Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 68: Life's First Competition

In Ivy House, Moss looked at Erin strangely: "Are you familiar with Lin Lorraine? How could I not know? ”

Erin said seriously, "Yeah, he talked to me in class, and we had a fight together. ”

“Just like that? In total, there are not ten words that have been said, which is also called familiar words, so I am familiar with him.” Moses couldn't help but pick up his redhead and say nothing.

“Oh, in that case, let's go find him.” But Erin said the same thing.

“Didn't you forget we had a fight in the story?” Moses has a black-line urge to fight Erin: “You're smart in battle, why do you usually wake up like that? ”

“What is it? ”

Erin waved very loudly, "At the time of reporting, you called me a dwarf. At the time of class, you kept yelling at me to get out of the way. Now we're still good friends, right? ”

“ …… ”

Moss, completely defeated by Erin, could only follow Erin into the woods without a word.

Looking for voices, just asking a few freshmen doing basic exercises, Erin and Moss easily found Lin Laurent practicing in a clearing area in the woods.

“Lin Lorraine! ”

As soon as she saw Lynn Lorraine, Erin immediately greeted her happily.

“…” Moss watched Erin's heartfelt passion and silence.

“What's the matter?” Lynn Lorraine looked at Erin and Moss strangely and still looked very cold.

“You're clean! It's so clean during practice.” Erin looked at Lynn Lorraine and said enthusiastically: "I hear you have to take a few showers a day and wash your clothes a lot. Is it true? ”

Moss almost got dark in front of him.

Even if you want to be close, you don't have to say anything like that, do you?

Sure enough, Lin Lorraine's face seemed to have a few more black lines, “Erin, what the hell is wrong with you?” His tone also became colder.

“Tomorrow's the game, warrior! You're amazing. Teachers and we both want you to join the Academy Team and join the Academy Team to train and fight.” Erin waved his fist, "he said.

“Not interested. ”

But just as the boiling water met the ice, Lin Lorraine did not hesitate to spit out four words and then turned around directly: “If nothing happens, leave, I have to practice. ”

“Everyone else is desperate to join the college team, want to participate in this competition, why can you join but not join?” Erin wasn't angry, just strangely asked.

'Cause I especially hate these fights and games. ”Lin Lorraine rang with a clear voice of hatred," you can also think that I didn't have the courage to participate in such a contest. ”

“How could you not have the courage to challenge even Miss Houston to help us fight senior students? ”

Erin shook his head, "And if you're not interested in the battle of magicians and this kind of game, why are you trying so hard to practice? ”

Lin Lorraine's body was slightly stiff.

But in the next second, his cold voice sounded, “I just hate it, can't I? And I don't think there's any hope for this kind of college team in the face of an opponent like S.H.I.E.L.D. If you want to persuade me to join the Academy team, win S.H.I.E.L.D. first! ”

“Okay! Once we win S.H.I.E.L.D., will you join the Academy team?” Erin's eyes shone brightly.

Lin Lorraine was silent for a moment and said, “I was just saying that, anyway, I would not join the college team and would not participate in such a competition. ”

“If that's the case, can you come see us tomorrow at S.H.I.E.L.D.?” Irene said still enthusiastically.

“I don't want to say anything more. If you don't leave, I'll leave.” Lin Lorraine's endurance also seemed to reach its limit. After saying this, as soon as his figure moved, he jumped on a branch opposite him, then jumped on the tree and left quickly.

“It's like Teacher Kate said the high elf blood, so powerful balance and agility, so easy to jump and jump on these fine branches, every step so far, those branches have to shake, he doesn't fall, it's amazing.” Erin looked at Lynn Lorraine in an incredibly light and beautiful position and exclaimed, “It's beautiful, it's beautiful. ”

Lin Lorraine had a stable body and almost fell directly from a branch.

“Wouldn't you be angry if he looked at you like that? ”

Watching Lin Lorraine disappear, Moses shouted at Erin depressingly, "Why are you angry when I hear you face Rufeng in the game? ”

“That is not the same. If it provokes me, Lin Laurent does not provoke me.” Erin just said, “And Lin Lorraine was my friend, and he was my friend at the time of the story. ”

“What do you think your friends do to you, you won't get angry? ”

“Oh... it seems not, and Lin Lorraine certainly has his reasons for doing this to me. ”

“…” Moss was speechless again.

“What exactly is his reason for not joining the Academy team?” Erin thought of Chris, thinking of the weight of Chris' dream, and his face became self-righteous and serious.

“I will definitely find a way to get him into the Academy team, it is only tomorrow, it will definitely be too late for the first game. I think he still wants to compete in this competition. ”

“...” Moses felt like he was spitting blood again, "he had already said, and you said he wanted to compete in this competition? Did your head really go into the water when you were a kid? ”

“Well, I'll find a way to get him on the Academy team! ”

Erin nodded forcefully and remembered something, looking at Moses and saying, "Moses, why don't you join our college team tomorrow? I'll help you tell Miss Kate that watching the game with us on the field is clearer and better than watching the game on the stands. Because the venue of the competition is St. Lauren's Stadium, and because there will be especially many people watching the official preliminaries, we will not be able to sit in a stadium like the Academy. ”


Moses took a long breath and looked at Erin and said seriously: "Being friends with you, besides enduring your posterior senses and strange opinions, is a bit of an advantage. ”


Many students gathered on a bulletin wall in front of the school canteen as the red burning cloud spread over St. Dawn's College.

It has a war book written by a student who doesn't know which St. Dawn's Academy.

“Class! Tomorrow is our game day with S.H.I.E.L.D. Perhaps our Saint Dawn Academy team wasn't brilliant enough before, and perhaps our Saint Dawn Academy team has already disappointed you, but as a regular Saint Dawn Academy student, I'd like to ask you, have you forgotten about our game with the Southern Wind Academy team? Do you remember at what price we won this extra game when we only had the last player left? Have you forgotten what history we have at St. Dawn's College? We have been killed once in a national competition, and we have also won a runner-up to the national competition, raising the highest trophy just one step away! None of the rest of St. Lauren's colleges have had such a glorious history! I don't know what you think, I don't know if you've forgotten your courage, but I remind you that there's a group of people, no matter how powerful their opponents are, who are still fighting for our Saint Dawn Academy, even at the cost of their lives! What can we do? We want to remember our courage, our glory, our dignity, tomorrow's game, if you are still a student of Saint Dawn's College, then please come with me to the Dragon Arena and work hard for our college team! Because they are fighting for us...”

“Who wrote that? The S.H.I.E.L.D. team is so good, our team isn't even an opponent, so go get gas? Were you laughed at? What an idiot!” A senior student with a lunch box looked at it and made a loud mockery.

“This classmate, we seem to need to talk to you. ”

Many of the people beside him surrounded him unemotionally, blocking him in the middle.

The senior student suddenly caught in a complete panic, and he found almost everyone around him looking at him with extreme anger.

“Whatever the Academy team's performance, say that the person who wrote this is an idiot, then it has to be repaired, otherwise you forget that you are from St. Dawn's Academy.” Someone made such a sound.

Then the senior student was submerged.

Soon his nose swelled and his eyes couldn't even make a sound for forgiveness. He was thrown out.

“Let's go to the Dragon Arena! Come on! ”

“The better the opponent, the more we have to refuel the Academy Squad! ”

“Tomorrow we go together! ”

This roar gradually sounds, and it spreads, making the whole of Saint Dawn College seem like a stormy ocean.

“Was it inspired by Chris and Erin and Roger and their fighting spirit? ”

“It would have been better if there had been a victory, otherwise such flames would have been extinguished even worse. Kate, look at you guys.” Several Saint Dawn College teachers walking down the road made such exclamation.

“Tomorrow is the game... but the more I think about it, the more excited I can't sleep...”

At night, Erin flipped over in the dorm bed and couldn't sleep at all. He turned around and looked at the stars outside.

“Teacher Kate won't let Bello show up yet, what is he doing...”

“Old Kings, what kind of guy are you...”

“War Dragon Arena, what exactly is it...”

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