Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 376: Power of Destruction

Nerico's heart was filled with poisonous emotions, and if she had the chance, she would kill the monster in front of her without mercy.

What her eyes could not see was the red line that slowly disappeared from her body's skin, but converged on her back neck like running water, slowly forming a fresh red mark under her hairline, like a monster of snakes and wolves combined.

At the moment of the mark, the lethal smell of the decaying variation of blood in her body was eliminated, and every drop of blood in her body seemed to return to normal, while a warm oceanic sense of power continued to spread from her back neck to her whole body.

As if that mark had become another source of strength outside the door of surgery.

It seemed to be a bloodbath trapped behind her neck, but it was also like some kind of sacred object, and she could even feel that the power of the warm ocean could greatly enhance her physical strength.

Nerico's body was again frozen, her hands pressed against her back neck, and her poisonous eyes fell on Bello like a monster: "What have you done to me? ”

There is still blood flowing on the broken flesh of Bello, but the blood flowing along the broken flesh appears to be directly producing flesh again, and it is clear that the flesh sprouts are growing rapidly, which is chilling.

“This is the extra reward you get after choosing to be my follower.” Bello, through the wind, can only be heard nearby by Neric: “Anyone who completes the ritual and becomes an obedient magician of the Lord of the Beasts will receive additional blessings from the blood of his own blood, which will give you more strength, more resilience and almost no fear of toxins and deadly bacteria. This blessing is called strength and health. But again, you have to take on your mission, and I'm killed by someone else, or you kill me with your own hands, and this blessing on you becomes enough blood for you to die instantly. The fate of the magician and master is inextricably linked. ”

At any time before, Bello gave the impression that he was an impulsive teenager, but at this moment it seemed to him to be about ancient rituals and inheritance. His tone of speech is exactly like that of an elder, a king, a prize in a temple.

“Remember your mission, may you and your master leave more glory than shame in their limited lives.” Lastly, Bello seemed to have completed the ceremony in such a sentence that the unusual look on his face had completely disappeared and turned into the former extremely impulsive teenager.

The venom in Nerico's eyes gradually vanishes, slowly filled with helplessness and helplessness.

Of course, she wasn't willing to do anything to obey the magician, but that poisonous tumor-like mark on the neck was a reminder that she feared her fate would be truly related to this guy in the future.

What kind of monster are you?

Do you really have a future with me?

“What kind of monster is this guy? ”

“That's how Nerek got beat? ”

“What the fuck! Monster!”

The audience on the basement stand had no idea what was happening, and shouting and screaming pervaded everyone's ears.

“Seems hopeless at all.” Rowing at the edge of the metal cage shook his head and sighed.

The rest of the Burning Legion's magicians looked at him with confusion: "No hope at all? ”

“I also wanted to cultivate a sense of good will and see if I could get a chance to pull into our Burning Legion. After all, a guy like that could make it to a team of magicians by himself in the future.” Roewe looks at Bello in the metal cage: “But this guy… probably doesn't even see the Legion Leader. ”

“Uh... so full...”

Satisfied that Erin slept perfectly sweetly, he held his stomach, which seemed to explode, and his mouth continued to sound so satisfied.

The helpful elite teacher and the two apprentices found by Professor Kensini were stunned and muttered to themselves constantly: “It must have been the giant eater who changed... it must have been the giant eater who changed...”

Erin suddenly fell asleep after sweeping through the entire Hell's Kitchen food and half the Iceberm's Kitchen food at once.

“I've never seen this guy so satisfied, clearly wanting to eat, but desperately enduring, with hunger and food to stimulate his own training, really to dream of a guy who can do anything.” Lister looked at Arryn with a smiley face.

At the end of the day, he still admired the sight of his predecessors who passed it on to the Erin bloodline, and could actually find a genius like Erin in a small place like Coloring town.

“Put him in Warehouse 3, empty everything useful in Warehouse 3 before you rest, and put in as much as you need. ”

Professor Kenzini's face grew heavier and heavier, and he commanded the elite teacher and two apprentices, who were somewhat unbearable in both heart and strength.

As far as he knows, that kind of blood was born with the title of sabotage God, and now that he has given so many treasured supplies at once, this guy should start showing that power, right?

Erin slept very dead.

He had no idea what the outside world had done to him or where he had moved him.

He just started dreaming, dreaming all kinds of strange dreams.

He seemed to see a lot of giant silver particles exploding.

He seemed to see a battlefield much bigger than Fan Shadow Valley, and he saw a shadow wrecking desperately.

He saw a giant silver light rising again, as if to form a giant monster.

But in the silver light, it seemed to stand the shadow of desperate destruction again, and then still made a sound to him, shouting, “Wake up... wake up...”

Even in his dreams, an unidentified feeling began to fill his body.

It's like having an infinite amount of energy, no place to vent, a feeling of hyperactivity.

His body moved unconsciously.

“Beginning? ”

“Is it true that some of the things in the legend are right... when you're still asleep, you can't breathe your energy and your body moves? ”

In a large warehouse filled with useless clutter and closed doors, Professor Kensini and Lester watched as their hands and feet moved unconsciously, seemingly knocking on something Erin, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

At this moment, Erin does not know that even if his hands and feet do not move, his entire body gives a restless feeling, as if every tiny molecule in his body is suppressing an insurrection that cannot be suppressed.

His body has emitted a faint silver light.

This faint silver light gives a strong sense of power.


Erin's hand slammed on the debris next to him.

The debris was then quickly pushed unconsciously far away from his body.

His hands and feet fluttered again, knocking on the ground.

This Warehouse 3 is the most robust warehouse in Kensini's laboratory, and the ground and surrounding walls are built with bars weighing several tons.

But Erin hit the ground with his hands and feet, seemingly just beating up some dust at first, but soon, it was a terrible shock.

It looks like Arryn's movements are nothing special, nothing unusual, but they are getting stronger and stronger.

The entire floor of the warehouse vibrated and produced a dull sound wave.

“It's this bloodline! ”

“After the Great Dragon War, this bloodline finally reappeared on the continent of Doraster! ”

Professor Kensini didn't seem to be sure until this moment, when he looked at the trembling ground, eyes and face, all filled with ecstatic looks.

This is a complete end to the Dragon Wars era and a change in the bloodline power of Dorast's destiny!

Legend has it that the Guardian has been searching for a qualified heir to this bloodline, but there are also myriad rumours that the bloodline has been extinguished with the death of the Dragon King, without any inheritance of holy objects.

As long as this bloodline is not completely annihilated as the Evil Dragon Rumor has it, even if the Evil Dragon can truly gain the full power of the Evil Dragon King's bloodline, then fight it!

“Professor Kensini, perhaps too much good food for him at once, his body suddenly absorbed too much... he used to suppress too long, now such a cheering sensation...” At this time, Lester's faint voice sounded again.

“Professor Kenzini, isn't your lab strong enough?” He turned his head and touched his chin, watching Kensini say that.

Kenzini's face changed.

“I'll go scream and get some things out of here first!” He rushed out immediately, banging, and brought the heavy iron gate of the warehouse.

Severe vibrations, centred on this warehouse, keep coming out.

“Earthquake? ”

“What's going on? ”

Outside Professor Kensini's lab, on the road not far away, students at River Bay College were shocked to feel the ground vibrating constantly. Especially two girls who are drinking beverages see their drinks spreading in a circle of tremors.

“Kensini, that weird old professor, did he catch any live trolls in the lab this time? ”

Soon, the more River Bay students gathered around them discovered that the vibrating center came from this lab in Kensini.


A crackling ear sparked a tsunami-like shout.

All the students gathered at River Bay College saw several huge cracks at the top of that ancient castle-like lab.

Then a roof collapsed directly.

When the roof collapsed, the flashing silver light on Arryn in Warehouse 3 began to fade away, and he was finally woken up by the noise he made, this time sleeping, perhaps the shortest time.

“This place is still not strong enough, it looks like it's going to take a little effort, otherwise this place is really going to fall...” Lister squeezed her nose and muttered to herself.


A powerful domain power, instantly filled with this warehouse, the entire warehouse, seemed to form a hard crystal.

Erin just woke up a little confused and didn't figure out what was going on.

But an uncontrollable, extremely agitated feeling, which he couldn't control at all, was a desperate feeling of wanting to move and smashing things out.

Boom! Boom! Boom, boom, boom! ”

His body still seemed motionless, but instantly, several large debris surrounding him had been smashed out by him.

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