Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 551 Beheading Tactics!

“How big! ”

Erin's eyes suddenly came out with a golden light, "So many monsters, is there only one this big? There's more than one big in the Dova Palace, at least two big, right? ”


Erin's voice fell and the ground was violently shaken again.

There was a riot in the heart of the Legion of Trolls, and all the Trolls fled desperately.

A piece of ground burst like a soap bubble, and a column of fire burst out of it.

A roaring bone friction burst like a tidal wave.

A white bone pile rises from the wide open ground.

This white bone pile is also at least seven or eight meters high, all of a variety of snow and white skulls, strangely adsorbed together.

Something inside seems huge, a slightly yellow phosphorus fire burst out of the white bone pile, as the inside thing moves forward, the white bone pile floats like a tide, but it always gathers in a pile, you can't see what the inside thing is.

“White Bone Monarch! ”

“Would you stop being such a crow mouth! ”

“Where the hell are you from? Do you still think the more powerful enemies the better! ”

This group of Royal Thorn Legion magicians beside Erin are about to cry, and they even want to know if Erin is helping them or if the other party is ambushing them here.

“Uncle, what kind of white bone monarch is that? It's not full of bones, can you eat it?” Erin asked enthusiastically.

“The other side is almost there, the battle will erupt in a few minutes, why do you always care if you can eat or not! ”

These magicians are going crazy.

“White Bone monarchs are rare in the age of wizards, even the scriptures depict this look, and no one knows what it really is!” A surgeon bites his teeth and answers.

“That giant locust monarch should be able to eat! ”

Erin's attention suddenly shifted to that giant locust-like magenta figure.

This giant locust monarch at the forefront of the Trolley is like a giant ship in the wind and waves, and the troll behind it is like a weak matchstick compared to its body.

“What's so special about its power?” Erin asked immediately.

“Mostly powerful, and just like the Schwarzschwarzschild you've dealt with before, it can withstand extra blows. Its body structure is also unique, creating huge holes that don't even cut its body into two pieces. In the scriptures, the best way to deal with it is in the areas of 'wind drying' or 'desertification' or 'salt and alkali drying'. But now these areas that can instantly dehydrate it to death are lost, so to deal with it, I'm afraid you can only burn it to ashes, or you can really just cut it up and eat it.” A familiar calm voice rang from behind Erin.

“Jing Ka Miao? ”

Arryn turned around surprised and saw that Jing Ka Miao flashed behind him.

Meanwhile, Shiloh and Charlotte, Stingham and others have flew over.

“Is your wound almost healed?” Erin got more excited, and every tiny molecule in her body seemed to jump.

Because until then, Jing Ka Miao had been the goal he wanted to strive to surpass.

It was a great thrill for him to fight with Jing Ka Miao or to be able to fight with Jing Ka Miao.

Especially during the Green Dragon Temple War, Erin still felt that Jingka was better than herself.

Now that she has gone through the cultivation of the Heart Killer Room and has opened five more surgery doors, Erin can't wait to see if she can surpass Jing Ka Won.

“Not quite, but almost ready to fight.” Jing Ka Ming looked at Erin's burning eyes and smiled slightly.

This guy, he's really a natural drummer. Can he completely ignite anyone's will with his own eyes?

“In addition to being as powerful and powerful as the Schwarzschwarzschild, it has a particularly powerful place. It has a huge suction cup on its head that gives off a powerful field of siphoning and easily sucks the opponent into its body, while its interior is filled with extremely strong acid rotting liquid that can melt away the general surgeon.” Jing Ka Ming then added.

“I wonder if I can be deliberately sucked into it and confronted with it in it?” Erin couldn't bear to mumble.

“Is this dying?!” A group of Royal Thorn Legion magicians heard around were all in the dark.

“It is estimated that even surgical anti-armor technicians are difficult to withstand, and even gold armor is said to melt directly. I advise you not to take risks.” Jing Ka Miao looked at Erin and said seriously.

“I have something to ask you.” Erin suddenly squeezed up and looked at Jing Ka Miao, looking embarrassed.

“What is it?” Jing Ka Miao looked at Erin very strangely.

“I'll tell you alone, so many people, I'm embarrassed.” Erin pulled Kyokami aside and mumbled in his ear.

“Does this guy really like both men and women! Charlotte's here all the time. That's sick!” Looking at Erin and Jing Ka Miao whispering, Sting Han had a chill for a while.

“Prepare for battle! ”

It was also at this time that many places above and below the giant steel wall sounded for a while.

At the speed of the Orcs and Trolleymen, in two or three minutes, they will officially collide with the Iron Wall.

It was also at this time that the fallen troll knights and flying trolls that had ravaged the sky inside the Fortress Fielozer were all flowing towards this steel wall, obviously to cooperate fully with the Orcs and Trolleymen on this side.

“This number far exceeds the estimate… I'm afraid it's double the number of corps magicians…”

“Even without the invasion of the Undead Frost Corps and the Redwood Corps, I'm afraid we can't stop it? ”

Many of the magicians were ready to die in this awesome military voice, but at the same time, such thoughts appeared in their minds that could not be contained.

On the giant wall of steel, instead, it was a dead silence.

“Since Orcs have always been bullies and weak beings, and these trolls themselves are miscellaneous armies... so long as they can kill the Cyclops, and if they can kill the locust and white bone monarchs, even if they don't break up directly, I'm afraid they'll at least scare away the usual fighting power? ”

But at this moment, Erin's voice sounded on the giant steel wall.

Makes sense!

All the Royal Thorn Legion magicians who heard Erin's voice were in shock.

“The Immortal Frost Regiment and the Red Cedar Regiment, as well as the Thorny Marsh, should all have the rank of Bishop of Evil Dragon. If they don't, uncle, the strongest man in your regiment should keep it against that kind of guy. So these three big guys, just leave it to us. ”

And what made the Legion leaders on the Iron and Steel Wall even more devastating was that Erin's voice rang again.

Not relying on the strength of the Legion, just a small team like them, trying to kill the other three leaders in this situation?

“Where's Lorraine? ”

But Erin didn't seem to care what they felt, and his eyes swept away and he asked.

“The Red Moon Guardian Giant Tree was able to maximize his natural power medical skills, so he fought ahead against the magicians of the Fallen Elves.” Jing Ka Minao first answered Erin's question, then took a look at those three giants and said calmly, "My wounds have not completely recovered, with me and Jiro's current situation, you can only deal with one of them at most. ”

“Okay, we'll take care of the other two. Maureen!” At this point, Erin screamed excitedly again.

Maureen also climbed up a staircase behind her.

“Maureen, are those three big guys working?” Erin immediately asked excitedly.

Maureen nodded resolutely.

The scene in front of it seems to awaken some of its memories, and the silver layer of light in its silver eyes flashes, as if it is switching at a rapid pace.

“There are two ahead and there should be no problem. ”

Erin glanced at the approaching Orcs and Trolleymen, and Maureen nodded, giving him more confidence.

“Are you and Stingham in charge of the first two?” Jing Ka Miao nodded calmly, "Me and Jiro against the white bone monarch? ”

“I'll take care of the Cyclops and the White Bone Monarch. How about you and Boss Chiro take care of the Locust Monarch?” Erin looked forward to it and turned around and asked.


Stingham, that's kind of hard to understand, "Didn't you just say the giant locust lord could eat it? Why don't you want to deal with it? ”

“'Cause I'm fat again, I'm tired of eating, and I'm not too hungry right now. The White Bone Monarch should have a different flavour, maybe better, with a unique flavour.” Erin grabbed her hair and said with a smile.

“Tired of eating… and uniquely styled…" Stingham and others couldn't stand the convulsions for a while.

“And I was more resistant and rushed inside to fight that white bone monarch, there should be nothing wrong with that.” Erin turned his head excitedly at this time, looking at Stingham, "Stingham, our cooperation at Green Dragon Temple was very successful, and I dealt with the Cyclops first, and then you and I rushed in together against the White Bone Monarch. Others are not strong enough to go in. ”

“I don't want it! Just have you! ”

Sting Hanton shuddered and shouted with his eyes closed.

“This is our time! Ants, if you surrender on your knees, I will spare your lives! ”

A loud thunderous roar blasts at this moment.

The giant One-Eyed Cannibal Giant is less than 500 metres from the Iron Wall, a visible sound explosion blows up in front of his mouth.

“Wow, it's bigger than Moses' voice! ”

Erin covered his ears.

“Hey, asshole, you dare fight me alone! ”

He also screamed directly.

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