Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 685: Same Wrath, Despair of the Lightning Giant Dragon


Just now I felt some satisfied evil dragon king, suddenly smelling dangerous aura.

His face was slightly stiff.

King Storman, the body of Orosses, who has become a giant dragon, is being held to death by dozens of vine-eating giants.

This vine-eating giant formed by the magical power of the Dragon King and the power of the Decaying Stacked Trident is almost as powerful as the Pokémon Guardian Giant Tree Pokémon, which was extinguished during the Dragon War.

Surrounded by these black vines, the dull flames of light gushing the dead vine giant died and pressed, Oroces' squamous armor almost collapsed, unable to condense even lightning.

But at this time, Orosses in this position, like the drowning dying man, protrudes desperately upwards, and countless vines climb on top, unable to press his head.

Because at this time, Erin is the only hope.


At the same time, Stingham's body trembled like it was overpowered, as if he had been completely awakened by electricity, and a flame of hope poured out of his blank eye hole.

Erin's body flows out of purple and black smoke.

He still had many cracks in his body and seemed miserable, but countless pieces of silver flame almost formed substance beneath his feet.

This made Arryn appear to be standing on an endless, damaged silver city, which is why he emerged.

What's even more distressing is that Erin used to burn a war fire at all times, shouting with her fist, but at this time Erin didn't make any noise.

Even he didn't seem to see the Dragon King.

He was just fully focused, as if completely caught in contemplation, doing a slow sword draw.

The Sword of the Dragon Slaughter has been destroyed by the Evil Dragon King at the cost of his only son, yet at this moment, an aura similar to the Sword of the Dragon Slaughter is pouring out in front of Erin, flooding like a tide.

He had nothing in his hand, but under his slow pull, a luminous blade handle began to appear in his hand.

This is definitely not a physical skill, but it gives anyone the feeling that he's going to pull a sword out of empty air.

“Erin... is trying to create the same technical skill, to form the technical nature of Dragon Slaughter Sword? ”

Merale's eyebrows pounded and she finally understood what Bello meant.

In the process of using the Dragon Slaughter Sword and the Dragon Slaughter Sword to destroy, Erin has actually felt some of the technical properties of the Dragon Slaughter Sword. He is now going to condense the power of the Dragon Slaughter Sword with technical techniques!

Merale had no idea if Erin would succeed in doing so, but she could see that the simulation process was slow, so she had to stop the evil dragon king from killing Erin in this period of time.


A pair of crystalline long wings instantly unfolded behind Merale.

A resolute roar erupted from her thin lips.

Her wings trembled behind her, spinning and driving her body, like an amazing rotor, rushing straight into the Dragon King.

She didn't try to intercept Evil Dragon King's technique because she knew it was too late.

She only hopes to draw the attention of Evil Dragon King and distract Evil Dragon King from her surprise attack.

Her movements were too slow for any surgeon who opened the six doors, yet at this time she succeeded in doing what she thought.

The body of the Dragon King suddenly paused.

He even turned his body slightly, and even the vastness of the sky stood still in unimaginable shadows.

His cold and brutal eyes fell on Merale, on the crystalline wings behind Merale.

“Turns out it was you... the Eternal Crown, it was ruined in your hands! ”

He uttered one sentence at a time.

The Eternal Crown is of special significance to him.

Because it involves a wife he truly loved and the failure of his Great Dragon War.

He lost the Great Dragon War because of the loss of this crown that he had carefully refined.

So his anger, his split fierceness.


Covering the entire sky, all the magicians on the ground were increasingly held to their breath by the fear in their hearts, and the shadow of the giant hearse, unable to fight normally, was completely crumbled, turning into countless poisonous fires with a sulfur breath and laying cover for the fall of the earth.

Dividing the fierce anger, even the evil dragon king could not control this vast forbidden technique, which took much of his power to form.


Countless tiny poisonous fires, with the eyes of the evil dragon king, twisted wildly into dozens of giant hands and pressed instantly against Merale's body.

Simply killing Merale was not enough to quench his obsessive anger, and he was slowly tearing Merale to pieces, making her cry and sounding the entire Doraster sky.

“Bello! ”

Merale shouted scared.

She was really scared, especially since Bello wasn't around, and she always felt like she seemed to be missing something, no gas.

But she knew she had to be strong.

Because it's not just her life and death at this time.

In her mind, besides Bello's figure, the first thing that emerged at this moment was Shanna and Stingham.

I want to fight with you!

I can't blame myself like Stingham for Shanna's death!

If you want to die, you can die together!

“Come on! ”

An unprecedented scream came out of her mouth again.


Just as dozens of magical fire giants pressed toward her body, the crystal wings behind her instantly disappeared, and countless crystal lights burst out of her hands.

Her hands seemed to grow suddenly.

In her hand, a crystal sword appeared!

bang bang.

Merale's screams were abruptly cut off, but all the magic giants who pressed against her were also cut with a sword!

One mouthful of blood spilled from Merale's mouth.

She is coughing blood constantly, yet her body is constantly advancing, sharp crystal sword light, directly approaching the body of the Dragon King!

Everyone's eyes and thoughts have stalled, and the air is filled with incredible emotions.

Merale's sword… how can it be more amazing than Dragonslayer's sword?

Time seems to be stalling.

Erin was slowly drawing his sword, the lightning giant dragon was pressed by dozens of black vine giants, forcibly lifting a huge head, countless Orcs and magicians, giant beasts, his body was pierced by dead vine holes, hung in the air, blood spilled, deterring the heartfelt Magic Fire giant was smashed, sharp crystal sword, has rushed to the front of the Evil Dragon King.

Stingham's eyes suddenly contracted violently and dilated.

At this time, he suddenly discovered a secret of the Dragon King.

Originally, the evil dragon king was hidden inside to open the seventh surgery door, but now he can't see any light representing the seventh surgery door.

As a result of continuous surgery, an alarming number of surgical particles were used, the seventh surgery door of the Evil Dragon King suddenly seemed to shrink.

This is an absolutely shocking secret for Steinheim to be covered in chestnuts.

So at this moment, when it seemed to stop, Stingham couldn't help shouting out the secret: “The Dragon King is not like the Ordinary Magician! If the granules are consumed too much, even the open door in his body will be closed! ”

Eileen and Stingham, the people of Saint Dawn College, are themselves the most sought-after beings on the battlefield. In this battle, they were like a sharp knife, cutting all the obstacles directly and forcing the Dragon King out.

And at this moment, Stingham's screaming becomes clearer.


In the eyes of Jing Ka Miao and Jing Luo, the glitter of unexpected expectations appeared.

They know that Stingham is an idiot most of the time, but at this moment they believe that Stingham can't be mistaken.

If the evil dragon king has fallen to the point where he just opened six surgery doors because of the grand banning technique in front of him, then he will not necessarily be able to stop Meraleh's sword at this time!

Then this sword could represent the end of this war!


Unconsciously squeezed the eyes of the Dragon King at this time.

He did all feel a real breath of death, and the heart area was again severely tingled with a reflex of conditions.

“You think too well. ”

Yet the corner of his mouth was once again filled with a brutal smile.

A fine layer of sword light suddenly appeared on the surface of his body.

Then centered on his right hand, these fine swordlight overlays, the impact, form an incredible swordlight.

Millions of glacial crystalline rays abruptly emit in the air.

Immediately afterwards, countless sounds are made to pierce the sharp cutting sound of the eardrum.

Big Wind.

Then there was a blast.

Merale's body, flying back in the air like a kite cut from line.

Magnificent swordlight pierces space, like a windswept wind, forming a waterfall in the air.

The faces of Jingluo and Jingkamiao and others have become unbelievably ugly.

Not only because the Dragon King broke Merale with a sword, but also because of the sword itself.

This is Lynn Lorraine's Thousand Falls!

The Dragon King occupies Lin Lorraine's body and masters the Thousand Falls Sword instead!

“Bastard! You used the Thousand Falls sword! ”

An angry roar roared to the extreme.

That's Erin's voice.

By this time, Erin had completed the sword draw.

But the sword in his hand was only half cut off.

The first half of the sword emits countless twisted silver flames in his incredibly angry screams as if they were exhaled.

Everyone can see that his attempt failed.

After all, it is too difficult to create technical skills directly in battle and to simulate the power of a physical sword made of countless dragon's blood and rare materials.

“Why did you beat me? ”

“I am the perfect king! ”

Evil Dragon King grinned.

He looked at Erin and made a sword draw.

He pulled his sword faster than Erin did, but likewise, a half-cut, front-end sword with countless silver flames was pulled out of the void.

Countless twisted, hundreds of metres of silver flame impinge on each other in the air, making a numbing crackle.

Oroceses drowned in despair at the head of the giant dragon.

He knew that such a move by the Dragon King simply wanted to prove to all the creatures on the battlefield that Erin possessed all the abilities, that he possessed them as well, and that he was stronger than Erin.

This is undoubtedly hopeless.

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