Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 687: Ferramant, The Last Mystery Revealed

Orosses lifted his head again.

Successfully restrained the Evil Dragon King?

In his desperate heart, he has once again ignited the flame of hope.

However, at this time, a huge wave of force came, and his head was pressed again, and the countless black vines wrapped around him, again, tightened.

Instead of collapsing, all the Dead Vine Giant Trees moved more aggressively.

The evil dragon king in the giant worm no longer had any surgical power, yet on the body of Ferramant were rolling out countless iron and grey crystals and purple and black particles.

It was as if Fileman had suddenly turned into a volcano that had erupted into a horrible dragon.

“What's going on? ”

Countless magicians can't bear to scream.

The smell of evil dragons rolling out of Ferramant is pure to the extreme, and there is no difference between the smell of evil dragon kings!

“What exactly are you? ”

He looked at Fillmann and couldn't help but ask.

At this point, even one of his right arms had some strange vibrations with Ferramant's body.

“Do you know the tail of a gecko? ”

Fellerman did not ignore the question of silliness, and his graceful face revealed a strange touch of divinity.

“Gecko Tail? ”

Chris and others shocked at the same time, thinking of some possibility.

“Like my arm, were you once a part of the body of the Dragon King? Like a tail falling off a gecko?” He looked at Filleman and asked calmly.

Filleman... is it part of the body of the Dragon King?

Is this most mysterious guard chief, like a gecko whose tail falls off and whose tail grows?

Moss and Stingham, among others, were shocked and speechless.

“In that case, why don't you take the place of the Dragon King, just willing to be his servant?” Jing Ka Miao's voice also sounded.

'Cause there's still a deviation from what you think. ”Hearing the sound of Jing Ka Miao, Feleman smiled slightly," in a certain sense, he and I were no different, we were just a part of each other. ”

“Part of each other? ”

The overwhelming majority of people do not understand the meaning of the phrase.

“He must be killed! He can't give power to the Dragon King! ”

At this moment, the sound of the clatter sounded again, his calm voice, but the cold that had become piercing.

“He and Nelson are essentially no different! He and Nelson are both equivalent to a fruit prepared by the Dragon King for himself, a fruit that can save strength for him and be consumed at any time! ”

“The difference is that Nissan has his own consciousness and is an independent individual, but Filleman's consciousness is the consciousness of the Evil Dragon King! He is like a split character of the Dragon King, ready to return to the body! ”


“Moss, kill him! ”

Arryn's roar rang.

Erin's body is hot.

Orcs, savage magicians in the snowy forest, and even the lives and deaths of giant beasts and trolls are important to him, because in his eyes they are all partners fighting alongside him.

But now these partners are in front of him, slaughtered by evil dragon kings, by dead vine-eating giants.

Never before has his combat strength, nor has his partner fought with him suffered such a tragic death or injury.

So his anger burned endlessly, his intense anger kept his body warm, and he was in a strange sensation.

Everything in his body seemed clearer, but his judgment of the outside image and sound seemed somewhat vague.

In the cold shouting of Chiro, he had not yet figured out what Filleman was, but he knew that Filleman must be killed immediately.


The whole of Erin is wrapped in the glorious Holy Light, while the moon divine realm is shaken.

A brilliant fiery flame bursts into Ferramant at a flashing speed.

The Moon God realm began to engage Feleman's body, but at this point, Feleman shook his head with a smile.

“I'm more cautious, and your cards are out, and there's nothing worth looking at...”

His body, instantly turned into nothingness, as if a shadow had melted in the air.


At the same time, the front end of the giant bug behind Rotong was a sharp whistle, suddenly bursting out of a terrible stream of iron and grey particles in empty air.


This terrible stream of particles struck a giant bug.

The giant worm died shutting its mouth, but on the shock of the terror particle stream, it could not close, the hard life was re-opened a hole.

Countless iron gray particles gushed into its body.

Rotong had raised his head and his dead face had always had a lukewarm look on it, but now he also had a look on his face.

A rare fear appeared on his face and eyes.

Countless pale particles and flying dust burst out of his body instantly, as they entered the giant bug's body.


The giant bug's body shook, outside the evil dragon king's body inside, suddenly covered with a pale hearth.

But just for a moment, all the iron grey particle streams have burst into the giant bug's body.


The whole space shook.

The next moment, the entire giant worm exploded violently.

The previous explosions were also astonishing.

Compared to this explosion, however, the previous explosion does not appear to have been described as such.

A circle of light walls appeared in everyone's eyes, and then the clouds above were perforated directly, and the sky fell and appeared to be bright, as if there was an incredibly huge foot of an angel, treading hard on the ground.

Dozens of giant cannibal vine giants first touched by the ring light wall were ripped directly into countless pieces by the shockwave.

And then everyone couldn't see clearly.

All were swept away by horrific shockwaves and winds, flying out uncontrolled.

The dust and debris generated by the explosion are dense and numb.

I don't know how many seconds have passed, whether it's a magician or a troll standing on the ground, covered in dust, slipping like a thick blanket.


Everyone's breathing pauses completely when they see what's in front of them.

Half of the cannibal vine giant trees were destroyed into fragments.

Focusing on the giant worm of the explosion, the land that had been split into pieces is now filled with countless dust and debris, forming a recessed circular island.

And in the heart of this ring island, a gloomy dragon king stood coldly.

The unprecedented strength of the flame on his body, a hint of iron grey, hidden form a strip of longworm-like object, dancing around his body and twisting.

On his left hand, he actually stretched out several black vines like straws, attached to the body of the front roton!

Rotong was like a rock at the moment, motionless.

Grunting… the black vine with the same straw still has a terrible sucking sound.


Sting Han opened his mouth and called Erin's name unconsciously, but the muscles in his throat seemed unconsciously stiff, making an incredibly strange sound.

In his eyes, a seventh group of light appeared in the Dragon King's body.

Evil Dragon King's previously completely closed seventh surgery door has appeared again and is closer to the final opening than before!

And in his eyes, the strength of the magic particles in the Dragon King's body is still growing!

Now Evil Dragon King, even Rotong's powers can be swallowed up, can be used to improve his cultivation!

At the moment of calling out Erin's name, Stingham turned to search for Erin's figure.

He saw Erin right in front of him, not far to the left, on the edge of that ring island.

However, Arryn's appearance left him stuck again.

Erin's entire body became red, not only because the surgery on her body caused the shock of the outside air, but also because of the flame-like heat of gas, but because Erin's entire body, from the inside to the outside, emitted real and incredible heat.

Even the land beneath Arryn's feet was burned red and rolled over countless strands of silver flame.

Erin's body is like a burnt iron!

In Erin's eyes at this moment, there is only the Dragon King.

Must find a way!

He made another sword draw.

He did not even notice his physical condition, he was only intuitive… in the case that the rest of the banning technique was not at all sufficient to pose a deadly threat to the Dragon King, only a thorough understanding of the banning technique similar to the sword power of the Dragon Slaughter would make it possible to completely defeat the current Dragon King.

“Do you still want to die fighting? How childish...”

The evil dragon king took a deep breath as if he had been reborn. He revealed a rare and elegant smile. At the same time, he looked behind him with satisfaction.

At this time, everyone realized that behind him, an iron grey dragon tail had actually grown!

Ferrari disappeared.

The evil dragon king in human form, who occupies the evil dragon king in Lin Lorraine's body, grew a dragon tail!

For the Evil Dragon King, Fellerman is really like a tail with an independent personality.

“Die with the eternal curse! ”

At a time when everyone was shocked, the Dragon King smiled coldly at Erin, who was doing his best to create technology.

pū pū pū pū...

Countless grayish white flying dust flew out of him and Rotung, instantly forming a grayish white trident in front of him.

Stingham's figure suddenly appeared between this trident and Erin.

This time he finally got in front of Erin.

But he suddenly discovered that a body shining with crystal light was moving faster than he was.


Still coughing up blood in his mouth, Merale appeared in front of Stingham.

Stingham moves fast because the idea in his mind has always been simple and he's always wanted to be Erin's shield, but for Merale... her previous orders from Bello were to protect Erin, to let Erin complete the sword draw.

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