Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 288 Rebirth of Grieving Spirits

“The Corps of Mages? We're part of a team?” Rotung repeated Erin's words.

“Of course!”

Without thinking about what Rotung meant, Ellings said without thinking: "Since we are going to risk that dangerous place together, we are going to face strong enemies together, of course, as a team. ”

“A squad? ”

Rotong repeated these four words softly again.

In his impression, there never seemed to be a concept of partners and teams.

He was silent for another moment.

And he said, “I'm going in to get the Moon Springs essence. ”

“Moon Springs Essence? ”

Stingham turned his head in surprise and looked at Lynn Lorraine, "Isn't this one of your elves' things? ”

Lin Lorraine's face is also a shocking color, “Evil Abyss with Moon Springs Essence? ”

“The Undead Springs essence is found in the Undead Spirit Land of the Undead Bishop Tang Wen.” Rotong said.

He kept his head down as he spoke, and his whole head didn't move much, which looked very strange.

“Land of the Dead?” Stingham's face is stretched out, "this place is not a good place to listen, how do you dragonists spend so much money, how is there any place in an evil abyss where there are dead spirits? Is it enough for each bishop to open up a territory? ”

“The Evil Abyss is a few layers of the subterranean plain, not smaller than this.” Rotong said, "I know where to go to reach the Dead Spirit. ”

“What, can't it be smaller down there than up there?” Stingham's eyes drummed up all at once.

“Lynn Lorraine, what's the use of Moon Springs essence?” Erin asked at this time. He only knew that the Tree of Life and the Moon Springs were the two symbols of the Great Dragon War, but he did not know what role the Tree of Life and the Moon Springs could play.

“The Tree of Life represents healing and reproduction, and the Moon Springs represents purification and baptism.” Lin Lorraine is naturally more authoritative in this regard than many ancient books, and he answered Erin's question in two words.


Erin nodded, "Still don't get it. ”

Stingham almost fell to the ground, “I don't understand you. Oh, what? ”

“The Tree of Life possesses a powerful natural power, and in the era of the Great Dragon War, the roots of the Tree of Life in our kingdom of Pokémon span the entire Pokémon Forest. Our Pokémon graze and preserve forests, and our blood, as recognized by the Tree of Life, is able to combine the forces of nature to the maximum extent possible. The energy emanating from the Tree of Life can enhance the vitality of our Pokémon and allow some elders to live longer. And our Pokémon magicians are seriously injured. If they are placed under the Tree of Life, they will receive the blessing of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life naturally emits pounds of the essence of life and heals the seriously injured Pokémon. So the Tree of Life represents healing and reproduction in our ancient elf kingdom. ”

Lin Lorraine looked at Erin and explained slowly: “Yet Moon Springs has a unique washing power, and any negative effects, toxins, poor surgical force invasion, and even physical mutations can be purified and eliminated, especially for our elf bloodline, which has further purifying power. In our ancient elf kingdom, elves with the blood of the Moon Swordsman are washed with moon springs upon awakening to further unleash their blood potential. So moon springs represent purification and baptism. ”

“Lynn Lorraine, don't you have the blood of the Lunar Swordsman too, is that not if you go through the washing of the Lunar Springs, your blood talent will be further enhanced?” Erin looked at Lynn Lorraine and couldn't help but say.

Lin Loren nodded.

In fact, whether it's the Tree of Life fragment or the Moon Spring essence left over from the destruction of the Moon Springs, it's what any magician with high elf blood will look for all his life.

“Rotong, what do you want Moonspring essence for?” When Lin Lorraine nodded, Erin turned around and looked at Rotung and asked.

Rotong lowered his head and did not respond for a moment.

Erin looked at him somewhat puzzled and wondered why Rotung had had a question-and-answer before, but now he was in silence again.

“Hey, if you cover up like this, how do we deal with you and how do we risk being a team?” Stingham woke up very dissatisfied, "but being a teammate with a guy like you is harder than being a teammate with a pervert like Lin Lorraine and Erin! ”

“Idiot!” Lin Lorraine scolded again when she heard Stingham call it that.

“You said to me the significance of the existence of the magician's life… For me, only with the essence of the moon spring can I truly live and think about what you mean.” Rotong's voice rang.

“Did...” Erin and Lynn Lorraine looked at each other and thought of a possibility.

“What, are you dead now?” Stingham called out terrified.

“Idiot!” Lin Lorraine's strange ability to understand Stingham is once again silent and full of black lines.

But at this point, it seemed to be because of Sting Han's words, Rotung kept his head down, but he lifted it up.


Stingham was so scared that his teeth were rattling, his whole body jumped back.

“ …… ”

Erin and Lynn Lorraine also had a complete pause in their breathing, and even their hearts seemed to have been pinched and a chill filled with their bodies.

This is not only from fear, but also from awe of death.

Rotong's face, it's dead gray!

His eyes and eyelids were all pitch-black with a strong death scent.

Erin and Rotong fought intense battles before. Rotong was just a strange technique. After all, he was a magician who got the blood of evil dragons, but now, Rotong gave him the feeling, but he was not alive at all!

“Grieving spirit! ”

In the next second, Lynn Lorraine's body trembled violently.

“Rotung...” Erin's mood cannot be described in words.

Some of the magicians' bodies are dead, but because of strong resentment and spiritual strength, coupled with some unique technical skills, they keep their bodies in the moment of just death.

Because it still maintains a sober consciousness and is able to apply technical particles with its own body, it is distinguished from pure necrotic organisms, which are called grievances by the surgeon.

But technically, such a grudge can indeed be said to be dead!

“Was it because Akimara was so badly wounded that she had to escape the pursuit of so many teams of magicians in the special services office that she became such a grievance?” Erin's body grew colder and colder. Although Rotong had always been his enemy, at this time he felt that Rotong had become like this and had a great responsibility.

And in the moment of Rotung's rise, he even heard the sound of a crackling bone.

In other words, from beginning to end, Rotong's broken neck was never recovered.

“You bastard...”

Stingham's teeth grid sounded inconsistent.

But what made Lin Lorraine look so dark was that Sting Han went on to say, “Would you keep your head down? Don't you think it's scary? ”

“Even if you are no longer alive, you must truly control your destiny and be free from manipulation. ”

As the number of clear bone friction sounds, Rotong really lowered his head and said.

“Have you always been under the control of men to kill magicians like us?” Erin's fists are also loud, "do you need the Moonspring essence to keep you out of control? ”

Rotong nodded and again made the sound of bone friction.

“Please don't nod again, okay?” Sting Han is about to cry, "if the Moon Springs essence is enough, we'll get you the Moon Springs essence, or you can give Lin Lorraine a little bit so he can improve his strength? Anyway, you too...”

“…” Lin Laurent was completely helpless.

While Stingham is really good for him at this time, sometimes the timing of this guy's speech and the way he looks when he talks, why does it always give people the urge to strangle him alive?

“Even if you die, pursue your faith, Rotung, you are a true warrior! ”

Erin took a deep breath and the warm blood boiled in his chest, all of whom could feel the flames in his eyes.

“Okay, I will definitely help you, go to the Land of the Dead to get the Moonspring essence! ”

“But on our own? Got a stretcher?” Stingham shouted, "With stretchers, no one can lift the three of us. ”

“Idiot! ”

Lynn Lorraine can no longer stand Stingham.

He kicked Stingham so hard that he flew out of Lin Lorraine and fell on Stingham and Erin, like countless fairies in light blue.

“This is the Tree of Life fragment... Lynn Lorraine, if you say so, you are a powerful medical technician like Teacher Garland? ”

Sting Han was stunned and he felt his internal qi flourish rapidly.

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