Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 322: Gambling to Test Strength

“Are you sure you saw those three guys from the St. Dawn Squad near West Fourth? ”

The elite teacher at Abel College, with the nickname of the Master of Sorcery, Kerry, looked at a marching map in his hand, and some doubtfully looked at the two magicians in front of him and said.

Now all the purple and black smoke above Fallen Shadow Valley has dissipated, the morning sun has fallen, just less than two days, but under the sun, on the bottom plain of Fallen Shadow Valley, many of the otherwise grassy ground, is already beginning to grow green sprouts.

The Office of the Special Agent and the Legion of the Demons of the South are equally quick to move, at a time when the entire Fallen Valley, including the surrounding Evil Forest area, has been mapped out for marching and, in addition to the Evil Abyss, the surrounding area has been divided into many districts.

Just say which area, follow the map, and the location is clear.

At this moment, the two artists in front of Kerry are also wearing the robes of Abbott College, just because they are not the college's elite teachers, they should be college graduates, or the elite among senior students.

“We did meet Erin and others from the Saint Dawn College team in that area, who seemed to have stopped there to take a break, just one night later, and now they don't know if they were going anywhere else.” When asked by Kerry, the two magicians spoke in more detail.

“Has it been one night? Just seeing them there before nightfall? We'll be here for at least half a day, and they're probably gone.” Kerry hesitated for a moment and put away the marching map in his hand and waved to the rear: "But we got there, and we might be able to get an update from the other magicians. Let's go! ”

Behind him, he followed the entire Abel College Squad.

“That's right! ”

After walking out with the Abbott College team for a while, Cree suddenly remembered something like that and said to the two magicians who were already leaving behind: "Nennon! Wait a minute. ”

“Anything else? Teacher Kerry.” One of the two magicians on the left politely asked.

“Lend me your burning essence and I'll return it when you get out.” Kerry looked at him and said.

“Okay.” the magician nodded, reassured to take out a rolling red stone and hand it to Kerry.

“Is this the burning essence of a fiery fire that can form an equally good defense and attack? ”

“Plus this burning essence, it must be a sure loss. ”

The members of the Abel College team were overjoyed.

“Happy now? Until we find the men of Saint Dawn and get their things back!” In the afterglow of his eyes, the Abbott College team was delighted, and Crichton laughed once again: “The Lunar Throat Sword is not a particularly powerful technician weapon, but the Mental Interference Gem is a treasure that can turn a very powerful psychiatric technician directly into a waste. The College only worried about your so-called geniuses dying in battle, and lent you the Mental Disturbance Gem first, but did not expect that the Mental Disturbance Gem had been stored in our Abe College for hundreds of years and was not lost in the hands of other magicians, but in the hands of your geniuses. ”

“If we can't recover the Moon Throat Sword and the Spiritual Disturbance Gem, I'm afraid it's a disgrace for our lives. ”

A group of Abbott College teams had all the burning pains on their faces.

“Is that Ming Lu? ”

By the time Cree et al. arrived in Sector Four West, marked on the marching map, it was almost noon, and the sun was shining brightly on a land where there had never been direct sunlight before, with some black stones and even strange crackles.

According to previous sources, Erin et al., of the Saint Dawn College team, arrived here just before midnight yesterday, one night had passed and an additional morning had passed. Cree et al. felt that they must have been gone long ago and had to pass through other nearby teams of magicians to determine their whereabouts.

But unexpectedly, all of them saw a tall figure standing on an empty space like a tower at first sight.

That tall figure, filled with the feeling of explosive power, is, of course, the obvious path of one of the six-person groups of the Holy Dawn College.

“Sleep? ”

“Those three guys are still sleeping! ”

Even more stunned by Lottner and others in the Abbott College team, as they approached, they saw clearly that Erin, Stingham and Lin Lorraine were all shouting for sleep.

The three slept on each other's feet, not only Erin and Stingham, but even Lin Lorraine, who usually seemed to be the most isolated and arrogant, slept in drool.

“Are you so tired? ”

“Did you sleep so well? ”

“Can't sleep anywhere else, now running into the Valley of Fallen Shadows, but sleeping desperately? ”

This group of people in the Abbott College team, watching Erin and Stingham and Lin Lorraine sleep very sweetly, had a feeling of frenzy.

“Chris, what's up, what's the special task? ”

Tomorrow Road also seemed to be very familiar with Kerry and greeted him from afar.

“There's nothing special about it, we're here for you.” Kerry said with a slight smile.

“To us? ”

Ming Lu took a strange glance at Cree and the Abe College team behind him: “What is it? ”

“It's quite simple, actually. ”

Kerry touched his chin, his eyes flashed, and he lit a little Lottner and others: “It's also their little ones messing around. Didn't they get along well with Erin before, and then impulse gave Erin the lunar sword and the spiritual disturbance gem, but those things were very useful to them after all, so I couldn't bear them afterwards, but their faces were thin, and I'm sorry to ask to come back. ”

“We got along great... Teacher Kerry really didn't blush when she lied..." The group at Abe College couldn't help but wipe away the sweat.

A slight glimpse of Ming Lu: “So you're trying to help them get those things back? ”

“I've already criticized them. If you don't deliver it, don't worry about it, don't think about taking it back.” Chris is really not blushing at all, and his tone suddenly turns: “But you can't see good things and give them away. After all, it's a powerful magician's weapon. If it's given to worthy people, you can do more for peace in our kingdom of Aache in the future, but if they're not even better than them, then why should you give them those things and leave them behind? But they and I guarantee Erin that they're better than them. ”

“But I don't believe it!” Kerry waved his fist and looked very inflammatory: "I wanted to see for myself if they were telling the truth. If Erin and they are so much better than Lottona and they are geniuses, then I will give them something more, and they will definitely achieve something higher in the future. But if Erinby Lottner is bad, then I'm sure I'll have to take back what they sent me. ”

“I'm just a little rough on the outside, Kelly. Do you really think I'm stupid? ”

Tomorrow I looked at Kerry and laughed, "Kerry, why are you talking so much crap if you just want to win those things back? ”

“This guy, he's really not as developed as he looks. He's got no brain.” Lotner and others couldn't help but look at each other.

Kerry's face sank: “Well, in that case, let me get this straight, put your bets on it, let them compete, how about it! ”

“Examine how much of a gap they have between them and these opponents of the national competition.” Ming Lu glanced at Erin and Lin Laurent and Stinghan, who were still asleep, laughing louder and louder: “Kerry, of course I agreed to your request, but I think you'll regret it. ”

“Regret?” Cree laughed: “Is that how confident you are on the road? ”

“Since when have we members of the Saint Dawn College team not been confident?” Ming Lu looked at Kerry and laughed furiously: “I think this challenge is more beneficial to Erin as well. After you lose today, you can always continue to challenge them in this way in the future! ”

“It's really not just crazy. ”

Cree sank her face and looked at Erin, Stingham and Lin Lorraine still asleep: “Now can we call them up and start? ”

“Of course, I can't wait either.” There was an outcry from Ming Lu: “Erin, Stingham, Lin Lorraine, Warrior, get up and fight! ”

“ …… ”

After a thunderous drink, a moment of silence.

Even Ming Lu is a little embarrassed.

Because Erin and Stingham and Lin Lorraine didn't even hear it, and they were still snoring and sleeping.

“If you don't wake up like this, you'll have to figure it out separately. ”

Ming Lu grabbed his head: "Erin, get up and eat! ”


Originally asleep Erin suddenly sat up, rubbing her eyes, confused asked: "Teacher Ming Lu, where is there food? ”

“…” a group of people at Cree and Abel College were silent again.

“Stingham, your girlfriend was robbed by Lynn Laurent.” Ming Lu then called to Stinghan.

“What!” Stingham jumped off the ground.

“Lynn Lorraine, you have so much dirt on you!” Ming Lu immediately shouted at Lin Lowland again.

“I'm taking a bath!” Lin Lorraine suddenly jumped too.

“Teacher Ming Lu, what's going on? ”

“Where's my girlfriend? ”

Erin and Lin Lorraine and Stingham were all stunned when they saw the surrounding scene.

“Your girlfriend doesn't like this kind of sunshine, now it's in a dark place nearby, don't worry, you have great taste, no one will rob your girlfriend.” Ming Lu first patted Stinghan's shoulder, answered Stinghan's question, and then laughed, “These people from the Abe College team want to play with you again. ”

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