Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 521: Kingworms of Power

“You five guys, don't play dead, get up! ”

Erin immediately screamed at the five giant monsters behind her.

“Is that how you see it? ”

Five heads lay on the ground pretending to die without tears, one climbing from the ground.

“Boom Lung! ”

And just as they climbed up, almost the entire Heterogeneity Court ground collapsed, and giant bugs covered in ring metal armor arched out of Rose's back.

“Monster! ”

Five trolls shuddered and nearly lay on the ground.

“Aren't you monsters? Still calling people monsters?” Merale is speechless about these five trolls.

“Is this the fat bug before? How could they have condensed into such physical armor? ”

Erin shouted out in surprise.

The armor on this fat worm is fluctuating strongly in surgical force, obviously solid particle formation.

“But if you take the armor off, the meat must taste just as good. ”

But soon he mumbled again, “So big, one third for steaming, one third for baking, one third for braised red. ”


It was also at this time that Ross, who had fallen to the ground, again made a fierce howl, struggling desperately to retreat.

“Want to escape?” Ellington shout, "Come on, Stingham, stop him! ”

“Eileen, if you're not human, I can't even lift my gun, and you let me stab a big guy like that.” Sting Han, lying on the ground, cried without tears.


Erin rushed in.

A giant bug dressed in loop armor rose completely from the underground, and a room-sized floor was lifted directly from it, thrown out, and hit Erin.

“So powerful, so powerful! ”

Erin's entire person suddenly turned into a pie sticker on this floor, flying back.


Maureen continued to fire with unparalleled stability, but the giant monster had completely covered up the retreating Ross, and the powerful and horrific group bombarded the giant monster and collapsed out of many fragments.

A pit appeared on the giant monster, but the air surged quickly and grew fast again.

“Aiya! ”

Erin screamed.

The whole person was pressed under the floor.

Dozens of temple magicians in white robes and red robes immediately surrounded the dragon-shaped Ross, guarding Ross's rapid retreat.

“Hey, don't run! Fight like a warrior! ”

“Aren't you the Bishop of Evil Dragons? Didn't you open six surgery doors? If you run away like this, you won't be ashamed! ”

Erin's shouts echoed from beneath the floor with painful cries.

“So perverted...”

All temple magicians dressed in white and red robes increasingly feel that fighting Erin is a double physical and spiritual destruction.

Being squashed, he was still yelling to keep people from running and to fight him.

“Hahaha... Bishop Wangbug dared not to stay when a student magician laughed at him! ”

The black-haired man, who was fighting against the White Robe priestess, made a tremendous laugh.


All white robes and red robe temple magicians unconsciously raised their heads in horror at this moment.

A terrible starlight, cut from the sky at a rate that they couldn't even react to, directly cut Ross' head off.

“Lord Ross! ”

All these white robes and red robe temple magicians screamed in horror.

Rose's huge body collapsed.

His head was completely torn apart by this blow and split into two pieces.

“Killed?" ”

“Awesome. ”

“It's just a pity that people have become evil dragons and can't eat..." Erin sounded somewhat sorry.


Also at this moment, the giant crystal curtains that surround the four sides of the White Robe Lady's sacrifice, connecting heaven and earth, suddenly burst into a layer of ripples.

The crystal curtain, which seemed harder than any stone, suddenly turned into a soft water curtain.


The black-haired man's laughter stopped.

His hands on one of the crystal curtains, which he had been holding tight to, suddenly fell inside and were sucked in quickly.

Not only his hands, but all the particles of surgery in his body, his spiritual strength, seemed to be separated from his body, fluctuating towards the crystal curtain, his soul seemed to be pulled out and separated from his body.

“Spider Emperor Sucking Field! ”

Dark-haired man's face changed dramatically.

“Void decomposition! ”

In the time that everyone else had not had time to react, he did not forcibly struggle to retrieve his technical particles, but poured them all into the crystal curtain once and for all.


The crystal curtain completely turned black to the extreme, and countless light points emerged, as if instantly filled with a star river.


“I just want to save my son! You can't escape! ”

At this moment, the voice of the White Robe Lady Sacrifice sounded in the mind of the dark-haired man, causing him to faint slightly.

But no one can stop such a confrontation of power.


The four-sided crystal curtain disappeared completely, turning into an innumerable stream of water.

At the same time, the galactic realm of the crystal curtain shrank sharply, and in the end it just seems to become a very fine point of mass, and then disappear completely into the air.

The dark-haired man also completely depleted all his strength, falling straight back.

“Killed? ”

“disappeared? ”

“What is this area? ”

Meraleh et al. woke up from a state of fainting, dripping with cold sweat.

It's an unspeakable power fight, and when the sucking power just spreads in the void, they all have the feeling of being sucked out of the body at a distance.


Hedgy's voice rang out.

She just lifted the huge floor that was pressed against Erin.

Erin beneath the floor is embedded on the floor.

“Erin! Do something! Even that guy is down, Jingka is down! Boss Chiro is down, so is Lin Laurent! If you don't want to do something about it, nobody can take care of this big guy! ”

Sting Han's scared shouts kept ringing.

After Ross was killed, that giant monster was already in a state of complete rampage, slapping the ground wildly, dancing around it with a giant block of stone and dirt, and it began to march wildly toward where Erin and others were.

Maureen keeps firing.

The White Dwarf Gun's magic group continued to bombard the giant monster, but it couldn't stop the giant monster from moving forward.

“Psst!” “Psst! ”

Two violently frayed voices rang with numbness.

At a moment when Erin bit his teeth and finally climbed out of the human hole, two fine Kaiyama giants had greeted him.

Both Kaiyama giant tanks have put up giant shields and pulled out long guns fastened to their backs.

Terrible metal longguns and air friction, brings a light blue flame of flaming bears and bears and rushes hard into this maddening giant monster.

“Dang!” “Dang! ”

Two huge metal banging sounds.

A momentary impasse arose between the giant monster and the huge body of the two Kaiyama giants.

“Pfft!” “Pfft! ”

After a moment of impasse, two horrible giant metal longguns burst into the body of a giant monster and stabbed it from behind.

A metal fighter who can be used to fight giant dragons!

It's really strong!

Erin's eyes were full of shock.


But the next second, he made an incredible shout.

Once again, the giant freak roars wildly inside.

Its body twisted violently, its powerful power even disengaged the long guns in the hands of both mountain giants, and neither of the two mountain giants was able to maintain its balance, falling like a mountain.

“Nothing at all? ”

Erin's eyes widened to the limit.

Even a real dragon, pierced by two giant gun holes like this, could not have done nothing, but at this moment this giant monster gave him the feeling, but nothing really happened.

Even life and physical strength did not diminish in the slightest. After a sudden overthrow of the two Kaiyama giant tanks, the giant monster swayed his body, and then hit the two fallen Kaiyama giant tanks, shaking the mountain like the ground, the two Kaiyama giant tanks of the large body rolled over.

“It should be King Schwartz! ”

At this moment, a voice rang by Erin's ear.

“King Schwartz? ”

Erin turned around and found that the man with the dark hair who fell on the floor was the one who made the sound.

The dark-haired man clearly exceeded the limits of what the body could afford, and was sucked by that sucking field * * * * both nerve and body were mismatched. Every muscle in the entire body, every nerve seemed to be having severe spasms.

“In the era of the Great Dragon War, Schwartz was named for its materials… because its entire outer skin can be used to make powerful spacecraft.” The dark-haired man, spasmed all over, quickly said, "It's mainly a close-combat power troll, but the most powerful and terrifying thing about it is that all of its structures are almost identical, all the same tissue, every tiny muscle fiber, like its viscera, but it can also be said that there is no viscera or anything like that in its body, except the epidermis, which is entirely composed of the same muscle fibers, so a general blow, does not pose any threat to it at all. ”

“Does the body consist of the same thing… doesn't it have any effect on such penetration? How can you deal with it? ”

Erin was stunned.

By this time, Shanna, who was in charge of defense, and all the other Green Rain magicians had washed up.

A huge stream of blue water and powerful surgery were in turmoil, but the giant monster roared, but it was still moving forward, completely unstoppable.


Hedgy looked at him and called again.

“I've got an idea! ”

Erin's mind flashed with a flash of spirituality, and he shouted.

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