Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 690: I'm Gonna Watch You Die

The Dragon King of Evil is a mighty chant.

It was more unacceptable to be shot by a magician like Stingham, who was not in his eyes at all.

He decided to strike back at all costs and kill Stingham first.

A terrible breath emerged from the ground as his powerful and magnificent chant, yet not yet fully condensed into a magical force, his body suddenly stifled and he couldn't help but bow his head.

Under his feet, the iron-gray ground soaked by his breath has also turned green, with countless flourishing grasses and seedlings punctured unstoppably.

Not only on the ground, but also in the countless bloody mouths of his body, countless green sprouts are growing.

An incredibly tiny root system, deeply stuck in his body, inflicting tremendous sting, but also preventing the smooth flow of his surgical particles.


Just this stiffness, surrounded by the horrible breath outside him, completely collapsed and turned into a myriad of purple and black winds, such as countless giant petals, stretching through the dark green forest.

“This is the same deep green field, but you are no longer the Evil Dragon King at its peak. ”

Seeing such a scene, Erin looked at Sting Han with such a powerful expression and shouted at the evil dragon king with his fist.

The outbreak of Stingham and the killing of the evil dragon king in the dark green realm, such a degassing image, made him less angry than before, his body temperature, also decreased.

But at the same time as he shouted, his anger subsided, but he suddenly suddenly let him feel something.

Evil Dragon King's hands gradually became cold, a tremor that chilled his bone marrow, and at the same time came out of his heart.

He started to react soberly, and Erin was right.

This is the same deep green field that he faced during the Great Dragon War, so in his subconscious mind, this deep green field he was able to conquer eventually.

However, he unconsciously ignored that it was the Evil Dragon King at its peak, not him, who was able to deal with such a dark green field.

He began to panic and began to seek out from his memory all kinds of forbidden techniques that might restrain the dark green field.

“Deep red jungle grazing! ”

With a shock, all the plant roots deeply entrapped in him were smashed into pieces by his surgical particles, and powerful dragon particles were forced to gush out of his skin and even wounds.

Several dark red streams of air spread around him like a few streams flowing between the woods.

Millions of dark red thorns grow from the ground, frantically grinding the surrounding grass.

This is the Elf Prohibition that the High Elf is eligible to master, and he gets it from the memory of Lin Lorraine's body. In this brief few seconds of thinking, he has searched and analyzed thousands of techniques deep in his memory, and he feels that this equally lifeless field is the most likely to restrain the deep green field.

However, his body was colder and faster, like a basin of ice water drained from head to tail.

Dark red thorny skin that quickly emerges bright green.

Then the whole dark red thorn turns dark green and merges with the whole dark green realm.

All plant bans have the same natural power of origin.

And the natural power of the dark green realm is the source.


Evil Dragon King shouted again.

A horrible flame of flame continues to emit a wide variety of blast and shockwaves around his body.

His voice made the whole space tremble, but at this time the vast majority of the magicians and beasts were not afraid.

Because the evil dragon king at the moment, it feels like a trapped beast to them.

From the beginning to control everything, to this day, he has circled in the dark green field, constantly practicing various forbidden techniques to be forced to resist the killing of him in the dark green field.

The Dragon King constantly tries a variety of forbidden techniques, yet the surrounding green grass, vines and giant trees are growing taller and taller.

Ultimately, these vines and giant trees condense into giant green streams like hills and fall hard toward the most central town of Evil Dragon King.


The whole heavens and earth are once again tremendous.

A huge cloud of mushrooms, created by countless explosions of grass scraps, dust and dragons, rises up into the sky and falls like waves all over the ground.

Everyone jumped up and opened their eyes vigorously.

The center of the explosion created a huge crater like a deep crater.

Evil Dragon King is alive.

He also has a strong evil dragon scent.

Yet what makes the heart of all people either stop, or beat unprecedented hard, is that the Dragon King is no longer able to stand.

He's on the ground!

Evil Dragon King falls in the heart of a giant pit!

Even in all the books and albums documenting the years of the Great Dragon War, all saw the fall and fall of the Evil Dragon King only in the last Holy City War.

“Julia! ”

The Dragon King screamed wildly.

Just for a moment, he jumped off the ground again.

But even if it just lasted a few seconds, it was exciting enough.


With the evil dragon king screaming wildly, the figure of Elia suddenly flashed not far behind the evil dragon king.

“Careful! ”

“He can't do it. Call Julia for help! ”

“Stop her! ”

A shout rang at the same time, and everyone saw that the Dragon King was near its limit. From his insane screams, everyone heard him apparently angry why this moment had come, and Julia had not helped.


But just moments before anyone could do anything, an incredible strong drink sprayed out of the mouth of the Dragon King.

The body of all people is a lag.

An iron grey crystal light and a black crystal light rush out of the body of the Evil Dragon King and from the body of the Magnificent.

These two crystalline lights, like two great swords, pierce each other's bodies in a flash!


A mouthful of fresh blood gushed from the mouth of the evil dragon king. His body instantly flied backwards for dozens of meters and fell again.

Lilia's entire chest was split open, and the whole person plowed backwards and backwards. There was no blood in her mouth, all of it corrosive.

The flesh and blood of her wounds, like the weather, quickly turned to dust.

“How dare Julia attack the Dragon King? ”

“Instead of helping the Dragon King, she assassinates the Dragon King? ”

Until then, Erin and everyone else reacted completely.


The Evil Dragon King was not able to climb from the ground for the first time, and he shouted out all the questions in his heart.

“Why are you judging me! ”

Shelia's wounds were no longer heavy, and the power of the Dragon King was constantly eroding her body, allowing her to die at any moment, yet her eyes were unspeakable and she was like a soulless body.

“Betraying you? ”

She looked at the evil dragon king and a terrible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“I thought I would be loyal to you… but I was wrong, and when you killed Nathan, I knew I was completely wrong. Because there's no way to look at you from a human perspective… because in your eyes, anyone is just your food. ”

“Until now, you just want to devour my power by calling me here, right? ”

“In the eyes of the evil dragon king, Nissan is just food for improvement, but in the eyes of Lilia, she is just her son, no matter how much she craves strength, Lilia is still human...”

Hearing the glorious voice, sighed softly.

He loosened his right hand.

Rotong fell to his right.

During this time, everyone's attention was focused on the deep green realm and the showdown of the Evil Dragon King, but no one noticed when Luo Luo had rescued Luo Tong, who was not far from the Evil Dragon King.

“Anyone who betrays me will die! ”

The Dragon King roared like a hysterical.

An evil dragon particle burst out of his hands between his ten fingers.

A shock of “bombardment" erupted the corrosive smell in the elegant body, and instantly countless dust poured out of the elegant body.

“But today, you will die, too! ”

But her face remained unchanged, and she said it with some cynicism.

At the same time, her body's skin burned, and her whole person, turned into a round of black sun.


In the body of the Evil Dragon King, it also seems that there is a black sun burning, countless black flames, drilling out of his body.

Everyone can feel that the surgery fluctuations outside the body of the Dragon King are decreasing dramatically.

Elias' entire body turns to dust.

“I will see you die with my own eyes! ”

But like a curse, when even Elia's entire head is completely turned into flying ash, there is a black group of light floating in the air, thin as Elia's head.

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