Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 524 Flesh Scented Aircraft

Maureen's moves were incredibly fast, and everyone was stunned.

The giant bug skin was first repaired and left with a hole, then it dragged the white dwarf cannon violently into the hole and fired directly into it.

The entire body of the giant monster swelled up violently, and the flesh in the body broke directly into a pile of pairs, completely disengaging the epidermis.

“So violent… directly pointing a white Dwarf cannon towards the inside, the meat in it is all messed up, does Erin still have an appetite? ”

All but Erin, who are still sober, cannot bear to come up with this idea.

But everyone knew immediately that their fears were purely superfluous, because Erin immediately shouted at Maureen with excitement, "Maureen, you are so smart, how could I not have thought of such a way just now, so that there is no need to cut a piece of meat! ”

Maureen's movements did not pause at all, she changed her arms from time to time, and the giant monster was first made more bulging by its exhalation and looked twice as big.

She then divided the entire interior of the monster into several spaces.

The meat mass of the monster is piled up in one of the spaces, and one of the areas, is a control room built entirely to hold dozens of people.

This control room is built entirely of sheet metal, with openings all around it and crystal prisms that allow you to see the surroundings of the ship without a dead end.

At the same time, the upper, lower, left and right wind ports are arranged with metal spiral syrup inside the wind ports.

The wind currents from the rotation of these metal spiral syrups should be able to control the direction of the ship, while spiral syrups are difficult to break without being exposed outside.

The surgical resistance of this monster's epidermis is obviously astonishing, and Maureen can withstand direct bombardment with white dwarf gold cannons.

In addition to these vents, Maureen set up several gunshots, and the white dwarf gold cannon was placed on one of the gunshots.

“Too tough! ”

Everyone is dumbstruck.

In the control room, you can't even imagine a freak like that out there.

Maureen only took less than ten minutes to complete all of this, and most importantly, there was no coarse and indiscriminate construction, and every piece of metal splicing in the control room even formed a beautiful pattern, with gemstone embellishments in many places.

People who haven't seen the whole process are in this control room, and certainly wouldn't have thought that it was a pile of meat that had been bombarded by white dwarf cannons 10 minutes ago.

After completing the control room, in a room next to the control room, Maureen continued her rush, making two spherical containers more than a few meters in diameter, with a well-sealed latched lid above the two spherical containers, and many pipes connecting to the bottom of the spacecraft.

After all this, Maureen raced against Erin for a while.

“Already done? ”

Erin looked at Maureen's drawing, at those two giant containers, and suddenly she was like, "Maureen, do you mean I could fill it with water and use it to cook meat? We can cook meat while we're driving the ship, Maureen. You're such a sweet design. ”

Maureen was obviously stunned.

“Definitely not.” A group of people looked at Ellington with a smile on their eyebrows and said nothing, and if it was just a pot for cooking meat, where would you need to be so precise, and there were so many pipes connected out there.

“is steam auxiliary power equipment.” The black-haired man shrugged, "Some lightweight tactics, while capable of providing lift power for airships, do not provide enough acceleration power, and many of the giant spacecraft and ships of the Dragon era have such devices on them. However, these are gems that are directly equipped to continuously condense the flow of water, as well as gems that are equipped to continuously provide boiling water for heat. This is the principle behind the Iron Ball Siege Cannon of the Mountain Dwarf, which bombarded huge iron pills with strong pressure steam, but now it should be limited by materials, it does not automatically condense the flow of water and boil the water in the gemstone, it requires the technician to operate it. So Maureen set up two sets of this kind of equipment, one set of technology to load the water, and the other set to use. Otherwise, if it is arranged purely on its own and can produce steam continuously, it should only need one such device. ”

“So that's it! Use steam buildup and fierce eruptions to speed up the ship! Maureen, you're amazing. There's not enough material to come up with an alternative. In contrast, it's just a matter of losing some more of the magician's particles. ”

Erin suddenly grabbed her hair and said, "But if you're just going to use the steam that sprays, is it okay to cook meat while you're at it? ”

Maureen also seemed to have thought through at this time, listening to Erin's words, nodded.

Did you really have to take this boiled meat?

A group of people almost fell directly to the ground.

First, you take this giant bug's skin and you take all the meat away from the ship, and now you use steam aids to cook meat while you can… Erin, this guy, in terms of eating, has an infinite imagination.

“Terrible monster owner... use the skin of this monster as a airship to transport its own meat, while also cooking its meat inside... so the steam that sprays out is steam from the broth, then the outside of this airship, the whole thing smells like meat...”

All five trolls felt that Erin was perverted to the extreme and constantly shivering cold.

“Hello... are you cold? ”

The excited Erin looked at the two "big pots” and saw the five trolls shaking, so he kindly ordered the two large pots and asked the five trolls, “Both of these things are very big, seems to be able to withstand your bath. Would you like to go in and take a hot bath? ”


“Let's go in? ”

“Trying to cook us up and eat us! ”

The five trolls screamed, “No! ”

“Don't, don't scream so desolately. ”

Erin looked strangely at these five trolls, "Infinite water junction!” Then he immediately sent out the technique, filling both huge containers with water.


“How is Bat Legion! ”

“What kind of monster have they become! ”

“These monsters must not rush into the Green Dragon Shrine! ”

On the outskirts of Green Dragon Shrine, a team of more than a dozen court magicians struggled to resist the impact of an army dressed in frost.

One of the more than a dozen corps of court magicians danced with an ice sword in front of him. It was Erin who had fought before and was known by Erin as Uncle Beard's creepy sword, Halo Lo Hau.

At this moment, he has gone from fighting with Erin and others to fighting for Erin and Stingham and others.

Now in his sight, the legion in front was dressed in frost, like the death wave, most of whom were wearing the base armor of the Bat Corps, many of whom even knew his face very well!

But those people, obviously not the friends he knew!

These Bat Corps magicians have turned into unusual white light in their eyes, and there are constant cold monsters pouring out of their bodies!

These magicians seem to have undergone a radical transformation of their bodies, and every tiny molecule in their bodies, like an ice technician weapon, is constantly condensing the power of ice technique, but at the same time, it seems that these magicians are constantly in an amazing state of fanaticism, with greater physical response and strength than when they are alive.

Most importantly, unless their skulls are completely cut off and smashed, there can be no complete disintegration of these men's fighting power, and while it is clear that they have become immortal creatures, there is also a clear flow of white blood in their bodies.

The sorcerer they killed, after they injected such white blood, became just like them!

So this army like the death wave, cut all the way from the periphery of the palace, cut across the battlefield, after being resisted by many teams of magicians, the number of personnel did not decrease, even added many of his familiar magicians!

“What kind of technique is this? To be able to generate so many powerful monsters and still be able to control them! ”

“Die, die! ”

Luo Hao's teeth snapped and he knew that it was simply impossible for these people to stop this Legion of Death from rushing into the Green Dragon Temple, but even if several more such monsters were killed, those guys in the Green Dragon Temple would have more than a few more chances to escape!

The Frost Giant Dragon... and the Bishop of Evil Dragon, combined with the Dinobot Dragon, have been dragged by other teams of magicians!

Now, this legion, we drag it too far!

Luo Hao was ready to die, but at this moment, deep behind the Green Dragon Temple, suddenly came a strange scent of flesh.


He turned around with all the rest of the court magicians and looked stunned.

A huge shadow, rising from the Green Dragon Temple.

That seems to be the giant earth-boring monster that was abused outside in the palace and that countless teams of magicians wanted to stop but couldn't stop.

But now, in their sight, that monster has turned into an inflatable and swelling airship!

Below the slow take-off airship, a burst of steam erupted.

In the steam, there is a tempting scent of flesh!


In the sky, a sudden hiss sounded like a human scream.

A dark shadow flew sharply towards the ship.

It is a scorpion-tailed eagle under the control of the Evil Dragonists.

The Dova Palace Air Corps was destroyed in the hands of those scorpion eagle knights of the white giant dragon and the evil dragonist.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ” …

A fierce gunfire continued to sound from the ship.

A group of powerful surgery fluctuating constantly shot down a scorpion eagle.

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