Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 626: Old Kings Reproduction

A layer of white oil appeared to glide across the entire arm of the magician.


But Erin's fist went up, and the magician's arm immediately made a broken sound, and his whole arm twisted.

Without feeling the pain, the magician had already felt like he had hit a giant wall of high-speed moving steel, and the whole person flew out completely uncontrolled.

“How is this possible! ”

The flying magician had an incredible look on his face.

All the pride in the face of all the magicians on the periphery disappeared.

It's pure strength!

A flash of burst force makes their gifted mucus skin impossible to remove, and their skeleton itself is so soft that fractures can occur only if the momentary impact is so powerful that their skeletons are squeezed straight to a certain density.

This guy's physical strength is stronger than most trolls in the deep sea!

Fighting close to a guy like that doesn't work!

“It's a bit slippery indeed! Almost, however, the fist didn't slide off. ”

In the horror of the magician, Erin looked amazed and couldn't bear to look at his fist.

“Interesting. Do you have anyone else to fight? ”

Erin obviously didn't look addicted, looking at the surrounding magicians.

All the magicians trembled and unconsciously took a step back.

“The Epic Silver Dragon bloodline is really strong. But the blood of the Dragon King, in any way, surpasses the blood of the Epic Silver Dragon. You have talent, he has talent, and he has some talent, and you don't. ”

In the sky, the middle-aged magician, flooded with lightning, took a deep breath and said slowly at this time.

“Boom! ”

As he said that, there was a blast in the sky.

A giant lightning door opens, a nine-headed, golden-yellow winged serpent protrudes from the open lightning door.

Strong hydroelectric surgery fluctuates around the body of a giant serpent of no less shape than a giant dragon, forming a crystalline water cover and a thorny white lightning, respectively.

“Big guy! ”

Ellis wasn't scared at all, but his eyes lit up completely, “Hey, you're not supposed to be a human being, are you? ”

“Thinking about eating again?” As soon as Charlotte saw Erin's eyes shining gold, she knew what he was thinking, and as soon as she heard Erin say that, she immediately raised several black lines on her face.

A giant winged serpent with nine heads at the high end of the sky is familiar with Erin, whose eyes are flashing with the light of wisdom, but also full of confusion. He doesn't understand what Erin means when he asks if it will become a human form.

“Do you know the general language of a Doraster magician? ”

Erin felt that the other person should not become a human being, so he became more excited and eager to call out.

The mouth of a giant winged serpent simultaneously makes a hissing sound, with a strange scale, which also seems to be a cologne-like language, but is clearly not a generic language of Doraster.

“This is really great" ”

Erin frowned and laughed.

“No pan, only fire! ”

He shouted to himself, stomping his feet hard on the ground, stomping out a deep pit.

When others, other than Charlotte and others, had no idea what he was doing, he suddenly grabbed his hair and remembered something like that.

“Are you a Summoning Technique? ”

He immediately raised his head with great excitement and looked at the middle-aged magician in the sky and yelled, “You have this big guy, I have a big guy! ”

“I want the big guy to hit the big guy again.” Charlotte's face suddenly got darker.


A circle of halos swept abruptly in the air above Arryn.

Five huge bodies then appeared in everyone's sight.


When Erin first saw that the other head of the Phantom Lord had grown, he immediately exclaimed in surprise, "Lord Phantom, has one of your heads grown again? And you seem to have had a good time. You seem to have gained weight. ”

Easily recovered, the Phantom Lord suddenly became numb, and a chill gushed from his heart and instantly filled his mind.

It's got a picture in its head.

Erin was eating hot pot around a big pot, and his long head was cut off again, and it was his fish head that was cooking in the hot pot.

Erin was very satisfied with the meal and patted it on the shoulder. He said, "Hurry up and grow well so that you can have another fish head hot pot."


Just as the Phantom Lord sank into the imagination of life rather than death, the remaining four trolls breathed a full breath of cold air.


Especially Lord Shallow Beach, whose teeth keep ringing, “Is that King Angry Sea, Hydra Gudra? ”

“What Hydra Goudla? ”

Erin gathered excitedly, "You five big guys, fight this big guy! ”

“Fighting the Angry Sea King? ”

“Boss, why don't you just kill us! ”

“Boss, forgive me! ”

“Let us go! ”

At the same time, the five trolls moaned and wept.

“What do you mean? Don't you even have the courage to fight? Aren't you afraid I'll eat you directly?” Erin looked at these five trolls speechlessly and was very embarrassed.

“It's not about courage, it's simply impossible to win. ”

Lord Shallow Beach is completely immune, and his tearful cry is, "Angry Sea King Hydra Gudra himself is comparable to the presence of a giant dragon. The 'Gamma Water Shield' outside him can rebound most of his surgical attacks, its endless chains of Thorn Lightning, and it can automatically chase down enemies, not even the Thorn Lightning of the Giant Kingdom. Moreover, in addition to the powerful hydroelectric banning technique, it is itself a powerful spiritual troll. Its mirage banning technique can create hallucinations. It cannot attack its body at all. Its evil mermaid song and spiritual dead sea entanglement, the most powerful spiritual restraint banning technique, can cause people to lose their ability to act directly. ”

“So good? Is it really that good? ”

Erin stared wide-eyed and looked somewhat unbelievably at this nine-headed winged serpent suspended in the sky.

“Erin, you really are a freshman at St. Dawn's College... you don't usually have time to read... is this the power that Stormland has hidden? ”

Chris couldn't help gripping her fists, and her face became completely nervous.

In all the records of the Angry Sea King Hydra Gudra, this deep sea troll, although somewhat different from the dragon in terms of affinity and strength of surgery, is perfectly comparable to the real dragon because of its unique hydroelectric system, coupled with a strange psychic ban.

So whether or not there is any other power in this Storm kingdom, it's just such an angry sea king plus a lightning giant dragon, at its peak strength, it has completely surpassed the nine great families of the Archie kingdom.

“Let's get started, don't waste time. ”

The middle-aged magician, transformed into an aerial golden giant dragon, nodded to HYDRA GOODERA and all the magicians and said.

“Heh!” “Heh!” “Psst! ”

In the air, intense surgery fluctuations are connected.

In an instant, all the magicians outside, countless transparent water bead-like surgical particles, connected together.

“It's connectivity! ”

Jing Ka's gaze flashed violently, and an ominous premonition was generated in his heart.


The figure of all the magicians disappeared, and a wave of crystalline water of more than ten meters swept towards Erin and Jing Ka Miao and others.

“Boom Lung! ”

Almost simultaneously, in the sky above, there was a powerful and unique realm of atmosphere that swept down.

Around the middle-aged magician surrounded by lightning, a seven-colored ray of light emerged.

In the sky, lightning of countless seven colors was produced, forming a lightning rainbow, sweeping down at a terrible speed, from top to bottom towards Erin and others.

“Indestructible Realm! ”

Kyungkamara's breathing suddenly paused, and a pale grey mask formed immediately outside him and Erin and others.


Gleaming waves of water around, lightning rainbows falling at high altitude, immediately and indestructibly hit the realm together.

“Not even the indestructible realm...”

Chris and Charlotte's eyes were instantly filled with horror.

None of the indestructible realms can withstand such power and instantly collapse.

Erin's face was very serious.

At this moment, his greatest intuition came from Hydra Goodra above.


A brilliant to polar column of holy light that flushes directly out of broken water mist and lightning and hits Hydra Goudla.

“Phew... Phew...”

The nine-headed winged serpent made a heartbreaking laugh.

A strip of particulate beam flows out of its body not too slowly.

All and indestructible fields collide with scattered streams, suddenly gathering together to form a huge water balloon directly outside Erin and others.

In water balloons, countless currents are wrapped around Erin and others.


The Holy Light Column emitted by Erin could not break through this water polo, as if it had been frozen.

“I can't move at all! ”

“It's not just forbidden in the water system, it's also in the spiritual domain...”

Jing Ka's body suddenly stiffened.

His mind sounded mysterious songs, a sharp sense of dizziness that made him unable to control his technical particles at all.

And the water flow outside, it's under incredible pressure that he can't even move a finger.

“I can't move! ”

“There's no way out! ”

Erin and Chris and others, including the five trolls, are exactly the same.

Under mental assault and immense oppression, you can't move.

“Now you still think you're strong enough? What strength do you have to defeat the Evil Dragon King? ”

The middle-aged artist shook his head and said coldly.

In his hand, a cup-shaped magician's weapon appeared.

This cup is golden yellow with a dark red flame on its mouth.


At the moment of his influx of surgical particles, the surface of this cup emitted countless lights, gradually forming a magnificent array of grains.


And that's when an old voice rang out.

“Old Kings? ”

Although Erin's body could not move and could not speak at all, this familiar voice made him scream the first time in his heart.

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