon snake tree that has burst in the middle, standing one tall and one short two contrasting figures, it was the Aryan brothers who were tracking Erin and others.

“Brother... they seem to have attacked the core area, should we start running for our lives? Otherwise, when the periphery is completely sealed off, we can't escape?” Looking very clumsy, Ariane looked at the air column and said softly to Brother Ariane beside her.

“There is no need to escape. ”

Brother Aryan shook his head as he thought calmly: "Though I do not know what their plan is, Lord Tias, an alarming number of teams of magicians like the kingdoms of Aache and Dowa attacked, they should have known from the outset that Fallen Shadow Valley is absolutely impossible to defend. But they never seemed to have any intention of pulling out of the line. So this battle will never end so easily, and there will definitely be a big change. ”

“Brother, what shall we do now?” Ariandi nodded obediently, asking.

Brother Aryan glanced at him and said, "Whatever changes in this battle, this mess is now a great opportunity for us to improve our strength… Something that we don't normally have access to and can't grab, but in this situation, whoever grabs it will not be pursued. ”

“I get it, brother! Let's go then! ”

The figure of the Aryan brothers quickly disappeared into the dark.

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