Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 547 Cologne Terminology! Miracle!

“What a terrible battle instinct! ”

“This guy is really a monster among monsters! ”

Many of the magicians of the Royal Thorn Legion at the top of the Iron and Steel Wall are extremely experienced in combat and have a very sharp eye, and the performance of Erin at this moment falls into their eyes, all the more horrible.

Erin's body, the way it feels to them, has an amazing mechanism of self-judgment.

Techniques capable of causing damage to his body will naturally evade him, unable to cause physical damage to his body, without restricting his movement, and he will run directly into it.

And for any magician, in such a messy battlefield, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a quick, precise argument!

“Erin, is this guy really trying to freeze this whole battlefield? ”

“How much good did the Death Training in the Heart Killer bring him? He seems completely different! ”

Even Merale and others, who were very familiar with Erin before, felt completely silent.

While Erin used to be strong, the feeling she gave them was a strange means and an unusual fight, now the feeling Erin gave them was absolute violence and toughness and a battlefield of total domination.

“Stop the attack! Replenish the granules! ”

Even a number of teams of magicians on the steel wall received such orders.

Alone, Erin began to stall the entire Legion of the Immortal Frost.

The vast majority of immortal ice cream magicians are gathering towards him.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

But Arryn's figure continued to flash in the turbulent explosion of surgical power. An immortal ice cream magician was thrown out by him. A permanent winter realm continued to bloom. The fallen red moon guarded the white ice cream on the giant tree, but it continued to expand.

Dark red branches, all beginning to lose their vitality and begin to wither.

“Psst!” “Psst!” “Boom! ”

Three dark red figures suddenly appeared between the branches covered in white ice cream, about hundreds of meters from Erin, looking down at Erin.

These are the three Redwood Corps magicians, all dressed in dark red stab armor, and their helmets are also very distinctive in shape, and only one face is completely exposed.

On their backs, they carry two elongated dark red callus swords.

“Just one person? ”

“Is he just...”

Seeing that only Erin was slaughtered by a man, constantly knocking off a named Immortal Frost Corps magician and dragging the footsteps of the entire Immortal Frost Corps, all three Redwood Corps magicians breathed in a breath of cold air.

One of the three Redwood Corps magicians immediately appeared in the hands of a thin dark red sheet of metal.

“Phew”, "Phew”, “Phew”...

A slight chirp, a gleam of light in his hand first stabbed a line of letters on this piece of metal.

Then, a blast of dark red flame poured out of his hand, like a fairy bird, lifting up this piece of metal and passing through the sharp branches, shooting at the rear of much of the Red Cedar Legion.

“Without a powerful field, it is impossible to restrain him! ”

“Come on, let's go get him! ”

Immediately after the summons, the magician flashed his eyes and sighed down at the other two Redwood Corps magicians.

Looking at the three Redwood Legion magicians, they were about to fly down towards Arryn, but suddenly the three magicians' bodies stopped neatly.

“He has a sealed treasure book on his hands, you may not be able to deal with him, just let me deal with him.” A yin measured sound, coming from the side they turned to look at.

A white-faced man dressed in a unique red robe dedicated to the Green Dragon Temple emerged from the shadow of the tree.

“Lord Li Hu! ”

The three Redwood Legion magicians sighed a sigh of relief as they saw the white man.

The white-faced man's two eyeballs are strangely pale green with a gloomy glow.

He licked the corner of the lips, smiled slightly, revealed both teeth, which were also sharp pointed teeth, and seemed to have holes in the middle of the teeth like snake teeth.

“Heterocyte, hatching technique! ”

In his hand, a hexagonal green crystal stone appeared, and a cologne chant flowed from his mouth.

A hidden green glow spread all over his body, then spreading rapidly along the web of spiders beneath his feet.

Just for a moment, all the spider webs in the woods seemed to be stained with faint green glow.

All hanging white giant pupae suddenly creates strange tremors.

“What is it? ”

This extraordinary surgery fluctuation immediately caught Erin's attention.

He raised his head hard.

“La la la la...”

The bottom of all the white giant pupae, suddenly cracked open.

A green figure dragged a group of mucus down from the cracked bottom.

“What the hell is that? ”

Erin immediately saw that it was a half-human, half-spider-like monster, and the upper part of the body, like an individual, but the lower part, was the body of a spider.

“Those spiders turned into such monsters! ”

Erin was just strange, but all the magicians who saw the giant green hairy spider cocoon with their own eyes were creepy.

“Die! ”

The white man in the shadow of the tree wearing the Green Dragon Temple Sacrificial Robe smiled in the shadow.

“Melting, double cocoon of death! ”

A voice of Xuan Ao's cologne chanting lowly from his mouth.

All on the spiderweb, once again, a strange surgical rhythm.

The crystalline mucus on all these half-human and half-spider monsters dried up instantly.

“pū pū pū...”

For a moment, all these half-human and half-spider monsters opened their mouths and burst out a strand of green mucus.


Many Royal Thorn Legion magicians shouted at the top of the giant steel wall.

The surgical properties of this strand of green mucus are so bizarre that it actually has a very bizarre penetration, and Arryn seems completely unstoppable, as if the figure just flashed out on one side and was wrapped in a strand of green mucus.

Just for a moment, these green mucus clotted slightly, turning around Erin into a giant green cocoon.

And all these mucus and these half-human, half-spider monsters are not separated.

Up and down, the dense hemp of this half-human semi-spider monster, with such a green cocoon wire in his mouth, is connected to this giant green cocoon.

“What kind of technique is this? ”

“Is Erin okay? ”

Merale and Shanna and others couldn't bear to scream.

Whether it's a green cocoon line or a green cocoon, the surgery fluctuations are weird.

There seems to be a sour rotten smell spreading in the air, and the surgery fluctuates with an aggressive smell, very close to dark surgery.


A horrible roar suddenly broke out in the green cocoon.

The green cocoon jumped on the ground.

All the half-human, half-spider monsters connected to this giant green cocoon are all in shock.

“Erin is not dead! ”

Merale couldn't help but scream.

“It doesn't work, even if it's a more powerful sorcerer, it can't withstand so many Green Magic Spiders... inside the sorcerer, the end result is only to be eroded, melted and turned into a beach of corpse fluid... ahahahaha..."

Even the white-faced man with two cologne chants seemed to consume little technical particles, but at this moment he couldn't help laughing out loud.

If you kill this guy, you can get yourself an amazing gift from the Bishop of the Sacred Coffin, and you should be able to become a direct Bishop of Evil Dragons level presence!

Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

A loud and loud noise keeps coming out of the green cocoon.

The dull sound waves in the air all shock everyone's eardrums into hidden pain.

“Erin! ”

Meraleh and Shanna, among others, can no longer bear to rush out along this passage guarded by the town of Arryn. Under such a force, Erin does not seem to be able to penetrate the green cocoon at all.

“I'll do it!”

A roar roared.

A green flame flew out of one of the entrance passages on the other side, and several undead ice cream magicians were drilled.

Stingham, with a smug face, stepped out of the entrance there.

“It doesn't work...”

“You're not Erin, it's simply impossible to break through the blockade of so many undead ice cream magicians. ”

The white-faced man looked at Stingham and smiled.


The green cocoon shook again at this time.

“ …… ”

The white-faced man's grin suddenly stalled.

His breathing stopped completely.

An amazing amount of heat shook out of the green cocoon.


The green cocoon swelled out violently and didn't blow up for a moment.


But for the next moment, the green cocoon was another shock.

The green surface of the giant cocoon suddenly emerges Mars, dotted with stars.

“How is this possible! ”

The white-faced man screamed madly.

Millions of tiny to polar Mars are dancing like fireflies.

Every thread on the cocoon slowly became red and started to burn.


Everyone's breathing pauses completely.

The entire cocoon was suddenly dispersed and turned into an incredibly fine flame.

A burn fell on the immortal ice cream magician, who seemed fearful without any emotion, making strange hisses and twisting his body back.

Some immortal ice cream magicians and half-man half-spider monsters closer to Erin were instantly filled with fire, burned, and their bodies turned red and rotted like burnt charcoal.

The flames dance onto the upper leaves, and the leaves begin to burn.

Erin stands in the midst of countless red flames like a demon god.

“Teacher Donna was right... after opening the five doors of the fire technique... it's not just defensive technique, it's horrible domain technique! You can ignite everything around you that you can ignite! ”

Erin's eyes were filled with burning wars and surprises, and he couldn't help but talk to himself.

“This guy... actually officially opened five surgical doors on the battlefield? ”

On a giant steel wall, the ink flute stays on again.

Today's Fierrozer is doomed to miracles!

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