Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 640: Ice and Fire

Their former space conveyed the altar, leading directly to Tasina's hiding place.

Tasina's hiding place, a floating place on a flying island, is what Old Kings calls a place to truly ambush and kill evil spiritual servants.

The unique power here can make evil spiritual servants relatively weak, and the diffuse divine glow can slowly disappear the power of evil spiritual servants, but in Old Kings' plan, that space transmission altar will be initiated by Erin, who will be responsible for sucking evil spiritual servants out of the roll into Tasina's hiding place.


At this moment of Erin's confusion, a familiar green flame swept up in the valley not far from him and fell directly on one of the evil spiritual servants.


The evil spirit waiter roared, an iron grey crystal light collided with the green flame and made a terrible explosion.

At the same time, both of the evil spiritual servants seemed to understand that they had been ambushed and were working hard to inspire the dragon wings on their backs to flee.


The green flame rises again.

The green flame of power and terror directly locked the status of the evil spiritual servant's escape. Almost just at the beginning of the explosion, the green flame has once again appeared precisely in front of the evil spiritual servant.

The Evil Spirit Waiter was like hitting the green flame.


A dragon scale on the Evil Spirit servant's body was directly extinguished, and a bucket-sized hole was broken from the chest to the back. The iron gray technique and crystalline light in the body formed a column of light and erupted.


Looks like a giant hammer landed.

Another Evil Spirit waiter fought back at this moment.

An iron grey beam rushed toward the green flame.

The ground was directly blown out of a giant pit by powerful forces, and a wave of horrific shocks swept out like a wave.

And at the center of that iron grey beam impact, everyone saw a figure standing, with green light and dusk halos on his body.


Once again, the green flame rushed out of the man's hand without a pause, again accurately capturing the injured Evil Spirit servant's body.


The wings behind the Evil Spirit waiter closed in front of him, blocking the blow, but his body was almost out of control, like a kite chaotic dancing out of line in the air.

Erin and Chris and others were staring at each other.

Obviously, the green flame that flew out that time was the Green Dragon Spear.

Only Stingham can use the inheritance of the Green Dragon Temple in this way.

But is that Stingham?

When did Stingham become so powerful, he was able to carry out such attacks continuously when he was hit hard, and achieved 100% accuracy at such a distance.


Countless triangular iron gray chips fell like rain in the sky, and the body of another evil spiritual servant appeared behind that evil spiritual servant's body like a transient movement. The two dragon claws directly lifted the evil spiritual servant and swept up.


Another severe shock in the sky.

In the valley, at least dozens of magicians are singing their chants simultaneously.

A beam of holy light formed a giant net in the air.

The body of the evil spiritual servant who swept upwards crashed into this giant net of holy light. In an instant, his body was electrically shocked, spreading smoke all over his body, and he looked worse than the evil spiritual servant who had been severely traumatized by Stingham. After the entire body was ejected, it spinned completely out of control in the air.

“What is this?”

Erin was more dumbstruck.

He saw that most of the dozens of magicians who emitted a holy light beam were familiar, as if they were teachers at the Academy of Saint Dawn.

“Mr. Lester, what's the matter with this? ”

Chris couldn't help but wake up.

She saw the likeness of Lister and Ming Lu, among others, appearing in succession.

“If Fillmann comes, you're in the plan, and that's bait. The real ambush is on us. ”

Lester's figure flashed not far from Erin and Chris and others, and he quickly said, "Fellerman has a powerful spirit, and if we were out there, he would have found us. Now to be sure that Fillmann is not here, all we have to do is kill these two evil spiritual servants. ”

“We're also bait in Old Kings' plan? ”

“If the legendary evil dragon king's strongest evil spiritual servant comes to the captain, he finds that there are many people in the ambush who may have fled directly. Turns out we just put it outside and lured Fellerman out to kill, and Mr. Lester, more of them were hiding out here, ready to start. ”

Erin suddenly realized that she couldn't help but scream depressingly, "I told you Old Kings was a little unreliable! ”

Orosses and Hydra are also a little ugly in their faces, and while they disagree with Erin that Old Kings is unreliable, in their capacity, they end up being baited in the drums, which makes them very uncomfortable.


Lester saw their obvious discomfort and quickly explained: “Fellerman is a magician with very unusual mental powers. If he comes and tells you the truth before, he may be able to detect more ambushes through some of your divine and spiritual fluctuations, so he can only blindfold you first. ”

Auroses looked a little better, and he looked at Lester and said, "How can you be sure that Ferramant really didn't come, instead of hiding with technique? ”

“Some of us can be sure.” Lister shrugged her shoulders and said.

Boom! Boom! ”

At this point, two sounds explode in the sky.

Two evil spiritual servants seem to have established that it is simply impossible to break through the holy junction of light in the air, and that they have fallen madly directly to the ground and are clearly in the final madness.

“I'll do it!”

Erin cheered, and the whole person jumped out like a bouncing meteorite, instantly rushing into front of one of the evil spiritual servants.


Two powerful forces suddenly collided.

In a cycle of horrible shockwaves, Erin flies out, hits the ground hard and smashes a deep pit out of the ground.

But not knowing how many times stronger than him, the Evil Spirit Waiter also wobbled, and took a few steps backwards.

“Again! ”

Everyone is still thinking about whether Erin is dead or alive, and Erin's excited shouts have sounded again.

His entire man has struck again with the evil spiritual servant.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom! ”

Even Lister couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows and her scalp was a little numb.

The power of evil spiritual servants is terrible, and most importantly, the body of evil spiritual servants is not the flesh and blood of ordinary people, and even with terrible wounds on their bodies, their bodies can be quickly repaired and they can continue to fight.

So even if they were trapped, it would be very difficult to kill them altogether, and I'm afraid there would be a price to pay.

Now, however, Erin seems to be a more brutal beast than the Evil Spirit Waiter. He is only one person, and he is haunted by an Evil Spirit Waiter.


A shadowy black rope wrapped around another Evil Spirit servant.

Ray's figure appeared behind this Evil Spirit squire, with a black rope in his hand.

“Boom” burst out.

A thorny halo of iron gray light directly supports the black rope into pieces, and Ray's body is shaken backwards by powerful forces.


At the same time, however, a green flame struck the chest and abdomen of this evil spiritual servant with precision, once again pounding a great hole in his body.

The light seems to be getting brighter throughout the valley.

In the air, it looks like there are a lot of shiny little particles shaking.

Two evil spiritual servants roared with tremendous fury and smoke, and the evil dragon particles were disappearing a little.

“Evil Dragon Crystal Coffin! Holy Spirit! ”

The Evil Spirit Waiter against Erin burst into a fierce roar.


An iron grey dragon crystal erupted from his mouth, instantly turning into a scary stream of crystalline particles rushing onto Erin.

“Oops! Careless! ”

Erin's mind screamed strangely that his body was instantly enclosed in a purple and black crystal coffin in the impact of the flow of crystalline particles and could not move.

In sight, a claw of the evil spiritual servant seemed to have burned through the purple and black crystal coffin unhindered, shooting at Erin's chest.


At this moment, a green flame struck the claw of this Evil Spirit Waiter.

The evil spirit waiter shouted and broke a big hole in his paw, and his entire body was struck back by a powerful impact.

“Interesting forbidden art! ”

Erin's scream sounded.

The moment his scream sounded, the purple black crystal coffin outside him instantly disappeared, turning into countless suspended red ashes.

A circle of horrible heat, generated around his body.

The Evil Spirit waiter felt terrified by his heart and retreated wildly.

“Burning! ”

“It turns out that with the repair of six surgical doors... and the secrets of the Sacred Life Gate, the sum of the technical particles approaching the seven surgical doors, the burning technique carried out, this is how it looks! ”

Lister and Ray and others reacted, and their eyes were full of amazing light.


Countless burns floated towards the evil spirit waiter, who surrounded the regiment at a temperature of instant terror.

“What is this? ”

But at this moment, Lester and Ray and others almost fell on the ground.

Erin's punches hit the ground hard.

At the moment he hit the ground, a giant ice crown rose, wrapping all the burns, including the evil spirit's servant.

“ …… ”

Chris and Kyung-Ka Mya and Charlotte were also completely stunned.

This appears to be destroying the Ice Crown, but there seems to be a big difference in treatment.

In the past, the destruction of the divine ice crown was formed around Erin's body, but now, it seems that Erin sprayed through the particles of a double fist and then struck out the surgical particles, forming them directly outside each other's body?

“Did this guy actually change this forbidden technique? ”

“How can his control and understanding of surgery be such as to change technology? ”

One may rise in the heart of Jing Ka Miao.

He couldn't help but breathe a breath of cold air.

What kind of power would a combination of forbidden techniques produce when a gemstone-like red flame is in a crystal clear ice crown?

Jing Ka wonderful gaze, afraid to miss any detail.

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