Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 583 Decisions on Ancient Inheritance

“Looks like it's been resolved. ”

On the other side of the dusty battlefield, standing still, Bello suddenly said this to Merale beside him.

“What?” There were always hundreds of deer stuck in Merale, who didn't understand what Bello meant at the moment.

Bello's face showed a glimmer of discomfort and seemed to think Merale was too stupid, but he snorted coldly, “Lin Loren's opponent solved it. ”

“Lin Lorraine has defeated his opponent, can you see that?” Merale looked around surprised, and all around her and Bello were all the turbulence of shattered surgery, and the wind and dust smoke kept her from seeing the surrounding situation.

“I smell the blood of Lynn Lorraine's opponent, the smell of blood losing its vitality.” Bello pushed his glasses, his eyes suddenly flashed with fanaticism and impulse, “and so will you.” He turned his head and looked to the left in front, threatening to snort, “Your blood will lose its vitality, and you will become cold corpses. ”

“Is the enemy there? ”

Merale suddenly became nervous and her skin developed a small crease as a result of the tension.

Just as she looked at Bello, a handsome man dressed in a dark red stab, whose ears were unique to the High Elf Blood, even his face resembled that of Lin Lorraine, slowly appeared in the turbulent wind.

“High Blood Elf! ”

Merale's incredible shout out as she sees the man's long, light green hair and dark skin tone.

“What's your name? ”

When he heard Merale's shock, Bello's face was more disconcerting and he snorted coldly, turning to Merale.

Merale stagnated and said softly, "This is the High Miscellaneous Elf! This is a hybrid of Fallen Elves and other High Elf Bloodlines, a Bloodline Mage with some talented abilities of both Bloodlines Elves! That's why he has the power of some jungle rangers like Lin Lorraine. ”

“So what?” Bello grinned.

Once Merale was stunned, she thought Bello had no idea of the horrors of such a high haemophilus, so she subconsciously continued to explain, "Because after the Great Dragon War, the Fallen Pokémon and other Pokémon had become completely hostile, so after the Great Dragon War era, there was no higher haemophilus Pokémon family, so this magician must have come from some high haemophilus Pokémon family that had existed since the Great Dragon War era… the magician of the high haemophilus Pokémon family that had existed since that era must have been even scarier! ”

“So what?” Bello laughed again and repeated it.

“Are you even afraid of your opponent's birth? ”

Disdainfully chilling from his mouth, “Don't forget, I'm from the highest family of animal blood of the Dragon Era. ”

Merale is completely stuck.

It seems that Bello is right… there is nothing to be afraid of if it is just an identity background.

“Since you stayed and fought with me, don't be a burden on me, remember what I just said to you, and don't do anything rash until I let you do it. ”

At this point, Bello said slowly with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

“I see.” Merale nodded immediately and gave serious assurances.

At this time, she didn't realize that she didn't even have the slightest pride in front of Bello, behaving like a Bello student.

Between Bello and Merale, the handsome magician dressed in the blood of the Dark Red Stabbing Elf was not in a hurry, either, but measured Bello and Merale silently.

“There is also a salt hole of grey dwarf blood, don't hide, come out together.” Bello pushed his glasses again, watching the high hybrid elf blood surgeon not far behind him, sneering cold.

“Salt Hole Grey Dwarf Bloodline? ”

Merale's body couldn't help but shock, her eyes filled with shocking light, only because of what Bello had just said that she was hard to control and didn't let herself scream again.

Salt Cave Grey Dwarf Bloodline, also a Fae of Dwarves!

This is also a near-extinct group in the era of the Great Dragon War, where salt cave grey dwarves have been living in caves with salt mines for many years, and their staple food is said to be mineral salt!

In the records Merale has read, this salt hole dwarf is able to absorb the nutrients he needs from the mineral salt, but eats a lot of the mineral salt without being salted to death.

Although, like other dwarf communities, salt hole dwarves are naturally poorly endowed with surgery, they possess a unique blood talent that can be applied to other surgeons as specialized adjuncts, with some unique surgery boosts!

So the Salt Cave Grey Dwarf, they are themselves equivalent to a unique biologist amplification weapon!


In Merale's shocked gaze, the figure of a dwarf also slowly emerged from the wind and turbulent dust.

“When several tribes of your salt hole grey dwarves were destroyed by our Orcs, how dare the descendants left behind by poor buggers like you appear before me? ”

Bello was still a fanatical and impulsive expression, and his eyes began to gleam with demonic blood, looking at the magician of the grey dwarf's blood in the salt hole and humming coldly.

“Insolent! ”

Looking more than fifty years old, without any hair on his head, he was a dwarf surgeon with lots of goosebumps like acne whose face instantly became abnormal, "Originally your high beast blood, besides you, your father Lord Bescher, but now Lord Bescher is dead, now just after killing you, your high beast blood, will be completely extinct! ”

“I'll give you one last chance.” Faced with the angry roar of this dwarf magician, Bello's constant impulse and disdainful expression, "For the fun of your blood, if you come now and give me a good * *, I can spare you my life. ”

“You're dying, you dare to speak up!” The dwarf surgeon roared more sharply, his surgery fluctuated more sharply, the grey halo that had been suspended outside him had grown larger, and a grey salt grain was constantly being produced in the air, a smell similar to the intense sea smell, flickering in the air.

“The character of the bloodline of the higher beast has not changed since the era of the Great Dragon War... so that the blood of the character will be extinguished sooner or later? ”

The High Hemophiliac Pokémon smiled slightly, and he gave Bello an ancient, pre-Pokémon battle handout, “I am Romy of the Mivaros. ”

“He is Torin of the Diga family.” He ordered the dwarf magician behind him again, a solemn introduction.

The unique blood identities of Belo, Romy and Torin, coupled with Romy's solemn courtesy at this moment, give Merale a sense of being embroiled in a solemn duel.

“Having said so much... don't you dare do it first? ”

But at this moment, Bello snorted, but implicitly passed into her ear.

“Don't you dare do it first? ”

Merale suddenly felt that Bello's words had a deeper meaning, but for a moment she had no idea what they meant.

“In that case, don't waste any more time...”

Bello's eyes were suddenly filled with pure red blood, and he did not make any more noises, but just sounded them in his heart, while a wave of blood and a circle of ice crystals burst under his feet.


A terrible breath shook out of him.

His area, the sky filled with all kinds of flames of light, suddenly turned red.

A huge eye of blood congealed up seemed to open in the sky.

A layer of white cream was suddenly formed on the ground.

The body surfaces of all the former warriors were also frozen by white ice.


But at the next moment, what numbs many of the magicians' scalps is the sound of an ice crack as a wave.

A dead magician stood up unemotionally.

And in the wounds of their bodies, there is demonic blood and surgery flourishing, the broken body actually begins to grow better!

Merale's face became a little less bloody.

For her, it was an unusually appalling scene.

Focusing on her and Bello, at least 2,000 dead magicians on this battlefield stood up again, smelling strange cold and bloody, and the evil red light flashed in their eyes.

“It is true that he killed Lord Bescher… more terrifying than Lord Bescher, but only a student of Saint Dawn College, who practiced for such a short period of time, actually possessed such terrible power…”

At this moment, the Romi eyes in dark red stab coat are extremely complex.

A guy like that, in a few years, I'm afraid, will become that kind of legendary presence.

It's just a pity... under Lord Tivana's love platoon, a guy like you will die today...

“Wing of the Moon, Flower of the Holy Stone! ”

A chant came out of his mouth.


Under the ice at the feet of all the frost immortalists, the surgery fluctuated sharply again.

A light like moonlight, falling from the sky.

A strain of bright daylight flowers burst out of a crack in the ice and bloom.


At the same time, a terrible realm of power erupted from the dwarf magician behind him.

All the flowers, suddenly grey.

A strain of seemingly weak grey flowers, but like a sharp sword, easily punctured the feet of the immortal ice cream magician and penetrated the body of the immortal ice cream magician.

Merale's breathing stopped suddenly.

She saw all the blood red rays just flashing in the eye of the immortal ice cream surgeon, suddenly disappearing!

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