Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 621: Determination of Partners

“Huh... Huh...”

Flying backwards, Erin's breathing sounds like a windbox blast.

Surgical particle fluctuations on his body were stronger than ever, but his body had clearly reached its limits, scarred bodies, rolling sweat beads and hot blood were burned into rolling vapors by his body temperature, and his muscles were all in an excessively strenuous spasm.

But the bright light in his eyes was always like a cold star in the night sky, eternal.

Even Erin felt his heart roar beyond its limits and his whole body was like a broken air box, but his heart was getting harder and stronger.

This is not Evil Dragon King!

This is just Lin Lorraine temporarily inhabited by the evil Dragon King's consciousness!

This is my teammate... my good friend!

It's because of the dream under the stars, because of me… it's because Lin Laurent will compete in the National Competition that he will fight bravely.

The sword that was just stabbed at Baratheon's owner was clearly a sword of Lynn Laurent.

Lin Lorraine is still fighting, how can I fall? How can I give up on him?

If it were me, Lynn Lorraine would never give up on me!

So as long as my heart is still beating, I'm definitely going to fight!

I won't let anyone kill you!

Erin's face was twisted to the extreme, but his fists were squeezed again!

“Boom Lung! ”

The colossal body of the golden giant dragon unwittingly retreated.

In its view, even though the fluctuations of the technical particles outside Erin are constantly increasing, in the battle, Erin's technical particles are growing strangely, but Erin's body has clearly reached its limit… if, in normal times and in any case in its present state, Erin can be killed.

Yet the cold flames burning in Erin's eyes and the double-fisted fists gripping him again suddenly caused him to lose confidence.


A strange burst of sneering into everyone's ears.

Lin Lorraine's body has been suspended in the air hundreds of meters from Erin and the Golden Great Dragon.

Iron grey crystalline light flashed on him, and a circle of clear ripples shook the surrounding air with purple and black particles.

“Do you know why you can never beat me? ”

His eyes were also lit with iron gray crystalline light, completely devoid of any emotion or divine colour of Lin Lorraine, "because you so-called righteous magicians will always have all sorts of weaknesses, unlike me, in pursuit of pure power itself. ”

“Unfortunately, your body should be better suited to me than this one, but in any case, the high elf blood of this body is not too weak.” His gaze fell on Kyung-Ka Miao with some regret, but more of a sarcastic tone, "which should also be one of the best bodies the entire Doraster continent can find. ”

“See, this is still your partner! He's the Dragon King of Resurrection!” The golden dragon roared like a thunderbolt, "and on the day the evil dragon king was resurrected, the entire continent of Doraster would fall into flames and storms, all the cities would be destroyed and all would be enslaved! ”

“Are you really scared? ”

Erin's hands were already on his knees, and he kept breathing heavily, but at this moment he raised his head and suddenly looked at the golden dragon and said this.

Golden Grand Dragon Stagnant.

“If you're scared, just run away. There is no need to fight.” Erin looked at the golden giant dragon and said.

The body of the golden giant dragon trembled violently, but it didn't know what to say in response to Erin.

“What are you proud of? ”

And that's when Jing Ka Ming's voice rang out.

He looked up at his head, always calm, and looked at "Lin Lowland” with a cold face to the extreme, “a residual consciousness like yours, after combining with the body of the dead wing, the body was crushed, all your power was almost exhausted, now even if you barely occupied Lin Lowland's body, it will not be possible to perform the resurrection in a short time, you have no use having any more powerful resurrection technique! ”

“As long as you cannot perform the reincarnation technique at all in a short period of time, your consciousness will be forced to combine with Lin Lorraine's body, a natural process that is simply inevitable. ”

Jing Ka Miao's voice is getting slower and colder, “If I am not mistaken, your consciousness has now begun to merge with Lin Looran's body, you are simply cocooning yourself and completely trapped in Lin Looran's body. ”


The face of "Lynn Lorraine” is suddenly distorted.

He did not make any sound, but the iron grey crystal light outside his entire body was bursting and making a loud noise.

Jing Ka Ming's words seemed to hit the pain of the evil dragon king's consciousness, instantly plunging him into hysterical rage.

“Is that so? ”

Erin straightened her body again and squeezed her fist, "So he was trapped in Lin Lorraine's body. ”

“Lin Lorraine! ”

Irene opened her mouth wide suddenly, exhausting all her strength and shouting Lynn Laurent's name.


The iron grey crystalline light on the body surface of "Lin Lorraine" flashes violently.

His skin, even his hair, was still iron grey, but on his forehead, a faint luminous moon teeth appeared.


The consciousness of the Evil Dragon King also seemed extremely painful, and he made a painful howl and grabbed his head with his hands.

“Lin Lorraine! ”

Erin tried her best to yell again.

“Lin Lorraine! You have to hold on! ”

“Lin Lorraine! You're a true warrior. You can never give up. You can beat him! ”


All voices were completely masked by Erin's shouts.

Slowly, there was only a heavy breath left in the entire mountain belly.


A unique realm of breath erupted around the body of "Linloran”.

A circle of iron grey brilliance rapidly formed a lid open hearth, Lin Lorraine's body was at the center of this hearth, his figure slowly faded away, as if to melt in the air.

Erin didn't move.

His intuition is that this is a space for escape, and with any banning technique he currently knows, it is impossible to decipher it, and any surgery that impinges on the past will be excreted into other spaces.

“Evil Dragon Hourglass, Time Sea Escape! ”

“The blood of the resurrected Dragon King, Dragon King... his repair to the speed of progress will be unimaginable! ”

“The continent of Doraster will forever fall into darkness because of your mistakes!” The golden giant dragon shouted in despair, his body flying up and hiding in the clouds.

“I don't care where you run with Lin Lorraine's body, I don't care how fast your power grows! But I swear I will beat you! ”

“I will beat you, I will bring Lin Lorraine back! ”

Erin waved his fist and screamed.

His eyes were extremely angry and his face was almost devout.


Bello and Merale walk in the ice and snow in the woods.

Behind them, a huge ice and snow mountain range, one of the highest peaks, seemed like a sharp frost knife, inserted into a cloud at high altitude.

Their ice and snow giant forest is colder than the everlasting snow forest on the border between the kingdoms of Dova and Aache, and all the trees are several times taller than the trees in the everlasting snow forest.

All ice and snow, frozen into hard crystal like ice prisms, without any snowfall sounds.

It is heartbreaking to note that in such a cold ice and snow giant forest, there are all kinds of animal and insect activity everywhere.

In these ice and snow jungles, animals and worms are supposed to be scarce, but weird as some primitive rainforests.

The silent world, the inverted beast trail, makes the whole forest smell strange and gloomy.


Merale's teeth are constantly fighting, partly because the cold is out of control, and partly because it doesn't look like the world the magician can set foot in, which is an absolute no-go for someone like her who grew up in the primitive warcraft jungle.

“What's going on? ”

Suddenly, her body was stiff and her subconscious looked around.

She felt Bello's body freeze just momentarily.

“Its nothing"

Bello pushed his glasses, coldly humming, “The Ice Witch Bone Box just had a particularly strange resonance, which should be the consciousness of the Evil Dragon King, found the body, and truly resurrected. ”

“ …… ”

Merale's mouth was wide enough to make no sound, but it seemed frozen.

“Don't be stubborn in there, a place like this should freeze to death just for half a minute. ”

But Bello still kept going forward at a certain speed, slightly turning his head, his eyes flashed an unusually bright red color, “The more evil dragon king was resurrected, the faster we had to move, to get rid of what was here. ”

“What about Erin and them...? ”

Merale mechanically followed Bello, but the chills in her body seemed heavier than the chills outside. She couldn't stop thinking that Erin had gone to Shadow Castle to stop the true resurrection of the Dragon King, but now... that Erin they...

“What are you thinking! If Erin can't handle it, then we should hurry! ”

“If you want to slow me down, you can stay here and freeze into ice sculpture! ”

Bello's throat sounded a loud, low roar, and his cheeks were tight with muscles on both sides.

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