Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 508: Familiar Flavors

“What happened? ”

“How can there be such a strong evil smell! ”

The black surgical layer was destroyed by Arryn, purple and black particles swept out, and the entire Dova Palace was utterly stunned and countless figures were swept away.

“Get him! ”

“What is that, dragon egg! ”

The distinction between Erin and Charlotte, Maureen's clothing and all the Royal Dowa magicians, coupled with the strong surgery fluctuations emanating from the big eggs in Erin's hands, led the guardian magician to discover his trail.

The stolen treasure is a dragon egg?

“Stop! ”

Found traces of Erin, but didn't know exactly what happened.

A dragon egg often means being able to create a top magician, more likely to determine the balance of power after the Battle of the Valley of Fallen.

This is the most amazing asset for the entire kingdom.


A figure wrapped around a red flame of light suddenly rushed out of one side and followed Erin holding a giant egg.

“Lord Hagey? ”


The magicians stagnated when they saw the figure.

The Oracle of the Green Dragon Temple… what are you yelling at the man with the giant egg?


And that's when these magicians along the way saw Erin chewing on a huge egg.


“Don't! ”

The magicians suddenly screamed and all their sweats blew up.

The surgery fluctuation of this giant egg has reached its extreme point, and the instinct for any one of them is a dragon egg that can hatch!

But this thief is eating dragon eggs directly!

“Erin, this should be Dragon Egg! ”

Charlotte, who fled behind Arryn so desperately, almost lost her mind.

She saw that the red egg shells had been eaten down by Arryn and the debris was scattered.

“Cooking tea eggs with dragon eggs! It's too luxurious! ”

Erin's own eyes stared to the extreme.

“Give me back my tea eggs!” Charlotte is really going to vomit blood, "which should incubate! ”

“It's been burning for so long, it should be cooked! Must have boiled some tea eggs!” Erin screamed with an egg shell in his mouth.

“Different dragon eggs have different hatching methods! And they may..."

“It's too late! Even if it can really hatch, a better dragon egg is useless, because the surgery force fluctuates too strongly to take it out, only when the tea egg is eaten. ”

Charlotte's cry was interrupted by Erin's words, and Charlotte reacted, and although Erin remembered to eat it in her head, this seemed to be the only option.

“But are you sure you can eat this? ”

But soon she couldn't bear to wake up again.

This dragon egg was obviously refined with a secret sacrifice by those evil dragon bishops who opened the six doors of surgery and did not know what kind of power was absorbed.

“There seems to be no problem and should be able to devour it. ”

Erin didn't even spit out the egg shell he bit in his mouth because he felt that some of the debris he swallowed in his stomach seemed to dissipate into particles, just like he had swallowed the Ice Dragon Spirit before, but the nature of the surgery was different.

“It really smells like tea eggs!” And he couldn't bear to add to Charlotte.

“Give me back my tea eggs! If it is truly a tea egg, it is by far the most expensive in the entire Doraster continent and no one can afford it!” Charlotte's impulse to vomit blood.

“Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! ”

An egg shell underneath the stomach felt something a little sturdy in the stomach, and Ellington had a little strength to chew harder.

“Bastard! ”

“That's a dragon egg! ”

“You'll be hanged 10,000 times on the gallows! ”

Several of the magicians who saw the scene trembled violently and could barely control the flow of their technical particles.


A terrible airplane suddenly swept from afar, seemingly targeting Erin.

A patch of domes and walls were directly annihilated, struck by powerful forces into flying ash and stretched with ancient and beautiful buildings, like the burning of a paper house, a scorched black passage extending from a distance towards where Arryn was.

This is an extraordinarily horrible technique, and even the magicians who opened the five doors thought it was a divine force, unstoppable.

But because it was too far away, and Erin had always fled at an alarming rate.

So when this engine disappeared, the edge of power was at least a hundred meters away from Erin.

A magician whose surgical forces fluctuated so dramatically that a strong wave of oscillations was formed all the time outside him that countless black gases formed giant columns standing on the far end of that coke tunnel.

Though it was impossible to kill Erin at such a distance, some of the building obstacles that had been removed seemed to make him feel what Erin was doing at this time.

“You actually... ah! I'm gonna kill you! ”

The magician, Qi Yu, smoked, and the particles of the surgery sprayed out of his nostrils.

Two shockwaves formed in front of him.

“Wow, you must eat fast! Otherwise, you can't hide the tracks, you can't escape! ”

Erin ran more mad and bit more desperately.


A flash of treasure suddenly washed out of the egg shell on his mouth.

It looks like countless stars are floating and rising from Bao Guang.

“Bite through! ”

“Bitten yellow! ”

Arryn stared wide-eyed surprised.

This egg shell, which doesn't know what dragon egg is, is magenta, but it's yellow and clear, and it's not liquid, it's semi-coagulated, it's really like a semi-cooked tea egg.

“What, it's all yellow! ”

The terrible sorcerer in the distance suddenly went insane and his whole body rose into the air.

A giant black throne formed beneath him, and a circle of explosions kept blowing up.

“I can't! If you were locked in with such a horrible forbidden technique, you wouldn't even have the scum! ”

“Eat it! ”

Irene sucked all her strength.

Previously, the technology of sucking alcohol made him suck everything out of his egg shell almost in one breath and swallow it all into his stomach.


A few crazy screams rang in the distance.

The unique strong surgery fluctuations on this dragon egg seem to disappear in a flash, with only a faint surgical finish to Erin's injured egg shell.


But what nearly fainted King Dragonben the elf, Erin didn't even let go of the egg shell and still chewed it.

“Erin, we're gonna lose this egg shell, or we're gonna get traced! Or let 'The King' take this egg shell another way to lure them away. ”

Charlotte shouted at Erin.

The presence of those horrible evil dragon bishops was obviously very sensitive to the surgery of the egg, and she felt that the magician who formed the Black Throne beneath her had come closer.

And judging by the surgery fluctuations and void breaking around, many teams of magicians soon formed a circle of siege on them.

The best way for her to see it now is for the king to use this aura to lure his opponent away. After all, it is not difficult to escape and rendezvous with the Elf Dragon in this chaotic situation by hiding its breath.

“Can't waste it! There is another way!”

But Erin didn't give up, clicking and chopping the egg shell into pieces, and stuffing several pieces in her mouth.

“Skunk Summoning Spell! ”

“Vomiting Death Field! ”

Meanwhile, a series of strong surgery fluctuations erupted from Erin.

“ …… ”

Charlotte was crying.

Erin finally used his favorite technology and favorite areas again.


An unspeakable stench blew up in the palace.

All the tightly chased magicians were all in green retreat.

Especially some of the sorcerers pursued by the rear of Arryn were almost hit by the field of vomiting deaths, and a group of unprotected sorcerers were vomiting desperately.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Even the horror technician, who burst into a huge black throne beneath him, lost the smell of Erin and couldn't locate the giant egg, and he growled hysterically.

A huge black tail suddenly emerged from the ground beneath him, as if to exasperate his anger, slapping desperately at the surrounding buildings.

A piece of palace collapsed directly.

“What is that? ”

The magician who saw such a scene was even more appalled, and many of the images he saw today were beyond imagination. That black tail is neither like a dragon, nor like a snake, nor like a touch angle, but it gives people the same huge and scary feeling as a giant dragon.

Meanwhile, in the Green Dragon Shrine.

“What shall we do, Lord Luciuca? The enemy is about to enter the Heretic Adjudication Institute! ”

In the distance, among several magicians dressed in red magician robes and white magician robes, a thin, tall magician with cold sweats shouted, "How come no Bishop Ross came! ”

“Don't rush! Lord Menlando has gone to gather weapons that can be used against them! Lord Ross, they're doing something more important!” One face next to him, a cold grey-haired man shouted a loud drink, "and the remainder of the prisoners, with the exception of Jingkamiao, had been executed or transferred in advance! Jing Ka Miao is in the Dragon Head Prison with the field arranged by His Holiness the Bishop himself, they cannot defeat it! Just keep surrounding them! None of them can escape! ”

Hurray! Hurray! ”

At this moment, a hurried breaking sound sounded.

With this cracking sound, there is also a vibrating sound of metal chains and a dragging sound of heavy objects.

“Lord Luciuca is here! ”

“What is that? ”

All the temple magicians, who surrounded Stingham and Lin Lorraine and others far away, turned their heads and saw only a few flying magicians with silver-white metal chains attached to them, dragging behind them a metal tank.

Above the metal chariot is a silver-white dwarf statue.

“Jing Ka Miao! ”

By this time, a group of people from Stingham and Lin Lorraine had arrived at the entrance to the Heretic Adjudication Institute, and at first glance they saw that the centre of the Heretic Adjudication Institute also had a temple like a faucet, which was wrapped in a layer of gray glory.

The main body of the temple, which appears to be filled with countless tiny windows, is like a wall surrounding the most central palace.

At the same time, they also saw the figure of Jing Ka Miao right at the doorstep of the most central palace, right behind the glow of the gray sky.

“What is that? ”

And that's when they discovered that strange metal tank.

“Well, how can it smell so bad? How is this smell so familiar?” Meanwhile, Stingham smoked his nose and suddenly said in surprise.

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