Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 656: Ferraman's Spike

The night grew thicker, with clouds covering the stars, and the cold winds rolling from the far north appeared even more deadly.

Ivan and Wilde lurk quietly in the wasteland of Moth Harbor, covered with dead grass.

Due to their own bloodlines and encounters, the two brilliant magicians, also from St. Lauren's area, are very different in strength from others, such as Arryn, who may not be able to intervene in the final battle with the Dragon King and who will not be able to influence the final victory at all.

But like many believing magicians, they fought tirelessly in their own way.

Since the Battle of the Dova Palace, the entire kingdom of Dova has fallen apart and many of the territories of the Kingdom of Aache have lost their original lord's authority, which has led to a sudden increase in the number of bandit teams in many regions.

The Moth Harbor region, which connects the central and western parts of the kingdom of Aache, is one of the most frequently populated areas of the Bandit Squad.

Ivan and Wilder, and a lot of young magicians like them, corps magicians, are fighting in this area and in these bandit squads.

Whatever level of enemy you are facing, the duty and significance of the magician lies in guardianship.

Just fight bravely to defeat the enemy in front of you.

“pū pū pū pū pū pū pū...”

As a fluttering wings rang out, a gray moth, only bat-sized, flew up in the wilderness.

Immobile ambushes of Ivan and Wilde soon became nervous.

Obviously the magician is approaching.

And there are only two possibilities to directly shock grey moths in the wilderness. One is a low-strength, reckless team of low-level magicians, and the other is that the other person is very powerful and doesn't even care about being spotted.

A deeper darkness suddenly covered Ivan and Wilde.

Suddenly a figure emerges in the fog of the wilderness.

“Ivan, Wilder? ”

The other person held a scroll in his hand, as if to confirm, and made a very gentle sound.

Ivan and Wilde's breathing stopped at the same time, and their skin was sore as a needle, a terrible emotion that could not help but emerge from their hearts.

There are no strong surgery fluctuations on the other side, but the two have naturally felt tremendous pressure.

This is obviously an extremely terrifying sorcerer!

In a strong shock, two people did not make a sound, but as they approached each other, they seemed to have two wings on their bodies.

“Who are you?” Ivan set his mind and asked in silence.

“Physical and surgical features fit perfectly and do not appear to be incorrect.” The other person was not slow enough to say a graceful word to himself before answering politely: “My name is Filleman. ”

“Ferramant? ”

Ivan and Wilder's body shocked at the same time.

Both made sure they heard correctly, and then a smile appeared in the corner of their mouths at the same time.

This is the legendary name, Evil Dragon King's sealed Evil Spirit Guard Chief.

Wilder took a deep breath, and he asked, "Why would someone like you come and kill us? ”

Like Chiro, the excellent student at the Iron Forest Academy, which targets Chiro, usually doesn't talk much, but after knowing who he is, knowing that fear doesn't help, he wants to know why he's here.

“It's simple because you're friends with Erin.” Filleman replied with an elegant smile, like a true gentleman.

“So what? Waste of time?” Wilde's mouth turned ridiculous.

Ivan coldly chuckled.

In his and Wilde's view, it would be a waste of time for Fellerman to personally assassinate him and Wilde. His and Wilde's lives cost Fellerman so much time, it was all worth it.

“You are worthy adversaries who do not see the fear of death in your eyes.” Filleman looked quietly at Ivan and Wilde and smiled, “Of course your strength is not a threat, but your death should make Erin angry. ”

“I don't get it any more.” Watching each other not rush to kill themselves, Wilder said earnestly, "What's in it for you? The angrier Erin gets, the stronger he gets, right? ”

“Everything has boundaries, everything has both sides. ”

Fellerman smiled slightly, “There is often a common denominator between the powerful bloodlines… extreme anger can also push the desire for destruction and destruction beyond its limits. ”

“What do you mean? ”

Wilder and Ivan were at the same time.

“As a tribute to a worthy adversary, I have given enough answers, and it should be time for me to kill you.” Filleman smiled slightly and shook his head gently.


As soon as he shook his head, a black halo appeared behind his head, while a clear corrugation instantly spread through the air, sweeping Wilde and Ivan's bodies.


Wilde and Ivan's eyes filled with shocking light, but no surprise in their hearts.

Their bodies are instantly stiff and they can't even move!

Faced with the legendary existence of Ferrman, they didn't even have a chance to resist, and even the surgical particles could not flow out of the body.

Fileman still smiled charmingly and gracefully.

There seemed to be two cold filaments in his eyes, spreading along a wave of clear lines that immediately cut Wilde and Ivan's bodies.


loud sound, countless blue waves collapsed.

Wilde and Ivan, as if suddenly to fall into a deep sea, like real sea monsters, crash into the transparent lines that bind Wilde and Ivan.

Feleman's face remained the same, and he seemed to have no surprises at all, not even to use more power.

Two silky cold lights continue to spread forward.


All the giant waves collapse directly.

Three shadows flew backwards and forth, all of them sprayed with blood.

An iron-like hippocampus sculpture stands in front of Wilde and Ivan where they originally stood, displaying strange black iron tricks, but this image changed instantly. This clearly powerful defensive weapon, the hippocampus statue, suddenly disintegrates into countless pieces of metal.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom! ”

Three people fell and coughed blood in their mouths.

“Nolan, captain of the Silver Trout Academy team, a talented Tully family magician. Looks like there's nothing wrong with the intel, and you're with Ivan and Wilder.” Fellerman looked at the other person who had fallen and smiled slightly, "and you must be a friend of Erin's, as if you had fought with Erin more than once. ”

“What are you doing out here? ”

Ivan had a broken chest bone, he endured pain and blood pouring into his mouth, looked angrily at Nolan beside him and growled in a low voice.

“He was really strong, he actually used such powerful magician weapons as the Iron Seahorse surge, or he couldn't resist a single blow. ”

Falling next to Ivan and Wilde, Nolan, all the magician's robes on him were soaked with blood, and he smiled bitterly, "I want to leave you too, but I still can't find it... and with this guy's strength, I'm afraid I've long found myself hidden on the other side, I don't have to run if I want to. So your anger is unnecessary. ”

“You talk a lot, but it's good to die with you two guys. ”

Wilder gently coughed and bled constantly.

His chest bone also seemed to be completely broken, but at this point he stood up slowly.

Two blades of light, flowing out of his hand.

Slim knife, this is his bluebee knife.

Faced with an opponent of this level, his knife is unlikely to pose any threat.

But it's an attitude, a belief in fighting to death.

“Is there anyone left to die? Looks like there are a lot of guests in this wasteland today. ”

Filleman looked at Wilde and smiled at Wilde and others.

Anyone else coming?

Who's in the neighborhood?

Ivan and Nolan, stunned, turned their heads hard and saw only one tall and one short shadow plundering from the darkness.

Ivan's eyes became incredibly complex from stunned.

Coincidentally, these are two acquaintances.

A man and a woman two magicians, a man tall and handsome, with a tough face, a woman with a petite body but a generous face.

Morgan and Audrey from the Dragon Language Academy team.

Ivan and Wilde and Nolan didn't even know Morgan and Audrey were in the wilderness, and if they did, they'd have to sit back and talk about what happened.

“Two idiots. ”

But at this moment, Ivan just shouted at those two.

“It was an unexpected gain.” Filleman smiled unchanged.

“Let's get started. ”

Morgan landed like a mountain in front of Ivan and others, whispering softly to Audrey.

Audrey nodded silently, flashing an unusually sombre glow on her face.


The space in front of her trembled suddenly.

An unusual voice emanated from her body, as if her soul were chanting.

Countless ice crystals appeared in the sky, suspended in the space between her and Ferramant.


In the face of these icy and horrible chills, Ferramant just made a voice with a smile.


All the ice crystals were suddenly broken and distorted by powerful forces, instead forming a huge ice blade in the air that backfired towards Audrey and Ivan and others.

Audrey's surgery fluctuated rapidly around her body.

The blow had even completely depleted her body's surgical particles, but her eyes didn't blink in the face of the huge ice blade that was coming at her.

Because she knew she couldn't possibly be a rival of Ferramant, and she did it to stop Ferramant for a moment.


An infinite amount of bright red flames gushed from Morgan's body behind her.

These flames seem to be alive with endless dragon breath.

Flames form a long tail of flames in the air.

“What is this?”

Ivan and others stared with astonishment.

They don't feel the heat, they just feel their body swallowed by the airflow into a space channel.


Flametails disappeared instantly, and only dragons breathed.

The giant ice blades cut across the wilderness, not knowing how many meters, eventually turned into countless pieces of ice.

Audrey and Morgan, among others, disappeared completely in front of Ferrman.

This is clearly a failed assassination, especially for a magician of this rank, such failure can be described as an immense disgrace.

But looking at the air ahead, Ferramant's handsome face did not have any negative emotions, and his eyes quietly raised a glimmer of excitement and anticipation.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom! ”

In the darkness, Ivan et al. again fell hard in the push of the airflow.

Blood gushed out of Ivan's mouth again.

“Morgan... you bastard... you...”

Ivan had no idea where he was, but he couldn't even make a complete sound because of his injuries.

“It doesn't matter. ”

“Though the dragon crystal was completely burned before the power to issue such a ban... but finally not watching you die... as for fixing it... there is always a possibility of recovery. ”

In front of him, shaky Morgan was weak and a little difficult, but he coughed firmly and happily.

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