Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 567: The Progress of Sting Han

Somewhere in the abyss.

The vast mountains were emptied, and the remnants were carved into passages, bridges, castles.

Without any light, a dilapidated, vine-filled castle seemed to seal a thousand years of the City of the Underworld, sleeping in the shadows, inhabited only by unseen ghosts.

Two Bishops of Evil Dragon appeared on one of the corridors and walked towards the city of the Netherworld.

One of the two evil dragon bishops, a white robe woman with a holy light on her body, was the holy sacrifice of the Green Dragon Temple.

The other, however, did not appear in World War I in the Royal City of Dova, with purple black magic dragon pattern all over his face.


As they walked into a dilapidated castle of a millennium of dust, a tremendous roar suddenly broke out among empty castles.

An iron gray giant shadow poured through the shadows, so that no one could see what it was or even feel where the main body of this giant shadow was.

An extraordinarily evil and powerful atmosphere instantly surrounds the entire City of the Underworld.

All the seemingly dry vines grow strangely fast on cracked walls and stone columns, then open up the devious black flowers.

“The Sacred Coffin Bishop! ”

Both evil dragon bishops bowed down and showed a gesture of awe and submission.

“I feel the eternal winter in the snow forest, the death of Bescher, the southern realm about to lose control, you need to gather your legions faster and prepare for the legions of the kingdom of Aache! ”

A loud voice sounded and all the devious black flowers seemed to ignite a purple black flame.

“Even the Bishop of the Ice Witch, Bescher...?” The eyes of the evil dragon bishop, full of dragon lines on his face, were instantly filled with horror.

“Are you afraid? The legions of the Nine Kingdoms of the Archie will soon launch a fierce attack on you. The senseless fear will only destroy you yourselves! ”

The loud voice sounded again, "Don't try to separate the Nine Clans. Instead, it will cost you more magicians, unleash the power in the kingdom of Archie, and bring the dead wing of the Baratheons to me. ”

“Lord Bishop of the Sacred Coffin, why don't you try to separate the Nine Kingdoms, before Baratheon and other families have lit up the war, and what's the use of what you call the Wings of Death?” The Bishop of Evil Dragons, with all his dragon lines on his face, asked incomprehensibly.

“Your lack of understanding is simply because you have not lived long enough, and the nine extended families of the Kingdom of Archie have paid countless costs in guessing, exploiting and deciding who is their enemy, so that they will never hesitate to make a choice, even Baratheon, at a time when justice will be our enemy, an experience of blood and tears, not just fear of being the first to be destroyed as a traitor. ”

The magnificent voice echoed in the City of the Underworld, "As for the wings of death, a body that was rephaged by technology and rehabilitated, after being defeated again, in the eyes of many, can only be the waste of guarding the door like a hellhound, but in my opinion, it is the best carrier of my prohibition. ”

“But..." the evil dragon bishop with the dragon pattern on his face couldn't help but contract his heart and some couldn't speak.

Even the Bishop of Bescher, in the eyes of the other evil dragon bishops, is a godlike being killed in the eternal winter snow forest. If the nine families of the Archie kingdom cannot be separated, can the army of evil dragons they gather now resist the army from the Archie kingdom?

“There is no doubt that we will eventually win. Destruction is always easier than building. ”

“We have countless ways to win, and they want to win, but only to destroy all of us. ”

“Go, resurrect the great Legion of Ghosts and take down the Fortress of Frosttooth Peak! ”

As the loud voice sounds, the lantern light shines in the darkness.

A pyramid ice-crystal crown, flying out of the darkness, eventually suspended in front of two evil dragon bishops.

“Ghost Crown! ”

Even the face of the Virgin's sacrifice, which had always been calm, was filled with shocking light.


Thorn Swamp.

Many simple iron stoves have been erected again, and a vast army of semi-organists is constantly smelting steel, producing a wide variety of rough weapons.

For Orcs, there are no camp claims, they can fall asleep in dirty mud at will.

Not far from the Legion of Orcs, a larger Legion of Trolls is gathering.

Some trolls have even driven more beasts, an army of trolls, than they did when they attacked the Fielozer Fortress.

But either an army of orcs, or all the trolls, who do any kind of hard work, look at the darkness in front of the Fort Fielozer in the distance, with a glimmer of fear in their eyes.

Those guys, especially the one who killed the White Bone Monarch, are so sick.

Such a huge army of skeletons enough to kill Legion of Orcs and Legion of Giant Monsters many times is still blocked by them in front of the Fortress of Fielozer.

“Hey, Stingham, you're still not doing so well with a little wrist jitter, can you swing the gun faster, can you put the tip of the gun faster where you're going? ”

“That is, you stabbed us so badly, those skeleton warriors almost hit us. ”

Among the skeleton army, the voices of Erin and Lynn Lorraine and others continue to ring.

“How long has it been? It's been two hours... how come you're not ready...”

Stingham's consciousness was blurred, his facial muscles were obviously spasmodic, and his eyes seemed a little blurred and unclear, but he was still fighting with the skeletal warriors around him.

The screams of Erin and Lynn Lorraine and others, while still sounding dissatisfied with Stingham's performance, were in fact full of amazement when all of them looked at Stingham's eyes.

This guy is so stubborn... I can't even tell the time, I'm hallucinating... it's been one night a day since I fought continuously, I thought it was just for a few hours.

This guy's strength and endurance could have reached such a level, every muscle all over him was convulsed, he could still persist in the fight, has not yet fallen.

This guy's progress is also really amazing, he can now assassinate a skeletal warrior with great accuracy with every shot, and from the very beginning, he has been able to hassle until now... when the skeletal warrior's body is about to come into contact with them, he can still have some breathing time to support himself with the gun from time to time.

When one shot is stuck, a skeleton warrior falls and turns into two pieces.

Stingham's current marksmanship has been harvested very efficiently after a thousand hammers.

“Hey, Stingham! It's only been half an hour, don't be lazy! ”

Erin's voice rang again.

“Half an hour?” Stingham repeats in a muddled manner.

“…” a group of people turned their heads and looked at Erin silently.

How can such a bright and upright lie not be blushing?

Erin grabbed her hair with embarrassment, but in her eyes, it flashed hot again.

Come on! Come on! Warrior!

You've done this already, and now the melee gun technique is so great, Stingham Warrior, you can be even more powerful!

“Hey, Stingham! It's not just the tip of the gun. When your gun is retrieved, the rear handle of the gun can be smashed. A gun can be used anywhere to kill and block enemies. It can only be used against any actual weapon in a melee war, right? ”

“Also, your Green Dragon gun will automatically return to your hands after throwing it out, so you've been fighting for half an hour now, and you can't be lazy. You can also throw it away after solving the void of your closest enemies, so that you can kill more Skeleton Warriors and protect us! ”

Arryn's cry rang again.


A green flame broke into the sky.

Stingham's Green Dragon Long Gun carried a loud and broken sound, and a dozen skeleton warriors flew out.

The eyes of Erin and Merale and others suddenly widened to the extreme.

Even Stingham's throwing seems to be a lot more accurate!

Obviously the first skeleton was accurately voted for by him in the vertebrae!

“I can't move a cramp at all...”

At this time, Stingham's voice rang out.

Everyone saw his right arm twitching completely out of his control, a muscle twitching like a twitch.

“Why don't we stop? ”

Shanna and others couldn't bear to tremble.

“You can use your other hand.” At this time, the faint voice sounded again.

“This is the time when he has made the most progress. ”

The loud chirp turned around and looked at the extremely impatient Shanna and others and said softly and calmly, "When this battle is over... the long gun he threw will be quite accurate, won't it? ”

“Okay, I'll use my left hand...”

Sting Han seemed completely numb at this time. He had a gun in his left hand and threw it again. Compared to his laziness at peace, he now looks incredibly obedient.

“This guy...”

No one found it funny, and Merale and others suddenly moved.

“Leader of the Meredith Legion, it's almost time... Stingham I'm afraid we're not fighting anymore, there should be a lot of Skeleton Warriors attacking the Steel Wall now. ”

At this time, Erin took herself seriously and looked at the muddy flute and said softly.

“Remember, then, to fight with the least amount of energy.” Murphy nodded, "you can start too. ”

With a strange surgery spreading from him, a white light suddenly appeared on the edge of the dark-night realm.

Like a crack in the night, it is clear that there are dense and numb skeletal warriors who are desperately grasping at steel walls.

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