Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 519 Evil Dragon Transformation


Ross suddenly thought of something, shaking all over him, and his body appeared insanely pouring out countless white particles like maggots.

Meanwhile, a frightening airplane has burst out of Erin's chest, pierced by his Yellow Springs Sadness Blade.

The wound on Erin's chest seems to instantly turn into a scary black eye.


Black eyes rushed out sharply, magnifying, instantly enclosing Ross with the "Yellow Springs Blade of Sorrow” in his hand.


Ross screamed violently.

By this time his entire body had been covered by pale particles, as if the whole population had been built up by this floating pile of pale particles, but countless black flames were burning in white particles.

Large pieces of white particles burned to ashes in black flames, but less than a second later, Ross had a large number of holes in his body that revealed a root bone.

“So cunning! ”

“Erin did it on purpose! In this case, any opponent's first constant reaction must have been to kill him… it is simply impossible to react, he is attacking with a sacrifice of darkness! ”

Merale, drenched in cold sweat, also reacted thoroughly.

Since then, she has admired Erin.

Erin is indeed an incomparable combat genius.

Using the surgical anti-layer that has just been generated… using the residual drug power in the body to ensure that you are not killed by seconds… and then using this strange self-destructive technique of sacrificing darkness to attack your opponent, Erin is a guy who uses almost everything he can to the extreme, combining it to exert tremendous opposing power.

Most importantly, the surgical resistance layer of his body had just been formed, and in such a short period of time he had already thought of such a combination.

This fighting intuition is simply not comparable to her.

“How dare you...”

All the temple magicians who saw this scene were horrified by the numbness.

In the world of magicians, surgery particles are cultivated to a level of difference, whether it is the power of technology, all the functions of the body, the speed of implementation, is already an insurmountable gap in itself, the difference between the two surgical doors is, more than ever, the distance between heaven and earth, even a sneak attack is impossible to succeed.

But now... Lord Ross, who is usually as powerful as God in their eyes, has been badly hit by Arryn!

And technically, although Erin was covered by three Kaiyama giants, five giant monsters, he was the one who summoned them.

Is it true that the Epic Silver Dragon bloodline, as legendary as it is, is destined to be the terminator of the Evil Dragon bloodline?

But what shocked everyone did not stop there.

At a moment when Ross screamed in shock and many bones appeared on his body, he shouted and suddenly had a green tip in his chest!

“Stingham? ”

Charlotte screamed incredibly the first time.

This is impossible!

How could Stingham win!

How could it be so coincidental?

Merale and others, whose gaze was entirely focused on Erin, were also instantly filled with incredible emotions.

“Wahahahahahaha! ”

Sting Han laughed with great pride.

Merale et al. did not realize until this time that he had also rushed behind Ross, and at this moment Stingham stood behind Ross, forking his waist with a green dragon long gun stuck in Ross's body.

“Ha ha, now I can't vote, can I? ”

“I follow Arryn's pervert, I rush straight to you, I plug you in, so you won't miss the vote, right? ”

Stingham shook his hair and was proud to draw against Merale and others.

“Attaboy, Stingham Warrior! Why am I so dizzy?” Erin's body fell in the air while shouting.

All the temple magicians were cold.

Her body was pierced by Yellow Springs Sad Blade Hole. Even if she suffered such a trauma without dying, she still said why she was so dizzy.

Either this Eileen or this one, forking his waist, stabbing Ross with a gun and laughing at Stingham, looked stupid.

But Lord Ross, like God, was not killed just like that?

Ross's screaming suddenly stopped.


Charlotte and Merale, among others, could not help but pause breathing.

“Stingham! Run!”

But just then, Erin suddenly stared wide-eyed and shouted desperately at Stingham.


Sting Han was stunned for a while and still hasn't reacted.


A tremendous force, coming from the long gun in his hand to his body.

A black shock wave exploded at the same time.


In the scream, Stingham's body was directly blown away, and a human hole appeared directly on the wall on the side of the ruling.

“Stingham! ”

Erin shouted into that puppet hole and didn't seem to have a sound response at all.

Shanna and all the Qingyu magicians looked all pale.


The breath and roar of a giant troll echoes from where Ross is.

At the center of the black shockwave, Rose's body is undergoing a dramatic transformation.

All the bones and flesh in his body were undergoing intense deformation, the entire body was constantly growing, and a huge scale of iron brown grew from the flesh and skin, completely covering the surface of his body.

“Evil Dragon Transformation! ”

Charlotte immediately reacted and shouted at Erin, “Erin! Careful, it's evil dragon transformation! ”

All the temple magicians are regressing in horror.

They know better than anyone what this evil dragon ban means.

This is one of the most powerful techniques in the banning of evil dragons.

After the transformation of evil dragon morphology, not only the surgical resistance and the body's ability to withstand is stronger, but most importantly, the evil dragon magician after the transformation of evil dragon morphology, his ability to defend himself against evil dragon blood particles is also improved accordingly.

The evil dragon blood particles in his body will be powerful enough to exceed the threshold that all normal surgeons can bear.

As long as he is contaminated with the evil dragon blood particles of the technology he has released, he will no doubt die unless there are unique techniques such as Holy Light Ablation at St. Dawn's College.

“Is this what Teacher Lister called the Evil Dragon Transformation? ”

“Only a handful of the most powerful evil dragonists can transform into evil dragon forms? ”

Erin's eyes flashed violently.

“Charlotte, stay back!” He immediately shouted.


The surgical particles in his body seemed never to run out, and the horrific surgical particle fluctuations shook around his body again.


The realm of eternal winter descends.

Focus on him, everything is in sharp freeze.

A string of dragon words resounds in everyone's minds.

Rose's body has completed its final morphology and has been thoroughly shaped.

He became a giant iron grey dragon over ten metres long, covered with a shield-like scalar armor, a raised bone, bare outside, connected to a scalar armor, like a giant chain of iron.

With a pair of long wings equally covered with scales, his back was filled with purple and black flames.

“I said... I'll cook you like a tea egg and eat you! ”

The roar of majesty and terror emanated from the mouth of the evil dragon, while a waterfall-like flame erupted from its mouth!

Erin was quick to react and the eternal winter field had taken shape.

But this dreadful purple and black flame, in a sweeping gesture, directly cut the entire eternal winter realm, instantly impinging on Erin.


Erin screamed and instantly disappeared into a waterfall-like flame.

But at this moment, the giant dragon's body was suddenly stiff.

In the divided realm of eternal winter, amidst countless broken ice crystals, a flash of peach red halo is suddenly scattered.

Intense to the point of alcohol, it makes its head faint.

“pū pū pū pū pū pū pū..."

At the same time, countless explosions of ice crystals erupted into countless reddish-red flames.

At one time, the entire field of eternal winter, cut in half, was filled with countless flames, completely forming a world where ice and fire coexisted.

“Black Blood Demon Dragon Egg! ”

Ross's enormous dragon torso twisted in countless splashy flames, and his mouth roared with great anger again.

At this moment, he reacted, which was absolutely due to Erin's devouring of the Black Dragon Egg, combined with the unique bloodline talent of Epic Silver Dragon, which drew on some of the blood talent of the Black Dragon and inspired the eternal winter domain to produce such strange variations.

“It hurts! It hurts!”

A pitch-black figure flies backwards from the realm of eternal winter, screaming constantly.

Not dead yet?

Is this guy never gonna die?

The scalp of all the temple magicians is again numb to the extreme.

“You're such a foodie, always thinking about tea eggs! ”

But what made them almost spit blood was that Erin yelled at Ross this time.

You ate the black dragon egg as a tea egg! That's why Lord Ross was so angry that he asked to eat you as a tea egg, and now he's saying that Lord Ross eats food!


Ross breathed a black-and-purple flame in his mouth and nose, temporarily unable to even locate Erin.


At this moment, an astonishing green flame of light suddenly flew in front of its body.

The attention of Charlotte and Merale, among others, was drawn to the green flame and then utterly silent, and the corners of their mouths could not bear the twitch.

Stingham didn't know when to climb out of that human hole, just a few dozen meters from Ross' huge body.

But so close, Ross' evil dragon shape so huge body, he didn't hit it!

“Distorted again...”

Sting Han also wanted to cry without tears, his mouth was twitching.


A purple black flame swept and Stingham's body suddenly disappeared again.

“Turn you into a stinking duck egg! ”

But it was also at this moment that Erin's excitement sounded again.

Charlotte suddenly reacted to what was happening, and her hands covered her nose like a reflex.

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